internal xa68541a68dd6f460(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param, sbyte[] y_) : base(prob.l, prob.x, param) { this.x1e218ceaee1bb583 = new sbyte[y_.Length]; y_.CopyTo(this.x1e218ceaee1bb583, 0); this.x1f31bf6ca58166a1 = new xb730a77005d16cc1(prob.l, (int) (param.cache_size * 1048576.0)); }
internal xfbfe48e5ee40f893(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param) : base(prob.l, prob.x, param) { int num; int num2; if (((uint) num) > uint.MaxValue) { goto Label_005C; } this.x9fc3ee03a439f6f0 = prob.l; if ((((uint) num) - ((uint) num2)) > uint.MaxValue) { if ((((uint) num2) + ((uint) num)) > uint.MaxValue) { goto Label_0115; } } else { goto Label_0115; } Label_0024: this.x5cafa8d49ea71ea1[num2] = new float[2 * this.x9fc3ee03a439f6f0]; num2++; Label_003D: if (num2 < 2) { goto Label_0024; } this.xafb0a999075e2e6a = 0; if (0 == 0) { return; } goto Label_00C0; Label_005C: num2 = 0; goto Label_003D; Label_00C0: this.xc0c4c459c6ccbd00 = new int[2 * this.x9fc3ee03a439f6f0]; for (num = 0; num < this.x9fc3ee03a439f6f0; num++) { this.x32dce50116aa0f1e[num] = 1; this.x32dce50116aa0f1e[num + this.x9fc3ee03a439f6f0] = -1; this.xc0c4c459c6ccbd00[num] = num; this.xc0c4c459c6ccbd00[num + this.x9fc3ee03a439f6f0] = num; } this.x5cafa8d49ea71ea1 = new float[2][]; goto Label_005C; Label_0115: this.x1f31bf6ca58166a1 = new xb730a77005d16cc1(this.x9fc3ee03a439f6f0, (int) (param.cache_size * 1048576.0)); this.x32dce50116aa0f1e = new sbyte[2 * this.x9fc3ee03a439f6f0]; goto Label_00C0; }
public SupportVectorMachine(svm_model theModel) { svm_node[][] sV; int num; svm_node[] _nodeArray3; int num2; this._model = theModel; this._paras = this._model.param; if (8 != 0) { goto Label_00A8; } return; Label_002C: if (num < sV.Length) { _nodeArray3 = sV[num]; num2 = 0; } else { if ((0 == 0) && ((((uint) num2) + ((uint) num2)) > uint.MaxValue)) { goto Label_002C; } if ((((uint) num2) - ((uint) num2)) >= 0) { return; } goto Label_00A8; } Label_005F: while (num2 < _nodeArray3.Length) { svm_node _node = _nodeArray3[num2]; this._inputCount = Math.Max(_node.index, this._inputCount); num2++; } num++; goto Label_002C; Label_00A8: this._inputCount = 0; sV = this._model.SV; num = 0; if (((uint) num2) < 0) { goto Label_005F; } goto Label_002C; }
internal xf094e3229d63c9be(int l, svm_node[][] x_, svm_parameter param) { int num; Label_00C5: this.xbcd9612004129925 = param.kernel_type; Label_0075: if ((((uint) num) | 0x80000000) != 0) { this.x83735b10b6a3d76d =; do { this.xc7c4e9c099884228 = param.gamma; this.x987b3666f8a37f90 = param.coef0; if (0xff != 0) { this.x08db3aeabb253cb1 = (svm_node[][]) x_.Clone(); if (this.xbcd9612004129925 != 2) { this.x4f9e236643454e9f = null; if (0 == 0) { if (0 == 0) { return; } goto Label_00C5; } goto Label_0075; } this.x4f9e236643454e9f = new double[l]; } } while (2 == 0); } for (num = 0; num < l; num++) { this.x4f9e236643454e9f[num] = x99240096a9e3842c(this.x08db3aeabb253cb1[num], this.x08db3aeabb253cb1[num]); } }
public static String svm_check_parameter(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param) { // svm_type int svm_type = param.svm_type; if (svm_type != svm_parameter.C_SVC && svm_type != svm_parameter.NU_SVC && svm_type != svm_parameter.ONE_CLASS && svm_type != svm_parameter.EPSILON_SVR && svm_type != svm_parameter.NU_SVR) return "unknown svm type"; // kernel_type int kernel_type = param.kernel_type; if (kernel_type != svm_parameter.LINEAR && kernel_type != svm_parameter.POLY && kernel_type != svm_parameter.RBF && kernel_type != svm_parameter.SIGMOID) return "unknown kernel type"; // cache_size,eps,C,nu,p,shrinking if (param.cache_size <= 0) return "cache_size <= 0"; if (param.eps <= 0) return "eps <= 0"; if (svm_type == svm_parameter.C_SVC || svm_type == svm_parameter.EPSILON_SVR || svm_type == svm_parameter.NU_SVR) if (param.C <= 0) return "C <= 0"; if (svm_type == svm_parameter.NU_SVC || svm_type == svm_parameter.ONE_CLASS || svm_type == svm_parameter.NU_SVR) if ( < 0 || > 1) return "nu < 0 or nu > 1"; if (svm_type == svm_parameter.EPSILON_SVR) if (param.p < 0) return "p < 0"; if (param.shrinking != 0 && param.shrinking != 1) return "shrinking != 0 and shrinking != 1"; if (param.probability != 0 && param.probability != 1) return "probability != 0 and probability != 1"; if (param.probability == 1 && svm_type == svm_parameter.ONE_CLASS) return "one-class SVM probability output not supported yet"; // check whether nu-svc is feasible if (svm_type == svm_parameter.NU_SVC) { int l = prob.l; int max_nr_class = 16; int nr_class = 0; var label = new int[max_nr_class]; var count = new int[max_nr_class]; int i; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different. Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1042_3"' var this_label = (int) prob.y[i]; int j; for (j = 0; j < nr_class; j++) if (this_label == label[j]) { ++count[j]; break; } if (j == nr_class) { if (nr_class == max_nr_class) { max_nr_class *= 2; var new_data = new int[max_nr_class]; Array.Copy(label, 0, new_data, 0, label.Length); label = new_data; new_data = new int[max_nr_class]; Array.Copy(count, 0, new_data, 0, count.Length); count = new_data; } label[nr_class] = this_label; count[nr_class] = 1; ++nr_class; } } for (i = 0; i < nr_class; i++) { int n1 = count[i]; for (int j = i + 1; j < nr_class; j++) { int n2 = count[j]; if (*(n1 + n2)/2 > Math.Min(n1, n2)) return "specified nu is infeasible"; } } } return null; }
