예제 #1
        //***  FUNCTION SearchSymbol
        //*** ********************************************************************
        //***  DESCRIPTION  :  Takes a string and searches for a symbol
        //***                   that fits that key
        //***  INPUT ARGS   :  string str
        //***  OUTPUT ARGS :  N/A
        //***  IN/OUT ARGS   :  N/A
        //***  RETURN :  Symbol?
        public bool SearchSymbol(string symbolLabel, string currentLine, out Globals.Symbol?tempN)
            bool rtnVal = true;

            tempN       = null;
            symbolLabel = symbolLabel.Trim();

            if (ValidateLabel(symbolLabel, currentLine, "Searching symbol"))
                if (symbolLabel.Length > 6)
                    symbolLabel = symbolLabel.Substring(0, 6);

            Globals.Symbol temp;
            if (SymbolTableBST.TryGetValue(symbolLabel, out temp))
                tempN = temp;
                Chronicler.LogError("Symbol(" + symbolLabel + ") not found", "Searching for symbol");
                rtnVal = false;
예제 #2
        //***  FUNCTION ValidateLabel
        //*** **************************************************************************
        //***  DESCRIPTION  :  Takes a string and ensures the string is a valid
        //***                   symbol label
        //***  INPUT ARGS   :  string label, string currentLine, string errorPrefix=""
        //***  OUTPUT ARGS :  N/A
        //***  IN/OUT ARGS   :  N/A
        //***  RETURN :  bool isValid
        public static bool ValidateLabel(string label, string currentLine, string errorPrefix = "")
            bool isValid = true;

            if (label.Length > 12)
                Chronicler.LogError("Symbol Label(" + label + ") is too long, \n\tmust be less than 12 charachters in length, skipping: \"" + currentLine + "\"" + "\n", errorPrefix);
                isValid = false;
            else if (label.Length == 0)
                Chronicler.LogError("Symbol Label(" + label + ") is empty, skipping: \"" + currentLine + "\"" + "\n", errorPrefix);
                isValid = false;
            else if (!char.IsLetter(label[0]))
                Chronicler.LogError("Symbol Label(" + label + ") does not start with a letter(" + label[0] + "), \n\tskipping: \"" + currentLine + "\"" + "\n", errorPrefix);
                isValid = false;
            else//only continue validation on short Label that fit in the 12 chars
                for (int i = 0; i < label.Length && isValid == true; i++)
                    if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(label[i]))
                        Chronicler.LogError("Invalid special charachters('" + label[i] + "') detected in Symbol Label(" + label + "), \n\tskipping: \"" + currentLine + "\"" + "\n", errorPrefix);
                        isValid = false;
예제 #3
        public static bool ParseNewStyleLiteral(string operand, out LiteralTable.LiteralValue literalValue, out string comment, string callingModule = "")
            operand       = operand.Trim();
            callingModule = callingModule == "" ? "Parse New Style Literal" : callingModule;
            literalValue  = new LiteralTable.LiteralValue();
            comment       = "";
            if (operand[0] != '=')
                Chronicler.LogError("New style literals must begin with '='", callingModule);
            operand = operand.Substring(1, operand.Length - 1).Trim();
            bool rtnVal = ParseOldStyleLiteral(operand, out literalValue, out comment, callingModule);

            literalValue.isOldStyleLiteral = false;
예제 #4
        //***  FUNCTION TestAndSetRFlag
        //*** **************************************************************************
        //***  DESCRIPTION  :  maps rflag string vals to boolean vals
        //***  INPUT ARGS   :  string rFlagIn, string currentLine,
        //***                   string errorPrefix = ""
        //***  OUTPUT ARGS :  bool rFlagOut
        //***  IN/OUT ARGS   :  N/A
        //***  RETURN :  bool discardLine
        bool TestAndSetRFlag(string rFlagIn, out bool rFlagOut, string currentLine, string errorPrefix = "")
            bool discardLine = false;

            if (rFlagIn == "true" || rFlagIn == "1")
                rFlagOut = true;
            else if (rFlagIn == "false" || rFlagIn == "0")
                rFlagOut = false;
                rFlagOut    = default;
                discardLine = true;
                Chronicler.LogError("Invalid RFlag value(" + rFlagIn + "), skipping: \"" + currentLine + "\"" + "\n", errorPrefix);
예제 #5
        //***  FUNCTION ParseNum
        //*** ***************************************************************************************
        //***  DESCRIPTION  :  parses an int str to a symbol
        //***  INPUT ARGS   :  string digits, string currentLine=""
        //***  OUTPUT ARGS :  out Globals.Symbol? sym
        //***  IN/OUT ARGS   :  N/A
        //***  RETURN :  bool rtnVal
        static public bool ParseNum(string digits, out Globals.Symbol?sym, string currentLine = "")
            Globals.Symbol tmp    = default;
            bool           rtnVal = true;

