예제 #1
        public void TheSystemThrowsAFileNotFOundExceptionWhenGivenAPathToAMissingFile()

            FileManager fileManager = new
            Assert.IsTrue(fileManager.GetEvenMoreContent().Contains("This line won't execute as the exception will be thrown before it's hit"));
예제 #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // The first two lines find and set the name of the directory and file that the content is stored in
            string appDataDirectory = Server.MapPath("/App_Data");

            string contentFilePath = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", appDataDirectory, "Content.txt");

            // Then a file manager is created to read the content from the file

            FileManager contentManager = new FileManager(contentFilePath);

            // The text property of the label contained in the ASPX file is set with the content returned by the FileManager 

            lblContent.Text = contentManager.GetContent();

            string outcomeOfAddingEvenMoreContent = String.Empty;

                outcomeOfAddingEvenMoreContent = contentManager.GetEvenMoreContent();
            catch(Exception ex)

                outcomeOfAddingEvenMoreContent = ex.Message;

                lblEvenMoreContent.Text = outcomeOfAddingEvenMoreContent;
예제 #3
        public void TheFileManagerHandlesAMissingFIle()

                FileManager fileManager =
                    new FileManager(@"C:\MissingFileThereIsNoFileHere.txt");

                Assert.IsTrue(fileManager.GetContent().Contains("Oops!  The content could not be found at the location specified."));
예제 #4
        public void TheFileManagerCanReadAFile()
            FileManager fileManager = new FileManager(TEST_FILE_PATH);

            Assert.AreEqual("Here is some test content.", fileManager.GetContent());
