/// <summary>
        /// Creates a hidden field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">Do not pass null.</param>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="pageModificationValue"></param>
        /// <param name="validationMethod">The validation method. Pass null if you’re only using this control for page modification.</param>
        /// <param name="jsInitStatementGetter">A function that takes the field’s ID and returns the JavaScript statements that should be executed when the DOM is
        /// loaded. Do not return null.</param>
        public EwfHiddenField(
            string value, HiddenFieldId id = null, PageModificationValue <string> pageModificationValue = null,
            Action <PostBackValue <string>, Validator> validationMethod = null, Func <string, string> jsInitStatementGetter = null)
            pageModificationValue = pageModificationValue ?? new PageModificationValue <string>();

            var elementId = new ElementId();
            var formValue = new FormValue <string>(
                () => value,
                () => elementId.Id,
                v => v,
                rawValue => rawValue != null ? PostBackValueValidationResult <string> .CreateValid(rawValue) : PostBackValueValidationResult <string> .CreateInvalid());

            component = new ElementComponent(
                context => {
                return(new ElementData(
                           () => {
                    var attributes = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();
                    attributes.Add(Tuple.Create("type", "hidden"));
                    attributes.Add(Tuple.Create("name", context.Id));
                    attributes.Add(Tuple.Create("value", pageModificationValue.Value));

                    return new ElementLocalData(
                        focusDependentData: new ElementFocusDependentData(
                            attributes: attributes,
                            includeIdAttribute: id != null || pageModificationValue != null || jsInitStatementGetter != null,
                            jsInitStatements: StringTools.ConcatenateWithDelimiter(
                                " ",
                                pageModificationValue != null
                                                                                        ? "$( '#{0}' ).change( function() {{ {1} }} );".FormatWith(
                                    pageModificationValue.GetJsModificationStatements("$( this ).val()"))
                                                                                        : "",
                                jsInitStatementGetter?.Invoke(context.Id) ?? "")));
                formValue: formValue);

            formValue.AddPageModificationValue(pageModificationValue, v => v);

            if (validationMethod != null)
                validation = formValue.CreateValidation(validationMethod);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a modal credit-card collector that is implemented with Stripe Checkout. When the window’s submit button is clicked, the credit card is charged
        /// or otherwise used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsOpenStatements">The JavaScript statement list that will open this credit-card collector.</param>
        /// <param name="testPublishableKey">Your test publishable API key. Will be used in non-live installations. Do not pass null.</param>
        /// <param name="livePublishableKey">Your live publishable API key. Will be used in live installations. Do not pass null.</param>
        /// <param name="name">See https://stripe.com/docs/legacy-checkout. Do not pass null.</param>
        /// <param name="description">See https://stripe.com/docs/legacy-checkout. Do not pass null.</param>
        /// <param name="amountInDollars">See https://stripe.com/docs/legacy-checkout, but note that this parameter is in dollars, not cents</param>
        /// <param name="testSecretKey">Your test secret API key. Will be used in non-live installations. Do not pass null.</param>
        /// <param name="liveSecretKey">Your live secret API key. Will be used in live installations. Do not pass null.</param>
        /// <param name="successHandler">A method that executes if the credit-card submission is successful. The first parameter is the charge ID and the second
        /// parameter is the amount of the charge, in dollars.</param>
        /// <param name="prefilledEmailAddressOverride">By default, the email will be prefilled with AppTools.User.Email if AppTools.User is not null. You can
        /// override this with either a specified email address (if user is paying on behalf of someone else) or the empty string (to force the user to type in the
        /// email address).</param>
        public CreditCardCollector(
            JsStatementList jsOpenStatements, string testPublishableKey, string livePublishableKey, string name, string description, decimal?amountInDollars,
            string testSecretKey, string liveSecretKey, Func <string, decimal, StatusMessageAndDestination> successHandler,
            string prefilledEmailAddressOverride = null)
            if (!EwfApp.Instance.RequestIsSecure(HttpContext.Current.Request))
                throw new ApplicationException("Credit-card collection can only be done from secure pages.");

            if (amountInDollars.HasValue && amountInDollars.Value.DollarValueHasFractionalCents())
                throw new ApplicationException("Amount must not include fractional cents.");

            var          token = new DataValue <string>();
            ResourceInfo successDestination = null;
            var          postBack           = PostBack.CreateFull(
                id: PostBack.GetCompositeId("ewfCreditCardCollection", description),
                modificationMethod: () => {
                // We can add support later for customer creation, subscriptions, etc. as needs arise.
                if (!amountInDollars.HasValue)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Only simple charges are supported at this time.");