            if (int.TryParse(digits, out tmp.value) == true)
                tmp.label = digits;
                tmp.RFlag = false;
                tmp.MFlag = false;
                sym       = tmp;
                Chronicler.LogError("Unable to parse integer value(" + digits + "), skipping: \"" + currentLine + "\"", "Resolving Expresion");
                sym    = null;
                rtnVal = false;
예제 #6
 public bool addSymbol(string label, bool rflag, int value, string currentLine)
     label = label.Trim();
     if (ValidateLabel(label, currentLine, "Pass One adding symbol"))
         Globals.Symbol newSym = default;
         newSym.label = label;
         if (newSym.label.Length > 6)
             newSym.label = newSym.label.Substring(0, 6);
         newSym.RFlag = rflag;
         newSym.value = value;
         newSym.MFlag = false;
         if (SymbolTableBST.ContainsKey(newSym.label))
             Chronicler.LogError("Symbol with same Label('" + newSym.label + "') already exists!  Setting MFlag and \n\tskipping: \"" + currentLine + "\"" + "\n", "Adding Symbol");
             Globals.Symbol sym = SymbolTableBST.GetValueOrDefault(newSym.label);
             if (sym.MFlag == false)
                 sym.MFlag = true;
                 SymbolTableBST.Add(newSym.label, sym);
             Chronicler.Write("Adding symbol: ", Chronicler.OutputOptions.INFO);
             SymbolTableBST.Add(newSym.label, newSym);
예제 #7
        public static void Execute(Globals.DataStructures dataStructures, List <PassOne.ExpresionLine> expresionLines, string filePath)
            foreach (PassOne.ExpresionLine expresionLine in expresionLines)
                //evaluate expresion
                if (expresionLine.DeferExpresionResolutiontoPass2 && (expresionLine.instructionFormat == 3 || expresionLine.instructionFormat == 4))
                    if (ExpresionHandler.ResolveF3F4Expresion(dataStructures, expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment, expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment, out expresionLine.expresionData) != true)
                        expresionLine.validLine = false;

                //convert expresion format
                if (expresionLine.Opcode == "" && expresionLine.IsEQU != true && (expresionLine.instructionFormat == 3 || expresionLine.instructionFormat == 4))//don't redo work
                    switch (expresionLine.expresionData.ExpresionType)
                    case Globals.ExpresionData.Contents.SYMBOL:
                        int?value = null;
                        if (expresionLine.expresionData.second.HasValue)
                            if (expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue != null && expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue == Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.SUBTRACT)
                                value = (expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value) - expresionLine.expresionData.second.Value.value;
                            if (expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue != null && expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue == Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.ADD)
                                value = (expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value) + expresionLine.expresionData.second.Value.value;
                        if (value.HasValue && expresionLine.instructionFormat == 4)
                            expresionLine.Opcode = value.Value.ToString("X5");
                        else if (value.HasValue && expresionLine.instructionFormat == 3)
                            expresionLine.Opcode = value.Value.ToString("X3");

                    case Globals.ExpresionData.Contents.ERROR:
                        Chronicler.WriteLine("This is wrong for some reason, you should look at it:\n" + expresionLine.OriginalLine, Chronicler.OutputOptions.ERR);

                    case Globals.ExpresionData.Contents.LITERAL:
                        if (expresionLine.expresionData.literal.isOldStyleLiteral != true)
                            expresionLine.Opcode = expresionLine.locationCounter.ToString("X6");

                    case Globals.ExpresionData.Contents.EMPTY:
                        //consider break

                if (expresionLine.operationData.HasValue && expresionLine.operationData.Value.format == 2)
                    string[] tmp = expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment.Split(";", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (tmp.Length > 0)
                        expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment = tmp[0];
                    string[] subStrs = expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment.Split(",", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (subStrs.Length == 1)
                        int val;
                        if (dataStructures.opcodeTable.RegisterTable.TryGetValue(subStrs[0].Trim(), out val))
                            expresionLine.Opcode = val.ToString();
                            Chronicler.LogError("failed parsing F2: " + expresionLine.OriginalLine);
                    else if (subStrs.Length == 2)
                        int val;
                        if (dataStructures.opcodeTable.RegisterTable.TryGetValue(subStrs[0].Trim(), out val))
                            expresionLine.Opcode = val.ToString() + "0";
                            Chronicler.LogError("failed parsing F2: " + expresionLine.OriginalLine);
                        if (dataStructures.opcodeTable.RegisterTable.TryGetValue(subStrs[1].Trim(), out val))
                            expresionLine.Opcode += val.ToString();
                            Chronicler.LogError("failed parsing F2: " + expresionLine.OriginalLine);
                        Chronicler.LogError("failed parsing F2, incorect term count: " + expresionLine.OriginalLine);

                if (expresionLine.operationData.HasValue)
                    expresionLine.Opcode = expresionLine.operationData.Value.code.ToString("X") + expresionLine.Opcode;

            DumpObjFile(filePath, expresionLines, dataStructures);
예제 #8
        //***  FUNCTION LoadSymbols
        //*** ********************************************************************
        //***  DESCRIPTION  :  opens a file and populates SymbolTableBST
        //***  INPUT ARGS   :  string filePath
        //***  OUTPUT ARGS :  N/A
        //***  IN/OUT ARGS   :  N/A
        //***  RETURN :  N/A
        public void LoadSymbols(string filePath)
            Globals.Symbol symbol = default;
            symbol.label = "";
            symbol.IFlag = true;
            char[] tmpLabel = new char[7];

            //discard line flag
            bool discardLine;

            //get the line and trim whitespace
            string currentLine;

            string[] rflagAndValueStrings;
            string   rFlag;

                using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 4096, FileOptions.SequentialScan))
                        using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream))
                            while (!streamReader.EndOfStream)
                                //discard line flag
                                discardLine = false;

                                //get the line and trim whitespace
                                currentLine = streamReader.ReadLine().CompactAndTrimWhitespaces();

