public Skillshot(DetectionType detectionType, SpellData spellData, int startT, Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Obj_AI_Base unit) { DetectionType = detectionType; SpellData = spellData; StartTick = startT; Start = start; End = end; MissilePosition = start; Direction = (end - start).Normalized(); Unit = unit; //Create the spatial object for each type of skillshot. switch (spellData.Type) { case SkillShotType.SkillshotCircle: Circle = new Geometry.Circle(CollisionEnd, spellData.Radius); break; case SkillShotType.SkillshotLine: Rectangle = new Geometry.Rectangle(Start, CollisionEnd, spellData.Radius); break; case SkillShotType.SkillshotMissileLine: Rectangle = new Geometry.Rectangle(Start, CollisionEnd, spellData.Radius); break; case SkillShotType.SkillshotCone: Sector = new Geometry.Sector( start, CollisionEnd - start, spellData.Radius * (float)Math.PI / 180, spellData.Range); break; case SkillShotType.SkillshotRing: Ring = new Geometry.Ring(CollisionEnd, spellData.Radius, spellData.RingRadius); break; } UpdatePolygon(); //Create the polygon. }
public static Vector2 GetCollisionPoint(Skillshot skillshot) { var collisions = new List <DetectedCollision>(); var from = skillshot.GetMissilePosition(0); skillshot.ForceDisabled = false; foreach (var cObject in skillshot.SpellData.CollisionObjects) { switch (cObject) { case CollisionObjectTypes.Minion: if (!Config.collision["MinionCollision"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue) { break; } foreach (var minion in MinionManager.GetMinions( from.To3D(), 1200, MinionTypes.All, skillshot.Unit.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team ? MinionTeam.NotAlly : MinionTeam.NotAllyForEnemy)) { var pred = FastPrediction( from, minion, Math.Max(0, skillshot.SpellData.Delay - (Environment.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)), skillshot.SpellData.MissileSpeed); var pos = pred.PredictedPos; var w = skillshot.SpellData.RawRadius + (!pred.IsMoving ? (minion.BoundingRadius - 15) : 0) - pos.Distance(from, skillshot.End, true); if (w > 0) { collisions.Add( new DetectedCollision { Position = pos.ProjectOn(skillshot.End, skillshot.Start).LinePoint + skillshot.Direction * 30, Unit = minion, Type = CollisionObjectTypes.Minion, Distance = pos.Distance(from), Diff = w, }); } } break; case CollisionObjectTypes.Champions: if (!Config.collision["HeroCollision"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue) { break; } foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>() .Where( h => (h.IsValidTarget(1200, false) && h.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team && !h.IsMe || Config.TestOnAllies && h.Team != ObjectManager.Player.Team))) { var pred = FastPrediction( from, ObjectManager.Player, Math.Max(0, skillshot.SpellData.Delay - (Environment.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)), skillshot.SpellData.MissileSpeed); var pos = pred.PredictedPos; var w = skillshot.SpellData.RawRadius + 30 - pos.Distance(from, skillshot.End, true); if (w > 0) { collisions.Add( new DetectedCollision { Position = pos.ProjectOn(skillshot.End, skillshot.Start).LinePoint + skillshot.Direction * 30, Unit = ObjectManager.Player, Type = CollisionObjectTypes.Minion, Distance = pos.Distance(from), Diff = w, }); } } break; case CollisionObjectTypes.YasuoWall: if (!Config.collision["YasuoCollision"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue) { break; } if ( !ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>() .Any( hero => ObjectManager.Player.IsValidTarget(float.MaxValue, false) && ObjectManager.Player.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team && ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName == "Yasuo")) { break; } GameObject wall = null; foreach (var gameObject in ObjectManager.Get <GameObject>()) { if (gameObject.IsValid && System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch( gameObject.Name, "_w_windwall.