public static svm_model svm_load_model(StringReader fp) { // read parameters var model = new svm_model(); var param = new svm_parameter(); model.param = param; model.rho = null; model.probA = null; model.probB = null; model.label = null; model.nSV = null; while (true) { String cmd = fp.ReadLine(); String arg = cmd.Substring(cmd.IndexOf(' ') + 1); if (cmd.StartsWith("svm_type")) { int i; for (i = 0; i < svm_type_table.Length; i++) { if (arg.IndexOf(svm_type_table[i]) != -1) { param.svm_type = i; break; } } if (i == svm_type_table.Length) { Console.Error.Write("unknown svm type.\n"); return null; } } else if (cmd.StartsWith("kernel_type")) { int i; for (i = 0; i < kernel_type_table.Length; i++) { if (arg.IndexOf(kernel_type_table[i]) != -1) { param.kernel_type = i; break; } } if (i == kernel_type_table.Length) { Console.Error.Write("unknown kernel function.\n"); return null; } } else if (cmd.StartsWith("degree")) = atof(arg); else if (cmd.StartsWith("gamma")) param.gamma = atof(arg); else if (cmd.StartsWith("coef0")) param.coef0 = atof(arg); else if (cmd.StartsWith("nr_class")) model.nr_class = atoi(arg); else if (cmd.StartsWith("total_sv")) model.l = atoi(arg); else if (cmd.StartsWith("rho")) { int n = model.nr_class*(model.nr_class - 1)/2; model.rho = new double[n]; var st = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(arg); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) model.rho[i] = atof(st.NextToken()); } else if (cmd.StartsWith("label")) { int n = model.nr_class; model.label = new int[n]; var st = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(arg); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) model.label[i] = atoi(st.NextToken()); } else if (cmd.StartsWith("probA")) { int n = model.nr_class*(model.nr_class - 1)/2; model.probA = new double[n]; var st = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(arg); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) model.probA[i] = atof(st.NextToken()); } else if (cmd.StartsWith("probB")) { int n = model.nr_class*(model.nr_class - 1)/2; model.probB = new double[n]; var st = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(arg); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) model.probB[i] = atof(st.NextToken()); } else if (cmd.StartsWith("nr_sv")) { int n = model.nr_class; model.nSV = new int[n]; var st = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(arg); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) model.nSV[i] = atoi(st.NextToken()); } else if (cmd.StartsWith("SV")) { break; } else { Console.Error.Write("unknown text in model file\n"); return null; } } // read sv_coef and SV int m = model.nr_class - 1; int l = model.l; model.sv_coef = new double[m][]; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { model.sv_coef[i] = new double[l]; } model.SV = new svm_node[l][]; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { String line = fp.ReadLine(); var st = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(line, " \t\n\r\f:"); for (int k = 0; k < m; k++) model.sv_coef[k][i] = atof(st.NextToken()); int n = st.Count/2; model.SV[i] = new svm_node[n]; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { model.SV[i][j] = new svm_node(); model.SV[i][j].index = atoi(st.NextToken()); model.SV[i][j].value_Renamed = atof(st.NextToken()); } } return model; }
// // Interface functions // public static svm_model svm_train(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param) { var model = new svm_model(); model.param = param; if (param.svm_type == svm_parameter.ONE_CLASS || param.svm_type == svm_parameter.EPSILON_SVR || param.svm_type == svm_parameter.NU_SVR) { // regression or one-class-svm model.nr_class = 2; model.label = null; model.nSV = null; model.probA = null; model.probB = null; model.sv_coef = new double[1][]; if (param.probability == 1 && (param.svm_type == svm_parameter.EPSILON_SVR || param.svm_type == svm_parameter.NU_SVR)) { model.probA = new double[1]; model.probA[0] = svm_svr_probability(prob, param); } decision_function f = svm_train_one(prob, param, 0, 0); model.rho = new double[1]; model.rho[0] = f.rho; int nSV = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < prob.l; i++) if (Math.Abs(f.alpha[i]) > 0) ++nSV; model.l = nSV; model.SV = new svm_node[nSV][]; model.sv_coef[0] = new double[nSV]; int j = 0; for (i = 0; i < prob.l; i++) if (Math.Abs(f.alpha[i]) > 0) { model.SV[j] = prob.x[i]; model.sv_coef[0][j] = f.alpha[i]; ++j; } } else { // classification // find out the number of classes int l = prob.l; int max_nr_class = 16; int nr_class = 0; var label = new int[max_nr_class]; var count = new int[max_nr_class]; var index = new int[l]; int i; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different. Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1042_3"' var this_label = (int) prob.y[i]; int j; for (j = 0; j < nr_class; j++) if (this_label == label[j]) { ++count[j]; break; } index[i] = j; if (j == nr_class) { if (nr_class == max_nr_class) { max_nr_class *= 2; var new_data = new int[max_nr_class]; Array.Copy(label, 0, new_data, 0, label.Length); label = new_data; new_data = new int[max_nr_class]; Array.Copy(count, 0, new_data, 0, count.Length); count = new_data; } label[nr_class] = this_label; count[nr_class] = 1; ++nr_class; } } // group training data of the same class var start = new int[nr_class]; start[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < nr_class; i++) start[i] = start[i - 1] + count[i - 1]; var x = new svm_node[l][]; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { x[start[index[i]]] = prob.x[i]; ++start[index[i]]; } start[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < nr_class; i++) start[i] = start[i - 1] + count[i - 1]; // calculate weighted C var weighted_C = new double[nr_class]; for (i = 0; i < nr_class; i++) weighted_C[i] = param.C; for (i = 0; i < param.nr_weight; i++) { int j; for (j = 0; j < nr_class; j++) if (param.weight_label[i] == label[j]) break; if (j == nr_class) Console.Error.Write("warning: class label " + param.weight_label[i] + " specified in weight is not found\n"); else weighted_C[j] *= param.weight[i]; } // train k*(k-1)/2 models var nonzero = new bool[l]; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) nonzero[i] = false; var f = new decision_function[nr_class*(nr_class - 1)/2]; double[] probA = null, probB = null; if (param.probability == 1) { probA = new double[nr_class*(nr_class - 1)/2]; probB = new double[nr_class*(nr_class - 1)/2]; } int p = 0; for (i = 0; i < nr_class; i++) for (int j = i + 1; j < nr_class; j++) { var sub_prob = new svm_problem(); int si = start[i], sj = start[j]; int ci = count[i], cj = count[j]; sub_prob.l = ci + cj; sub_prob.x = new svm_node[sub_prob.l][]; sub_prob.y = new double[sub_prob.l]; int k; for (k = 0; k < ci; k++) { sub_prob.x[k] = x[si + k]; sub_prob.y[k] = + 1; } for (k = 0; k < cj; k++) { sub_prob.x[ci + k] = x[sj + k]; sub_prob.y[ci + k] = - 1; } if (param.probability == 1) { var probAB = new double[2]; svm_binary_svc_probability(sub_prob, param, weighted_C[i], weighted_C[j], probAB); probA[p] = probAB[0]; probB[p] = probAB[1]; } f[p] = svm_train_one(sub_prob, param, weighted_C[i], weighted_C[j]); for (k = 0; k < ci; k++) if (!nonzero[si + k] && Math.Abs(f[p].alpha[k]) > 0) nonzero[si + k] = true; for (k = 0; k < cj; k++) if (!nonzero[sj + k] && Math.Abs(f[p].alpha[ci + k]) > 0) nonzero[sj + k] = true; ++p; } // build output model.nr_class = nr_class; model.label = new int[nr_class]; for (i = 0; i < nr_class; i++) model.label[i] = label[i]; model.rho = new double[nr_class*(nr_class - 1)/2]; for (i = 0; i < nr_class*(nr_class - 1)/2; i++) model.rho[i] = f[i].rho; if (param.probability == 1) { model.probA = new double[nr_class*(nr_class - 1)/2]; model.probB = new double[nr_class*(nr_class - 1)/2]; for (i = 0; i < nr_class*(nr_class - 1)/2; i++) { model.probA[i] = probA[i]; model.probB[i] = probB[i]; } } else { model.probA = null; model.probB = null; } int nnz = 0; var nz_count = new int[nr_class]; model.nSV = new int[nr_class]; for (i = 0; i < nr_class; i++) { int nSV = 0; for (int j = 0; j < count[i]; j++) if (nonzero[start[i] + j]) { ++nSV; ++nnz; } model.nSV[i] = nSV; nz_count[i] = nSV; } Console.Out.Write("Total nSV = " + nnz + "\n"); model.l = nnz; model.SV = new svm_node[nnz][]; p = 0; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (nonzero[i]) model.SV[p++] = x[i]; var nz_start = new int[nr_class]; nz_start[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < nr_class; i++) nz_start[i] = nz_start[i - 1] + nz_count[i - 1]; model.sv_coef = new double[nr_class - 1][]; for (i = 0; i < nr_class - 1; i++) model.sv_coef[i] = new double[nnz]; p = 0; for (i = 0; i < nr_class; i++) for (int j = i + 1; j < nr_class; j++) { // classifier (i,j): coefficients with // i are in sv_coef[j-1][nz_start[i]...], // j are in sv_coef[i][nz_start[j]...] int si = start[i]; int sj = start[j]; int ci = count[i]; int cj = count[j]; int q = nz_start[i]; int k; for (k = 0; k < ci; k++) if (nonzero[si + k]) model.sv_coef[j - 1][q++] = f[p].alpha[k]; q = nz_start[j]; for (k = 0; k < cj; k++) if (nonzero[sj + k]) model.sv_coef[i][q++] = f[p].alpha[ci + k]; ++p; } } return model; }
