public static AMenuComponent Item(this EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu menu, string name, bool championUnique = false)
            if (championUnique)
                name = ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + name;

            //Search in our own items
            foreach (var item in menu.Components.ToArray().Where(item => !(item.Value is EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu) && item.Value.Name == name))

            //Search in submenus
            foreach (var subMenu in menu.Components.ToArray().Where(x => x.Value is EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu))
                foreach (var item in (subMenu.Value as EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu)?.Components)
                    if (item.Value is EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu)
                        var result = (item.Value as EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu).Item(name, championUnique);
                        if (result != null)
                    else if (item.Value.Name == name)

        public static void BadaoActivate()
            // spells init
            BadaoMainVariables.Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 625);
            BadaoMainVariables.W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W);
            BadaoMainVariables.E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 1000);
            BadaoMainVariables.R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R);

            // main menu
            config = new Menu(ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName, "badao " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName, true);

            // Combo
            Menu Combo = config.Add(new Menu("Combo", "Combo"));

            BadaoGangplankVariables.ComboE1    = Combo.Add(new MenuBool("ComboE1", "Place 1st Barrel")).SetValue(true);
            BadaoGangplankVariables.ComboQSave = Combo.Add(new MenuBool("ComboQSave", "Save Q if can detonate barrels")).SetValue(false);

            // Harass
            Menu Harass = config.Add(new Menu("Harass", "Harass"));

            BadaoGangplankVariables.HarassQ = Harass.Add(new MenuBool("HarassQ", "Q")).SetValue(true);

            // LaneClear
            Menu LaneClear = config.Add(new Menu("LaneClear", "LaneClear"));

            BadaoGangplankVariables.LaneQ = LaneClear.Add(new MenuBool("LaneQ", "Use Q last hit")).SetValue(true);

            // JungleClear
            Menu JungleClear = config.Add(new Menu("JungleClear", "JungleClear"));

            BadaoGangplankVariables.JungleQ = JungleClear.Add(new MenuBool("jungleQ", "Use Q last hit")).SetValue(true);

            Menu Auto = config.Add(new Menu("Auto", "Auto"));

            BadaoGangplankVariables.AutoWLowHealth      = Auto.Add(new MenuBool("AutoWLowHealth", "W when low health")).SetValue(true);
            BadaoGangplankVariables.AutoWLowHealthValue = Auto.Add(new MenuSlider("AutoWLowHealthValue", "% HP to W", 20, 1, 100));
            BadaoGangplankVariables.AutoWCC             = Auto.Add(new MenuBool("AutoWCC", "W anti CC")).SetValue(true);

            //Flee nam o trong config luon nha
            Menu Flee = config.Add(new Menu("Flee", "Flee"));

            BadaoGangplankVariables.FleeKey = Flee.Add(new MenuKeyBind("FleeKey", "Flee Key", Keys.G, KeyBindType.Press));

            //Draw nam o trong config luon ne
            Menu Draw = config.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));

            BadaoGangplankVariables.DrawQ          = Draw.Add(new MenuBool("DrawQ", "Q")).SetValue(true);
            BadaoGangplankVariables.DrawE          = Draw.Add(new MenuBool("DrawE", "E")).SetValue(true);
            BadaoGangplankVariables.DrawEPlacement = Draw.Add(new MenuBool("DrawEPlacement", "E Chain range")).SetValue(true);

            // attach to mainmenu

            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Game.OnUpdate  += Game_OnUpdate;
예제 #3
        public override void LoadLaneClearMenu()
            var ql = new MenuBool("LQ", "Use Q").SetValue(true);
            var wl = new MenuBool("LW", "Use W").SetValue(true);

            _laneClearMenu = new EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu("Laneclear", "Laneclear");
                //_laneClearMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("LM", "Minium Mana %", 0, 50, 100));
            _JungleClearMenu = new EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu("Jungleclear", "Jungleclear");
                _JungleClearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("JQ", "Use Q").SetValue(true));
                _JungleClearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("JW", "Use W").SetValue(true));
                _JungleClearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("JE", "Use E").SetValue(true));
                // _JungleClearMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("JM", "Minium Mana %", 0, 50, 100));
            _farmMenu = new EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu("Farm  Menu", "Farm Menu");