                                if (currentLine == "")
                                    Chronicler.LogError("blank line, skipping: \"" + currentLine + "\"" + "\n", "Adding Symbol");
                                    discardLine = true;
                                else if (currentLine.CountStringCharachters(':') != 1)//check incorrect colon seperator count
                                    Chronicler.LogError("Extra colon seperators in current line, skipping: \"" + currentLine + "\"" + "\n", "Adding Symbol");
                                    discardLine = true;
                                if (!discardLine)
                                    string[] symbolSubstrings = currentLine.Split(':');

                                    //validate Label
                                    string label = symbolSubstrings[0].Trim();
                                    discardLine = !ValidateLabel(label, currentLine, "Adding Symbol");

                                    if (!discardLine)
                                        rflagAndValueStrings = symbolSubstrings[1].Trim().Split(' ');

                                        //validate RFlag
                                        rFlag       = rflagAndValueStrings[0].Trim();
                                        discardLine = TestAndSetRFlag(rFlag, out symbol.RFlag, currentLine, "Adding Symbol");
                                        if (!discardLine)
                                            string value = rflagAndValueStrings[1].Trim();
                                            if (!int.TryParse(value, out symbol.value) || value[0] == '+')
                                                discardLine = true;
                                                Chronicler.LogError("Invalid integer value(" + value + "), skipping: \"" + currentLine + "\"" + "\n", "Adding Symbol");
                                            if (!discardLine)
                                                //parse data into Symbol struct
                                                int symbolLabelIndex = 0;
                                                for (symbolLabelIndex = 0; symbolLabelIndex < 6 && symbolLabelIndex < label.Length; symbolLabelIndex++)
                                                    tmpLabel[symbolLabelIndex] = label[symbolLabelIndex];
                                                tmpLabel[symbolLabelIndex] = '\0';
                                                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
                                                foreach (char c in tmpLabel.TakeWhile(c => c != '\0'))
                                                symbol.label = sb.ToString().Trim();
                                                symbol.MFlag = false;
                                                if (SymbolTableBST.ContainsKey(symbol.label))
                                                    Chronicler.LogError("Symbol with same Label('" + symbol.label + "') already exists!  Setting MFlag and \n\tskipping: \"" + currentLine + "\"" + "\n", "Adding Symbol");
                                                    Globals.Symbol sym = SymbolTableBST.GetValueOrDefault(symbol.label);
                                                    if (sym.MFlag == false)
                                                        sym.MFlag = true;
                                                        SymbolTableBST.Add(symbol.label, sym);
                                                    Chronicler.Write("Adding symbol: ", Chronicler.OutputOptions.INFO);
                                                    SymbolTableBST.Add(symbol.label, symbol);
                    catch (IOException e)
                        Chronicler.LogError("failed to open File: " + filePath);
            catch (IOException e)
                Chronicler.LogError("failed to open File: " + filePath);
예제 #9
        public static bool ParseOldStyleLiteral(string operand, out LiteralTable.LiteralValue literalValue, out string comment, string callingModule = "")
            Regex literalRegex = new Regex(@"(^[\t ]*(?<literalCharID>[Cc])[\t ]*(?<literalValueString>'.*')[\t ]*(?<comment>;.*){0,1}$)|(^[\t ]*(?<literalCharIDx>[Xx])[\t ]*(?<literalValueStringx>'[a-fA-F0-9]*')[\t ]*(?<commentx>;.*){0,1}$)");
            Match match        = literalRegex.Match(operand);

            literalValue = new LiteralTable.LiteralValue();
            comment      = "";

            if (match.Success)//if we succeed, format it
                literalValue.isOldStyleLiteral = true;
                if (match.Groups["literalCharID"].Value != "")
                    literalValue.label = match.Groups["literalCharID"].Value + match.Groups["literalValueString"].Value;
                    comment            = match.Groups["comment"].Value;

                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(literalValue.label);
                    sb[0] = 'C';
                    literalValue.label = sb.ToString();

                    char[] tmpArr = literalValue.label.Substring(2, literalValue.label.Length - 3).ToCharArray();
                    literalValue.hexValue = Globals.CharArrToHexStr(tmpArr);
                    literalValue.dataType = LiteralTable.LiteralValue.DataType.CHAR;
                    literalValue.label = match.Groups["literalCharIDx"].Value + match.Groups["literalValueStringx"].Value;
                    comment            = match.Groups["commentx"].Value;

                    literalValue.label    = literalValue.label.ToUpper();
                    literalValue.hexValue = literalValue.label.Substring(2, literalValue.label.Length - 3);
                    literalValue.hexValue = (literalValue.hexValue.Length % 2 == 1 ? "0" : "") + literalValue.hexValue;
                    literalValue.dataType = LiteralTable.LiteralValue.DataType.HEX;


            //if we fail try to figure out how and provide detailed feedback

            StringBuilder operandMutaion = new StringBuilder(operand.Trim());

            callingModule = callingModule == "" ? "Parse Old Style Literal" : callingModule;
            if (operandMutaion.Length == 0)
                Chronicler.LogError("No literal value was given", callingModule);
            operandMutaion[0] = char.ToUpper(operandMutaion[0]);
            bool isChar = false;

            if (operandMutaion[0] != 'C' && operandMutaion[0] == 'X')
                Chronicler.LogError("The charachter '" + operandMutaion[0] + "' is not a valid literal identifier.  Valid identifiers are 'XxCc'.", callingModule);
            else if (operandMutaion[0] == 'C')
                isChar = true;

