public void LblCurrencyOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Information.IsNumeric(txtCurrency.Text)) { if (C_Variables.CurrencyMenu == ((byte)1)) // drop item { C_NetworkSend.SendDropItem(C_Variables.TmpCurrencyItem, System.Convert.ToInt32(Conversion.Val(txtCurrency.Text))); } // deposit item else if (C_Variables.CurrencyMenu == ((byte)2)) { C_Banks.DepositItem(C_Variables.TmpCurrencyItem, System.Convert.ToInt32(Conversion.Val(txtCurrency.Text))); } // withdraw item else if (C_Variables.CurrencyMenu == ((byte)3)) { C_Banks.WithdrawItem(C_Variables.TmpCurrencyItem, System.Convert.ToInt32(Conversion.Val(txtCurrency.Text))); } // trade item else if (C_Variables.CurrencyMenu == ((byte)4)) { C_Trade.TradeItem(C_Variables.TmpCurrencyItem, System.Convert.ToInt32(Conversion.Val(txtCurrency.Text))); } } pnlCurrency.Visible = false; C_Variables.TmpCurrencyItem = 0; txtCurrency.Text = ""; C_Variables.CurrencyMenu = (byte)0; // clear }
public static void UpdateUi() { if (ReloadFrmMain == true) { ReloadFrmMain = false; } if (C_Variables.UpdateNews == true) { FrmMenu.Default.lblNews.Text = C_Variables.News; FrmMenu.Default.Text = C_Constants.GameName; FrmGame.Default.Text = C_Constants.GameName; C_Variables.UpdateNews = false; } if (PnlRegisterVisible != FrmMenu.Default.pnlRegister.Visible) { FrmMenu.Default.pnlRegister.Visible = PnlRegisterVisible; FrmMenu.Default.pnlRegister.BringToFront(); } if (DrawChar == true) { FrmMenu.Default.DrawCharacter(); DrawChar = false; } if (PnlCharCreateVisible != FrmMenu.Default.pnlNewChar.Visible) { FrmMenu.Default.pnlNewChar.Visible = PnlCharCreateVisible; FrmMenu.Default.pnlNewChar.BringToFront(); DrawChar = true; } if (Lblnextcharleft != FrmMenu.Default.lblNextChar.Left) { FrmMenu.Default.lblNextChar.Left = Lblnextcharleft; } if (!ReferenceEquals(Cmbclass, null)) { FrmMenu.Default.cmbClass.Items.Clear(); for (var i = 1; i <= (Cmbclass.Length - 1); i++) { FrmMenu.Default.cmbClass.Items.Add(Cmbclass[(int)i]); } FrmMenu.Default.cmbClass.SelectedIndex = 0; FrmMenu.Default.rdoMale.Checked = true; FrmMenu.Default.txtCharName.Focus(); Cmbclass = null; } if (PnlLoginVisible != FrmMenu.Default.pnlLogin.Visible) { FrmMenu.Default.pnlLogin.Visible = PnlLoginVisible; if (PnlLoginVisible) { FrmMenu.Default.txtLogin.Focus(); } } if (PnlCreditsVisible != FrmMenu.Default.pnlCredits.Visible) { FrmMenu.Default.pnlCredits.Visible = PnlCreditsVisible; } if (Frmmenuvisible != FrmMenu.Default.Visible) { FrmMenu.Default.Visible = Frmmenuvisible; } if (DrawCharSelect) { FrmMenu.Default.DrawCharacterSelect(); DrawCharSelect = false; } if (PnlCharSelectVisible != FrmMenu.Default.pnlCharSelect.Visible) { FrmMenu.Default.pnlCharSelect.Visible = PnlCharSelectVisible; if (PnlCharSelectVisible) { DrawCharSelect = true; } } if (Frmmaingamevisible != FrmGame.Default.Visible) { FrmGame.Default.Visible = Frmmaingamevisible; } if (C_Crafting.InitCrafting == true) { C_Crafting.CraftingInit(); C_Crafting.InitCrafting = false; } if (NeedToOpenShop == true) { C_GameLogic.OpenShop(NeedToOpenShopNum); NeedToOpenShop = false; NeedToOpenShopNum = 0; PnlShopVisible = true; } if (NeedToOpenBank == true) { C_Banks.InBank = System.Convert.ToInt32(true); PnlBankVisible = true; C_Banks.DrawBank(); NeedToOpenBank = false; } if (NeedToOpenTrade == true) { C_Trade.InTrade = true; PnlTradeVisible = true; NeedToOpenTrade = false; } if (NeedtoCloseTrade == true) { C_Trade.InTrade = false; PnlTradeVisible = false; NeedtoCloseTrade = false; } if (NeedtoUpdateTrade == true) { C_Trade.DrawTrade(); NeedtoUpdateTrade = false; } if (UpdateCharacterPanel == true) { UpdateCharacterPanel = false; } if (Pnlloadvisible != FrmMenu.Default.pnlLoad.Visible) { FrmMenu.Default.pnlLoad.Visible = Pnlloadvisible; } if (UpdateMapnames == true) { int x = 0; FrmAdmin.Default.lstMaps.Items.Clear(); for (x = 1; x <= Constants.MAX_MAPS; x++) { FrmAdmin.Default.lstMaps.Items.Add(x.ToString()); FrmAdmin.Default.lstMaps.Items[x - 1].SubItems.Add(C_Types.MapNames[x]); } UpdateMapnames = false; } if (Adminvisible == true) { FrmAdmin.Default.Visible = !FrmAdmin.Default.Visible; Adminvisible = false; } if (C_Quest.UpdateQuestChat == true) { C_Variables.DialogMsg1 = "Quest: " + Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Trim(C_Quest.Quest[C_Quest.QuestNum].Name); C_Variables.DialogMsg2 = C_Quest.QuestMessage; C_Variables.DialogType = C_Constants.DialogueTypeQuest; if (C_Quest.QuestNumForStart > 0 && C_Quest.QuestNumForStart <= C_Quest.MaxQuests) { C_Quest.QuestAcceptTag = C_Quest.QuestNumForStart; } C_Variables.UpdateDialog = true; C_Quest.UpdateQuestChat = false; } if (C_Quest.UpdateQuestWindow == true) { C_Quest.LoadQuestlogBox(); C_Quest.UpdateQuestWindow = false; } if (C_Variables.UpdateDialog == true) { if (C_Variables.DialogType == C_Constants.DialogueTypeBuyhome || C_Variables.DialogType == C_Constants.DialogueTypeVisit) //house offer & visit { C_Variables.DialogButton1Text = "Accept"; C_Variables.DialogButton2Text = "Decline"; DialogPanelVisible = true; } else if (C_Variables.DialogType == C_Constants.DialogueTypeParty || C_Variables.DialogType == C_Constants.DialogueTypeTrade) { C_Variables.DialogButton1Text = "Accept"; C_Variables.DialogButton2Text = "Decline"; DialogPanelVisible = true; } else if (C_Variables.DialogType == C_Constants.DialogueTypeQuest) { C_Variables.DialogButton1Text = "Accept"; C_Variables.DialogButton2Text = "Ok"; if (C_Quest.QuestAcceptTag > 0) { C_Variables.DialogButton2Text = "Decline"; } DialogPanelVisible = true; } C_Variables.UpdateDialog = false; } if (C_EventSystem.EventChat == true) { PnlEventChatVisible = true; C_EventSystem.EventChat = false; } if (C_Variables.ShowRClick == true) { RClickname = C_Types.Player[C_Variables.MyTarget].Name; RClickX = C_Graphics.ConvertMapX(C_Variables.CurX * C_Constants.PicX); RClickY = C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(C_Variables.CurY * C_Constants.PicY); PnlRClickVisible = true; C_Variables.ShowRClick = false; } if (InitMapEditor == true) { FrmEditor_MapEditor.Default.MapEditorInit(); InitMapEditor = false; } if (InitMapProperties == true) { FrmEditor_MapEditor.Default.MapPropertiesInit(); InitMapProperties = false; } if (C_EventSystem.InitEventEditorForm == true) { FrmEditor_Events.Default.InitEventEditorForm(); // populate form // set the tabs if (FrmEditor_Events.Default.tabPages != null && FrmEditor_Events.Default.tabPages.TabPages != null) { FrmEditor_Events.Default.tabPages.TabPages.Clear(); for (var i = 1; i <= C_EventSystem.TmpEvent.PageCount; i++) { FrmEditor_Events.Default.tabPages.TabPages.Add(Conversion.Str(i)); } // items FrmEditor_Events.Default.cmbHasItem.Items.Clear(); FrmEditor_Events.Default.cmbHasItem.Items.Add("None"); for (var i = 1; i <= Constants.MAX_ITEMS; i++) { FrmEditor_Events.Default.cmbHasItem.Items.Add(i + ": " + Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Trim(Types.Item[(int)i].Name)); } // variables FrmEditor_Events.Default.cmbPlayerVar.Items.Clear(); FrmEditor_Events.Default.cmbPlayerVar.Items.Add("None"); for (var i = 1; i <= C_EventSystem.MaxVariables; i++) { FrmEditor_Events.Default.cmbPlayerVar.Items.Add(i + ". " + C_EventSystem.Variables[(int)i]); } // variables