\\.troy", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { wall = gameObject; } } if (wall == null) { break; } var level = wall.Name.Substring(wall.Name.Length - 6, 1); var wallWidth = (300 + 50 * Convert.ToInt32(level)); var wallDirection = (wall.Position.To2D() - YasuoWallCastedPos).Normalized().Perpendicular(); var wallStart = wall.Position.To2D() + wallWidth / 2 * wallDirection; var wallEnd = wallStart - wallWidth * wallDirection; var wallPolygon = new Geometry.Rectangle(wallStart, wallEnd, 75).ToPolygon(); var intersection = new Vector2(); var intersections = new List <Vector2>(); for (var i = 0; i < wallPolygon.Points.Count; i++) { var inter = wallPolygon.Points[i].Intersection( wallPolygon.Points[i != wallPolygon.Points.Count - 1 ? i + 1 : 0], from, skillshot.End); if (inter.Intersects) { intersections.Add(inter.Point); } } if (intersections.Count > 0) { intersection = intersections.OrderBy(item => item.Distance(from)).ToList()[0]; var collisionT = Environment.TickCount + Math.Max( 0, skillshot.SpellData.Delay - (Environment.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)) + 100 + (1000 * intersection.Distance(from)) / skillshot.SpellData.MissileSpeed; if (collisionT - WallCastT < 4000) { if (skillshot.SpellData.Type != SkillShotType.SkillshotMissileLine) { skillshot.ForceDisabled = true; } return(intersection); } } break; } } Vector2 result; if (collisions.Count > 0) { result = collisions.OrderBy(c => c.Distance).ToList()[0].Position; } else { result = new Vector2(); } return(result); }
public void Game_OnGameUpdate() { //Even if it doesnt consume a lot of resources with 20 updatest second works k if (SpellData.CollisionObjects.Count() > 0 && SpellData.CollisionObjects != null && Utils.TickCount - _lastCollisionCalc > 50 && Config.Menu.Item("EnableCollision").GetValue <bool>()) { _lastCollisionCalc = Utils.TickCount; _collisionEnd = Collision.GetCollisionPoint(this); } //Update the missile position each time the game updates. if (SpellData.Type == SkillShotType.SkillshotMissileLine) { Rectangle = new Geometry.Rectangle(GetMissilePosition(0), CollisionEnd, SpellData.Radius); UpdatePolygon(); } //Spells that update to the unit position. if (SpellData.MissileFollowsUnit) { if (Unit.IsVisible) { End = Unit.ServerPosition.To2D(); Direction = (End - Start).Normalized(); UpdatePolygon(); } } if (SpellData.SpellName == "TaricE") { Start = Unit.ServerPosition.To2D(); End = Start + Direction * this.SpellData.Range; Rectangle = new Geometry.Rectangle(Start, End, SpellData.Radius); UpdatePolygon(); } if (SpellData.SpellName == "SionR") { if (_helperTick == 0) { _helperTick = StartTick; } SpellData.MissileSpeed = (int)Unit.MoveSpeed; if (Unit.IsValidTarget(float.MaxValue, false)) { if (!Unit.HasBuff("SionR") && Utils.TickCount - _helperTick > 600) { StartTick = 0; } else { StartTick = Utils.TickCount - SpellData.Delay; Start = Unit.ServerPosition.To2D(); End = Unit.ServerPosition.To2D() + 1000 * Unit.Direction.To2D().Perpendicular(); Direction = (End - Start).Normalized(); UpdatePolygon(); } } else { StartTick = 0; } } if (SpellData.FollowCaster) { Circle.Center = Unit.ServerPosition.To2D(); UpdatePolygon(); } }
public static Vector2 GetCollisionPoint(Skillshot skillshot) { var collisions = new List<DetectedCollision>(); var from = skillshot.GetMissilePosition(0); skillshot.ForceDisabled = false; foreach (var cObject in skillshot.SpellData.CollisionObjects) { switch (cObject) { case CollisionObjectTypes.Minion: if (!Config.collision["MinionCollision"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue) { break; } foreach (var minion in EntityManager.MinionsAndMonsters.Get(EntityManager.MinionsAndMonsters.EntityType.Both, skillshot.Unit.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team ? EntityManager.UnitTeam.Enemy : EntityManager.UnitTeam.Ally, from.To3D(), 1200)) { var pred = FastPrediction( from, minion, Math.Max(0, skillshot.SpellData.Delay - (Utils.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)), skillshot.SpellData.MissileSpeed); var pos = pred.PredictedPos; var w = skillshot.SpellData.RawRadius + (!pred.IsMoving ? (minion.BoundingRadius - 15) : 0) - pos.Distance(from, skillshot.End, true); if (w > 0) { collisions.Add( new DetectedCollision { Position = pos.ProjectOn(skillshot.End, skillshot.Start).LinePoint + skillshot.Direction * 30, Unit = minion, Type = CollisionObjectTypes.Minion, Distance = pos.Distance(from), Diff = w, }); } } break; case CollisionObjectTypes.Champions: if (!Config.collision["HeroCollision"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue) { break; } foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>() .Where( h => (h.IsValidTarget(1200) && h.