            //remove whitespace
            while (operandMutaion.Length > 2 && char.IsWhiteSpace(operandMutaion[1]))
                operandMutaion = operandMutaion.Remove(1, 1);

            if (operandMutaion[1] != '\'')
                Chronicler.LogError("Was expecting ''', but found '" + operandMutaion[1] + "'", callingModule);

            int lastApos = -1;

            for (int i = 2; i < operandMutaion.Length; i++)
                if (operandMutaion[i] == '\'')
                    lastApos = i;

            if (lastApos == -1)
                Chronicler.LogError("Was unable to find closing '''", callingModule);
                string subStr = operandMutaion.ToString().Substring(2, lastApos - 2);
                if (!isChar)
                    if (!validateHex(subStr, out errorChar) && errorChar != '\'')
                        Chronicler.LogError("Invalid Hex char detected in hex literal: " + errorChar.Value, callingModule);
                        lastApos = -1;
                        for (int i = 2; i < operandMutaion.Length && lastApos == -1; i++)
                            if (operandMutaion[i] == '\'')
                                lastApos = i;

                int lastComma = operandMutaion.Length;
                for (int i = lastApos; i < operandMutaion.Length && lastComma == operandMutaion.Length; i++)
                    if (operandMutaion[i] == ';')
                        lastComma = i;

                subStr = operandMutaion.ToString().Substring(lastApos, lastComma - lastApos);
                Chronicler.LogError("Parsing literal failed; was their garbage after the literal before the comment?  Found:(" + subStr + ")", callingModule);
예제 #10
        public static void Execute(Globals.DataStructures dataStructures, out List <ExpresionLine> expresionLines, string filePath)
            int locationCounter = 0;
            int lineNumber      = 0;

            expresionLines = new List <ExpresionLine>();
            Regex regex              = new Regex(@"^([\t ]*(?<label>[^\s]+:)[\t ]*){0,1}[\t ]*(?<flag>\+{0,1}[\t ]*)(?<operation>[^\s]+)(?<operandFieldAndComment>[\t ].*){0,1}[\t ]*($|(\r?\n))");
            int   programLength      = 0;
            bool  skipOperandParsing = false;

                using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 4096, FileOptions.SequentialScan))
                        using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream))
                            while (!streamReader.EndOfStream)
                                string currentLine = streamReader.ReadLine().Trim();
                                Match  match       = regex.Match(currentLine);
                                skipOperandParsing = false;

                                if (match.Success)
                                    ExpresionLine expresionLine = new ExpresionLine();
                                    expresionLine.OriginalLine                    = currentLine;
                                    expresionLine.lineNumber                      = lineNumber;
                                    expresionLine.locationCounter                 = locationCounter;
                                    expresionLine.label                           = match.Groups["label"].Value.Trim();
                                    expresionLine.operation                       = match.Groups["operation"].Value.Trim();
                                    expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment          = match.Groups["operandFieldAndComment"].Value.Trim();
                                    expresionLine.lineNumber                      = lineNumber;
                                    expresionLine.format4indicator                = match.Groups["flag"].Value.Trim();
                                    expresionLine.DeferExpresionResolutiontoPass2 = false;
                                    if (expresionLine.label != "")
                                        if (expresionLine.label[expresionLine.label.Length - 1] == ':')
                                            expresionLine.label = expresionLine.label.Substring(0, expresionLine.label.Length - 1).Trim();
                                            expresionLine.validLine = false;
                                            Chronicler.LogError("Labels must end in a ':'");
                                        if (expresionLine.validLine)
                                            SymbolTable.ValidateLabel(expresionLine.label, currentLine, "pass one");

                                    Regex commentChecker = new Regex(@"[\t ]*(?<com>;.*)");
                                    Match comment        = commentChecker.Match(currentLine);
                                    if (comment.Success)
                                        expresionLine.OriginalLine                    = currentLine;
                                        expresionLine.locationCounter                 = 0;
                                        expresionLine.label                           = "";
                                        expresionLine.operation                       = "";
                                        expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment          = "";
                                        expresionLine.lineNumber                      = lineNumber;
                                        expresionLine.format4indicator                = "";
                                        expresionLine.CommentLine                     = true;
                                        expresionLine.DeferExpresionResolutiontoPass2 = false;
                                        skipOperandParsing = true;
                                        if (dataStructures.opcodeTable.assemblerDirectives.Contains(expresionLine.operation))
                                            switch (expresionLine.operation)
                                            case "EQU":
                                                skipOperandParsing  = true;
                                                expresionLine.IsEQU = true;
                                                if (expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment[0] == '*' && expresionLine.validLine)
                                                    dataStructures.symbolTable.addSymbol(expresionLine.label, true, locationCounter, currentLine);
                                                else if (expresionLine.validLine)
                                                    if (ExpresionHandler.ResolveF3F4Expresion(dataStructures, expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment, currentLine, out expresionLine.expresionData) != true)
                                                        expresionLine.validLine = false;
                                                        if (expresionLine.expresionData.first.HasValue)
                                                            int value = expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value;
                                                            if (expresionLine.expresionData.second.HasValue)
                                                                if (expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue != null && expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue == Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.SUBTRACT)
                                                                    value = (expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value) - expresionLine.expresionData.second.Value.value;
                                                                if (expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue != null && expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue == Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.ADD)
                                                                    value = (expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value) + expresionLine.expresionData.second.Value.value;

                                                                if (expresionLine.expresionData.rflag.HasValue != true)
                                                                    expresionLine.validLine = false;

