Error() 공개 메소드

Write an exception to the configured output device.
public Error ( Exception ex ) : void
ex System.Exception The exception to trace.
리턴 void
        public ISymbolReader LoadPdbForModule(ModuleDefinition module)
            using (Tracer t = new Tracer(myType, "LoadPdbForModule"))
                string fileName = module.Assembly.MainModule.FullyQualifiedName;
                t.Info("Module file name: {0}", fileName);
                ISymbolReader reader = null;

                if (!this.myFile2PdbMap.TryGetValue(fileName, out reader))
                    if (this.myFailedPdbs.Contains(fileName))
                        t.Warning("This pdb could not be successfully downloaded");
                        return reader;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            reader = this.myPdbFactory.GetSymbolReader(module, fileName);
                            this.myFile2PdbMap[fileName] = reader;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            t.Error(Level.L3, ex, "Pdb did not match or it is not present");

                            string pdbFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + ".pdb");
                            catch (Exception delex)
                                t.Error(Level.L2, delex, "Could not delete pdb {0}", pdbFileName);

                            // When we have symbol server we try to make us of it for matches.
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.mySymbolServer))

                            t.Info("Try to download pdb from symbol server {0}", this.mySymbolServer);
                            bool bDownloaded = this.myDownLoader.DownloadPdbs(new FileQuery(fileName), this.mySymbolServer);
                            t.Info("Did download pdb {0} from symbol server with return code: {1}", fileName, bDownloaded);

                            if (bDownloaded == false || i == 1) // second try did not work out as well

                return reader;
 private void DeleteOldPdb(string binaryName)
     using (var t = new Tracer(Level.L5, myType, "DeleteOldPdb"))
         var pdbFile = GetPdbNameFromBinaryName(binaryName);
         t.Info("Try to delete pdb {0} for binary {1}", pdbFile, binaryName);
         catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
             t.Error(ex, "No old pdb file did exist");
         catch (Exception ex)
             t.Error(ex, "Could not delete old pdb file");
        public static AssemblyDefinition LoadCecilAssembly(string fileName, bool immediateLoad = false, bool? readSymbols = null)
            using (var t = new Tracer(Level.L5, myType, "LoadCecilAssembly"))
                var pdbPath = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, "pdb");
                var tryReadSymbols = readSymbols ?? File.Exists(pdbPath);
                var fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName);
                if (fileInfo.Length == 0)
                    t.Info("File {0} has zero byte length", fileName);
                    return null;

                    var readingMode = immediateLoad ? ReadingMode.Immediate : ReadingMode.Deferred;
                    var assemblyResolver = new DefaultAssemblyResolver();
                    var readerParameters = new ReaderParameters { ReadSymbols = tryReadSymbols, ReadingMode = readingMode, AssemblyResolver = assemblyResolver };
                    var assemblyDef = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(fileName, readerParameters);

                    // Managed C++ assemblies are not supported by Mono Cecil
                    if (IsManagedCppAssembly(assemblyDef))
                        t.Info("File {0} is a managed C++ assembly", fileName);
                        return null;

                    return assemblyDef;
                catch (BadImageFormatException) // Ignore invalid images
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    t.Info("File {0} is a managed C++ assembly", fileName);
                catch (NullReferenceException) // ignore managed c++ targets
                    t.Info("File {0} is a managed C++ assembly", fileName);
                catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                    t.Info("File {0} is a managed C++ assembly", fileName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    t.Error(Level.L1, "Could not read assembly {0}: {1}", fileName, ex);

                return null;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Downloads the pdbs from the symbol server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">The query.</param>
        /// <param name="symbolServer">The symbol server name.</param>
        /// <param name="downloadDir">The download directory. Can be null.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     true if all symbols could be downloaded. False otherwise.
        /// </returns>
        public bool DownloadPdbs(FileQuery query, string symbolServer, string downloadDir)
            using (var t = new Tracer(myType, "DownloadPdbs"))
                var lret = SymChkExecutor.bCanStartSymChk;
                var currentFailCount = this.FailedPdbs.Count;

                var fileQueue = query.EnumerateFiles;
                var aggregator = new BlockingQueueAggregator<string>(fileQueue);

                Action<string> downLoadPdbThread = (string fileName) =>
                    var pdbFileName = GetPdbNameFromBinaryName(fileName);

                    // delete old pdb to ensure that the new matching pdb is really downloaded. Symchk does not replace existing but not matching pdbs.

                    if (!this.Executor.DownLoadPdb(fileName, symbolServer, downloadDir))
                        lock (this.FailedPdbs)
                        lock (this.FailedPdbs)

                var dispatcher = new WorkItemDispatcher<string>(this.myDownLoadThreadCount, downLoadPdbThread, "Pdb Downloader", aggregator, WorkItemOptions.AggregateExceptions);

                catch (AggregateException ex)
                    t.Error(ex, "Got error during pdb download");
                    lret = false;

                if (this.FailedPdbs.Count > currentFailCount)
                    t.Warning("The failed pdb count has increased by {0}", this.FailedPdbs.Count - currentFailCount);
                    lret = false;

                return lret;