예제 #4
        public Sett()
            q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 0);
            w = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 780);
            e = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 480);
            r = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 400);

            w.SetSkillshot(.75f, 160, 1200, false, SkillshotType.Cone, HitChance.Medium);
            e.SetSkillshot(.1f, 350, 3000, false, SkillshotType.Line);
            r.SetTargetted(0, float.MaxValue);

            menu   = new Menu("Sett", "DH.Sett", true);
            combo  = new Menu("Combo", "Combo");
            harass = new Menu("Harass", "Harass");
            misc   = new Menu("Misc", "Misc");
            ks     = new Menu("KS", "KS");
            draw   = new Menu("draw", "Draw");






            Game.OnUpdate += OnTick;
            //Game.OnWndProc += OnWndProc;

            Dash.OnDash        += OnDash;
            Drawing.OnDraw     += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction;
            AIHeroClient.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            AIHeroClient.OnPlayAnimation    += OnPlayAnimation;
            Game.OnWndProc += Game_OnWndProc;
예제 #5
        public static void OnGameLoad()
            if (ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName != "Kayn")


            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 600f);

            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 700f);

            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 700f);

            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 650f);

            Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 50f, float.MaxValue, false, false, SkillshotType.Line);
            W.SetSkillshot(0.5f, 90f, 2500, false, false, SkillshotType.Line);

            MainMenu = new Menu("URF Kayn", "URF Kayn", true);

            var comboMenu = new Menu("Combo", "Combo Config");

            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboQ", "Use Q", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboW", "Use W", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboE", "Use E", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboR", "Use R", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("MHR", "My HP Use [R] <=", 15));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("EHR", "Enemy HP Use [R] <=", 15));

            var harassMenu = new Menu("Harass", "Harass Config");

            harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("harassQ", "Use Q", true));
            harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("harassW", "Use W", true));

            var laneclearMenu = new Menu("Clear", "Lane Clear");

            laneclearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("clearQ", "Use Q", true));
            laneclearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("clearW", "Use W", true));

            var jungleclearMenu = new Menu("JClear", "Jungle Clear");

            jungleclearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("jclearQ", "Use Q", true));
            jungleclearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("jclearW", "Use W", true));

예제 #6
        public override void LoadMiscMenu()
            var AE = new MenuBool("AE", "Use E Antigapclose").SetValue(true);
            var IE = new MenuBool("IE", "Use E Interrupt").SetValue(true);

            _miscMenu = new EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu("Misc", "Misc Menu");
        public static EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu TrollMenu()
            var menu = new EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu("Settings", "Settings");

            menu.AddMenuBool("Enabled", "Enabled");
            menu.AddMenuBool("MouseScrollEnabled", "Change Enable/Disable Status with Mouse Scroll", false);
            menu.AddMenuBool("DrawStatus", "Draw Status", false);
            menu.AddMenuKeybind("PrintGG", "Print GG", Keys.N, KeyBindType.Toggle);
            menu.AddMenuKeybind("PrintWP", "Print WP", Keys.H, KeyBindType.Toggle);
            menu.AddMenuKeybind("PrintMiddleFinger", "Print Middle Finger", Keys.Z, KeyBindType.Toggle);
            menu.AddMenuKeybind("PrintXD", "Print XD", Keys.G, KeyBindType.Toggle);
            menu.AddMenuKeybind("PrintDick", "Prind Dick", Keys.J, KeyBindType.Toggle);

예제 #8
        public override void LoadkeyMenu()
            QEkey  = new MenuKeyBind("QEkey", "Q+E To Mouse Key", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press);
            AUTOQE = new MenuKeyBind("AUTOQE", "AUTO Q+E Stun target", Keys.X, KeyBindType.Press);
            HKey   = new MenuKeyBind("HKey", "Harass Toggle", Keys.Z, KeyBindType.Toggle);
            Rkey   = new MenuKeyBind("RKey", "R to best target", Keys.R, KeyBindType.Press);

            _keyMenu = new EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu("Keys", "Keys Menu");
예제 #9
        public override void LoadHarashMenu()
            var qHarass = new MenuBool("HQ", "Use Q").SetValue(true);
            var wHarass = new MenuBool("HW", "Use W").SetValue(false);
            var eHarass = new MenuBool("HE", "Use E").SetValue(false);

            _harassMenu = new EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu("Harass", "Harass Menu");
예제 #10
        public override void LoadComboMenu()
            var qCombo = new MenuBool("CQ", "Use Q").SetValue(true);
            var wCombo = new MenuBool("CW", "Use W").SetValue(true);
            var eCombo = new MenuBool("CE", "Use E").SetValue(true);
            var RCombo = new MenuBool("CR", "Use R").SetValue(true);