                                                                if (expresionLine.validLine)
                                                                    expresionLine.locationCounter = value;
                                                                    dataStructures.symbolTable.addSymbol(expresionLine.label, expresionLine.expresionData.rflag.Value, value, currentLine);
                                                                    Chronicler.LogError("Couldn't add \"" + currentLine + "\" to symbol table.", "pass one");
                                                                expresionLine.expresionData.rflag = expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.RFlag;

                                                                if (expresionLine.validLine)
                                                                    expresionLine.locationCounter = value;
                                                                    dataStructures.symbolTable.addSymbol(expresionLine.label, expresionLine.expresionData.rflag.Value, value, currentLine);
                                                                    Chronicler.LogError("Couldn't add \"" + currentLine + "\" to symbol table.", "pass one");
                                                            Chronicler.LogError("EQU can not be a literal value", "pass one");
                                                            expresionLine.validLine = false;

                                            case "BYTE":
                                                if (ExpresionHandler.ResolveF3F4Expresion(dataStructures, expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment, currentLine, out expresionLine.expresionData) != true)
                                                    expresionLine.validLine = false;
                                                    skipOperandParsing = false;
                                                    if (expresionLine.expresionData.first.HasValue)
                                                        Chronicler.LogError("BYTE doesn't accept integer values", "pass one");
                                                        expresionLine.validLine = false;
                                                    else if (expresionLine.expresionData.literal != null)
                                                        if (expresionLine.expresionData.literal.isOldStyleLiteral)
                                                            if (expresionLine.label != "")
                                                                dataStructures.symbolTable.addSymbol(expresionLine.label, true, locationCounter, currentLine);
                                                            locationCounter     += expresionLine.expresionData.literal.Length;
                                                            expresionLine.Opcode = expresionLine.expresionData.literal.hexValue;
                                                            expresionLine.validLine = false;
                                                            Chronicler.LogError("New style literals are not allowed in assembler directives");

                                            case "WORD":
                                                expresionLine.DeferExpresionResolutiontoPass2 = true;
                                                if (ExpresionHandler.ResolveF3F4Expresion(dataStructures, expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment, currentLine, out expresionLine.expresionData) != true)
                                                    expresionLine.validLine = false;
                                                    if (expresionLine.expresionData.first.HasValue)
                                                        int value = expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value;
                                                        if (expresionLine.expresionData.second.HasValue)
                                                            if (expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue != null && expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue == Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.SUBTRACT)
                                                                value = (expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value) - expresionLine.expresionData.second.Value.value;
                                                            if (expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue != null && expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue == Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.ADD)
                                                                value = (expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value) + expresionLine.expresionData.second.Value.value;

                                                        if (expresionLine.expresionData.rflag.HasValue != true)
                                                            expresionLine.validLine = false;

                                                        if (expresionLine.validLine && expresionLine.label != "")
                                                            dataStructures.symbolTable.addSymbol(expresionLine.label, true, locationCounter, currentLine);
                                                        if (expresionLine.validLine)
                                                            expresionLine.Opcode = value.ToString("X");
                                                            locationCounter     += 3;
                                                            Chronicler.LogError("Couldn't parse \"" + currentLine + "\"", "pass one");
                                                    else if (expresionLine.expresionData.literal != null)
                                                        Chronicler.LogError("BYTE doesn't accept Charachter/Hex values", "pass one");
                                                        expresionLine.validLine = false;

                                            case "START":
                                                skipOperandParsing = true;
                                                Regex testBlankLine = new Regex(@"[\t ]*;.*");
                                                if (expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment == "")
                                                    locationCounter = 0;
                                                else if (testBlankLine.IsMatch(expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment))
                                                    locationCounter = 0;
                                                    if (ExpresionHandler.ResolveF3F4Expresion(dataStructures, expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment, currentLine, out expresionLine.expresionData) != true)
                                                        expresionLine.validLine = false;
                                                        Regex stripComment = new Regex(@"[\t ]*(?<min>-{0,1})[\t ]*(?<val>[0-9]+)[\t ]*(;.*){0,1}");
                                                        Match match1       = stripComment.Match(expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment);
                                                        if (match1.Success)
                                                            ExpresionHandler.ParseNum(match1.Groups["min"].Value + match1.Groups["val"].Value, out tmp, "(" + match1.Groups["min"].Value + match1.Groups["val"].Value + ")" + currentLine);
                                                            expresionLine.expresionData.comment = match1.Groups["$3"].Value;
                                                            if (tmp.HasValue && locationCounter == 0)
                                                                locationCounter        = tmp.Value.value;
                                                                ExpresionLine.startLoc = locationCounter;
                                                                Chronicler.LogError("couldn't parse starting adress number, or start was not at beggining of the program", "Pass One");
                                                            expresionLine.validLine = false;
                                                            Chronicler.LogError("couldn't parse starting adress", "Pass One");
                                                if (expresionLine.label != "")
                                                    dataStructures.symbolTable.addSymbol(expresionLine.label, true, locationCounter, currentLine);

                                            case "END":
                                                skipOperandParsing = true;
                                                testBlankLine      = new Regex(@"[\t ]*;.*");
                                                if (expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment == "")
                                                    locationCounter = 0;
                                                else if (testBlankLine.IsMatch(expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment))
                                                    locationCounter = 0;
                                                    ExpresionHandler.ResolveF3F4Expresion(dataStructures, expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment, currentLine, out expresionLine.expresionData);
                                                    if (expresionLine.expresionData.first.HasValue)
                                                        int value = expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value;
                                                        if (expresionLine.expresionData.second.HasValue)
                                                            if (expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue != null && expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue == Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.SUBTRACT)
                                                                value = (expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value) - expresionLine.expresionData.second.Value.value;
                                                            if (expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue != null && expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue == Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.ADD)
                                                                value = (expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value) + expresionLine.expresionData.second.Value.value;

