public static void Main() { try { ConfigureConsoleWindow(); User user = UserService.GetUser(apiBaseUrl); UserAction action = UserService.GetUserAction(); while (action != UserAction.Quit) { switch (action) { case UserAction.ViewActiveSales: PrintActiveSales(user); break; case UserAction.CreateSale: CreateSale(user); break; case UserAction.DeleteSale: DeleteSale(user); break; case UserAction.PublishSale: PublishSale(user); break; case UserAction.UnpublishSale: UnpublishSale(user); break; default: throw new Exception("UserAction value not recognized."); } ConsoleHelpers.Pause(); Console.WriteLine(); action = UserService.GetUserAction(); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Thank you for using the EstateSales.NET API!"); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {exception.Message}"); Console.WriteLine(); } ConsoleHelpers.Pause(exiting: true); }
private static Models.Sale GetSampleSale(int orgId) { return(new Models.Sale() { OrgId = orgId, SaleType = Models.SaleType.EstateSales, Name = ConsoleHelpers.Prompt <string>("Enter a name for your sale"), Address = ConsoleHelpers.Prompt <string>("Enter an address for your sale"), CrimeWorriesAddress = string.Empty, PostalCodeNumber = ConsoleHelpers.Prompt <string>("Enter a zip code for your sale"), Directions = "These are my directions.", UtcCustomDateToShowAddress = null, ShowAddressType = Models.ShowAddressType.DayBeforeAtNine, Description = ConsoleHelpers.Prompt <string>("Enter a description for your sale"), Terms = ConsoleHelpers.Prompt <string>("Enter terms for your sale"), AuctionUrl = string.Empty, // Only set when the sale type is set to OnlineOnlyAuction VideoUrl = ConsoleHelpers.Prompt <string>("Enter a sale video url (optional)") }); }
private static void CreateSale(User user) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Creating a new sale..."); Sale sale = SaleService.GetSaleFromUserInput(user); Console.WriteLine("Saving the new sale..."); sale = user.SaveSale(sale); foreach (SaleDate date in SaleDateService.GetSaleDates(sale)) { user.CreateSaleDate(date); } string picturePath = ConsoleHelpers.Prompt <string>("Enter a local path to a picture (optional)"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(picturePath) == false) { if (File.Exists(picturePath)) { Console.WriteLine("Uploading your sale picture..."); user.CreateSalePicture(SalePictureService.GetSalePicture(sale.Id.Value, "sale picture description", picturePath)); } else { Console.WriteLine("File not found, skipping picture upload."); } } Process.Start($"{apiBaseUrl}{sale.Url}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"You can view your new sale at {apiBaseUrl}{sale.Url}."); // You can update things on your sale if you need to. ////sale.Directions = "These are my new directions."; ////sale.Description = "This is my updated description."; ////client.UpdateSale(sale); }
private const string ApiBaseUrl = null; // Set to `null` to use the default. public static void Main() { try { Console.Title = "EstateSales.NET Public Sales API Demo"; string apiKey = ConsoleHelpers.Prompt <string>("Enter your API Key"); int orgId = ConsoleHelpers.Prompt <int>("Enter your Org ID"); // First create a new client to interact with the API. Client client = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApiBaseUrl) ? new Client(apiKey) : new Client(apiKey, ApiBaseUrl); // You can do things like get your current list of sales. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Retrieving your active sales..."); IReadOnlyCollection <Models.Sale> editableSales = client.GetEditableSales(orgId); if (editableSales.Any()) { Console.WriteLine($"You have {editableSales.Count} editable sale(s)!"); foreach (Models.Sale editableSale in editableSales) { Console.WriteLine($"{editableSale.Name} ({(editableSale.IsPublished ? "Published" : "Not Published")}) ({ApiBaseUrl}{editableSale.Url})"); Console.WriteLine($"Date Count: {client.GetSaleDates(editableSale.Id).Count} / Picture Count: {client.GetSalePictures(editableSale.Id).Count}"); Console.WriteLine(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("You have no editable sales. :( That's okay though, we're about to learn how to add one!"); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Next, we will add a new sale..."); Console.WriteLine(); // You can create a sale. Models.Sale sale = GetSampleSale(orgId); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Saving your sale..."); sale = client.CreateSale(sale); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Setting your new sale to run for the next three days..."); // You can use that savedSale and create some dates on your sale. // We are just setting up the objects to send... DateTime tomorrowAt9am = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(1).AddHours(9).ToUniversalTime(); DateTime tomorrowAt4pm = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(1).AddHours(16).ToUniversalTime(); Models.SaleDate date1 = GetSampleSaleDate(sale.Id, tomorrowAt9am, tomorrowAt4pm); Models.SaleDate date2 = GetSampleSaleDate(sale.Id, tomorrowAt9am.AddDays(1), tomorrowAt4pm.AddDays(1)); Models.SaleDate date3 = GetSampleSaleDate(sale.Id, tomorrowAt9am.AddDays(2), tomorrowAt4pm.AddDays(2)); // Now we are sending those to the API to be saved. date1 = client.CreateSaleDate(date1); date2 = client.CreateSaleDate(date2); date3 = client.CreateSaleDate(date3); Models.SalePicture pic1 = null; Console.WriteLine(); string picturePath = ConsoleHelpers.Prompt <string>("Enter a path to a picture (optional)"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(picturePath) == false) { if (File.Exists(picturePath)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Uploading your sale picture..."); // Get a picture ready to go. pic1 = GetSampleSalePicture(sale.Id, "testing", picturePath); // Send it to the API to be saved. pic1 = client.CreateSalePicture(pic1); } else { Console.WriteLine("File not found, skipping picture upload."); } } // You can publish your sale. ////client.PublishSale(sale.Id, false); Process.Start($"{ApiBaseUrl ?? ""}{sale.Url}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Okay, your sale created and populated with dates and a picture!"); Console.WriteLine($"You can view it at{sale.Url}."); ConsoleHelpers.Pause(); // You can unpublish your sale. ////client.UnpublishSale(sale.Id); // You can update things on your sale if you need to. ////sale.Directions = "These are my new directions."; ////sale.Description = "This is my updated description."; ////client.UpdateSale(sale); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Next, we will delete the sale we just created..."); // You can delete any pictures you'd like (as long as you saved their id when initially saving them). if (pic1 != null) { client.DeletePicture(pic1.Id); } // You can delete any dates you'd like IEnumerable <Models.SaleDate> dates = client.GetSaleDates(sale.Id); foreach (Models.SaleDate saleDate in dates) { client.DeleteSaleDate(saleDate.Id); } // If you stored the date ids previously, you don't have to look them up first ////client.DeleteSaleDate(date1.Id); ////client.DeleteSaleDate(date2.Id); ////client.DeleteSaleDate(date3.Id); // You can delete your sale if you need to. // You do not need to delete the sale dates and sale pictures first. You can just delete the sale. client.DeleteSale(sale.Id); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Okay, we're done now. Enjoy using the EstateSales.NET Sales API!"); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("An error occurred:"); Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); Console.WriteLine(); } ConsoleHelpers.Pause(true); }