            _comboMenu = new EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu("Combo", "Combo Menu");
예제 #11
        public static void OnGameLoad()
            if (ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName != "Nocturne")


            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1200f);

            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 400f);

            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 425f);

            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, rRanges[0]);

            Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 60f, 1300, false, false, SkillshotType.Line);

            MainMenu = new Menu("URF Nocturne", "URF Nocturne", true);

            var comboMenu = new Menu("Combo", "Combo Config");

            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboQ", "Use Q", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboW", "Use W", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboE", "Use E", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboR", "Use R", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("EHR", "Enemy HP Use [R] <=", 15));

            var harassMenu = new Menu("Harass", "Harass Config");

            harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("harassQ", "Use Q", true));
            harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("harassW", "Use W", true));
            harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("harassE", "Use W", true));

            var laneclearMenu = new Menu("Clear", "Lane Clear");

            laneclearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("clearQ", "Use Q", true));
            laneclearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("clearE", "Use E", true));

            var jungleclearMenu = new Menu("JClear", "Jungle Clear");

            jungleclearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("jclearQ", "Use Q", true));
            jungleclearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("jclearE", "Use E", true));

            var drawMenu = new Menu("Draw", "Draw Spells");

            drawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawQ", "Draw Q", true));
            drawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawE", "Draw E", true));
            drawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawR", "Draw R", true));

 public static void LoadMenu()
     Config = new EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu("TrollChat", "Troll Chat xD", true);
 public static void SetMenuSlider(this EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu menu, string mainMenuName, string secondMenuName, int newValue)
     menu[mainMenuName][secondMenuName].GetValue <MenuSlider>().SetValue(newValue);
예제 #14
        private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args)
            _player = ObjectManager.Player;
            if (ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName != ChampionName)

            _q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 770f);
            _w = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 300f);
            _e = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 830f);
            _r = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 650f);

            _q.SetSkillshot(0.5f, 70f, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.Line);
            _e.SetSkillshot(0.5f, 70f, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.Circle);

            _smiteSlot  = _player.Spellbook.GetSpell(_player.GetSpellSlot("summonersmite"));
            _igniteSlot = _player.GetSpellSlot("SummonerDot");

            _bilge  = new Items.Item(3144, 475f);
            _blade  = new Items.Item(3153, 425f);
            _hydra  = new Items.Item(3074, 375f);
            _tiamat = new Items.Item(3077, 375f);
            _rand   = new Items.Item(3143, 490f);
            _lotis  = new Items.Item(3190, 590f);

            //D Jarvan
            _config = new Menu("jarvan", "D-Jarvan", true);

            //* var orbwalkerMenu = new Menu("LX-Orbwalker", "LX-Orbwalker");
            // LXOrbwalker.AddToMenu(orbwalkerMenu);

            var combo = _config.Add(new Menu("combo", "Combo"));

            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseIgnite", "Use Ignite")).SetValue(true);
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseQC", "Use Q")).SetValue(true);
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseWC", "Use W")).SetValue(true);
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseEC", "Use E")).SetValue(true);
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseRC", "Use R(killable)")).SetValue(true);
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseRE", "AutoR Min Targ")).SetValue(true);
            combo.Add(new MenuSlider("MinTargets", "Ult when>=min enemy(COMBO)", 2, 1, 5));
            combo.Add(new MenuKeyBind("ActiveCombo", "Combo!", Keys.Space, KeyBindType.Press));
            combo.Add(new MenuKeyBind("ActiveComboEQR", "ComboEQ-R!", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press));

            //Items public static Int32 Tiamat = 3077, Hydra = 3074, Blade = 3153, Bilge = 3144, Rand = 3143, lotis = 3190;
            var items = _config.Add(new Menu("items", "Items"));

            items.Add(new Menu("Offensive", "Offensive"));
            items.Add(new MenuBool("Tiamat", "Use Tiamat")).SetValue(true);
            items.Add(new MenuBool("Hydra", "Use Hydra")).SetValue(true);
            items.Add(new MenuBool("Bilge", "Use Bilge")).SetValue(true);
            items.Add(new MenuSlider("BilgeEnemyhp", "If Enemy Hp <", 85, 1, 100));
            items.Add(new MenuSlider("Bilgemyhp", "Or your Hp < ", 85, 1, 100));
            items.Add(new MenuBool("Blade", "Use Blade")).SetValue(true);
            items.Add(new MenuSlider("BladeEnemyhp", "If Enemy Hp <", 85, 1, 100));
            items.Add(new MenuSlider("Blademyhp", "Or Your  Hp <", 85, 1, 100));
            items.Add(new Menu("Deffensive", "Deffensive"));
            items.Add(new MenuBool("Omen", "Use Randuin Omen")).SetValue(true);
            items.Add(new MenuSlider("Omenenemys", "Randuin if enemys>", 2, 1, 5));
            items.Add(new MenuBool("lotis", "Use Iron Solari")).SetValue(true);
            items.Add(new MenuSlider("lotisminhp", "Solari if Ally Hp<", 35, 1, 100));