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team && !h.IsMe || Config.TestOnAllies && h.Team != ObjectManager.Player.Team))) { var pred = FastPrediction( from, hero, Math.Max(0, skillshot.SpellData.Delay - (Utils.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)), skillshot.SpellData.MissileSpeed); var pos = pred.PredictedPos; var w = skillshot.SpellData.RawRadius + 30 - pos.Distance(from, skillshot.End, true); if (w > 0) { collisions.Add( new DetectedCollision { Position = pos.ProjectOn(skillshot.End, skillshot.Start).LinePoint + skillshot.Direction * 30, Unit = hero, Type = CollisionObjectTypes.Minion, Distance = pos.Distance(from), Diff = w, }); } } break; case CollisionObjectTypes.YasuoWall: if (!Config.collision["YasuoCollision"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue) { break; } if ( !ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>() .Any( hero => hero.IsValidTarget(float.MaxValue) && hero.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team && hero.ChampionName == "Yasuo")) { break; } GameObject wall = null; foreach (var gameObject in ObjectManager.Get<GameObject>()) { if (gameObject.IsValid && System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch( gameObject.Name, "_w_windwall.\\.troy", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { wall = gameObject; } } if (wall == null) { break; } var level = wall.Name.Substring(wall.Name.Length - 6, 1); var wallWidth = (300 + 50 * Convert.ToInt32(level)); var wallDirection = (wall.Position.To2D() - YasuoWallCastedPos).Normalized().Perpendicular(); var wallStart = wall.Position.To2D() + wallWidth / 2 * wallDirection; var wallEnd = wallStart - wallWidth * wallDirection; var wallPolygon = new Geometry.Rectangle(wallStart, wallEnd, 75).ToPolygon(); var intersection = new Vector2(); var intersections = new List<Vector2>(); for (var i = 0; i < wallPolygon.Points.Count; i++) { var inter = wallPolygon.Points[i].Intersection( wallPolygon.Points[i != wallPolygon.Points.Count - 1 ? i + 1 : 0], from, skillshot.End); if (inter.Intersects) { intersections.Add(inter.Point); } } if (intersections.Count > 0) { intersection = intersections.OrderBy(item => item.Distance(from)).ToList()[0]; var collisionT = Utils.TickCount + Math.Max( 0, skillshot.SpellData.Delay - (Utils.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)) + 100 + (1000 * intersection.Distance(from)) / skillshot.SpellData.MissileSpeed; if (collisionT - WallCastT < 4000) { if (skillshot.SpellData.Type != SkillShotType.SkillshotMissileLine) { skillshot.ForceDisabled = true; } return intersection; } } break; } } Vector2 result; if (collisions.Count > 0) { result = collisions.OrderBy(c => c.Distance).ToList()[0].Position; } else { result = new Vector2(); } return result; }
//public bool Evade() //{ // if (ForceDisabled) // { // return false; // } // if (Environment.TickCount - _cachedValueTick < 100) // { // return _cachedValue; // } // if (!ConfigValue<bool>("IsDangerous") && Config.Menu.Item("OnlyDangerous").ConfigValue<KeyBind>().Active) // { // _cachedValue = false; // _cachedValueTick = Environment.TickCount; // return _cachedValue; // } // _cachedValue = ConfigValue<bool>("Enabled"); // _cachedValueTick = Environment.TickCount; // return _cachedValue; //} public void Game_OnGameUpdate() { //Even if it doesnt consume a lot of resources with 20 updatest second works k if (SpellData.CollisionObjects.Count() > 0 && SpellData.CollisionObjects != null && Environment.TickCount - _lastCollisionCalc > 50) { _lastCollisionCalc = Environment.TickCount; _collisionEnd = Collision.GetCollisionPoint(this); } //Update the missile position each time the game updates. if (SpellData.Type == SkillShotType.SkillshotMissileLine) { Rectangle = new Geometry.Rectangle(GetMissilePosition(0), CollisionEnd, SpellData.Radius); UpdatePolygon(); } //Spells that update to the unit position. if (SpellData.MissileFollowsUnit) { if (Unit.IsVisible) { End = Unit.ServerPosition.To2D(); Direction = (End - Start).Normalized(); UpdatePolygon(); } } }