                                                        if (expresionLine.expresionData.second.HasValue && expresionLine.expresionData.rflag.HasValue != true)
                                                            expresionLine.validLine = false;

                                                        if (expresionLine.validLine)
                                                            if (dataStructures.symbolTable.SearchSymbol(expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.label, currentLine, out symbol))
                                                                programLength = locationCounter - symbol.Value.value;
                                                            Chronicler.LogError("Couldn't add \"" + currentLine + "\" to symbol table.", "pass one");
                                                        Chronicler.LogError("END can not be a literal value", "pass one");
                                                        expresionLine.validLine = false;
                                                if (expresionLine.label != "")
                                                    dataStructures.symbolTable.addSymbol(expresionLine.label, true, locationCounter, currentLine);

                                            case "RESB":
                                                skipOperandParsing = true;
                                                if (ExpresionHandler.ResolveF3F4Expresion(dataStructures, expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment, currentLine, out expresionLine.expresionData) != true)
                                                    expresionLine.validLine = false;
                                                    if (expresionLine.expresionData.first.HasValue)
                                                        int value = expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value;
                                                        if (expresionLine.expresionData.second.HasValue)
                                                            if (expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue != null && expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue == Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.SUBTRACT)
                                                                value = (expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value) - expresionLine.expresionData.second.Value.value;
                                                            if (expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue != null && expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue == Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.ADD)
                                                                value = (expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value) + expresionLine.expresionData.second.Value.value;

                                                        if (expresionLine.validLine && expresionLine.label != "")
                                                            dataStructures.symbolTable.addSymbol(expresionLine.label, true, locationCounter, currentLine);
                                                            Chronicler.LogError("Couldn't add \"" + currentLine + "\" to symbol table.", "pass one");
                                                        if (expresionLine.validLine)
                                                            locationCounter += value;
                                                    else if (expresionLine.expresionData.literal != null)
                                                        Chronicler.LogError("BYTE doesn't accept Charachter/Hex values", "pass one");
                                                        expresionLine.validLine = false;

                                            case "RESW":
                                                skipOperandParsing = true;
                                                if (ExpresionHandler.ResolveF3F4Expresion(dataStructures, expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment, currentLine, out expresionLine.expresionData) != true)
                                                    expresionLine.validLine = false;
                                                    if (expresionLine.expresionData.first.HasValue)
                                                        int value = expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value;
                                                        if (expresionLine.expresionData.second.HasValue)
                                                            if (expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue != null && expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue == Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.SUBTRACT)
                                                                value = (expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value) - expresionLine.expresionData.second.Value.value;
                                                            if (expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue != null && expresionLine.expresionData.operatorValue == Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.ADD)
                                                                value = (expresionLine.expresionData.first.Value.value) + expresionLine.expresionData.second.Value.value;

                                                        if (expresionLine.validLine && expresionLine.label != "")
                                                            dataStructures.symbolTable.addSymbol(expresionLine.label, true, locationCounter, currentLine);
                                                            Chronicler.LogError("Couldn't add \"" + currentLine + "\" to symbol table.", "pass one");
                                                        if (expresionLine.validLine)
                                                            locationCounter += value * 3;
                                                    else if (expresionLine.expresionData.literal != null)
                                                        Chronicler.LogError("BYTE doesn't accept Charachter/Hex values", "pass one");
                                                        expresionLine.validLine = false;

                                            case "EXTREF":
                                                string[] arr = expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                                for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
                                                    arr[i] = arr[i].Trim();
                                                    dataStructures.symbolTable.addSymbol(arr[i], false, 0, currentLine);

                                                Chronicler.LogDetailedInfo("Doing: " + expresionLine.operation);
                                            opcodeTable.operationData operDat;
                                            if (dataStructures.opcodeTable.operationTableDictionary.TryGetValue(expresionLine.operation, out operDat))
                                                if (expresionLine.label != "")
                                                    dataStructures.symbolTable.addSymbol(expresionLine.label, true, locationCounter, currentLine);
                                                switch (operDat.format)
                                                case 1:
                                                    locationCounter += 1;

                                                case 2:
                                                    locationCounter += 2;

                                                case 3:
                                                    if (expresionLine.format4indicator == "")
                                                        locationCounter += 3;
                                                        locationCounter += 4;

                                                case 4:
                                                    locationCounter += 4;


                                                if (Parser.guessOperandType(expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment) == Parser.OperandType.DISPLACEMENT_OR_ADDRESS)
                                                    expresionLine.DeferExpresionResolutiontoPass2 = true;
                                                    expresionLine.DeferExpresionResolutiontoPass2 = false;
                                                expresionLine.operationData = operDat;
                                                expresionLine.operationData = null;
                                            Chronicler.Write("Parsing operation: " + expresionLine.operation + "\n", Chronicler.OutputOptions.INFO);

