예제 #1
        private void ExtractTemplate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //extract templates from images in a directory
            String[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.png");
            String infile = dir + "\\palettes.tsv";
            Dictionary<String, List<PaletteData>> palettes = LoadFilePalettes(infile);

             Directory.CreateDirectory(dir + "\\templates\\");
             Directory.CreateDirectory(dir + "\\recolor\\");

            Random random = new Random();

            foreach (String f in files)
                Bitmap image = new Bitmap(Image.FromFile(f));
                Segmentation seg = new Segmentation();
                String basename = f.Replace(dir+"\\", "");
                String segFile = dir + "/segments/" + basename;
                seg.LoadFromFile(f, segFile);

                ColorTemplate template = new ColorTemplate(image, seg, palettes[basename].First());
                Bitmap render = template.Render();
                render.Save(dir + "\\templates\\" + basename);

                //testing random color assignments
                int numSeg = template.NumSlots();

                int[] segToColor = new int[numSeg];
                for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numSeg; i++)
                        segToColor[i] = random.Next(palettes[basename].First().colors.Count());

                    Bitmap recolor = template.ColorWith(palettes[basename].First(), segToColor);
                    recolor.Save(dir + "\\recolor\\" + Util.ConvertFileName(basename,"_"+t));

                    Bitmap solidcolor = template.SolidColor(palettes[basename].First(), segToColor);
                    solidcolor.Save(dir + "\\recolor\\" + Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "_" + t + "_solid"));

예제 #2
        public SegmentMesh(ColorTemplate template)
            int numGroups = template.NumSlots();
            imageWidth = template.Width();
            imageHeight = template.Height();

            groups = new List<SegmentGroup>();
            segments = new List<Segment>();

            //now populate the segments and segment groups
            //filter out groups that have no members (due to quantization)
            Dictionary<int, int> slotToGroup = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < numGroups; i++)
                if (template.PixelsInSlot(i) > 0)
                    slotToGroup.Add(i, groups.Count());
                    groups.Add(new SegmentGroup(template.OriginalSlotColor(i)));

            UnionFind<Color> uf = new UnionFind<Color>((a, b) => (a.GetHashCode() == b.GetHashCode()));
            Bitmap image = template.DebugQuantization();
            assignments = uf.ConnectedComponentsNoiseRemoval(Util.BitmapToArray(image));

            Dictionary<int, Segment> idToSegment = new Dictionary<int, Segment>();
            int totalAdjacencyPerimeter = 0;
            Dictionary<int, HashSet<Point>> idToPerimeter = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<Point>>();

            //populate segments
            int width = image.Width;
            int height = image.Height;
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    int id = assignments[i, j];
                    if (!idToSegment.ContainsKey(id))
                        idToSegment.Add(id, new Segment(id));
                        idToPerimeter.Add(id, new HashSet<Point>());

                    idToSegment[id].points.Add(new Point(i, j));
                    idToSegment[id].groupId = slotToGroup[template.GetSlotId(i, j)];

                    //look for 8-neighbor adjacencies, 2 pixels away
                    //TODO: measure adjacency strength and filter?
                    for (int dx = -2; dx <= 2; dx++)
                        for (int dy = -2; dy <= 2; dy++)
                            int x = i + dx;
                            int y = j + dy;
                            if (x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height)
                                int nid = assignments[x, y];
                                if (nid != id)

                                    //keep track of the total perimeter, and individual segment perimeters
                                    //don't double count the same point for each segment
                                    if (!idToPerimeter[id].Contains(new Point(x, y)))
                                        idToPerimeter[id].Add(new Point(x, y));

                                        //keep track of the adjacecy strength per segment
                                        if (!idToSegment[id].adjacencyStrength.ContainsKey(nid))
                                            idToSegment[id].adjacencyStrength.Add(nid, 0);
                                        Console.WriteLine("Point already counted");
                                //might as well be consistent here, and take into account the borders of the image when determining
                                //enclosure. We don't need to do this for the totalAdjacencyPerimeter, because that is just a normalization
                                //for the adjacency strengths of segments within the image
                                if (!idToPerimeter[id].Contains(new Point(x,y)))
                                    idToPerimeter[id].Add(new Point(x,y));

