/*public Vector2 GetAreaNormal (int cx, int cz, int range) { CoordRect areaRect = new CoordRect(cx-range-1, cz-range-1, cx+range, cz+range); CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(rect, areaRect); float nx = 0; float nz = 0; Coord min = intersection.Min; Coord max = intersection.Max; for (int x=min.x; x<max.x; x++) for (int z=min.z; z<max.z; z++) { nx += } }*/ #endregion #region Sorting // ??? public bool[] InRect (CoordRect area = new CoordRect()) { Matrix2<bool> result = new Matrix2<bool>(rect); CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(rect,area); Coord min = intersection.Min; Coord max = intersection.Max; for (int x=min.x; x<max.x; x++) for (int z=min.z; z<max.z; z++) result[x,z] = true; return result.array; }
public void Add(Vector3 pos, float radius) { //adding heights float pixelSize = terrain.terrainData.size.x / terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution; CoordRect rect = (pos - terrain.transform.localPosition).ToCoordRect(radius, pixelSize); CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(rect, new CoordRect(0, 0, terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution, terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution)); if (intersection.size.x > 0 && intersection.size.z > 0) { int numHeightCells = Mathf.CeilToInt(1f * terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / cellSize); if (heights == null) { heights = new Matrix2 <float[, ]>(numHeightCells, numHeightCells); } foreach (Coord cellCoord in intersection.Cells(cellSize)) { if (heights[cellCoord] != null) { continue; } heights[cellCoord] = terrain.terrainData.SafeGetHeights(cellCoord.x * cellSize, cellCoord.z * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize); } } //adding splats if (terrain.terrainData.alphamapLayers == 0) { return; } pixelSize = terrain.terrainData.size.x / terrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution; rect = (pos - terrain.transform.localPosition).ToCoordRect(radius, pixelSize); intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(rect, new CoordRect(0, 0, terrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution, terrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution)); if (intersection.size.x > 0 && intersection.size.z > 0) { int numSplatCells = Mathf.CeilToInt(1f * terrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / cellSize); if (splats == null) { splats = new Matrix2 <float[, , ]>(numSplatCells, numSplatCells); } foreach (Coord cellCoord in intersection.Cells(cellSize)) { if (splats[cellCoord] != null) { continue; } splats[cellCoord] = terrain.terrainData.SafeGetAlphamaps(cellCoord.x * cellSize, cellCoord.z * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize); } } }
static public void AddSplatmaps (TerrainData data, Matrix[] matrices, int[] channels, float[] opacity, float[,,] array=null, float brushFallof=0.5f) { int numChannels = data.alphamapLayers; bool[] usedChannels = new bool[numChannels]; for (int i=0; i<channels.Length; i++) usedChannels[channels[i]] = true; float[] slice = new float[numChannels]; Coord dataSize = new Coord(data.alphamapResolution, data.alphamapResolution); CoordRect dataRect = new CoordRect(new Coord(0,0), dataSize); CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(dataRect, matrices[0].rect); if (array==null) array = data.GetAlphamaps(intersection.offset.x, intersection.offset.z, intersection.size.x, intersection.size.z); Coord min = intersection.Min; Coord max = intersection.Max; for (int x=min.x; x<max.x; x++) for (int z=min.z; z<max.z; z++) { //calculating fallof and opacity float fallofFactor = matrices[0].Fallof(x,z,brushFallof); if (Mathf.Approximately(fallofFactor,0)) continue; //reading slice for (int c=0; c<numChannels; c++) slice[c] = array[z-min.z, x-min.x, c]; //converting matrices to additive for (int i=0; i<matrices.Length; i++) matrices[i][x,z] = Mathf.Max(0, matrices[i][x,z] - slice[channels[i]]); //apply