                                    if (expresionLine.validLine && skipOperandParsing != true && expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment != "" && !expresionLine.DeferExpresionResolutiontoPass2)
                                        if (ExpresionHandler.ResolveF3F4Expresion(dataStructures, expresionLine.operandFieldAndComment, currentLine, out expresionLine.expresionData) != true)
                                            expresionLine.validLine = false;
                                    Chronicler.LogError("Couldn't parse fields on line: " + lineNumber);
                    catch (IOException e)
                        Chronicler.LogError("failed to open File: " + filePath);
            catch (IOException e)
                Chronicler.LogError("failed to open File: " + filePath);


            DumpIntermidiateFile(filePath, expresionLines, dataStructures);
예제 #11
        ////***  FUNCTION ParseExpresionFile
        ////*** ***************************************************************************************
        ////***  DESCRIPTION  :  Parses the Expresion File
        ////***  INPUT ARGS   :  SymbolTable symbolTable, LiteralTable literalTable, string filePath
        ////***  OUTPUT ARGS :  N/A
        ////***  IN/OUT ARGS   :  N/A
        ////***  RETURN :  N/A
        //public static void ParseExpresionFile(SymbolTable symbolTable, LiteralTable literalTable, string filePath)
        //    try
        //    {
        //        using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 4096, FileOptions.SequentialScan))
        //        {

        //            try
        //            {
        //                using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream))
        //                {
        //                    int LineNumber = 1;
        //                    Chronicler.WriteLine("EXPRESION\tVALUE\tRELOCATABLE\tN-Bit\tI-Bit\tX-Bit");
        //                    while (!streamReader.EndOfStream)
        //                    {
        //                        //get the line and trim whitespace
        //                        string currentLine = streamReader.ReadLine().Trim();
        //                        if (ResolveF3F4Expresion(symbolTable, literalTable, currentLine, currentLine, out Globals.Symbol? symbol))
        //                        {
        //                            if (symbol != null)
        //                            {
        //                                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
        //                                for (int x = 0; x < (16 - currentLine.Length); x++)
        //                                {
        //                                    sb.Append(" ");
        //                                }
        //                                Chronicler.Write(currentLine + sb.ToString());
        //                                Chronicler.Write(symbol.Value.value.ToString());
        //                                Chronicler.Write("\t" + ((symbol.Value.RFlag) ? "RELOCATABLE" : "ABSOLUTE"));
        //                                Chronicler.NewLine();
        //                            }
        //                        }
        //                        else
        //                        {
        //                            Chronicler.LogError("Line: \"" + LineNumber + "\" Skipping: \"" + currentLine + "\"", "Expresion File Parsing");
        //                        }
        //                        LineNumber++;
        //                    }
        //                    Chronicler.LogInfo("DONE loading symbols!");
        //                }
        //            }
        //            catch (IOException e)
        //            {
        //                Chronicler.WriteLine(e.Message);
        //                Chronicler.LogError("failed to open File: " + filePath);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch (IOException e)
        //    {
        //        Chronicler.WriteLine(e.Message);
        //        Chronicler.LogError("failed to open File: " + filePath);
        //    }

        //***  FUNCTION ResolveF3F4Expresion
        //*** ***************************************************************************************
        //***  DESCRIPTION  :  Resolves an expresion and adds a literal or gets a symbol
        //***  INPUT ARGS   :  SymbolTable symbolTable, LiteralTable literalTable,
        //***                   string expresion, string currentLine
        //***  OUTPUT ARGS :  out Globals.Symbol? symbol
        //***  IN/OUT ARGS   :  N/A
        //***  RETURN :  bool rtnVal
        public static bool ResolveF3F4Expresion(Globals.DataStructures dataStructures, string expresionString, string currentLine, out Globals.ExpresionData expresionData, string callingModule = "ExpresionHandler")
            expresionData = new Globals.ExpresionData();
            bool  rtnVal     = true;
            Regex testXValue = new Regex(@"(^[^=][^,;]*(?<x>,x|X){0,1}.*$)|(^[\t ]*=.*$)");
            bool  hasXValue  = testXValue.Match(expresionString).Groups["x"].Value != "";