// Cross-validation decision values for probability estimates private static void svm_binary_svc_probability(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param, double Cp, double Cn, double[] probAB) { int i; int nr_fold = 5; var perm = new int[prob.l]; var dec_values = new double[prob.l]; // random shuffle for (i = 0; i < prob.l; i++) perm[i] = i; for (i = 0; i < prob.l; i++) { //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different. Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1042_3"' int j = i + (int) (SupportClass.Random.NextDouble()*(prob.l - i)); do { int _ = perm[i]; perm[i] = perm[j]; perm[j] = _; } while (false); } for (i = 0; i < nr_fold; i++) { int begin = i*prob.l/nr_fold; int end = (i + 1)*prob.l/nr_fold; int j, k; var subprob = new svm_problem(); subprob.l = prob.l - (end - begin); subprob.x = new svm_node[subprob.l][]; subprob.y = new double[subprob.l]; k = 0; for (j = 0; j < begin; j++) { subprob.x[k] = prob.x[perm[j]]; subprob.y[k] = prob.y[perm[j]]; ++k; } for (j = end; j < prob.l; j++) { subprob.x[k] = prob.x[perm[j]]; subprob.y[k] = prob.y[perm[j]]; ++k; } int p_count = 0, n_count = 0; for (j = 0; j < k; j++) if (subprob.y[j] > 0) p_count++; else n_count++; if (p_count == 0 && n_count == 0) for (j = begin; j < end; j++) dec_values[perm[j]] = 0; else if (p_count > 0 && n_count == 0) for (j = begin; j < end; j++) dec_values[perm[j]] = 1; else if (p_count == 0 && n_count > 0) for (j = begin; j < end; j++) dec_values[perm[j]] = - 1; else { var subparam = (svm_parameter) param.Clone(); subparam.probability = 0; subparam.C = 1.0; subparam.nr_weight = 2; subparam.weight_label = new int[2]; subparam.weight = new double[2]; subparam.weight_label[0] = + 1; subparam.weight_label[1] = - 1; subparam.weight[0] = Cp; subparam.weight[1] = Cn; svm_model submodel = svm_train(subprob, subparam); for (j = begin; j < end; j++) { var dec_value = new double[1]; svm_predict_values(submodel, prob.x[perm[j]], dec_value); dec_values[perm[j]] = dec_value[0]; // ensure +1 -1 order; reason not using CV subroutine dec_values[perm[j]] *= submodel.label[0]; } } } sigmoid_train(prob.l, dec_values, prob.y, probAB); }
private static void solve_nu_svr(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param, double[] alpha, Solver.SolutionInfo si) { int l = prob.l; double C = param.C; var alpha2 = new double[2*l]; var linear_term = new double[2*l]; var y = new sbyte[2*l]; int i; double sum = C**l/2; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { alpha2[i] = alpha2[i + l] = Math.Min(sum, C); sum -= alpha2[i]; linear_term[i] = - prob.y[i]; y[i] = 1; linear_term[i + l] = prob.y[i]; y[i + l] = - 1; } var s = new Solver_NU(); s.Solve(2*l, new SVR_Q(prob, param), linear_term, y, alpha2, C, C, param.eps, si, param.shrinking); Console.Out.Write("epsilon = " + (- si.r) + "\n"); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) alpha[i] = alpha2[i] - alpha2[i + l]; }
private static void solve_one_class(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param, double[] alpha, Solver.SolutionInfo si) { int l = prob.l; var zeros = new double[l]; var ones = new sbyte[l]; int i; //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different. Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1042_3"' var n = (int) (*prob.l); // # of alpha's at upper bound for (i = 0; i < n; i++) alpha[i] = 1; alpha[n] =*prob.l - n; for (i = n + 1; i < l; i++) alpha[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { zeros[i] = 0; ones[i] = 1; } var s = new Solver(); s.Solve(l, new ONE_CLASS_Q(prob, param), zeros, ones, alpha, 1.0, 1.0, param.eps, si, param.shrinking); }
/// <summary> /// Load the models. /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlin">Where to read the models from.</param> /// <param name="network">Where the models are read into.</param> private void HandleModels(ReadXML xmlin, SVMNetwork network) { int index = 0; while (xmlin.ReadToTag()) { if (xmlin.IsIt(SVMNetworkPersistor.TAG_MODEL, true)) { svm_parameter param = new svm_parameter(); svm_model model = new svm_model(); model.param = param; network.Models[index] = model; HandleModel(xmlin, network.Models[index]); index++; } else if (xmlin.IsIt(SVMNetworkPersistor.TAG_MODELS, false)) { break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Evaluate the error for the specified model. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="param">The params for the SVN.</param> /// <param name="prob">The problem to evaluate.</param> /// <param name="target">The output values from the SVN.</param> /// <returns>The calculated error.</returns> private static double Evaluate(svm_parameter param, svm_problem prob, double[] target) { int totalCorrect = 0; var error = new ErrorCalculation(); if ((param.svm_type == svm_parameter.EPSILON_SVR) || (param.svm_type == svm_parameter.NU_SVR)) { for (int i = 0; i < prob.l; i++) { double ideal = prob.y[i]; double actual = target[i]; error.UpdateError(actual, ideal); } return error.Calculate(); } for (int i = 0; i < prob.l; i++) { if (target[i] == prob.y[i]) { ++totalCorrect; } } return Format.HundredPercent*totalCorrect/prob.l; }