            //finalize segment list and adjacency list
            Dictionary<int, int> idToIdx = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            foreach (int id in idToSegment.Keys)
                idToIdx.Add(id, segments.Count() - 1);

            //finalize adjacencies
            for (int i = 0; i < segments.Count(); i++)
                SortedSet<int> renamedAdj = new SortedSet<int>();
                foreach (int a in segments[i].adjacencies)
                segments[i].adjacencies = renamedAdj;

                //finalize adjacency strengths
                int sid = assignments[segments[i].points.First().X, segments[i].points.First().Y];

                Dictionary<int, double> renamedAdjStrength = new Dictionary<int, double>();
                foreach (int nid in segments[i].adjacencyStrength.Keys)
                    double pixelsAdj = segments[i].adjacencyStrength[nid];
                    renamedAdjStrength.Add(idToIdx[nid], pixelsAdj / totalAdjacencyPerimeter);
                    segments[i].enclosureStrength.Add(idToIdx[nid], new Tuple<double, double>(pixelsAdj / idToPerimeter[sid].Count(), pixelsAdj / idToPerimeter[nid].Count()));
                segments[i].adjacencyStrength = renamedAdjStrength;


            //finalize groups
            for (int i = 0; i < segments.Count(); i++)
                int groupId = segments[i].groupId;

            //finalize segment list


            foreach (Segment s in segments)

            foreach (SegmentGroup g in groups)
        //render an image of the original pattern, plus columns of patterns generated by different models (trained on diff styles)
        private void VisAllStyles()
            Directory.CreateDirectory(outdir + "\\stylecolor\\");

            Directory.CreateDirectory(outdir + "\\styles\\");

            //read in the patterns and save out their layers
            List<PatternItem> patterns = PatternIO.GetPatterns(Path.Combine(imagedir,"../styles"));

            foreach (PatternItem p in patterns)
                String basename = p.Name;

                //Read the style description if available
                String specs = Path.Combine(outdir, "styles", p.Directory, Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "", ".txt"));
                if (!File.Exists(specs))

                Bitmap image = new Bitmap(p.FullPath);

                if (!palettes.ContainsKey(basename))

                PaletteData palette = palettes[basename];

                ColorTemplate template = new ColorTemplate(image, palette);

                int[] slotToColor = new int[template.NumSlots()];
                for (int i = 0; i < slotToColor.Count(); i++)
                    slotToColor[i] = i;

                List<List<String>> lines = File.ReadAllLines(specs).Select(line => line.Split(',').ToList<String>()).ToList<List<String>>();
                if (lines.Count() == 0)

                Dictionary<String, int> styleToRowIdx = new Dictionary<String, int>();
                String origStyle = "";

                foreach (List<String> line in lines)
                    origStyle = line[0];
                    if (!styleToRowIdx.ContainsKey(line[1]))
                        styleToRowIdx.Add(line[1], 0);

                //read the score and if it's the original or not
                double score = 0;
                int iwidth = 100;
                int iheight = 100;
                int padding = 15;
                int headerSpace = 30;
                int width = (styleToRowIdx.Keys.Count() + 1) * iwidth;
                int height = (lines.Count() / styleToRowIdx.Keys.Count()) * iheight + headerSpace;

                Font font = new Font("Arial", 10);

                Bitmap vis = new Bitmap(width, height);
                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(vis);

                //write out the headings, highlight the original style heading
                var headers = styleToRowIdx.Keys.ToList<String>();
                int ncol = headers.Count()+1;
                Color headerColor = Color.Black;
                g.DrawString("original", font, new SolidBrush(headerColor), 0, 0);
                for (int i=0; i<headers.Count(); i++)
                    if (headers[i] == origStyle)
                        g.DrawString(headers[i], font, new SolidBrush(headerColor), (i+1)*iwidth, 0);
                        g.DrawString(headers[i], font, new SolidBrush(headerColor), (i+1)*iwidth, 0);

                //draw the original
                Bitmap original = (renderFinal)? image: template.DebugQuantization();
                g.DrawImage(original, 0, headerSpace, iwidth-padding, iheight-padding);