                StripeCharge response;
                try {
                    response = new StripeGateway(ConfigurationStatics.IsLiveInstallation ? liveSecretKey : testSecretKey).Post(
                        new ChargeStripeCustomer
                        Amount = (int)(amountInDollars.Value * 100), Currency = "usd", Description = description.Any() ? description : null, Card = token.Value
                catch (StripeException e) {
                    if (e.Type == "card_error")
                        throw new DataModificationException(e.Message);
                    throw new ApplicationException("A credit-card charge failed.", e);

                try {
                    var messageAndDestination = successHandler(response.Id, amountInDollars.Value);
                    if (messageAndDestination.Message.Any())
                        PageBase.AddStatusMessage(StatusMessageType.Info, messageAndDestination.Message);
                    successDestination = messageAndDestination.Destination;
                catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new ApplicationException("An exception occurred after a credit card was charged.", e);
                actionGetter: () => new PostBackAction(successDestination));

            var hiddenFieldId = new HiddenFieldId();
            var hiddenFields  = new List <EtherealComponent>();

                () => hiddenFields.Add(
                    new EwfHiddenField("", validationMethod: (postBackValue, validator) => token.Value = postBackValue.Value, id: hiddenFieldId).PageComponent));

            FormAction action = new PostBackFormAction(postBack);

            childGetter = () => {
                    () => {
                    var jsTokenHandler = "function( token, args ) { " + hiddenFieldId.GetJsValueModificationStatements("token.id") + " " + action.GetJsStatements() +
                                         " }";
                    return("StripeCheckout.open( { key: '" + (ConfigurationStatics.IsLiveInstallation ? livePublishableKey : testPublishableKey) + "', token: " +
                           jsTokenHandler + ", name: '" + name + "', description: '" + description + "', " +
                           (amountInDollars.HasValue ? "amount: " + amountInDollars.Value * 100 + ", " : "") + "email: '" +
                           (prefilledEmailAddressOverride ?? (AppTools.User == null ? "" : AppTools.User.Email)) + "' } );");
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a change-value behavior.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hiddenFieldId">Do not pass null.</param>
 /// <param name="value">Do not pass null.</param>
 public ChangeValueBehavior(HiddenFieldId hiddenFieldId, string value)
     this.hiddenFieldId = hiddenFieldId;
     this.value         = value;
예제 #4
        public BlobFileManager(
            int?fileCollectionId, bool requireUploadIfNoFile, Action <int> idSetter, out Action modificationMethod, BlobFileManagerSetup setup = null)
            setup = setup ?? BlobFileManagerSetup.Create();
            var file = fileCollectionId != null?BlobStorageStatics.GetFirstFileFromCollection(fileCollectionId.Value) : null;

            var components = new List <FlowComponent>();

            if (file != null)
                var download = new EwfButton(
                    new StandardButtonStyle(Translation.DownloadExisting + " (" + file.FileName + ")", buttonSize: ButtonSize.ShrinkWrap),
                    behavior: new PostBackBehavior(
                        postBack: PostBack.CreateFull(
                            id: PostBack.GetCompositeId("ewfFile", file.FileId.ToString()),
                            actionGetter: () => {
                    // Refresh the file here in case a new one was uploaded on the same post-back.
                    return(new PostBackAction(
                               new PageReloadBehavior(
                                   secondaryResponse: new SecondaryResponse(
                                       new BlobFileResponse(BlobStorageStatics.GetFirstFileFromCollection(fileCollectionId.Value).FileId, () => true),
            else if (!setup.OmitNoExistingFileMessage)
                components.Add(new GenericPhrasingContainer(Translation.NoExistingFile.ToComponents()));

            RsFile uploadedFile           = null;
            var    fileUploadDisplayedPmv = new PageModificationValue <string>();

                new FileUpload(
                    displaySetup: fileUploadDisplayedPmv.ToCondition(bool.TrueString.ToCollection()).ToDisplaySetup(),
                    validationPredicate: setup.UploadValidationPredicate,
                    validationErrorNotifier: setup.UploadValidationErrorNotifier,
                    validationMethod: (postBackValue, validator) => {
                if (requireUploadIfNoFile && file == null && postBackValue == null)

                uploadedFile = postBackValue;
                setup.UploadValidationMethod?.Invoke(postBackValue, validator);
            var fileUploadDisplayedHiddenFieldId = new HiddenFieldId();