            /*_config.SubMenu("items").AddSubMenu(new Menu("Potions", "Potions"));
             * _config.SubMenu("items").SubMenu("Potions").AddItem(new MenuItem("Hppotion", "Use Hp potion")).SetValue(true);
             * _config.SubMenu("items").SubMenu("Potions").AddItem(new MenuItem("Hppotionuse", "Use Hp potion if HP<", 35, 1, 100)));
             * _config.SubMenu("items").SubMenu("Potions").AddItem(new MenuItem("Mppotion", "Use Mp potion")).SetValue(true);
             * _config.SubMenu("items").SubMenu("Potions").AddItem(new MenuItem("Mppotionuse", "Use Mp potion if HP<", 35, 1, 100)));
            var harass = _config.Add(new Menu("harass", "Harass"));

            harass.Add(new MenuBool("UseQH", "Use Q")).SetValue(true);
            harass.Add(new MenuBool("UseEH", "Use E")).SetValue(true);
            harass.Add(new MenuBool("UseEQH", "Use EQ Combo")).SetValue(true);
            harass.Add(new MenuSlider("UseEQHHP", "EQ If Your Hp > ", 85, 1, 100));
            harass.Add(new MenuBool("UseItemsharass", "Use Tiamat/Hydra")).SetValue(true);
            harass.Add(new MenuSlider("harassmana", "Minimum Mana% >", 35, 1, 100));
            harass.Add(new MenuKeyBind("harasstoggle", "AutoHarass (toggle)", Keys.G, KeyBindType.Toggle));
            harass.Add(new MenuKeyBind("ActiveHarass", "Harass!", Keys.C, KeyBindType.Press));

            var laneclear = _config.Add(new Menu("farm", "Farm"));
            var lanefarm  = laneclear.Add(new Menu("lanefarm", "LaneFarm"));

            lanefarm.Add(new MenuBool("UseItemslane", "Use Items in LaneClear")).SetValue(true);
            lanefarm.Add(new MenuBool("UseQL", "Q LaneClear")).SetValue(true);
            lanefarm.Add(new MenuBool("UseEL", "E LaneClear")).SetValue(true);
            lanefarm.Add(new MenuBool("UseWL", "W LaneClear")).SetValue(true);
            lanefarm.Add(new MenuSlider("UseWLHP", "use W if Hp% <", 35, 1, 100));
            lanefarm.Add(new MenuSlider("lanemana", "Minimum Mana% >", 35, 1, 100));
            lanefarm.Add(new MenuKeyBind("Activelane", "Jungle!", Keys.V, KeyBindType.Press));

            var lasthit = laneclear.Add(new Menu("lasthit", "LastHit"));

            lasthit.Add(new MenuBool("UseQLH", "Q LastHit")).SetValue(true);
            lasthit.Add(new MenuBool("UseELH", "E LastHit")).SetValue(true);
            lasthit.Add(new MenuBool("UseWLH", "W LaneClear")).SetValue(true);
            lasthit.Add(new MenuSlider("UseWLHHP", "use W if Hp% <", 35, 1, 100));
            lasthit.Add(new MenuSlider("lastmana", "Minimum Mana% >", 35, 1, 100));
            lasthit.Add(new MenuKeyBind("ActiveLast", "LastHit!", Keys.X, KeyBindType.Press));

            var jungle = laneclear.Add(new Menu("jungle", "Jungle"));

            jungle.Add(new MenuBool("UseItemsjungle", "Use Items in jungle")).SetValue(true);
            jungle.Add(new MenuKeyBind("Usesmite", "Use Smite(toggle)", Keys.H, KeyBindType.Toggle));
            jungle.Add(new MenuBool("UseQJ", "Q Jungle")).SetValue(true);
            jungle.Add(new MenuBool("UseEJ", "E Jungle")).SetValue(true);
            jungle.Add(new MenuBool("UseWJ", "W Jungle")).SetValue(true);
            jungle.Add(new MenuSlider("UseWJHP", "use W if Hp% <", 35, 1, 100));
            jungle.Add(new MenuSlider("junglemana", "Minimum Mana% >", 35, 1, 100));
            jungle.Add(new MenuKeyBind("Activejungle", "Jungle!", Keys.V, KeyBindType.Press));