                PaletteData data = new PaletteData();
                Dictionary<int, int> groupToSlot = new Dictionary<int, int>();
                int ngroups = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < slotToColor.Count(); i++)
                    slotToColor[i] = i;
                    data.colors.Add(new Color());
                    data.lab.Add(new CIELAB());

                    if (template.PixelsInSlot(i) > 0)
                        groupToSlot.Add(ngroups++, i);

                foreach (List<String> line in lines)
                    //draw the colorized thumbnail in the right location
                    String style = line[1];

                    String[] colors = line[2].Split('^');

                    int colorIdx = 0;
                    foreach (String color in colors)
                        //rgb floats
                        int[] fields = color.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select<String, int>(s => ((int)(Math.Round(double.Parse(s) * 255)))).ToArray<int>();
                        Color c = Color.FromArgb(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]);
                        data.colors[groupToSlot[colorIdx]] = c;
                        data.lab[groupToSlot[colorIdx]] = Util.RGBtoLAB(c);

                    int x = (headers.IndexOf(style)+1)*iwidth;
                    int y = styleToRowIdx[style]*iheight+headerSpace;

                    Bitmap result = (renderFinal)?GetFinalRendering(Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "",""), data):template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor);
                    //sometimes we can't get the nice image, so render the quantized image in this case
                    if (result == null)
                        result = template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor);
                    g.DrawImage(result, x, y, iwidth-padding, iheight-padding);


                PatternIO.SavePattern(vis, p, Path.Combine(outdir, "stylecolor"));

        private void Vis(bool figureQuality = false)
            Directory.CreateDirectory(outdir + "\\viscolor\\");

            Directory.CreateDirectory(outdir + "\\vis\\");

            //read in the patterns and save out their layers
            List<PatternItem> patterns = PatternIO.GetPatterns(imagedir);

            foreach (PatternItem p in patterns)
                String basename = p.Name;

                //Read the vis permutation description if available
                String specs = Path.Combine(outdir, "vis", p.Directory, Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "", ".txt"));
                if (!File.Exists(specs))

                Bitmap image = new Bitmap(p.FullPath);

                if (!palettes.ContainsKey(basename))

                PaletteData palette = palettes[basename];

                ColorTemplate template = new ColorTemplate(image, palette);

                int[] slotToColor = new int[template.NumSlots()];
                for (int i = 0; i < slotToColor.Count(); i++)
                    slotToColor[i] = i;

                Dictionary<int, int> groupToSlot = new Dictionary<int, int>();
                PaletteData data = new PaletteData();

                int ngroups = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < slotToColor.Count(); i++)
                    slotToColor[i] = i;
                    data.colors.Add(new Color());
                    data.lab.Add(new CIELAB());

                    if (template.PixelsInSlot(i) > 0)
                        groupToSlot.Add(ngroups++, i);

                Bitmap vis = null;
                Graphics g = null;

                String[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(specs);

                //read the score and if it's the original or not
                double score = 0;
                bool orig = false;

                int nresult = 0;
                int y = 0;
                int x = 0;
                int ncol = 8;
                int iwidth = 200;
                int iheight = 200;
                int padding = (figureQuality) ? 8 : 15 ;
                Font font = new Font("Arial", 8);
                int colorIdx = 0;

                foreach (String line in lines)
                    if (line.StartsWith("Count"))
                        int count = Int32.Parse(line.Split(' ').Last());

                        //initialize the result image
                        int nrow = count / ncol + 1;
                        vis = new Bitmap(ncol*iwidth, nrow*iheight);
                        g = Graphics.FromImage(vis);

                    } else if (line.StartsWith("Score"))
                        //add the result to the visualization
                        x = (nresult % ncol)*iwidth;
                        y = (nresult / ncol)*iheight;

                        if (colorIdx > 0)
                            Bitmap result = (renderFinal) ? GetFinalRendering(Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "",""), data): template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor);
                            //sometimes we can't get the nice image, so render the quantized image in this case
                            if (result == null)
                                result = template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor);
                            g.DrawImage(result, x, y, iwidth-padding, iheight-padding);

                            String label = String.Format("{0:0.00}", score);
                            Color color = Color.Black;
                            if (orig)
                                label += ", ***";
                                color = Color.Red;
                            if(!figureQuality) g.DrawString(label, font, new SolidBrush(color), x, y + iheight-padding);