            if (file != null)
                    new EwfButton(
                        new StandardButtonStyle(Translation.ClickHereToReplaceExistingFile, buttonSize: ButtonSize.ShrinkWrap),
                        displaySetup: fileUploadDisplayedPmv.ToCondition(bool.FalseString.ToCollection()).ToDisplaySetup(),
                        behavior: new ChangeValueBehavior(fileUploadDisplayedHiddenFieldId, bool.TrueString)));

            children = new GenericFlowContainer(
                BlobManagementStatics.GetThumbnailControl(file, setup.ThumbnailResourceGetter)
                .Append <FlowComponent>(new StackList(from i in components select i.ToCollection().ToComponentListItem()))
                displaySetup: setup.DisplaySetup,
                classes: setup.Classes,
                etherealContent: new EwfHiddenField((file == null).ToString(), id: fileUploadDisplayedHiddenFieldId, pageModificationValue: fileUploadDisplayedPmv)

            modificationMethod = () => {
                if (fileCollectionId == null)
                    fileCollectionId = BlobStorageStatics.SystemProvider.InsertFileCollection();

                if (uploadedFile != null)

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// BasicPage.master use only.
        /// </summary>
        public Section(
            DisplaySetup displaySetup, SectionStyle style, ElementClassSet classes, string heading, IReadOnlyCollection <FlowComponent> postHeadingComponents,
            IReadOnlyCollection <FlowComponent> content, bool?expanded, bool disableStatePersistence, IReadOnlyCollection <EtherealComponent> etherealContent)
            children = new DisplayableElement(
                context => {
                var hiddenFieldId = new HiddenFieldId();
                var expandedPmv   = heading.Any() && expanded.HasValue && !disableStatePersistence ? new PageModificationValue <string>() : null;

                FlowComponent getHeadingButton()
                    var headingComponents =
                        new DisplayableElement(
                            headingContext => new DisplayableElementData(
                                () => new DisplayableElementLocalData("h1"),
                                classes: headingClass,
                                children: heading.ToComponents())).Concat(postHeadingComponents ?? Enumerable.Empty <FlowComponent>());

                           // We cannot use EwfButton because we have flow content.
                               Enumerable.Empty <Tuple <string, string> >().Materialize(),
                                   buttonBehavior: new CustomButtonBehavior(
                                       () => disableStatePersistence
                                                                                                     ? "$( '#{0}' ).toggleClass( '{1}', 200 );".FormatWith(
                                               " ",
                                               style == SectionStyle.Normal
                                                                                                                             ? new[] { normalClosedClass.ClassName, normalExpandedClass.ClassName }
                                                                                                                             : new[] { boxClosedClass.ClassName, boxExpandedClass.ClassName }))
                                                                                                     : hiddenFieldId.GetJsValueModificationStatements(
                                           "document.getElementById( '{0}' ).value === '{2}' ? '{1}' : '{2}'".FormatWith(
                               new GenericFlowContainer(
                                   new GenericPhrasingContainer("Click to Expand".ToComponents(), classes: closeClass).ToCollection()
                                   .Append(new GenericPhrasingContainer("Click to Close".ToComponents(), classes: expandClass))
                                   classes: headingClass).ToCollection(),
                               Enumerable.Empty <EtherealComponent>().Materialize())
                                                               : new GenericFlowContainer(new GenericFlowContainer(headingComponents.Materialize(), classes: headingClass).ToCollection()));

                content = content ?? Enumerable.Empty <FlowComponent>().Materialize();
                return(new DisplayableElementData(
                           () => new DisplayableElementLocalData(
                               new DisplayableElementFocusDependentData(includeIdAttribute: heading.Any() && expanded.HasValue && disableStatePersistence)),
                           classes: allStylesBothStatesClass
                               style == SectionStyle.Normal
                                                                        ? getSectionClasses(expanded, expandedPmv, normalClosedClass, normalExpandedClass)
                                                                        : getSectionClasses(expanded, expandedPmv, boxClosedClass, boxExpandedClass))
                           .Add(classes ?? ElementClassSet.Empty),
                           children: (heading.Any() ? getHeadingButton().ToCollection() : Enumerable.Empty <FlowComponent>()).Concat(
                               content.Any() ? new GenericFlowContainer(content, classes: contentClass).ToCollection() : Enumerable.Empty <FlowComponent>())
                           etherealChildren: (expandedPmv != null
                                                                            ? new EwfHiddenField(expanded.Value.ToString(), id: hiddenFieldId, pageModificationValue: expandedPmv).PageComponent
                                                                            : Enumerable.Empty <EtherealComponent>()).Concat(etherealContent ?? Enumerable.Empty <EtherealComponent>())