            var forest = _config.Add(new Menu("forestgump", "Forest Gump"));

            forest.Add(new MenuBool("UseEQF", "Use EQ in Mouse ")).SetValue(true);
            forest.Add(new MenuBool("UseWF", "Use W ")).SetValue(true);
            forest.Add(new MenuKeyBind("Forest", "Active Forest Gump!", Keys.Z, KeyBindType.Press));

            var misc = _config.Add(new Menu("misc", "Misc"));

            misc.Add(new MenuBool("UseIgnitekill", "Use Ignite KillSteal")).SetValue(true);
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("UseQM", "Use Q KillSteal")).SetValue(true);
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("UseRM", "Use R KillSteal")).SetValue(true);
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("Gap_W", "W GapClosers")).SetValue(true);
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("UseEQInt", "EQ to Interrupt")).SetValue(true);
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("usePackets", "Use packets")).SetValue(true);

            var hitchance = misc.Add(new Menu("hitchance", "HitChance"));

            hitchance.Add(new MenuList("Echange", "E Hit", new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High" }));

            var drawings = _config.Add(new Menu("drawings", "Drawings"));

            drawings.Add(new MenuBool("DrawQ", "Draw Q")).SetValue(true);
            drawings.Add(new MenuBool("DrawW", "Draw W")).SetValue(true);
            drawings.Add(new MenuBool("DrawE", "Draw E")).SetValue(true);
            drawings.Add(new MenuBool("DrawR", "Draw R")).SetValue(true);
            drawings.Add(new MenuBool("DrawQR", "Draw EQ-R")).SetValue(true);
            drawings.Add(new MenuBool("Drawsmite", "Draw smite")).SetValue(true);
            drawings.Add(new MenuBool("CircleLag", "Lag Free Circles").SetValue(true));
            drawings.Add(new MenuSlider("CircleThickness", "Circles Thickness", 1, 10, 1));


            Game.Print("<font color='#881df2'>D-Jarvan by thienha1</font> Loaded.");
            Game.OnUpdate                  += Game_OnGameUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw                 += Drawing_OnDraw;
            GameObject.OnCreate            += OnCreateObj;
            GameObject.OnDelete            += OnDeleteObj;
            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser          += AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser;
            Interrupter.OnInterrupterSpell += Interrupter_OnPossibleToInterrupt;
예제 #15
        private static void OnGameLoad()
            TextBold = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription
                FaceName = "Impact", Height = 30, Weight = FontWeight.Normal, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType

            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R);

            Config = new Menu("OneKeyToWin_AIO" + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName, "OneKeyToWin AIO", true);

            #region MENU ABOUT OKTW

            var about = new Menu("about", "About OKTW©");
            about.Add(new MenuBool("debug", "Debug", false));
            about.Add(new MenuBool("debugChat", "Debug Chat", false));
            about.Add(new MenuSeparator("0", "OneKeyToWin© by Sebby"));
            about.Add(new MenuSeparator("1", "visit"));
            about.Add(new MenuSeparator("2", "DONATE: [email protected]"));
            about.Add(new MenuBool("print", "OKTW NEWS in chat", true));
            about.Add(new MenuBool("logo", "Intro logo OKTW", true));


            #region PREDICTION MODE

            var pred = new Menu("predmode", "Prediction MODE");
            pred.Add(new MenuList <string>("Qpred", "Q Prediction MODE", new[] { "Common prediction", "OKTW© PREDICTION", "SPrediction press F5 if not loaded", "Exory prediction" }, ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName)
                Index = 1
            pred.Add(new MenuList <string>("QHitChance", "Q Hit Chance", new[] { "Very High", "High", "Medium" }, ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName)
                Index = 0
            pred.Add(new MenuList <string>("Wpred", "W Prediction MODE", new[] { "Common prediction", "OKTW© PREDICTION", "SPrediction press F5 if not loaded", "Exory prediction" }, ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName)
                Index = 1
            pred.Add(new MenuList <string>("WHitChance", "W Hit Chance", new[] { "Very High", "High", "Medium" }, ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName)
                Index = 0
            pred.Add(new MenuList <string>("Epred", "E Prediction MODE", new[] { "Common prediction", "OKTW© PREDICTION", "SPrediction press F5 if not loaded", "Exory prediction" }, ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName)
                Index = 1
            pred.Add(new MenuList <string>("EHitChance", "E Hit Chance", new[] { "Very High", "High", "Medium" }, ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName)
                Index = 0
            pred.Add(new MenuList <string>("Rpred", "R Prediction MODE", new[] { "Common prediction", "OKTW© PREDICTION", "SPrediction press F5 if not loaded", "Exory prediction" }, ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName)
                Index = 1
            pred.Add(new MenuList <string>("RHitChance", "R Hit Chance", new[] { "Very High", "High", "Medium" }, ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName)
                Index = 0