                            colorIdx = 0;

                        score = Double.Parse(line.Split(' ')[1]);
                        orig = Boolean.Parse(line.Split(' ')[2]);
                        //rgb floats
                        int[] fields = line.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select<String, int>(s => ((int)(Math.Round(double.Parse(s) * 255)))).ToArray<int>();
                        Color color = Color.FromArgb(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]);
                        data.colors[groupToSlot[colorIdx]] = color;
                        data.lab[groupToSlot[colorIdx]] = Util.RGBtoLAB(color);

                //save the last image
                if (data.colors.Count() > 0)
                    x = (nresult % ncol) * iwidth;
                    y = (nresult / ncol) * iheight;

                    Bitmap result = (renderFinal)? GetFinalRendering(Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "",""), data): template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor);
                    //sometimes we can't get the nice image, so render the quantized image in this case
                    if (result == null)
                        result = template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor);
                    g.DrawImage(result, x, y, iwidth - padding, iheight - padding);
                    Color color = Color.Black;

                    String label = String.Format("{0:0.00}", score);
                    if (orig)
                        label += ", ***";
                        color = Color.Red;

                    if (!figureQuality) g.DrawString(label, font, new SolidBrush(color), x, y + iheight - padding);


                    colorIdx = 0;


                PatternIO.SavePattern(vis, p, Path.Combine(outdir, "viscolor"));

        private void RenderPreviews()
            //render the segment previews for the visualization
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(outdir, "\\previews\\"));

            //read in the patterns and save out their layers
            List<PatternItem> patterns = PatternIO.GetPatterns(imagedir);

            int hpadding = 30;

            foreach (PatternItem p in patterns)

                Bitmap image = new Bitmap(p.FullPath);
                String basename = p.Name;

                if (!palettes.ContainsKey(basename))

                PaletteData palette = palettes[basename];

                ColorTemplate template = new ColorTemplate(image, palette);
                SegmentMesh mesh = new SegmentMesh(template);

                //create a pattern directory (Not using PatternIO here, since each pattern has its own directory anyways)
                String patternDir = Path.Combine(outdir, "previews", Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "",""));

                //for each segment, pair of adjacent segments, and group, output a preview image
                List<Segment> segs = mesh.getSegments();
                List<SegmentGroup> groups = mesh.getGroups();

                Bitmap original = (renderFinal)? image : template.DebugQuantization();

                Bitmap previewBase = new Bitmap(original.Width*2+hpadding, original.Height);
                //draw the original image on the right
                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(previewBase);
                g.DrawImage(original, original.Width+hpadding, 0);

                //draw a grayscaled image on the left
                for (int i = 0; i < original.Width; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < original.Height; j++)
                        int gray = (int)Math.Round(255*original.GetPixel(i, j).GetBrightness());
                        previewBase.SetPixel(i,j, Color.FromArgb(gray, gray, gray));

                //color in orange and blue

                for (int i = 0; i < segs.Count(); i++)
                    Bitmap unary = new Bitmap(previewBase);
                    foreach (var point in segs[i].points)
                        unary.SetPixel(point.X, point.Y, Color.Orange);
                    unary.Save(Path.Combine(patternDir, "s" + i + ".png"));

                    foreach (int j in segs[i].adjacencies)
                        if (j > i)
                            Bitmap binary = new Bitmap(unary);

                            Segment neighbor = segs[j];
                            foreach (var point in neighbor.points)
                                binary.SetPixel(point.X, point.Y, Color.ForestGreen);

                            binary.Save(Path.Combine(patternDir, "s" + i + "-s" + j + ".png"));


                for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count(); i++)
                    Bitmap group = new Bitmap(previewBase);
                    foreach (int j in groups[i].members)
                        Segment member = segs[j];

                        //color in the points
                        foreach (var point in member.points)
                            group.SetPixel(point.X, point.Y, Color.Orange);
                    group.Save(Path.Combine(patternDir, "g" + i + ".png"));


        private void Recolor()
            String suboutdir = Path.Combine(outdir, "recolored");

