예제 #1
        public void GetUserShops(RestClient RestClient, User User, bool GetListings, bool GetReceipts)
            RestRequest request = new RestRequest();

            request.Resource = string.Format("users/{0}/shops", User.user_id);
            IRestResponse response = RestClient.Execute(request);
            JObject       o        = JObject.Parse(response.Content);

            Shop shop;

            foreach (var s in o["results"])
                shop = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Shop>(s.ToString());
                if (GetListings)
                    shopservice.GetShopListings(RestClient, shop);
                if (GetReceipts)
                    shopservice.GetShopReceipts(RestClient, shop);
예제 #2
        public static List <ExtractionModel> CreateExtractionFromReceipt(InternalClient GClient, bool allReceipts)
            //Creation New Rest Client
            var client = new RestClient();

            client.BaseUrl       = AppKeys.GetBaseUri();
            client.Authenticator = OAuth1Authenticator.ForProtectedResource(AppKeys.GetApiKey(), AppKeys.GetSharedSecretKey(), GClient.AccessToken, GClient.AccessSecretKey);

            //The shop servce is where we pull receipts because functionally
            //The call is related to the shop object and te shop id
            ShopService    shopservice = new ShopService();
            List <Receipt> receipts;

            //This is just in case for some reason we want every transaction from a shop
            if (allReceipts)
                receipts = shopservice.GetShopReceipts(client, GClient.EtsyShopIDs.FirstOrDefault());
                receipts = shopservice.GetOpenShopReceipts(client, GClient.EtsyShopIDs.FirstOrDefault());

            //Get the country list from etsy in advance so it doesn't
            //Have to be called per receipt request
            var countries = CountryService.GetCountryMapping(client);

            List <ExtractionModel> extractions = new List <ExtractionModel>();

            //make sure we actually pulled back client data
            if (GClient != null)
                //iteract through receipts
                foreach (Receipt r in receipts)
                    //iterrate through transactions of receipts
                    foreach (var t in r.transactions)
                        string country = countries[int.Parse(r.country_id)];

                        ExtractionModel em = new ExtractionModel();
                        em.company_id             = GClient.clientID;
                        em.Order_ID               = r.receipt_id;
                        em.date_purchased         = FormattingHelpers.FromEpochUnixTime(t.creation_tsz).ToString("g");
                        em.customer_email_address = r.buyer_email;
                        var FirstnameLastname = FormattingHelpers.FirstNameLastNameFormatter(r.name);
                        em.first_name = FirstnameLastname.Item1;
                        em.last_name  = FirstnameLastname.Item2;

                        em.delivery_address_1 = r.first_line;
                        em.delivery_address_2 = r.second_line;
                        em.delivery_city      = r.city;
                        em.delivery_state     = r.state;
                        em.delivery_zipCode   = r.zip;
                        em.country            = country;

                        //This is for the variation that is assuming
                        //it follows the format "Color - Design"
                        string[] color_design = t.variations.Where(x => x.formatted_name == "Color").FirstOrDefault().formatted_value.Split('-');

                        //If there is not a "-" then it automatically
                        //is the wrong format
                        if (color_design.Length > 1)
                            //This is making sure that the Design actually is associated
                            //with the client
                            //TODO: Eventually check that the design is actually available in the color
                            //that is provided.
                            if (GClient.ClientDesigns.Where(x => x.design_number.Trim() == color_design[1].Trim()).Any())
                                em.color         = color_design[0].Trim();
                                em.design_number = FormattingHelpers.DesignNumberFormatCheck(color_design[1].Trim());
                                em.color         = color_design[0].Trim();
                                em.design_number = string.Format("{0} Is Not a Correct Design Id", color_design[1]);
                            em.color         = color_design[0].Trim();
                            em.design_number = "Color_Design Incorrect Format";
                        em.design_description = "TBD";
                        em.print_location     = "TBD";

                        //This is for the variation that is assuming
                        //it follows the format "Style - Size"
                        string[] size_style = t.variations.Where(x => x.formatted_name == "Size").FirstOrDefault().formatted_value.Split('-');

                        if (size_style.Length > 1)
                            string etsystyle = size_style[1].Trim();
                            em.size = size_style[0].Trim();

                            //Check to see if the style from the variation
                            //has a mapping otherwise we can't know what
                            //prodct style its suposed to be
                            var style = GClient.ClientStyles.Where(x => x.etsy_style_descripion == etsystyle).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (style != null)
                                em.style_number      = style.style_number;
                                em.style_description = style.style_description;
                                em.style_number      = "ESTY STYLE '" + etsystyle + "' NOT FOUND";
                                em.style_description = "ESTY STYLE '" + etsystyle + "' NOT FOUND";
                            em.style_number      = size_style[0].Trim();
                            em.style_description = "Size_Style Incorrect Format";

                        em.product_quantity = t.quantity;
                        em.gift_message     = r.message_from_buyer;
                        em.Insured_Order    = "No";
                        em.shipping_method  = CountryService.GetCountryShippingMethodByCountry(country).Shipping_Method;
                        em.order_status     = "2";