fallof for (int i=0; i<matrices.Length; i++) matrices[i][x,z] *= fallofFactor * opacity[i]; //calculating sum of adding values float addedSum = 0; //the sum of adding channels for (int i=0; i<matrices.Length; i++) addedSum += matrices[i][x,z]; //if (addedSum < 0.00001f) continue; //no need to do anything //if addedsum exceeds 1 - equalizing matrices if (addedSum > 1f) { for (int i=0; i<matrices.Length; i++) matrices[i][x,z] /= addedSum; addedSum=1; } //multiplying all values on a remaining amount float multiplier = 1-addedSum; for (int c=0; c<numChannels; c++) slice[c] *= multiplier; //adding matrices for (int i=0; i<matrices.Length; i++) slice[channels[i]] += matrices[i][x,z]; //saving slice for (int c=0; c<numChannels; c++) array[z-min.z, x-min.x, c] = slice[c]; } data.SetAlphamaps(intersection.offset.x, intersection.offset.z, array); }
public void Fill(Matrix2 <T> m, bool removeBorders = false) { CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(rect, m.rect); Coord min = intersection.Min; Coord max = intersection.Max; for (int x = min.x; x < max.x; x++) { for (int z = min.z; z < max.z; z++) { this[x, z] = m[x, z]; } } if (removeBorders) { RemoveBorders(intersection); } }
/*public void FromTexture (Texture2D texture, Coord textureOffset=new Coord(), bool fillBorders=false) { Coord textureSize = new Coord(texture.width, texture.height); CoordRect textureRect = new CoordRect(textureOffset, textureSize); CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(textureRect, rect); Color[] colors = texture.GetPixels(intersection.offset.x - textureOffset.x, intersection.offset.z - textureOffset.z, intersection.size.x, intersection.size.z); Coord min = intersection.Min; Coord max = intersection.Max; for (int x=min.x; x<max.x; x++) for (int z=min.z; z<max.z; z++) { int tx = x-min.x; int tz = z-min.z; Color col = colors[tz*(max.x-min.x) + tx]; this[x,z] = (col.r+col.g+col.b)/3; } if (fillBorders) RemoveBorders(intersection); }*/ public void FromTexture (Texture2D texture) { CoordRect textureRect = new CoordRect(0,0, texture.width, texture.height); CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(textureRect, rect); Color[] colors = texture.GetPixels(intersection.offset.x, intersection.offset.z, intersection.size.x, intersection.size.z); Coord min = intersection.Min; Coord max = intersection.Max; for (int x=min.x; x<max.x; x++) for (int z=min.z; z<max.z; z++) { int tx = x-min.x; int tz = z-min.z; Color col = colors[tz*(max.x-min.x) + tx]; this[x,z] = (col.r+col.g+col.b)/3; } }
public float[,,] ReadSplatmap (TerrainData data, int channel, float[,,] array=null) { CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(rect, new CoordRect(0,0,data.alphamapResolution, data.alphamapResolution)); //get heights if (array==null) array = data.GetAlphamaps(intersection.offset.x, intersection.offset.z, intersection.size.x, intersection.size.z); //returns x and z swapped //reading array Coord min = intersection.Min; Coord max = intersection.Max; for (int x=min.x; x<max.x; x++) for (int z=min.z; z<max.z; z++) this[x,z] = array[z-min.z, x-min.x, channel]; //removing borders RemoveBorders(intersection); return array; }
public float[,] ReadHeighmap (TerrainData data, float height=1) { CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(rect, new CoordRect(0,0,data.heightmapResolution, data.heightmapResolution)); //get heights float[,] array = data.GetHeights(intersection.offset.x, intersection.offset.z, intersection.size.x, intersection.size.z); //returns x and z swapped //reading 2d array Coord min = intersection.Min; Coord max = intersection.Max; for (int x=min.x; x<max.x; x++) for (int z=min.z; z<max.z; z++) this[x,z] = array[z-min.z, x-min.x] * height; //removing borders RemoveBorders(intersection); return array; }