private static double x308cb2f3483de2a6(svm_parameter x0d173b5435b4d6ad, svm_problem xdee3898b83df48b4, double[] x11d58b056c032b03) { ErrorCalculation calculation; int num2; double num3; int num5; int num = 0; if (0 == 0) { if ((((uint) num3) & 0) != 0) { goto Label_0134; } goto Label_0108; } goto Label_008C; Label_0055: if (num2 >= xdee3898b83df48b4.l) { return calculation.Calculate(); } Label_008C: num3 = xdee3898b83df48b4.y[num2]; double actual = x11d58b056c032b03[num2]; if (((uint) num3) < 0) { goto Label_0108; } calculation.UpdateError(actual, num3); num2++; if ((((uint) num3) - ((uint) num3)) >= 0) { goto Label_0055; } Label_00D4: if ((((uint) num5) & 0) == 0) { while (num5 < xdee3898b83df48b4.l) { while (x11d58b056c032b03[num5] == xdee3898b83df48b4.y[num5]) { num++; if ((((uint) actual) + ((uint) actual)) <= uint.MaxValue) { break; } } num5++; } } goto Label_0134; Label_0108: calculation = new ErrorCalculation(); if (((x0d173b5435b4d6ad.svm_type != 3) && ((((uint) num5) | 3) != 0)) && (x0d173b5435b4d6ad.svm_type != 4)) { num5 = 0; if ((((uint) num3) + ((uint) actual)) <= uint.MaxValue) { goto Label_00D4; } goto Label_008C; } num2 = 0; goto Label_0055; Label_0134: return ((100.0 * num) / ((double) xdee3898b83df48b4.l)); }
/// <summary> /// Construct a SVM network. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputCount">The input count.</param> /// <param name="outputCount">The output count.</param> /// <param name="svmType">The type of SVM.</param> /// <param name="kernelType">The SVM kernal type.</param> public SVMNetwork(int inputCount, int outputCount, SVMType svmType, KernelType kernelType) { this.inputCount = inputCount; this.outputCount = outputCount; this.kernelType = kernelType; this.svmType = svmType; models = new svm_model[outputCount]; parameters = new svm_parameter[outputCount]; for (int i = 0; i < outputCount; i++) { parameters[i] = new svm_parameter(); switch (svmType) { case SVMType.SupportVectorClassification: parameters[i].svm_type = svm_parameter.C_SVC; break; case SVMType.NewSupportVectorClassification: parameters[i].svm_type = svm_parameter.NU_SVC; break; case SVMType.SupportVectorOneClass: parameters[i].svm_type = svm_parameter.ONE_CLASS; break; case SVMType.EpsilonSupportVectorRegression: parameters[i].svm_type = svm_parameter.EPSILON_SVR; break; case SVMType.NewSupportVectorRegression: parameters[i].svm_type = svm_parameter.NU_SVR; break; } switch (kernelType) { case KernelType.Linear: parameters[i].kernel_type = svm_parameter.LINEAR; break; case KernelType.Poly: parameters[i].kernel_type = svm_parameter.POLY; break; case KernelType.RadialBasisFunction: parameters[i].kernel_type = svm_parameter.RBF; break; case KernelType.Sigmoid: parameters[i].kernel_type = svm_parameter.SIGMOID; break; } parameters[i].kernel_type = svm_parameter.RBF; parameters[i].degree = 3; parameters[i].coef0 = 0; parameters[i].nu = 0.5; parameters[i].cache_size = 100; parameters[i].C = 1; parameters[i].eps = 1e-3; parameters[i].p = 0.1; parameters[i].shrinking = 1; parameters[i].probability = 0; parameters[i].nr_weight = 0; parameters[i].weight_label = new int[0]; parameters[i].weight = new double[0]; parameters[i].gamma = 1.0 / inputCount; } }
public SupportVectorMachine(int theInputCount, Encog.ML.SVM.SVMType svmType, Encog.ML.SVM.KernelType kernelType) { goto Label_02B7; Label_000B: this._paras.nr_weight = 0; Label_0017: this._paras.weight_label = new int[0]; this._paras.weight = new double[0]; this._paras.gamma = 1.0 / ((double) this._inputCount); goto Label_00C6; Label_0057: this._paras.C = 1.0; this._paras.eps = 0.001; this._paras.p = 0.1; this._paras.shrinking = 1; this._paras.probability = 0; if ((((uint) theInputCount) + ((uint) theInputCount)) >= 0) { goto Label_000B; } Label_00C6: if (0 == 0) { return; } goto Label_02B7; Label_00D1: = 3.0; this._paras.coef0 = 0.0; = 0.5; if (0 != 0) { goto Label_0256; } this._paras.cache_size = 100.0; if (0 == 0) { goto Label_0057; } goto Label_019C; Label_0134: this._paras.kernel_type = 3; goto Label_00D1; Label_0167: this._paras.kernel_type = 0; goto Label_00D1; Label_019C: switch (kernelType) { case Encog.ML.SVM.KernelType.Linear: goto Label_0167; case