public void Game_OnGameUpdate() { // Even if it doesnt consume a lot of resources with 20 updatest second works. if (SpellData.CollisionObjects != null && SpellData.CollisionObjects.Count() > 0 && Utils.TickCount - _lastCollisionCalc > 50 && Config.collision["EnableCollision"].GetValue <MenuBool>().Value) { _lastCollisionCalc = Utils.TickCount; _collisionEnd = Collision.GetCollisionPoint(this); } // Update the missile position each time the game updates. if (SpellData.Type == SkillShotType.SkillshotMissileLine) { Rectangle = new Geometry.Rectangle(GetMissilePosition(0), CollisionEnd, SpellData.Radius); UpdatePolygon(); } if (SpellData.MissileFollowsUnit) { if (Unit.IsVisible) { End = Unit.Position.ToVector2(); Direction = (End - Start).Normalized(); UpdatePolygon(); } } if (SpellData.FollowCaster) { switch (SpellData.Type) { case SkillShotType.SkillshotCircle: Circle.Center = Unit.Position.ToVector2(); UpdatePolygon(); break; case SkillShotType.SkillshotLine: Start = Unit.Position.ToVector2(); End = Start + Direction * SpellData.Range; Rectangle = new Geometry.Rectangle(Start, End, SpellData.Radius); UpdatePolygon(); break; case SkillShotType.SkillshotCone: Sector.Center = Unit.Position.ToVector2(); UpdatePolygon(); break; } } if (SpellData.SpellName == "AatroxQ3") { Circle.Center = Unit.Position.ToVector2() + Direction * 3 * Unit.BoundingRadius; UpdatePolygon(); } if (SpellData.SpellName == "JinxR" && !_speedUp) { SpellData.MissileSpeed = 1700; if (Utils.TickCount - StartTick >= 450) { _speedUp = true; SpellData.MissileSpeed += 500; } } if (SpellData.SpellName == "SionR") { if (_helperTick == 0) { _helperTick = StartTick; } SpellData.MissileSpeed = (int)Unit.MoveSpeed; if (Unit.IsValidTarget(float.MaxValue, false)) { if (!Unit.HasBuff("SionR") && Utils.TickCount - _helperTick > 600) { StartTick = 0; } else { StartTick = Utils.TickCount - SpellData.Delay; Start = Unit.Position.ToVector2(); End = Unit.Position.ToVector2() + 1000 * Unit.Direction.ToVector2().Perpendicular(); Direction = (End - Start).Normalized(); UpdatePolygon(); } } else { StartTick = 0; } } if ((SpellData.SpellName == "XayahQMissile1" || SpellData.SpellName == "XayahQMissile2") && !_speedUp) { SpellData.MissileSpeed = 400; if (Utils.TickCount - StartTick >= SpellData.Delay + 60) { _speedUp = true; SpellData.MissileSpeed += 3500; } } }
public static Vector2 GetCollisionPoint(Skillshot skillshot) { var collisions = new List <DetectedCollision>(); var from = skillshot.GetMissilePosition(0); skillshot.ForceDisabled = false; foreach (var cObject in skillshot.SpellData.CollisionObjects) { switch (cObject) { case CollisionObjectTypes.Minion: if (!Config.collision["MinionCollision"].GetValue <MenuBool>().Value) { break; } var minionList = GameObjects.Jungle .Where( m => m.IsValidTarget(1200, false, from.ToVector3()) && (!skillshot.SpellData.CollisionExceptMini || m.GetJungleType() != JungleType.Small)).ToList(); if (!skillshot.SpellData.CollisionExceptMini) { minionList.AddRange( GameObjects.Minions .Where( m => m.IsValidTarget(1200, false, from.ToVector3()))); } foreach (var minion in minionList) { var pred = FastPrediction( from, minion, Math.Max(0, skillshot.SpellData.Delay - (Utils.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)), skillshot.SpellData.MissileSpeed); var pos = pred.PredictedPos; var w = skillshot.SpellData.RawRadius + (!pred.IsMoving ? (minion.BoundingRadius - 15) : 0) - pos.Distance(from, skillshot.End, true); if (w > 0) { collisions.Add( new DetectedCollision { Position = pos.ProjectOn(skillshot.End, skillshot.Start).LinePoint + skillshot.Direction * 30, Unit = minion, Type = CollisionObjectTypes.Minion, Distance = pos.Distance(from), Diff = w }); } } break; case CollisionObjectTypes.Champions: if (!Config.collision["HeroCollision"].GetValue <MenuBool>().Value) { break; } var heroTeam = skillshot.Unit == null ? ObjectManager.Player.Team : (skillshot.Unit.Team == GameObjectTeam.Order ? GameObjectTeam.Chaos : GameObjectTeam.Order); foreach (var hero in GameObjects.Heroes .Where( h => h.IsValidTarget(1200, false) && h.Team == heroTeam && !h.IsMe)) { var pred = FastPrediction( from, hero, Math.Max(0, skillshot.SpellData.Delay - (Utils.