            pred.Add(new MenuBool("debugPred", "Draw Aiming OKTW© PREDICTION", false));


            if (pred.GetValue <MenuList <string> >("Qpred").Index == 2 ||
                pred.GetValue <MenuList <string> >("Wpred").Index == 2 ||
                pred.GetValue <MenuList <string> >("Epred").Index == 2 ||
                pred.GetValue <MenuList <string> >("Rpred").Index == 2)
                SPredictionLoad = true;
                pred.Add(new MenuSeparator("322", "SPREDICTION LOADED"));
                pred.Add(new MenuSeparator("322", "SPREDICTION NOT LOADED"));


            #region EXTRA SETTINGS

            var extra = new Menu("extraSet", "Extra settings OKTW©");
            extra.Add(new MenuBool("supportMode", "Support Mode", false, ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName));
            extra.Add(new MenuBool("comboDisableMode", "Disable auto-attack in combo mode", false, ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName));
            extra.Add(new MenuBool("manaDisable", "Disable mana manager in combo", false, ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName));
            extra.Add(new MenuBool("collAA", "Disable auto-attack if Yasuo wall collision", true, ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName));

            var anti = new Menu("antimelee", "Anti-Melee Positioning Assistant OKTW©");
            anti.Add(new MenuBool("positioningAssistant", "Anti-Melee Positioning Assistant OKTW©", false));
            var assist = new Menu("antimeleeassist", "Positioning Assistant:");
            foreach (var enemy in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Where(enemy => enemy.IsMelee))
                assist.Add(new MenuBool("posAssistant" + enemy.CharacterName, enemy.CharacterName, true));
            anti.Add(new MenuBool("positioningAssistantDraw", "Show notification", true));

            extra.Add(new MenuBool("harassLaneclear", "Skill-Harass in lane clear", true));
            extra.GetValue <MenuBool>("supportMode").Enabled = false;



            #region HARASS

            var harass = new Menu("harass", "Harass");
            foreach (var enemy in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes)
                harass.Add(new MenuBool("harass" + enemy.CharacterName, enemy.CharacterName, true));


            #region FARM

            var farm      = new Menu("farm", "Farm");
            var spellFarm = new Menu("spellfarm", "SPELLS FARM TOGGLE");
            spellFarm.Add(new MenuBool("spellFarm", "OKTW spells farm", true));
            spellFarm.Add(new MenuList <string>("spellFarmMode", "SPELLS FARM TOGGLE MODE", new[] { "Scroll down", "Scroll press", "Key toggle", "Disable" })
                Index = 1
            spellFarm.Add(new MenuKeyBind("spellFarmKeyToggle", "Key toggle", Keys.N, KeyBindType.Toggle));
            spellFarm.Add(new MenuBool("showNot", "Show notification", true));
            spellFarm.GetValue <MenuBool>("spellFarm").Permashow(true);


            #region DRAW

            var draw = new Menu("draw", "Draws OKTW©");
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("disableDraws", "DISABLE DRAWS", false));


            #region LOAD CHAMPIONS

            switch (Player.CharacterName)
            case "Caitlyn":
                new Champions.Caitlyn();

            case "Graves":
                new Champions.Graves();

            case "Jinx":
                new Champions.Jinx();


            #region LOGO

            if (about.GetValue <MenuBool>("logo").Enabled)
                Intro = new Render.Sprite(LoadImg("intro"), new Vector2(Drawing.Width / 2 - 500, Drawing.Height / 2 - 350));

                DelayAction.Add(7000, () => Intro.Remove());