Encog.ML.SVM.KernelType.Poly: this._paras.kernel_type = 1; goto Label_00D1; case Encog.ML.SVM.KernelType.RadialBasisFunction: this._paras.kernel_type = 2; goto Label_00D1; case Encog.ML.SVM.KernelType.Sigmoid: goto Label_0134; default: throw new NeuralNetworkError("Invalid kernel type"); } Label_01CD: throw new NeuralNetworkError("Invalid svm type"); if ((((uint) theInputCount) - ((uint) theInputCount)) < 0) { goto Label_0134; } if (8 != 0) { goto Label_019C; } if ((((uint) theInputCount) + ((uint) theInputCount)) < 0) { goto Label_01CD; } goto Label_0167; if (0 == 0) { goto Label_00D1; } goto Label_0057; Label_0256: this._paras.svm_type = 2; goto Label_019C; Label_02B7: this._inputCount = theInputCount; this._paras = new svm_parameter(); if ((((uint) theInputCount) - ((uint) theInputCount)) > uint.MaxValue) { goto Label_00D1; } switch (svmType) { case Encog.ML.SVM.SVMType.SupportVectorClassification: this._paras.svm_type = 0; if (0 != 0) { goto Label_0017; } goto Label_019C; case Encog.ML.SVM.SVMType.NewSupportVectorClassification: this._paras.svm_type = 1; if ((((uint) theInputCount) | uint.MaxValue) == 0) { goto Label_000B; } goto Label_019C; case Encog.ML.SVM.SVMType.SupportVectorOneClass: goto Label_0256; case Encog.ML.SVM.SVMType.EpsilonSupportVectorRegression: this._paras.svm_type = 3; if ((((uint) theInputCount) + ((uint) theInputCount)) <= uint.MaxValue) { goto Label_019C; } goto Label_02B7; case Encog.ML.SVM.SVMType.NewSupportVectorRegression: this._paras.svm_type = 4; if (((uint) theInputCount) > uint.MaxValue) { return; } goto Label_019C; default: goto Label_01CD; } }
// // construct and solve various formulations // private static void solve_c_svc(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param, double[] alpha, Solver.SolutionInfo si, double Cp, double Cn) { int l = prob.l; var minus_ones = new double[l]; var y = new sbyte[l]; int i; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { alpha[i] = 0; minus_ones[i] = - 1; if (prob.y[i] > 0) y[i] = (+ 1); else y[i] = - 1; } var s = new Solver(); s.Solve(l, new SVC_Q(prob, param, y), minus_ones, y, alpha, Cp, Cn, param.eps, si, param.shrinking); double sum_alpha = 0; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) sum_alpha += alpha[i]; if (Cp == Cn) Console.Out.Write("nu = " + sum_alpha/(Cp*prob.l) + "\n"); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) alpha[i] *= y[i]; }
private static void solve_nu_svc(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param, double[] alpha, Solver.SolutionInfo si) { int i; int l = prob.l; double nu =; var y = new sbyte[l]; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (prob.y[i] > 0) y[i] = (+ 1); else y[i] = - 1; double sum_pos = nu*l/2; double sum_neg = nu*l/2; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (y[i] == + 1) { alpha[i] = Math.Min(1.0, sum_pos); sum_pos -= alpha[i]; } else { alpha[i] = Math.Min(1.0, sum_neg); sum_neg -= alpha[i]; } var zeros = new double[l]; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) zeros[i] = 0; var s = new Solver_NU(); s.Solve(l, new SVC_Q(prob, param, y), zeros, y, alpha, 1.0, 1.0, param.eps, si, param.shrinking); double r = si.r; Console.Out.Write("C = " + 1/r + "\n"); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) alpha[i] *= y[i]/r; si.rho /= r; si.obj /= (r*r); si.upper_bound_p = 1/r; si.upper_bound_n = 1/r; }
/// <summary> /// Construct the SVM. /// </summary> /// public SupportVectorMachine() { _paras = new svm_parameter(); }
private static void solve_epsilon_svr(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param, double[] alpha, Solver.SolutionInfo si) { int l = prob.l; var alpha2 = new double[2*l]; var linear_term = new double[2*l]; var y = new sbyte[2*l]; int i; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { alpha2[i] = 0; linear_term[i] = param.p - prob.y[i]; y[i] = 1; alpha2[i + l] = 0; linear_term[i + l] = param.p + prob.y[i]; y[i + l] = - 1; } var s = new Solver(); s.Solve(2*l, new SVR_Q(prob, param), linear_term, y, alpha2, param.C, param.C, param.eps, si, param.shrinking); double sum_alpha = 0; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { alpha[i] = alpha2[i] - alpha2[i + l]; sum_alpha += Math.Abs(alpha[i]); } Console.Out.Write("nu = " + sum_alpha/(param.C*l) + "\n"); }
