private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show(EQGateDLL.ConvertToCurrency("000001259567895", "U", "15,0")); }
private void FillListView(ListView lv, int Count, string api, string ToFile, bool AppendResult) { if (Count < 1) { return; } /* * if ((EQGateDLL.RequestOutput.Length / Count) < EQGateAPI.EQGateClassAPI.GetFieldsSize(api, "")) * { * MessageBox.Show("Размер выходных данных меньше общего размера API!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); * return; * } * // */ // toolStripProgressBar.Value = 0; toolStripProgressBar.Maximum = toolStripProgressBar.Step * Count; toolStripProgressBar.Visible = true; if (EQGateDLL.RequestOutput.Length == 0) { return; } if ((!AppendResult) && (File.Exists(ToFile))) { File.Delete(ToFile); } string temp = String.Empty; int FieldsCount = 0; FieldsCount = EQGateAPI.EQGateClassAPI.GetFieldsCount(api, ""); if (lv.Columns.Count < FieldsCount) { lv.Columns.Clear(); for (int iCounter = 0; iCounter < FieldsCount; iCounter++) { ColumnHeader columnHeader = new ColumnHeader(); columnHeader.Text = EQGateAPI.EQGateClassAPI.GetFieldValue(api, "", iCounter, "description", ""); columnHeader.Width = Convert.ToInt32(EQGateAPI.EQGateClassAPI.GetFieldValue(api, "", iCounter, "width", "")); // Add the column headers to listView_Events. lv.Columns.AddRange(new ColumnHeader[] { columnHeader }); } } //int ListCount = ( sb_mcs.ToString(5, 4) as int ); string ResultFileDivider = "^"; //Divider = "|"; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ToFile, AppendResult, Encoding.GetEncoding(866))) { for (int iCounter = 0; iCounter < Count; iCounter++) { string Size = String.Empty; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); for (int i = 0; i < FieldsCount; i++) { Size = EQGateAPI.EQGateClassAPI.GetFieldValue(api, "", i, "size", ""); temp = EQGateDLL.GetRequestOutputItem(Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(Size))); temp = temp.Replace(ResultFileDivider, " "); if (EQGateAPI.EQGateClassAPI.GetFieldValue(api, "", i, "type", "") == "A") { sb.Append(temp.Trim()); } if (EQGateAPI.EQGateClassAPI.GetFieldValue(api, "", i, "type", "") == "D") { sb.Append(EQGateDLL.ConvertDateToFormat(temp, "")); } if (EQGateAPI.EQGateClassAPI.GetFieldValue(api, "", i, "type", "") == "U") { sb.Append(EQGateDLL.ConvertToCurrency(temp, "U", Size)); } if (EQGateAPI.EQGateClassAPI.GetFieldValue(api, "", i, "type", "") == "S") { sb.Append(EQGateDLL.ConvertToCurrency(temp, "S", Size)); } if (EQGateAPI.EQGateClassAPI.GetFieldValue(api, "", i, "type", "") == "B") { if (temp == "Y") { sb.Append("Истина"); } if (temp == "N") { sb.Append("Ложь"); } } if (i == 0) { item.Text = temp; } else { item.SubItems.Add(temp); } //sb.Append(temp); sb.Append(ResultFileDivider); } lv.Items.AddRange(new ListViewItem[] { item }); sw.Write(sb.ToString()); //toolStripProgressBar.Value += 1; sw.Write("\r\n"); } } /* * if (File.Exists(ToFile + ".tmp")) * { * File.Copy(ToFile + ".tmp", ToFile, true); * File.Delete(ToFile + ".tmp"); * } //*/ //toolStripProgressBar.Visible = false; }