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)), skillshot.SpellData.MissileSpeed); var pos = pred.PredictedPos; var w = skillshot.SpellData.RawRadius + 30 - pos.Distance(from, skillshot.End, true); if (w > 0) { collisions.Add( new DetectedCollision { Position = pos.ProjectOn(skillshot.End, skillshot.Start).LinePoint + skillshot.Direction * 30, Unit = hero, Type = CollisionObjectTypes.Minion, Distance = pos.Distance(from), Diff = w }); } } break; case CollisionObjectTypes.YasuoWall: if (!Config.collision["YasuoCollision"].GetValue <MenuBool>().Value) { break; } var wallTeam = skillshot.Unit == null ? ObjectManager.Player.Team : (skillshot.Unit.Team == GameObjectTeam.Order ? GameObjectTeam.Chaos : GameObjectTeam.Order); if (!GameObjects.Heroes .Any( hero => hero.IsValidTarget(float.MaxValue, false) && hero.Team == wallTeam && hero.CharacterName == "Yasuo")) { break; } var intersections = new List <Tuple <Vector2, float> >(); foreach (var effectEmitter in GameObjects.ParticleEmitters) { if (effectEmitter.IsValid && Regex.IsMatch(effectEmitter.Name, wallTeam == ObjectManager.Player.Team ? @"Yasuo_.+_W_windwall\d" : @"Yasuo_.+_w_windwall_enemy_\d", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { var wall = effectEmitter; var lvlLen = wallTeam == ObjectManager.Player.Team ? 1 : 2; var level = wall.Name.Substring(wall.Name.Length - lvlLen, lvlLen); var wallWidth = 250 + 50 * Convert.ToInt32(level); var wallDirection = wall.Perpendicular.ToVector2(); var wallStart = wall.Position.ToVector2() + wallWidth / 2 * wallDirection; var wallEnd = wallStart - wallWidth * wallDirection; var wallPolygon = new Geometry.Rectangle(wallStart, wallEnd, 75).ToPolygon(); for (var i = 0; i < wallPolygon.Points.Count; i++) { var inter = wallPolygon.Points[i].Intersection( wallPolygon.Points[i != wallPolygon.Points.Count - 1 ? i + 1 : 0], from, skillshot.End); if (inter.Intersects) { intersections.Add(new Tuple <Vector2, float>(inter.Point, wall.RestartTime)); } } } } if (intersections.Count > 0) { var sortedIntersections = intersections.OrderBy(item => item.Item1.Distance(from)).ToList(); foreach (var inter in sortedIntersections) { var collisionT = Utils.TickCount + Math.Max( 0, skillshot.SpellData.Delay - (Utils.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)) + 100 + (1000 * inter.Item1.Distance(from)) / skillshot.SpellData.MissileSpeed; if (collisionT - inter.Item2 < 4000) { if (skillshot.SpellData.Type != SkillShotType.SkillshotMissileLine) { skillshot.ForceDisabled = true; } return(inter.Item1); } } } break; case CollisionObjectTypes.Wall: break; } } var result = Vector2.Zero; if (collisions.Count > 0) { result = collisions.OrderBy(c => c.Distance).ToList()[0].Position; } return(result); }
public void Game_OnGameUpdate() { //Even if it doesnt consume a lot of resources with 20 updatest second works k if (SpellData.CollisionObjects.Count() > 0 && SpellData.CollisionObjects != null && Utils.TickCount - _lastCollisionCalc > 50 && Config.collision["EnableCollision"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue) { _lastCollisionCalc = Utils.TickCount; _collisionEnd = Collision.GetCollisionPoint(this); } //Update the missile position each time the game updates. if (SpellData.Type == SkillShotType.SkillshotMissileLine) { Rectangle = new Geometry.Rectangle(GetMissilePosition(0), CollisionEnd, SpellData.Radius); UpdatePolygon(); } //Spells that update to the unit position. if (SpellData.MissileFollowsUnit) { if (Unit.IsVisible) { End = Unit.ServerPosition.To2D(); Direction = (End - Start).Normalized(); UpdatePolygon(); } } if (SpellData.SpellName == "SionR") { if (_helperTick == 0) { _helperTick = StartTick; } SpellData.MissileSpeed = (int)Unit.MoveSpeed; if (Unit.IsValidTarget(float.MaxValue)) { if (!Unit.HasBuff("SionR") && Utils.TickCount - _helperTick > 600) { StartTick = 0; } else { StartTick = Utils.TickCount - SpellData.Delay; Start = Unit.ServerPosition.To2D(); End = Unit.ServerPosition.To2D() + 1000 * Unit.Direction.To2D().Perpendicular(); Direction = (End - Start).Normalized(); UpdatePolygon(); } } else { StartTick = 0; } } if (SpellData.FollowCaster) { Circle.Center = Unit.ServerPosition.To2D(); UpdatePolygon(); } }