/// <summary> /// Construct a SVM network. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="theInputCount">The input count.</param> /// <param name="svmType">The type of SVM.</param> /// <param name="kernelType">The SVM kernal type.</param> public SupportVectorMachine(int theInputCount, SVMType svmType, KernelType kernelType) { _inputCount = theInputCount; _paras = new svm_parameter(); switch (svmType) { case SVMType.SupportVectorClassification: _paras.svm_type = svm_parameter.C_SVC; break; case SVMType.NewSupportVectorClassification: _paras.svm_type = svm_parameter.NU_SVC; break; case SVMType.SupportVectorOneClass: _paras.svm_type = svm_parameter.ONE_CLASS; break; case SVMType.EpsilonSupportVectorRegression: _paras.svm_type = svm_parameter.EPSILON_SVR; break; case SVMType.NewSupportVectorRegression: _paras.svm_type = svm_parameter.NU_SVR; break; default: throw new NeuralNetworkError("Invalid svm type"); } switch (kernelType) { case KernelType.Linear: _paras.kernel_type = svm_parameter.LINEAR; break; case KernelType.Poly: _paras.kernel_type = svm_parameter.POLY; break; case KernelType.RadialBasisFunction: _paras.kernel_type = svm_parameter.RBF; break; case KernelType.Sigmoid: _paras.kernel_type = svm_parameter.SIGMOID; break; /*case Encog.ML.SVM.KernelType.Precomputed: this.paras.kernel_type = Encog.MathUtil.LIBSVM.svm_parameter.PRECOMPUTED; break;*/ default: throw new NeuralNetworkError("Invalid kernel type"); } // params[i].kernel_type = svm_parameter.RBF; = DefaultDegree; _paras.coef0 = 0; = DefaultNu; _paras.cache_size = DefaultCacheSize; _paras.C = 1; _paras.eps = DefaultEps; _paras.p = DefaultP; _paras.shrinking = 1; _paras.probability = 0; _paras.nr_weight = 0; _paras.weight_label = new int[0]; _paras.weight = new double[0]; _paras.gamma = 1.0d/_inputCount; }
internal static decision_function svm_train_one(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param, double Cp, double Cn) { var alpha = new double[prob.l]; var si = new Solver.SolutionInfo(); switch (param.svm_type) { case svm_parameter.C_SVC: solve_c_svc(prob, param, alpha, si, Cp, Cn); break; case svm_parameter.NU_SVC: solve_nu_svc(prob, param, alpha, si); break; case svm_parameter.ONE_CLASS: solve_one_class(prob, param, alpha, si); break; case svm_parameter.EPSILON_SVR: solve_epsilon_svr(prob, param, alpha, si); break; case svm_parameter.NU_SVR: solve_nu_svr(prob, param, alpha, si); break; } Console.Out.Write("obj = " + si.obj + ", rho = " + si.rho + "\n"); // output SVs int nSV = 0; int nBSV = 0; for (int i = 0; i < prob.l; i++) { if (Math.Abs(alpha[i]) > 0) { ++nSV; if (prob.y[i] > 0) { if (Math.Abs(alpha[i]) >= si.upper_bound_p) ++nBSV; } else { if (Math.Abs(alpha[i]) >= si.upper_bound_n) ++nBSV; } } } Console.Out.Write("nSV = " + nSV + ", nBSV = " + nBSV + "\n"); var f = new decision_function(); f.alpha = alpha; f.rho = si.rho; return f; }
/// <summary> /// Construct a SVM from a model. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="theModel">The model.</param> public SupportVectorMachine(svm_model theModel) { _model = theModel; _paras = _model.param; _inputCount = 0; // determine the input count foreach (var element in _model.SV) { foreach (svm_node t in element) { _inputCount = Math.Max(t.index, _inputCount); } } // }
// Return parameter of a Laplace distribution private static double svm_svr_probability(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param) { int i; int nr_fold = 5; var ymv = new double[prob.l]; double mae = 0; var newparam = (svm_parameter) param.Clone(); newparam.probability = 0; svm_cross_validation(prob, newparam, nr_fold, ymv); for (i = 0; i < prob.l; i++) { ymv[i] = prob.y[i] - ymv[i]; mae += Math.Abs(ymv[i]); } mae /= prob.l; double std = Math.Sqrt(2*mae*mae); int count = 0; mae = 0; for (i = 0; i < prob.l; i++) if (Math.Abs(ymv[i]) > 5*std) count = count + 1; else mae += Math.Abs(ymv[i]); mae /= (prob.l - count); Console.Error.Write( "Prob. model for test data: target value = predicted value + z,\nz: Laplace distribution e^(-|z|/sigma)/(2sigma),sigma=" + mae + "\n"); return mae; }
internal SVC_Q(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param, sbyte[] y_) : base(prob.l, prob.x, param) { y = new sbyte[y_.Length]; y_.CopyTo(y, 0); //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different. Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1042_3"' cache = new Cache(prob.l, (int) (param.cache_size*(1 << 20))); }
public static void svm_cross_validation(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param, int nr_fold, double[] target) { int i; var perm = new int[prob.l]; // random shuffle for (i = 0; i < prob.l; i++) perm[i] = i; for (i = 0; i < prob.l; i++) { //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different. Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1042_3"' int j = i + (int) (SupportClass.Random.NextDouble()*(prob.l - i)); do { int _ = perm[i]; perm[i] = perm[j]; perm[j] = _; } while (false); } for (i = 0; i < nr_fold; i++) { int begin = i*prob.l/nr_fold; int end = (i + 1)*prob.l/nr_fold; int j, k; var subprob = new svm_problem(); subprob.l = prob.l - (end - begin); subprob.x = new svm_node[subprob.l][]; subprob.y = new double[subprob.l]; k = 0; for (j = 0; j < begin; j++) { subprob.x[k] = prob.x[perm[j]]; subprob.y[k] = prob.y[perm[j]]; ++k; } for (j = end; j < prob.l; j++) { subprob.x[k] = prob.x[perm[j]]; subprob.y[k] = prob.y[perm[j]]; ++k; } svm_model submodel = svm_train(subprob, param); if (param.probability == 1 && (param.svm_type == svm_parameter.C_SVC || param.svm_type == svm_parameter.NU_SVC)) { var prob_estimates = new double[svm_get_nr_class(submodel)]; for (j = begin; j < end; j++) target[perm[j]] = svm_predict_probability(submodel, prob.x[perm[j]], prob_estimates); } else for (j = begin; j < end; j++) target[perm[j]] = svm_predict(submodel, prob.x[perm[j]]); } }