public void WriteHeightmap (TerrainData data, float[,] array=null, float brushFallof=0.5f) { CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(rect, new CoordRect(0,0,data.heightmapResolution, data.heightmapResolution)); //checking ref array if (array == null || array.Length != intersection.size.x*intersection.size.z) array = new float[intersection.size.z,intersection.size.x]; //x and z swapped //write to 2d array Coord min = intersection.Min; Coord max = intersection.Max; for (int x=min.x; x<max.x; x++) for (int z=min.z; z<max.z; z++) { float fallofFactor = Fallof(x,z,brushFallof); if (Mathf.Approximately(fallofFactor,0)) continue; array[z-min.z, x-min.x] = this[x,z]*fallofFactor + array[z-min.z, x-min.x]*(1-fallofFactor); //array[z-min.z, x-min.x] += this[x,z]; } data.SetHeights(intersection.offset.x, intersection.offset.z, array); }
public void ToTexture (Texture2D texture=null, Color[] colors=null, float rangeMin=0, float rangeMax=1, bool resizeTexture=false) { //creating or resizing texture if (texture == null) texture = new Texture2D(rect.size.x, rect.size.z); if (resizeTexture) texture.Resize(rect.size.x, rect.size.z); //finding matrix-texture intersection Coord textureSize = new Coord(texture.width, texture.height); CoordRect textureRect = new CoordRect(new Coord(0,0), textureSize); CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(textureRect, rect); //checking ref color array if (colors == null || colors.Length != intersection.size.x*intersection.size.z) colors = new Color[intersection.size.x*intersection.size.z]; //filling texture Coord min = intersection.Min; Coord max = intersection.Max; for (int x=min.x; x<max.x; x++) for (int z=min.z; z<max.z; z++) { float val = this[x,z]; //adjusting value to range val -= rangeMin; val /= rangeMax-rangeMin; //making color gradient float byteVal = val * 256; int flooredByteVal = (int)byteVal; float remainder = byteVal - flooredByteVal; float flooredVal = flooredByteVal/256f; float ceiledVal = (flooredByteVal+1)/256f; //saving to colors int tx = x-min.x; int tz = z-min.z; colors[tz*(max.x-min.x) + tx] = new Color(flooredVal, remainder>0.333f ? ceiledVal : flooredVal, remainder>0.666f ? ceiledVal : flooredVal); } texture.SetPixels(intersection.offset.x, intersection.offset.z, intersection.size.x, intersection.size.z, colors); texture.Apply(); }
public void GetHeight(Matrix matrix, Terrain terrain) { CoordRect terrainRect = terrain.GetHeightRect(); CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(terrainRect, matrix.rect); if (intersection.size.x <= 0 || intersection.size.z <= 0) { return; } float[,] heights = terrain.terrainData.GetHeights(intersection.offset.x - terrainRect.offset.x, intersection.offset.z - terrainRect.offset.z, intersection.size.x, intersection.size.z); Coord min = intersection.Min; Coord max = intersection.Max; for (int x = min.x; x < max.x; x++) { for (int z = min.z; z < max.z; z++) { matrix[x, z] = heights[z - min.z, x - min.x]; //x and z switched } } }
public void AddSplat(Matrix matrix, Terrain terrain, int channel) { CoordRect terrainRect = terrain.GetSplatRect(); CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersect(terrainRect, matrix.rect); if (intersection.size.x <= 0 || intersection.size.z <= 0) { return; } float[,,] splats = terrain.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(intersection.offset.x - terrainRect.offset.x, intersection.offset.z - terrainRect.offset.z, intersection.size.x, intersection.size.z); int numSplats = splats.GetLength(2); Coord min = intersection.Min; Coord max = intersection.Max; for (int x = min.x; x < max.x; x++) { for (int z = min.z; z < max.z; z++) { int sx = z - min.z; int sz = x - min.x; //x and z switched float val = matrix[x, z]; float invVal = 1 - matrix[x, z]; //multiplying all splats on inverse value for (int s = 0; s < numSplats; s++) { splats[sx, sz, s] *= invVal; } //adding val splats[sx, sz, channel] += val; } } terrain.terrainData.SetAlphamaps(intersection.offset.x - terrainRect.offset.x, intersection.offset.z - terrainRect.offset.z, splats); }