public Background(Vector3 location, Vector3 scale, SpriteSheet sprite, float speed, String sp) : base(location, scale, true, true, Billboarding.Lock2d, sprite) { this.speed = speed; this._sprite_path = sp; startLoc = new Vector3(_location); theoretical = new Vector3(_location); }
public ProjectileProperties(Vector3 scale, Vector3 pbox, Vector3 cbox, bool existsIn2d, bool existsIn3d, int damage, float speed, bool gravity, SpriteSheet sprite, Effect death = null, double staminaCost = 0.0, double duration = -1.0) { this.scale = scale; this.pbox = pbox; this.cbox = cbox; this.existsIn2d = existsIn2d; this.existsIn3d = existsIn3d; this.damage = damage; this.speed = speed; this.gravity = gravity; this.staminaCost = staminaCost; this.duration = duration; this.sprite = sprite; this.deathAnim = death; }
public Decoration(Vector3 location, Vector3 scale, bool existsIn2d, bool existsIn3d, Billboarding bb, SpriteSheet sprite) : base() { _location = location; _scale = scale; _existsIn3d = existsIn3d; _existsIn2d = existsIn2d; _mesh = mesh; _texture = texture; _sprite = sprite; _cycleNum = 0; _frameNum = 0; _is3dGeo = false; _hascbox = false; _billboards = bb; _animDirection = 1; }
public Obstacle(Vector3 location, Vector3 scale, Vector3 pbox, bool existsIn2d, bool existsIn3d, bool collidesIn2d, bool collidesIn3d, Billboarding bb, SpriteSheet sprite) : base() { _location = location; _scale = scale; _pbox = pbox; _existsIn3d = existsIn3d; _existsIn2d = existsIn2d; _mesh = null; _texture = null; _sprite = sprite; _cycleNum = 0; _frameNum = 0; _frame3d = 0; _is3dGeo = false; _hascbox = false; canSquish = false; _collidesIn2d = collidesIn2d; _collidesIn3d = collidesIn3d; _billboards = bb; _animDirection = 1; }
public GorillaBossobject(Player player, Vector3 location, Vector3 pbox, Vector3 cbox, Vector3 scale, bool existsIn2d, bool existsIn3d, int health, int damage, float speed, SpriteSheet sprite) { _location = location; _scale = scale; _pbox = pbox; _cbox = cbox; _existsIn3d = existsIn3d; _existsIn2d = existsIn2d; _health = health; _damage = damage; _speed = speed; _alive = true; _hascbox = true; _type = 3; frozen = false; freezetimer = 0; maxFreezeTime = 0.7; this.player = player; _mesh = null; _texture = null; _sprite = sprite; _frameNum = 0; _is3dGeo = false; _animDirection = 1; velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); accel = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); doesGravity = false; }
internal ZooBoss(Player player, PlayState ps, Vector3 location, int maxheight, ProjectileProperties invisProj, Obstacle crate, Obstacle ground, Obstacle rope, SpriteSheet bossSprite) : base(player, ps, location, maxheight, invisProj, crate, ground, rope) { //animation _sprite = bossSprite; _cycleNum = 0; _frameNum = 0; _animDirection = 1; //combat stuff _cbox = new Vector3(6, 6, 6); _health = 5; _damage = 1; _speed = 1; _alive = true; _hascbox = true; _type = 3; //Type 3 means this is the boss //Offset boss location centerLoc = new Vector3(_location); _location.X += 8.0f; _location.Z -= 0.01f; in3d = false; bb = Billboarding.Lock2d; invincible = false; }
public Enemy(Player player, Vector3 location, Vector3 scale, Vector3 pbox, Vector3 cbox, bool existsIn2d, bool existsIn3d, int health, int damage, float speed, int AItype, SpriteSheet sprite, Effect death, ProjectileProperties proj = null) { _location = location; _scale = scale; _pbox = pbox; _cbox = cbox; _existsIn3d = existsIn3d; _existsIn2d = existsIn2d; _health = health; _damage = damage; _speed = speed; _alive = true; this.AItype = AItype; _hascbox = true; _type = 1; // type one means this is an enemy frozen = false; freezetimer = 0; maxFreezeTime = 0.7; attackspeed = 1; attacktimer = 0; this.player = player; _deathAnim = death; _mesh = null; _texture = null; _sprite = sprite; projectile = proj; if (projectile != null) projectile.damage = damage; _frameNum = 0; _is3dGeo = false; _animDirection = 1; velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); accel = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); doesGravity = true; CurrentAI = new Stack<Airoutine>(); InitilizeAI(); }
public WeaponThrowable(string id, Engine.Object parent, Engine.SpriteSheet spriteSheet, Engine.Object owner, int damage) : base(id, parent, spriteSheet, owner, damage) { }
public Effect(PlayState ps, Vector3 location, Vector3 scale, bool existsIn2d, bool existsIn3d, Billboarding bb, SpriteSheet sprite) : base(location, scale, existsIn2d, existsIn3d, bb, sprite) { this.playstate = ps; timeElapsed = 0.0; }
public Player(SpriteSheet sprite, SpriteSheet arms, List<ProjectileProperties> projectiles, PlayState ps) : base(Int32.MaxValue) //player always has largest ID for rendering purposes { p_state = new PlayerState("TEST player"); //p_state.setSpeed(130); this.playstate = ps; _speed = runSpeed; _location = new Vector3(25, 12.5f, 50); _scale = new Vector3(25f, 25f, 25f); _pbox = new Vector3(5f, 11.0f, 5f); _cbox = new Vector3(4f, 10.0f, 4f); spinSize = 12; //?? experiment with this, TODO: change it to match the sprites size velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); accel = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); kbspeed = new Vector3(70, 100, 70); jumpspeed = 250.0f; _cycleNum = 0; _frameNum = 0; _sprite = sprite; _hascbox = true; _type = 0; //type 0 is the player and only the player _existsIn2d = true; _existsIn3d = true; onGround = true; //arms this.arms = new Decoration(_location + new Vector3(0.005f, 0.0f, 0.005f), _scale, true, true, Billboarding.Yes, arms); ps.renderList.Add(this.arms); //combat things _damage = 1; spinDamage = 2; maxHealth = _health = 7; stamina = 5.0; maxStamina = 5.0; spaceDown = false; eDown = false; pDown = false; isMobile = true; Invincible = false; HasControl = true; Invincibletimer = 0.0; NoControlTimer = 0.0; fallTimer = 0.0; viewSwitchJumpTimer = 0.0; projectileTimer = 0.0; spinTimer = 0.0; lookDownTimer = -1.0; squishTimer = -1.0; lastPosOnGround = new Vector3(_location); _animDirection = 1; this.projectiles = projectiles; curProjectile = projectiles[0]; curProjectile.damage = _damage; markerList = new List<Decoration>(); Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); jumpSound = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Sound.jump_sound.ogg")); bananaSound = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Sound.banana2.ogg")); HurtSound = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Sound.hurt.ogg")); HitSound = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Sound.hit.ogg")); SpinSound = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Sound.spin.ogg")); }
public Button(string id, Object parent, SpriteSheet spriteSheet, string soundName) : base(id, parent, spriteSheet) { clickSound = GameInstance.AssetManager.GetSoundEffect("Rocket"); }