예제 #1
        public void HandleInput(InputState input, Sprite selectedSprite)
            MouseState mouse = input.CurrentMouseState;
            Rectangle mouseRec = new Rectangle(mouse.X, mouse.Y, 1, 1);

            if (mouseRec.Intersects(_miniMap)) {
                Vector2 mousePositionOnMiniMap = new Vector2((mouse.X - _miniMap.X)/_miniMapRatio.X,
                                                            (mouse.Y - _miniMap.Y)/_miniMapRatio.Y);

                if (input.CurrentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) {

                if (input.CurrentMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed) {
                    var unit = selectedSprite as Unit;
                    if (unit != null) {
                        unit.Destination = mousePositionOnMiniMap;
예제 #2
        private static void _HandleUnitControlSelection(InputState input, Control control, ContentManager content)
            if (Selection.IsUnit) {
                var unit = Selection.SelectedSprite as Unit;
                if (control.Name == "Move"){
                    if (input.CurrentMouseState.Y < (Camera.ViewSize.Y) && input.IsNewLeftMouseClick()) {
                        unit.Destination = new Vector2(Mouse.X - unit.Bounds.Width/2,
                                                       Mouse.Y - unit.Bounds.Height/2);
                        control.IsSelected = false;
                else if (control.Name == "BuildSolarPanel") {
                    if (!_isBuildingSolarPanel) {
                        unit = Selection.SelectedSprite as Truck;
                        unit.IsBuilding = true;
                        _isBuildingSolarPanel = true;
                        _solarPanelTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Buildings\SolarPlant");

                    if (_isBuildingSolarPanel &&
                        input.IsNewLeftMouseClick()) {
                            var solarPanel = new StaticBuilding(Mouse, @"Textures\Buildings\SolarPlant", 30);
                            ResourcesManager.Money -= Settings.SolarPanelCost;
                            ResourcesManager.MaxEnergy += Settings.SolarPanelEnergy;
                            control.IsSelected = false;
                            _isBuildingSolarPanel = false;
                    if (input.CurrentMouseState.Y < (Camera.ViewSize.Y) && input.IsNewRightMouseClick())
                        _isBuildingSolarPanel = false;
                        unit.IsBuilding = false;
                        control.IsSelected = false;

                else if (control.Name == "BuildWindTurbine")
                    unit = Selection.SelectedSprite as Truck;
                    unit.IsBuilding = true;
                    _isBuildingWindTurbine = true;
                    _windTurbineTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Buildings\WindTurbineSingleSprite");

                    if ((Vector2.Distance(Mouse, unit.Position) <= unit.Range) && input.IsNewLeftMouseClick())
                        var windTurbine = new AnimatedBuilding(Mouse, @"Textures\Buildings\WindTurbine", 30);
                        ResourcesManager.Money -= Settings.WindTurbineCost;
                        ResourcesManager.MaxEnergy += Settings.WindTurbineEnergy;
                        control.IsSelected = false;
                        _isBuildingWindTurbine = false;

                    if (input.CurrentMouseState.Y < (Camera.ViewSize.Y) && input.IsNewRightMouseClick())
                        unit.IsBuilding = false;
                        _isBuildingWindTurbine = false;
                        control.IsSelected = false;
                else if (!control.Name.ToLower().Contains("load"))
                    control.IsSelected = false;
예제 #3
        private static void _HandleResourceMechanism(InputState input)
            if (Selection.IsUnit) {
                var unit = Selection.SelectedSprite as Unit;

                ResourceBuilding resourceBuilding = (from sprite in Sprites
                                                     where sprite is ResourceBuilding &&
                                                           Vector2.Distance(unit.Position, sprite.Position) <
                                                     select sprite as ResourceBuilding).FirstOrDefault();
                unit.HandleResource(input, resourceBuilding);

                /*if (unit.Controls.Selection.Name.Contains("Load"))
                else if (unit.Controls.Selection.Name.Contains("Unload"))
예제 #4
        public static void HandleInput(InputState input, ContentManager content)
            _screenMouse = new Vector2(input.CurrentMouseState.X, input.CurrentMouseState.Y);
            _gridTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Maps\Grid");