            Drawing.OnDraw     += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Game.OnUpdate      += Game_OnUpdate;
            Game.OnWndProc     += Game_OnWndProc;
            Orbwalker.OnAction += Orbwalker_OnAction;

            if (about.GetValue <MenuBool>("print").Enabled)
                Chat.PrintChat("<font size='30'>OneKeyToWin</font> <font color='#b756c5'>by Sebby</font>");
                Chat.PrintChat("<font color='#b756c5'>OKTW NEWS: </font>" + OktwNews);
 public static void SetMenuBool(this EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu menu, string mainMenuName, string secondMenuName, bool newValue)
     menu[mainMenuName][secondMenuName].GetValue <MenuBool>().SetValue(newValue);
 public static void AddMenuSlider(this EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu menu, string name, string displayName, int value = 0, int minValue = 0, int maxValue = 0)
     menu.Add(new MenuSlider(name, displayName, value, minValue, maxValue));
예제 #18
 public static bool check(this Menu menu, string sig, string sig2 = null)
     return(sig2 == null ? menu[sig].GetValue <MenuBool>().Enabled : menu[sig][sig2].GetValue <MenuBool>().Enabled);
예제 #19
 public static int slider(Menu submenu, string sig)
     return(submenu[sig].GetValue <MenuSlider>().Value);
 public static bool GetMenuBool(this EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu menu, string mainMenuName, string secondMenuName)
     return(menu[mainMenuName].GetValue <MenuBool>(secondMenuName).Enabled);
 public static void AddMenuList(this EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu menu, string name, string displayName, string[] items, int selectedValue)
     menu.Add(new MenuList(name, displayName, items, selectedValue));
 public static void AddMenuSeperator(this EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu menu, string name, string displayName)
     menu.Add(new MenuSeparator(name, displayName));
 public static void AddMenuKeybind(this EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu menu, string name, string displayName, Keys key, KeyBindType type)
     menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind(name, displayName, key, type));
예제 #24
        public static void DatMenu()
            menu        = new Menu("veigarxd", "T7 Veigar:R", true);
            combo       = new Menu("combo", "Combo");
            harass      = new Menu("harass", "Harass");
            farm        = new Menu("farmm", "Farm");
            laneclear   = new Menu("lclear", "Laneclear");
            jungleclear = new Menu("jclear", "Jungleclear");
            lasthit     = new Menu("lasthit", "Lasthit");
            misc        = new Menu("misc", "Misc");
            draw        = new Menu("draww", "Drawings");
            pred        = new Menu("predi", "Prediction");

            menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("58274823", "By Toyota7 v2.1"));

            combo.Add(new MenuBool("CQ", "Use Q"));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("CW", "Use W"));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("CE", "Use E"));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("CR", "Use R"));
            if (Ignite != null)
                combo.Add(new MenuBool("IgniteC", "Use Ignite", false));
            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("8942938", "|"));
            combo.Add(new MenuList("CWMODE", "Select W Mode:", new string[] { "With Prediciton", "Without Prediction", "Only On Stunned Enemies" }, 0));
            combo.Add(new MenuList("CEMODE", "Select E Mode: ", new string[] { "Target On The Center", "Target On The Edge(stun)", "AOE" }, 0));
            combo.Add(new MenuSlider("CEAOE", "Min Champs For AOE Function", 2, 1, 5));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("EIMMO", "Dont Use E On Immobile Enemies", false));

            harass.Add(new MenuBool("HQ", "Use Q", false));
            harass.Add(new MenuList("HQMODE", "Select Q Mode", new string[] { "Spam", "Normal" }, 1));
            harass.Add(new MenuBool("HW", "Use W", false));
            harass.Add(new MenuList("HWMODE", "Select W Mode", new string[] { "With Prediciton", "Without Prediction(Not Recommended)", "Only On Stunned Enemies" }, 2));
            harass.Add(new MenuKeyBind("AUTOH", "Auto Harass ", Keys.H, KeyBindType.Toggle)).Permashow(true);
            harass.Add(new MenuSlider("HMIN", "Min Mana % To Harass", 40, 0, 100));

            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("89283563453", "Auto Q Stacking"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuKeyBind("QSTACK", "Auto Stacking", Keys.J, KeyBindType.Toggle)).Permashow(true, null, SharpDX.Color.LightGreen);
            laneclear.Add(new MenuList("QSTACKMODE", "Select Mode", new string[] { "LastHit Only", "Spam Q" }, 0));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("QSTACKDOUBLE", "Q Through Other Minions"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("4225390234", " "));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("4214313453", "Laneclear Settings"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("LQ", "Use Q"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("LW", "Use W", false));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSlider("LWMIN", "Min Minions For W", 2, 1, 6));
            //laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("AUTOL", new CheckBox("Auto Laneclear", false));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSlider("LMIN", "Min Mana % To Laneclear/AutoStack", 50, 0, 100));

