예제 #1
        public void FillFromDb(int value, string name, string description = null)
            string nameCs = EnumNameConverter.MakeValidIdentifier(name);

            EnumModelValue modelValue = Values.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Value == value);

            if (modelValue == null)
                /* Was found in DB but has not been discovered in code. Must have been added in Db. */
                modelValue             = new EnumModelValue();
                modelValue.Value       = value;
                modelValue.NameCs      = nameCs;
                modelValue.Description = description;
                modelValue.IsActive    = false;
                /* Was found both in DB and in code.*/
                //modelValue.Name = name;
                modelValue.NameCs      = EnumNameConverter.MakeValidIdentifier(name); /* Refresh CS name. */
                modelValue.Description = description;
            modelValue.IsInDB = true;
예제 #2
        public void FillFromCode(int value, string nameCs, bool isActive)
            AssertNoDuplicates(value, nameCs);

            EnumModelValue modelValue = new EnumModelValue();

            modelValue.Value    = value;
            modelValue.NameCs   = nameCs;
            modelValue.IsActive = isActive;
            modelValue.IsInDB   = false; /* Assume */
예제 #3
        private void ExtractActionAttributes(SyntaxTree tree, SyntaxNode syntaxRoot)
            foreach (EnumDeclarationSyntax enumeration in syntaxRoot.DescendantNodes().OfType <EnumDeclarationSyntax>())
                EnumModel model = new EnumModel();
                model.Name = enumeration.Identifier.ToString();

                /* get attributes on the enumeration declaration*/
                SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> attributesList = enumeration.AttributeLists;
                foreach (AttributeListSyntax attibutes in attributesList)
                    foreach (AttributeSyntax attribute in attibutes.Attributes)
                        string attributeName = attribute.Name.ToString();
                        if (attributeName == "EnumSqlSelect" || attributeName == "EnumSqlSelectAttribute")
                            /* extract SqlSelect statement from EnumSqlSelectAttribute */
                            if (attribute.ArgumentList.Arguments.Count != 1)
                                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid number of arguments {0} (expected 1), in EnumSqlSelectAttribute for {1} enumeration.",
                                                                             attribute.ArgumentList.Arguments.Count, model.Name));
                            model.SqlSelect = GetAttributeValue(attribute.ArgumentList.Arguments[0]);

                        ModelSql sql = FindModelSql(enumeration.OpenBraceToken.FullSpan.Start);
                        if (sql == null)
                            throw new ApplicationException($"EnumSqlCnn attribute was not found for the enumeration {model.Name}.");

                        model.SqlProvider   = sql.SqlProvider;
                        model.SqlDatasource = sql.SqlDatasource;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SqlSelect))


                model.SpanStart = enumeration.OpenBraceToken.SpanStart + 1;
                model.SpanEnd   = enumeration.CloseBraceToken.SpanStart;
                var lineSpan = tree.GetLineSpan(enumeration.OpenBraceToken.Span);
                model.OpenBraceCharacterPosition = lineSpan.StartLinePosition.Character;

                /* loop all enumeration values*/
                foreach (EnumMemberDeclarationSyntax syntax in enumeration.Members)
                    if (syntax.EqualsValue == null)
                        /* if enumeration option has no value we skip it, as if not exist*/
                    EnumModelValue value = new EnumModelValue();
                    value.NameCs   = syntax.Identifier.ToString();
                    value.IsActive = true;
                    string svalue = syntax.EqualsValue.Value.ToString();
                    value.Value = int.Parse(svalue);
예제 #4
        private void ParseSourceEnumerations(string source)
            SyntaxTree tree       = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(source);
            SyntaxNode syntaxRoot = tree.GetRoot();

            foreach (EnumDeclarationSyntax enumeration in syntaxRoot.DescendantNodes().OfType <EnumDeclarationSyntax>())
                EnumModel model = new EnumModel();
                model.Name = enumeration.Identifier.ToString();

                /* get attributes on the enumeration declaration*/
                SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> attributesList = enumeration.AttributeLists;
                foreach (AttributeListSyntax attibutes in attributesList)
                    foreach (AttributeSyntax attribute in attibutes.Attributes)
                        string attributeName = attribute.Name.ToString();
                        if (attributeName == "EnumSqlSelect" || attributeName == "EnumSqlSelectAttribute")
                            /* extract SqlSelect statement from EnumSqlSelectAttribute */
                            if (attribute.ArgumentList.Arguments.Count != 1)
                                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid number of arguments {0} (expected 1), in EnumSqlSelectAttribute for {1} enumeration.",
                                                                             attribute.ArgumentList.Arguments.Count, model.Name));
                            model.SqlSelect = GetAttributeValue(attribute.ArgumentList.Arguments[0]);
                        if (attributeName == "EnumSqlCnn" || attributeName == "EnumSqlCnnAttribute")
                            if (attribute.ArgumentList.Arguments.Count != 2)
                                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid number of arguments {0} (expected 2), in EnumSqlCnnAttribute for {1} enumeration.",
                                                                             attribute.ArgumentList.Arguments.Count, model.Name));
                            model.SqlProvider   = GetAttributeValue(attribute.ArgumentList.Arguments[0]);
                            model.SqlDatasource = GetAttributeValue(attribute.ArgumentList.Arguments[1]);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SqlSelect))


                model.SpanStart = enumeration.OpenBraceToken.SpanStart + 1;
                model.SpanEnd   = enumeration.CloseBraceToken.SpanStart;
                var lineSpan = tree.GetLineSpan(enumeration.OpenBraceToken.Span);
                model.OpenBraceCharacterPosition = lineSpan.StartLinePosition.Character;

                /* loop all enumeration values*/
                foreach (EnumMemberDeclarationSyntax syntax in enumeration.Members)
                    if (syntax.EqualsValue == null)
                        /* if enumeration option has no value we skip it, as if not exist*/
                    EnumModelValue value = new EnumModelValue();
                    value.NameCs   = syntax.Identifier.ToString();
                    value.IsActive = true;
                    string svalue = syntax.EqualsValue.Value.ToString();
                    value.Value = int.Parse(svalue);

//                    if (model.LeadingTrivia == null)
//                    {
//                        string triviaS = "";
//                        var triviaList = syntax.GetLeadingTrivia();
//                        foreach (SyntaxTrivia trivia in triviaList)
//                        {
//                            triviaS += trivia.ToFullString();
//                        }
//                        model.LeadingTrivia = triviaS;
//                    }