private static void Postfix(MainMenu __instance, KButton ___buttonPrefab, GameObject ___buttonParent) { KButton kButton = Util.KInstantiateUI <KButton>(___buttonPrefab.gameObject, ___buttonParent, force_active: true); kButton.onClick += () => { ConfirmDialogScreen confirmDialogScreen = (ConfirmDialogScreen)KScreenManager.Instance.StartScreen(ScreenPrefabs.Instance.ConfirmDialogScreen.gameObject, Global.Instance.globalCanvas); var text = new StringBuilder(); text.AppendLine("Duplicants rescued:"); var state = EndpointState.Load(); foreach (var item in from x in state.times_rescued orderby - x.Value, x.Key select x) { if (item.Value == 1) { text.AppendLine(item.Key); } else { text.AppendLine(item.Key + " x" + item.Value); } } confirmDialogScreen.PopupConfirmDialog(text.ToString(), null, null, null, null, "Endpoint Population"); }; LocText loctext = kButton.GetComponentInChildren <LocText>(); loctext.text = "ENDPOINT"; loctext.fontSize = 14.0f; }
public static void OnLoad() { Debug.Log("Endpoint state path: " + EndpointState.Filename()); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(EndpointState.Filename())) { Debug.Log("endpoint_state.yaml file not found. Creating it."); new EndpointState().Save(); } Strings.Add("STRINGS.UI.UISIDESCREENS.ENDPOINTTRANSPORT.TITLE", "Transport Options"); STRINGS.MISC.NOTIFICATIONS.COLONYLOST.NAME = "Game over"; STRINGS.MISC.NOTIFICATIONS.COLONYLOST.TOOLTIP = "All Duplicants are rescued, incapacitated, or dead"; STRINGS.UI.COLONYLOSTSCREEN.COLONYLOST = "GAME OVER"; STRINGS.UI.COLONYLOSTSCREEN.COLONYLOSTDESCRIPTION = "No duplicants remain on this asteroid."; }
private static void Postfix(MinionStartingStats __instance) { var name = __instance.NameStringKey; var state = EndpointState.Load(); if (state.times_rescued.ContainsKey(name)) { int count = state.times_rescued[name]; var trait = new Klei.AI.Trait("Rescued", "Rescued", "A previous iteration of this duplicant visited the great printing pod in the sky (x" + count + ").", 0, true, null, true, true); foreach (var attribute in TUNING.DUPLICANTSTATS.DISTRIBUTED_ATTRIBUTES) { trait.Add(new Klei.AI.AttributeModifier(attribute, state.times_rescued[name], "Rescued x" + count)); } __instance.Traits.Add(trait); } }
public static EndpointState Load() { EndpointState result; try { result = YamlIO.LoadFile <EndpointState>(Filename()); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogWarning("Failed to load endpoint_state.yml: " + ex.ToString()); result = new EndpointState(); } if (result.times_rescued == null) { Debug.Log("Missing times_rescued"); result.times_rescued = new Dictionary <string, int>(); } Debug.Log("Loaded Endpoint state: " + result.ToString()); return(result); }
public void SetReachedDestination(bool reached_destination, SpaceDestination destination) { if (reached_destination != has_reached_destination) { has_reached_destination = reached_destination; if (reached_destination && destination.type == "Endpoint" && stay_at_destination) { var storage = GetComponent <MinionStorage>(); var ids = storage.GetStoredMinionInfo().Select((x) =>; var state = EndpointState.Load(); foreach (var id in ids) { var minion = storage.DeserializeMinion(id, transform.position); var identity = minion.GetComponent <MinionIdentity>(); var name = identity.nameStringKey; Debug.Log("Transported " + name + " to " + destination.type); // Delete duplicant. minion.GetComponent <Schedulable>().GetSchedule().Unassign(minion.GetComponent <Schedulable>()); identity.GetSoleOwner().UnassignAll(); Components.MinionAssignablesProxy.Remove(identity.assignableProxy.Get()); Components.MinionResumes.Remove(minion.GetComponent <MinionResume>()); minion.gameObject.SetActive(false); // Show message. Messenger.Instance.QueueMessage(new EndpointMessage(; // Hacks to avoid crash in SkillsScreen. Components.LiveMinionIdentities.Add(identity); Components.LiveMinionIdentities.Remove(identity); Game.Instance.userMenu.Refresh(gameObject); // Record duplicant as rescued in the state file. if (!state.times_rescued.ContainsKey(name)) { state.times_rescued[name] = 0; } state.times_rescued[name] += 1; } state.Save(); } } }