FrmEditor_Events.Default.cmbPlayerSwitch.Items.Clear(); FrmEditor_Events.Default.cmbPlayerSwitch.Items.Add("None"); for (var i = 1; i <= C_EventSystem.MaxSwitches; i++) { FrmEditor_Events.Default.cmbPlayerSwitch.Items.Add(i + ". " + C_EventSystem.Switches[(int)i]); } // name FrmEditor_Events.Default.txtName.Text = C_EventSystem.TmpEvent.Name; // enable delete button if (C_EventSystem.TmpEvent.PageCount > 1) { FrmEditor_Events.Default.btnDeletePage.Enabled = true; } else { FrmEditor_Events.Default.btnDeletePage.Enabled = false; } FrmEditor_Events.Default.btnPastePage.Enabled = false; // Load page 1 to start off with C_EventSystem.CurPageNum = 1; C_EventSystem.EventEditorLoadPage(C_EventSystem.CurPageNum); FrmEditor_Events.Default.nudShowTextFace.Maximum = C_Graphics.NumFaces; FrmEditor_Events.Default.nudShowChoicesFace.Maximum = C_Graphics.NumFaces; // show the editor FrmEditor_Events.Default.Show(); C_EventSystem.InitEventEditorForm = false; } } if (OptionsVisible == true) { // show in GUI if (C_Types.Options.Music == 1) { FrmOptions.Default.optMOn.Checked = true; } else { FrmOptions.Default.optMOff.Checked = true; } if (C_Types.Options.Music == 1) { FrmOptions.Default.optSOn.Checked = true; } else { FrmOptions.Default.optSOff.Checked = true; } FrmOptions.Default.lblVolume.Text = "Volume: " + System.Convert.ToString(C_Types.Options.Volume); FrmOptions.Default.scrlVolume.Value = (int)C_Types.Options.Volume; FrmOptions.Default.cmbScreenSize.SelectedIndex = C_Types.Options.ScreenSize; if (C_Types.Options.VSync == 1) { FrmOptions.Default.chkVSync.Checked = true; } else { FrmOptions.Default.chkVSync.Checked = false; } if (C_Types.Options.UnlockFPS == 1) { FrmOptions.Default.checkBox1.Checked = true; } else { FrmOptions.Default.checkBox1.Checked = false; } if (C_Types.Options.ShowNpcBar == 1) { FrmOptions.Default.chkNpcBars.Checked = true; } else { FrmOptions.Default.chkNpcBars.Checked = false; } FrmOptions.Default.Visible = true; OptionsVisible = false; } }
public void Picscreen_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (!C_GuiFunctions.CheckGuiClick(e.X, e.Y, e)) { if (C_Constants.InMapEditor) { FrmEditor_MapEditor.Default.MapEditorMouseDown((System.Int32)e.Button, e.X, e.Y, false); } // left click if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { // if we're in the middle of choose the trade target or not if (!C_Trade.TradeRequest) { if (C_Pets.PetAlive(C_Variables.Myindex)) { if (C_GameLogic.IsInBounds()) { C_Pets.PetMove(C_Variables.CurX, C_Variables.CurY); } } // targetting C_NetworkSend.PlayerSearch(C_Variables.CurX, C_Variables.CurY, (byte)0); } else { // trading C_Trade.SendTradeRequest(C_Types.Player[C_Variables.MyTarget].Name); } C_UpdateUI.PnlRClickVisible = false; C_Pets.ShowPetStats = false; // right click } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { if (C_Variables.ShiftDown || C_UpdateUI.VbKeyShift == true) { // admin warp if we're pressing shift and right clicking if (C_Player.GetPlayerAccess(C_Variables.Myindex) >= 2) { C_NetworkSend.AdminWarp(C_Variables.CurX, C_Variables.CurY); } } else { // rightclick menu if (C_Pets.PetAlive(C_Variables.Myindex)) { if (C_GameLogic.IsInBounds() && C_Variables.CurX == C_Types.Player[C_Variables.Myindex].Pet.X & C_Variables.CurY == C_Types.Player[C_Variables.Myindex].Pet.Y) { C_Pets.ShowPetStats = true; } } else { C_NetworkSend.PlayerSearch(C_Variables.CurX, C_Variables.CurY, (byte)1); } } C_Housing.FurnitureSelected = 0; } } C_GuiFunctions.CheckGuiMouseDown(e.X, e.Y, e); if (!FrmAdmin.Default.Visible || !FrmOptions.Default.Visible) { Focus(); } }