public AddTablesAndColumnsViewModel(DatabaseSchemaViewModel vm) { Ok = new DelegateCommand(() => DoOk()); Cancel = new DelegateCommand(() => DoCancel()); ViewModel = vm; }
public MainWindowViewModel(MainViewModel mainViewModel, DatabaseSchemaViewModel databaseSchemaViewModel, IEventAggregator evAgg, ConnectNotification connectNotification) { eventAgg = evAgg; ConnectRequest = new ConnectRequest(); this.connectNotification = connectNotification; MainViewModel = mainViewModel; DatabaseSchemaViewModel = databaseSchemaViewModel; //ConnectRequest = new ConnectRequest(evAgg); Connect = new DelegateCommand(() => { DoConnect(); }); LoadDbSchema = new DelegateCommand(() => { DoLoadDbSchema(); }); }
public MainViewModel(IEventAggregator evAgg, UISprints sprints, DatabaseSchemaViewModel dataViewModel) { DataViewModel = dataViewModel; Sprints = sprints.Sprints; eventAgg = evAgg; rootTables = new NodeDbTableRoot(evAgg) { Name = "ROOT for DB Tables", Description = "just helper instance...", Nodes = new ObservableCollection <NodeDbTableToExcel>() }; eventAgg.GetEvent <PathViewAddedEvent>().Subscribe(() => { Task.Run(() => { DoLoad(); }); }); evAgg.GetEvent <SelectionChangedEvent>().Subscribe(SelectionChanged()); Import = new DelegateCommand(() => DoImport()); Save = new DelegateCommand(() => DoSave()); Load = new DelegateCommand(() => DoLoad()); ShowLog = new DelegateCommand(() => { Process process = new Process(); // Configure the process using the StartInfo properties. var rootAppender = ((Hierarchy)LogManager.GetRepository()) .Root.Appenders.OfType <log4net.Appender.FileAppender>() .FirstOrDefault(); string filename = rootAppender != null ? rootAppender.File : string.Empty; process.StartInfo.FileName = rootAppender.File; //process.StartInfo.Arguments = @"c:\!! LOGs\EscapeDBUsage.log"; process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized; process.Start(); //process.WaitForExit();// Waits here for the process to exit. }); ShowDataFolder = new DelegateCommand(() => { Process process = new Process(); // Configure the process using the StartInfo properties. process.StartInfo.FileName = "explorer"; process.StartInfo.Arguments = FoldersHelper.DataFolder; process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized; process.Start(); //process.WaitForExit();// Waits here for the process to exit. }); Refresh = new DelegateCommand(() => DoRefresh()); RefreshColumns = new DelegateCommand(() => DoRefreshColumns()); ExpandAll = new DelegateCommand(() => DoExpandAll()); CollapseAll = new DelegateCommand(() => DoCollapseAll()); SaveSprints = new DelegateCommand(() => DoSaveSprints()); AddExcel = new DelegateCommand(() => DoAddExcel()); AddTables = new DelegateCommand(() => DoAddTables()); }