            HUD.HandleInput(input, Selection.SelectedSprite);

            if (Selection.IsNull) {
                foreach (var sprite in Sprites) {
                    if (sprite.Intersects(Mouse) && input.IsNewLeftMouseClick() && !Selection.IsUnit) {
            } else {

                if (Selection.HasControls) {
                    Control control = Selection.SelectedSprite.Controls.Selection;


                    if (control == null) {
                        if (input.CurrentMouseState.Y < (Camera.ViewSize.Y)) {
                            if (input.IsNewLeftMouseClick()) {
                            else if (Selection.IsUnit) {
                                var unit = Selection.SelectedSprite as Unit;
                                unit.HandleWayPoint(input, Mouse);
                        } else {
                    } else { // some control is selected
                        if (Selection.IsUnit) {
                            _HandleUnitControlSelection(input, control, content);
                        else if (Selection.SelectedSprite is HeadQuarter) {
                            if (control.Name.Contains("Deploy")) {

                                _HandleDeployCommandAtHeadQuarter(control, content);
                            } else {
                                var hq = Selection.SelectedSprite as HeadQuarter;
                                hq.HandleBuildCommand(control, ResourcesManager);
                        else if (Selection.SelectedSprite is Village) {
                            var village = Selection.SelectedSprite as Village;
                            if (control.Name == "BuildFarm") {
                                village.HandleBuildFarm(control, ResourcesManager);
                } else { // sprite with no control
                    if (input.CurrentMouseState.Y < (Camera.ViewSize.Y)) {
                        if (input.IsNewLeftMouseClick()) {
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Responds to user input, changing the selected entry and accepting
        /// or cancelling the menu.
        /// </summary>
        public override void HandleInput(InputState input)
            // Move to the previous menu entry?
            if (input.IsMenuUp(ControllingPlayer))

                if (selectedEntry < 0)
                    selectedEntry = menuEntries.Count - 1;


            // Move to the next menu entry?
            if (input.IsMenuDown(ControllingPlayer))

                if (selectedEntry >= menuEntries.Count)
                    selectedEntry = 0;


            // Accept or cancel the menu? We pass in our ControllingPlayer, which may
            // either be null (to accept input from any player) or a specific index.
            // If we pass a null controlling player, the InputState helper returns to
            // us which player actually provided the input. We pass that through to
            // OnSelectEntry and OnCancel, so they can tell which player triggered them.
            PlayerIndex playerIndex;

            if (input.IsMenuSelect(ControllingPlayer, out playerIndex) || input.IsNewLeftMouseClick())
                OnSelectEntry(selectedEntry, playerIndex);
            else if (input.IsMenuCancel(ControllingPlayer, out playerIndex))
        private void _HandleMouse(InputState input, PlayerIndex? ControllingPlayer)
            Boolean isMouseMoved = (_mouse != _pMouse);

            if (isMouseMoved) {
                _mouseRec = new Rectangle(_mouse.X, _mouse.Y, 1, 1);
                World.Mouse = World.ScreenToWorldPosition(new Vector2(_mouse.X, _mouse.Y));

            if (_mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) {
                if (rMouse.X == -1)
                    rMouse.X = _mouse.X;
                    rMouse.Y = _mouse.Y;

                if (_pMouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released &&
                    _mouse.Y <= World.Camera.ViewArea.Height) {

                    World.Selection.Box = new Rectangle(_mouse.X, _mouse.Y, 0, 0);

                if (rMouse.X != -1)
                if (World.Selection.Box.HasValue) {
                    if (_mouse.Y <= World.Camera.ViewArea.Height) {
                        //_selection.Box = new Rectangle(_selection.Box.Value.X, _selection.Box.Value.Y,
                        //                               _mouse.X - _selection.Box.Value.X, _mouse.Y - _selection.Box.Value.Y);
                        int currentX = (int)rMouse.X;
                        int currentY = (int)rMouse.Y;
                        int newX = _mouse.X;
                        int newY = _mouse.Y;
                        int width = Math.Abs(currentX - newX);
                        int height = Math.Abs(currentY - newY);

