예제 #1
        private static bool RaycastInternal(World world, RigidBody body, vec3 start, vec3 ray,
                                            out RaycastResults results)
            JVector jStart = start.ToJVector();

            // Note that Jitter's Raycast signature below calls one of its parameters "rayDirection", but that vector
            // isn't meant to be normalized (meaning that it's actually just a ray from start to end).
            JVector jDirection = ray.ToJVector();
            JVector normal;

            JVector[] triangle;

            var system = world.CollisionSystem;

            float fraction;

            bool success = body != null
                                ? system.Raycast(body, jStart, jDirection, out normal, out fraction, out triangle)
                                : system.Raycast(jStart, jDirection, (b, n, f) => true, out body, out normal,
                                                 out fraction, out triangle);

            if (!success || fraction > 1)
                results = null;


            vec3[] tVectors = null;

            // Triangle will only be set if a triangle mesh was hit.
            if (triangle != null)
                tVectors = new vec3[3];

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    tVectors[i] = triangle[i].ToVec3();

            results = new RaycastResults(body, start + jDirection.ToVec3() * fraction,
                                         Utilities.Normalize(normal.ToVec3()), tVectors);

예제 #2
 public static bool Raycast(World world, RigidBody body, vec3 start, vec3 end, out RaycastResults results)
     return(RaycastInternal(world, body, start, end - start, out results));
예제 #3
 public static bool Raycast(World world, RigidBody body, vec3 start, vec3 direction, float range,
                            out RaycastResults results)
     return(RaycastInternal(world, body, start, direction * range, out results));
예제 #4
 public static bool Raycast(World world, vec3 start, vec3 end, out RaycastResults results)
     return(RaycastInternal(world, null, start, end - start, out results));