            expresionString = expresionString.Trim();
            if (Parser.guessOperandType(expresionString) == Parser.OperandType.NEW_STYLE_LITERAL || Parser.guessOperandType(expresionString) == Parser.OperandType.OLD_STYLE_LITERAL)
                Chronicler.LogInfo("Parsing as literal: " + expresionString);
                if (Parser.guessOperandType(expresionString) == Parser.OperandType.NEW_STYLE_LITERAL)
                    LiteralTable.LiteralValue tmp = new LiteralTable.LiteralValue();
                    string comment = "";
                    Parser.ParseNewStyleLiteral(expresionString, out tmp, out comment, callingModule);
                    expresionData.literal = tmp;
                else if (Parser.guessOperandType(expresionString) == Parser.OperandType.OLD_STYLE_LITERAL)
                    LiteralTable.LiteralValue tmp = new LiteralTable.LiteralValue();
                    string comment = "";
                    Parser.ParseOldStyleLiteral(expresionString, out tmp, out comment, callingModule);
                    expresionData.literal = tmp;
            else if (expresionString.Length > 0 && expresionString[0] == '@')
                expresionString = expresionString.Substring(1, expresionString.Length - 1);
                hasXValue       = testXValue.Match(expresionString).Groups["x"].Value != "";
                if (hasXValue != true)
                    if (ParseTerms(dataStructures, expresionString, currentLine, out expresionData) != true)
                        rtnVal = false;
                    expresionData.N = true;
                    expresionData.I = false;
                    rtnVal = false;
                    Chronicler.LogError("Can not apply both indirect adressing \n\tand x register indexing, skipping: \"" + currentLine + "\"", "Resovling Expresion");
            else if (expresionString.Length > 0 && expresionString[0] == '#')
                expresionString = expresionString.Substring(1, expresionString.Length - 1);
                hasXValue       = testXValue.Match(expresionString).Groups["x"].Value != "";
                if (hasXValue != true)
                    if (ParseTerms(dataStructures, expresionString, currentLine, out expresionData) != true)
                        rtnVal = false;
                    expresionData.N = false;
                    expresionData.I = false;
                    rtnVal = false;
                    Chronicler.LogError("Can not apply both immediate adressing \n\tand x register indexing, skipping:\"" + currentLine + "\"", "Resovling Expresion");
            else if (hasXValue == true)
                expresionString = testXValue.Replace(expresionString, "$2$4$5");
                if (ParseTerms(dataStructures, expresionString, currentLine, out expresionData) != true)
                    rtnVal = false;
                expresionData.N = true;
                expresionData.I = true;
                expresionData.X = true;
                rtnVal = ParseTerms(dataStructures, expresionString, currentLine, out expresionData);
예제 #12
        //***  FUNCTION ParseTerms
        //*** ***************************************************************************************
        //***  DESCRIPTION  :  parses an arithmatic operation str to a symbol, or add a literal
        //***  INPUT ARGS   :  SymbolTable symbolTable, LiteralTable literalTable,
        //***                   string expresion, string currentLine
        //***  OUTPUT ARGS :  out Globals.Symbol? result
        //***  IN/OUT ARGS   :  N/A
        //***  RETURN :  bool rtnVal
        static bool ParseTerms(Globals.DataStructures dataStructures, string expresionString, string currentLine, out Globals.ExpresionData expresionData)
            bool rtnVal = true;

            expresionString = expresionString.Trim();
            expresionData   = new Globals.ExpresionData();

            Regex testForCommentOnlyLine = new Regex(@"^[\t ]*(;.*)$");
            Match commentOnlyLine        = testForCommentOnlyLine.Match(expresionString);

            if (commentOnlyLine.Success)
                expresionData.comment = commentOnlyLine.Groups["$1"].Value;

            string line = expresionString.Trim();

            if (rtnVal == true && (Regex.Match(line, @"^[\t ]{0,}(-{0,1}[\t ]{0,}[A-Za-z0-9]+).*$").Success != true))
                rtnVal = false;
                Chronicler.LogError("Could not parse first(" + line + ") term in: " + currentLine, "parsing terms");
            if (rtnVal == true && (Regex.Match(line, @"^[\t ]{0,}(-{0,1}[\t ]{0,}[A-Za-z0-9]+)[\t ]{0,}(([+-])[\t ]{0,}(-{0,1}[\t ]{0,}[A-Za-z0-9]+)){0,1}[\t ]{0,}(;.*){0,1}$").Success != true))
                rtnVal = false;
                Chronicler.LogError("Couldn't parse second term in: " + currentLine, "parsing terms");
            string first = "";
            string arithmaticOperator = "";
            string second             = "";

            if (rtnVal == true)
                Match fullLine = (Regex.Match(line, @"^[\t ]{0,}(?<first>-{0,1}[\t ]{0,}[A-Za-z0-9]+)[\t ]{0,}(?<testTermCount>(?<operand>[+-])[\t ]{0,}(?<second>-{0,1}[\t ]{0,}[A-Za-z0-9]+)){0,1}[\t ]{0,}(;.*){0,1}$"));
                if (fullLine.Success != true)
                    rtnVal = false;
                    Chronicler.WriteLine("Error parsing literal");
                first = fullLine.Groups["first"].Value.Trim();
                arithmaticOperator = fullLine.Groups["operand"].Value.Trim();
                second             = fullLine.Groups["second"].Value.Trim();

                Regex stripWhiteSpace = new Regex(@"\s+");
                first = stripWhiteSpace.Replace(first, "");
                arithmaticOperator = stripWhiteSpace.Replace(arithmaticOperator, "");
                second             = stripWhiteSpace.Replace(second, "");
                if (second != "" && arithmaticOperator == "")
                    rtnVal = false;
            if (rtnVal == true)
                rtnVal = ParseTerm(dataStructures.symbolTable, first, out expresionData.first, currentLine);
                if (second != "")
                    rtnVal = ParseTerm(dataStructures.symbolTable, second, out expresionData.second, currentLine);
                    if (expresionData.first.HasValue && expresionData.second.HasValue)
                        if (arithmaticOperator == "+")
                            expresionData.rflag         = Globals.Symbol.AddRFlags(expresionData.first.Value, expresionData.second.Value);
                            expresionData.operatorValue = Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.ADD;
                        else if (arithmaticOperator == "-")
                            expresionData.rflag         = Globals.Symbol.SubtractRFlags(expresionData.first.Value, expresionData.second.Value);
                            expresionData.operatorValue = Globals.ExpresionData.Arithmetic.SUBTRACT;
                            rtnVal = false;
                            Chronicler.LogError("Invalid operator value for line: " + currentLine, "term arithmatic module");
                        Chronicler.LogError("Couldn't resolve symbols in artithmetic: " + currentLine, "term arithmatic module");
                    rtnVal = rtnVal == true?ParseTerm(dataStructures.symbolTable, second, out expresionData.second, currentLine) : false;

                if (expresionData.first.HasValue && !expresionData.second.HasValue && second == "")
                    expresionData.rflag = expresionData.first.Value.RFlag;