                        World.Selection.Box = new Rectangle(Math.Min(currentX, newX), Math.Min(currentY, newY), width, height);
                    //} else {
                    //    _selection.Box = new Rectangle(_selection.Box.Value.X, _selection.Box.Value.Y,
                    //                                   _mouse.X - _selection.Box.Value.X, World.Camera.ViewArea.Height - _selection.Box.Value.Y);
                        //World.Camera.Focus(new Vector2(World.Camera.Position.X, World.Camera.Position.Y + (_mouse.Y - World.Camera.ViewArea.Height)));

            if (_mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released)
                World.Selection.Box = null;
                rMouse.X = -1;
                rMouse.Y = -1;

            _pMouse = _mouse;
        /// <summary>
        /// Lets the game respond to player input. Unlike the Update method,
        /// this will only be called when the gameplay screen is active.
        /// </summary>
        public override void HandleInput(InputState input)
            if (input == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            int playerIndex = (int)ControllingPlayer.Value;

            KeyboardState keyboardState = input.CurrentKeyboardStates[playerIndex];
            GamePadState gamePadState = input.CurrentGamePadStates[playerIndex];
            _mouse = input.CurrentMouseState;
            _pMouse = input.PreviousMouseState;

            // The game pauses either if the user presses the pause button, or if
            // they unplug the active gamepad. This requires us to keep track of
            // whether a gamepad was ever plugged in, because we don't want to pause
            // on PC if they are playing with a keyboard and have no gamepad at all!
            bool gamePadDisconnected = !gamePadState.IsConnected &&

            if (input.IsPauseGame(ControllingPlayer) || gamePadDisconnected)
                ScreenManager.AddScreen(new PauseMenuScreen(), ControllingPlayer);
            else if (DidLose) {
                ScreenManager.AddScreen(new GameOverScreen(), ControllingPlayer);
            else if (DidWin) {
                ScreenManager.AddScreen(new GameWonScreen(), ControllingPlayer);
                if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.H)) {
                World.Camera.HandleInput(input, ControllingPlayer);

                World.HandleInput(input, _content);

                _HandleMouse(input, ControllingPlayer);
        /// <summary>
        /// Responds to user input, accepting or cancelling the message box.
        /// </summary>
        public override void HandleInput(InputState input)
            PlayerIndex playerIndex;

            // We pass in our ControllingPlayer, which may either be null (to
            // accept input from any player) or a specific index. If we pass a null
            // controlling player, the InputState helper returns to us which player
            // actually provided the input. We pass that through to our Accepted and
            // Cancelled events, so they can tell which player triggered them.
            if (input.IsMenuSelect(ControllingPlayer, out playerIndex))
                // Raise the accepted event, then exit the message box.
                if (Accepted != null)
                    Accepted(this, new PlayerIndexEventArgs(playerIndex));

            else if (input.IsMenuCancel(ControllingPlayer, out playerIndex))
                // Raise the cancelled event, then exit the message box.
                if (Cancelled != null)
                    Cancelled(this, new PlayerIndexEventArgs(playerIndex));

예제 #9
        public void HandleInput(InputState input, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer)
            int playerIndex = (int)controllingPlayer;
            if (input.CurrentKeyboardStates[playerIndex].IsKeyDown(Keys.S) ||
                _Move(new Vector2(0, _scrollValue));
            else if (input.CurrentKeyboardStates[playerIndex].IsKeyDown(Keys.W) ||
                _Move(new Vector2(0, -_scrollValue));
            if (input.CurrentKeyboardStates[playerIndex].IsKeyDown(Keys.D) ||
                _Move(new Vector2(_scrollValue, 0));
            else if (input.CurrentKeyboardStates[playerIndex].IsKeyDown(Keys.A) ||
                _Move(new Vector2(-_scrollValue, 0));

            float zoomValueFromMouseWheel = input.CurrentMouseState.ScrollWheelValue - input.PreviousMouseState.ScrollWheelValue;
            if (zoomValueFromMouseWheel >= 10)
                _ZoomIn(_zoomValue * 5);
            else if (zoomValueFromMouseWheel <= -10) {
                _ZoomOut(_zoomValue * 5);

            if (input.CurrentKeyboardStates[playerIndex].IsKeyDown(Keys.OemPlus))
            else if (input.CurrentKeyboardStates[playerIndex].IsKeyDown(Keys.OemMinus))
            else if (input.CurrentKeyboardStates[playerIndex].IsKeyDown(Keys.Back))