            //read in the patterns and save out their layers
            List<PatternItem> patterns = PatternIO.GetPatterns(imagedir);

            foreach (PatternItem p in patterns)
                String basename = p.Name;

                if (!palettes.ContainsKey(basename))

                PaletteData palette = palettes[basename];

                //Read the recoloring description if available
                String specs = Path.Combine(outdir, "specs", p.Directory, Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "", ".txt"));

                if (!File.Exists(specs))

                Bitmap image = new Bitmap(p.FullPath);

                //TODO: save and reload color templates functionality
                ColorTemplate template = new ColorTemplate(image, palette);

                PaletteData data = new PaletteData();

                String[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(specs);
                int[] slotToColor = new int[template.NumSlots()];
                Dictionary<int, int> groupToSlot = new Dictionary<int, int>();

                int ngroups = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < slotToColor.Count(); i++)
                    slotToColor[i] = i;
                    if (template.PixelsInSlot(i) > 0)
                        groupToSlot.Add(ngroups++, i);

                //TODO: handle recoloring when # groups is less than number of original slots, because of quantization issues.
                //Right now, this is rather ugly..

                data.colors = new List<Color>();
                data.lab = new List<CIELAB>();
                for (int i = 0; i < slotToColor.Count(); i++)
                    data.colors.Add(new Color());
                    data.lab.Add(new CIELAB());

                int groupid = 0;
                foreach (String line in lines)
                    //rgb floats
                    int[] fields = line.Split(new string[]{" "},StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select<String, int>(s=>((int)(Math.Round(double.Parse(s)*255)))).ToArray<int>();
                    Color color = Color.FromArgb(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]);
                    data.colors[groupToSlot[groupid]] = color;
                    data.lab[groupToSlot[groupid]] = Util.RGBtoLAB(color);

                Bitmap orig = (renderFinal)? image : template.DebugQuantization();
                PatternIO.SavePattern(orig, p, suboutdir, "_original");

                Bitmap result = (renderFinal)? GetFinalRendering(Util.ConvertFileName(basename, "",""), data): template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor);
                //sometimes we can't get the nice image, so render the quantized image in this case. TODO: or maybe skip rendering this visualization at all
                if (result == null)
                    result = template.SolidColor(data, slotToColor);
                PatternIO.SavePattern(result, p, suboutdir, "_recolored");

        //Test the quantization, connected components on different color layers, and output the descriptor
        private void OutputPatterns_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Create output directories
            Directory.CreateDirectory(outdir + "\\cc\\");
            Directory.CreateDirectory(outdir + "\\quantized\\");
            Directory.CreateDirectory(outdir + "\\mesh\\");

            //read in the patterns and save out their layers
            String[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagedir));
            List<PatternItem> patterns = PatternIO.GetPatterns(imagedir);

            foreach (PatternItem p in patterns)
                Bitmap image= new Bitmap(p.FullPath);
                String basename = p.Name;

                //TODO: sometimes keys are not found in patterns.csv...will need to look into recovering missing info. For now, just ignore those patterns
                if (!palettes.ContainsKey(basename))

                PaletteData palette = palettes[basename];

                ColorTemplate template = new ColorTemplate(image, palette);

                //output the template descriptor
                SegmentMesh mesh = new SegmentMesh(template);
                PatternIO.SaveMesh(mesh, p, Path.Combine(outdir, "mesh"));

                if (outputDebugImages)
                    Bitmap result = template.DebugQuantization();
                    PatternIO.SavePattern(result, p, Path.Combine(outdir, "quantized"), "_quantized");
                    PatternIO.SavePattern(result, p, Path.Combine(outdir, "quantized"), "_original");

                    //save the connected components
                    UnionFind<Color> uf = new UnionFind<Color>((a, b) => (a.GetHashCode() == b.GetHashCode()));
                    Color[,] resultArray = Util.BitmapToArray(result);
                    int[,] cc = uf.ConnectedComponentsNoiseRemoval(resultArray);

                    int numColors = palette.colors.Count();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numColors; i++)
                        Bitmap debug = uf.RenderComponents(cc, resultArray, palette.colors[i]);
                        PatternIO.SavePattern(debug, p, Path.Combine(outdir, "cc"), "_" + i);