            jungleclear.Add(new MenuBool("JQ", "Use Q"));
            jungleclear.Add(new MenuList("JQMODE", "Q Mode", new string[] { "All Monsters", "Big Monsters" }, 0));
            jungleclear.Add(new MenuBool("JW", "Use W", false));
            jungleclear.Add(new MenuSlider("JMIN", "Min Mana % To Jungleclear", 10, 0, 100));

            lasthit.Add(new MenuBool("LHQ", "Use Q"));
            lasthit.Add(new MenuBool("LHQD", "Q Through Other Minions"));

            draw.Add(new MenuBool("nodraw", "Disable All Drawings", false));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("drawQ", "Draw Q Range"));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("drawW", "Draw W Range"));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("drawE", "Draw E Range"));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("drawR", "Draw R Range"));
            draw.Add(new MenuColor("dcolor", "Range Color", ColorBGRA.FromRgba(Color.Fuchsia.ToRgba())));
            draw.Add(new MenuSeparator("84978942", "|"));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("drawk", "Draw Combo Damage On Enemies"));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("DRAWTARGET", "Draw Target", false));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("DRAWWAY", "Draw Target Waypoint"));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("nodrawc", "Draw Only Ready Spells", false));
            draw.Add(new MenuBool("drawStacks", "Draw Auto Stack Status", false));

            misc.Add(new MenuSeparator("5562522342", "Stealing"));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("KSQ", "Killsteal with Q"));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("KSW", "Killsteal with W", false));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("KSR", "Killsteal with R", false));
            if (Ignite != null)
                misc.Add(new MenuBool("autoign", "Auto Ignite If Killable"));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("KSJ", ">Try< To Steal Dragon/Baron/Rift With W"));
            misc.Add(new MenuSeparator("53434342", "AP"));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("AUTOPOT", "Auto Potion"));
            misc.Add(new MenuSlider("POTMIN", "Min Health % To Activate Potion", 50, 1, 100));
            misc.Add(new MenuSeparator("5124142", "AntiGapcloser"));
            misc.Add(new MenuList("gapmode", "Use E On Gapcloser Mode:", new string[] { "Off", "Self", "Enemy(Pred)" }, 0));
            misc.Add(new MenuSeparator("5124144213412", "AutoLevelUp Spells"));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("autolevel", "Activate Auto Level Up Spells"));
            misc.Add(new MenuList("LEVELMODE", "Select Sequence", new string[] { "Q>E>W", "Q>W>E" }, 1));

            pred.Add(new MenuList("QPred", "Q Min Hitchance -> ", new string[] { "Low", "Medium", "High", "VeryHigh" }, 1)).ValueChanged += (s, e) =>
                hitQ = (HitChance)comb(pred, "QPred") + 1;
            pred.Add(new MenuList("WPred", "W Min Hitchance -> ", new string[] { "Low", "Medium", "High", "VeryHigh" }, 1)).ValueChanged += (s, e) =>
                hitW = (HitChance)comb(pred, "WPred") + 1;
            pred.Add(new MenuList("EPred", "E Min Hitchance -> ", new string[] { "Low", "Medium", "High", "VeryHigh" }, 1)).ValueChanged += (s, e) =>
                hitE = (HitChance)comb(pred, "EPred") + 1;

            menu.Add(new MenuSlider("skinID", "Skin Hack", 9, 0, 31)).ValueChanged += (s, e) => myhero.SetSkin(slider(menu, "skinID"));

예제 #25
 public static int comb(Menu submenu, string sig)
     return(submenu[sig].GetValue <MenuList>().Index);
 public static void AddMenuBool(this EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu menu, string name, string displayName, bool value = true)
     menu.Add(new MenuBool(name, displayName, value));
예제 #27
 public static bool key(Menu submenu, string sig)
     return(submenu[sig].GetValue <MenuKeyBind>().Active);
 public static bool GetMenuKeybind(this EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu menu, string mainMenuName, string secondMenuName)
     return(menu[mainMenuName].GetValue <MenuKeyBind>(secondMenuName).Active);
 public static int GetMenuSlider(this EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu menu, string mainMenuName, string secondMenuName)
     return(menu[mainMenuName].GetValue <MenuSlider>(secondMenuName).Value);
 public static string GetMenuList(this EnsoulSharp.SDK.MenuUI.Menu menu, string mainMenuName, string secondMenuName)
     return(menu[mainMenuName].GetValue <MenuList>(secondMenuName).SelectedValue);