internal ONE_CLASS_Q(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param) : base(prob.l, prob.x, param) { //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different. Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1042_3"' cache = new Cache(prob.l, (int) (param.cache_size*(1 << 20))); }
internal Kernel(int l, svm_node[][] x_, svm_parameter param) { kernel_type = param.kernel_type; degree =; gamma = param.gamma; coef0 = param.coef0; x = (svm_node[][]) x_.Clone(); if (kernel_type == svm_parameter.RBF) { x_square = new double[l]; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) x_square[i] = dot(x[i], x[i]); } else x_square = null; }
internal SVR_Q(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param) : base(prob.l, prob.x, param) { l = prob.l; //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different. Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1042_3"' cache = new Cache(l, (int) (param.cache_size*(1 << 20))); sign = new sbyte[2*l]; index = new int[2*l]; for (int k = 0; k < l; k++) { sign[k] = 1; sign[k + l] = - 1; index[k] = k; index[k + l] = k; } buffer = new float[2][]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { buffer[i] = new float[2*l]; } next_buffer = 0; }
internal static double k_function(svm_node[] x, svm_node[] y, svm_parameter param) { switch (param.kernel_type) { case svm_parameter.LINEAR: return dot(x, y); case svm_parameter.POLY: return Math.Pow(param.gamma*dot(x, y) + param.coef0,; case svm_parameter.RBF: { double sum = 0; int xlen = x.Length; int ylen = y.Length; int i = 0; int j = 0; while (i < xlen && j < ylen) { if (x[i].index == y[j].index) { double d = x[i++].value_Renamed - y[j++].value_Renamed; sum += d*d; } else if (x[i].index > y[j].index) { sum += y[j].value_Renamed*y[j].value_Renamed; ++j; } else { sum += x[i].value_Renamed*x[i].value_Renamed; ++i; } } while (i < xlen) { sum += x[i].value_Renamed*x[i].value_Renamed; ++i; } while (j < ylen) { sum += y[j].value_Renamed*y[j].value_Renamed; ++j; } return Math.Exp((- param.gamma)*sum); } case svm_parameter.SIGMOID: return tanh(param.gamma*dot(x, y) + param.coef0); default: return 0; // java } }
internal static double xc60aa42cfbd0c1ed(svm_node[] x08db3aeabb253cb1, svm_node[] x1e218ceaee1bb583, svm_parameter x0d173b5435b4d6ad) { double num; int length; int num3; int num4; int num5; int num7 = x0d173b5435b4d6ad.kernel_type; switch (num7) { case 0: return x99240096a9e3842c(x08db3aeabb253cb1, x1e218ceaee1bb583); case 1: return Math.Pow((x0d173b5435b4d6ad.gamma * x99240096a9e3842c(x08db3aeabb253cb1, x1e218ceaee1bb583)) + x0d173b5435b4d6ad.coef0,; case 2: num = 0.0; length = x08db3aeabb253cb1.Length; num3 = x1e218ceaee1bb583.Length; num4 = 0; num5 = 0; goto Label_0095; case 3: return xcb156489dc62ed23((x0d173b5435b4d6ad.gamma * x99240096a9e3842c(x08db3aeabb253cb1, x1e218ceaee1bb583)) + x0d173b5435b4d6ad.coef0); default: goto Label_021B; } Label_008D: if (num4 < length) { num += x08db3aeabb253cb1[num4].value_Renamed * x08db3aeabb253cb1[num4].value_Renamed; if ((((uint) length) - ((uint) num)) <= uint.MaxValue) { goto Label_0111; } goto Label_00DF; } if ((((uint) length) + ((uint) num4)) < 0) { goto Label_021B; } while (num5 < num3) { num += x1e218ceaee1bb583[num5].value_Renamed * x1e218ceaee1bb583[num5].value_Renamed; num5++; } return Math.Exp(-x0d173b5435b4d6ad.gamma * num); Label_0095: if (num4 < length) { if (num5 < num3) { if (x08db3aeabb253cb1[num4].index != x1e218ceaee1bb583[num5].index) { goto Label_00DF; } double num6 = x08db3aeabb253cb1[num4++].value_Renamed - x1e218ceaee1bb583[num5++].value_Renamed; num += num6 * num6; goto Label_0095; } goto Label_008D; } if ((((uint) num5) + ((uint) num7)) < 0) { goto Label_00F2; } if ((((uint) num) - ((uint) length)) <= uint.MaxValue) { goto Label_008D; } Label_00DF: if (x08db3aeabb253cb1[num4].index > x1e218ceaee1bb583[num5].index) { num += x1e218ceaee1bb583[num5].value_Renamed * x1e218ceaee1bb583[num5].value_Renamed; num5++; goto Label_0095; } Label_00F2: num += x08db3aeabb253cb1[num4].value_Renamed * x08db3aeabb253cb1[num4].value_Renamed; num4++; if (0xff != 0) { goto Label_0095; } Label_0111: if ((((uint) num5) - ((uint) length)) <= uint.MaxValue) { num4++; } goto Label_008D; Label_021B: return 0.0; }