//KeyDown Event... private void Add_Comment_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (pbAddComment.Visible == true) { //Execute Update... tryagainUpdate: try { ExecuteUpdate(txtComments.Text, ID); } catch { goto tryagainUpdate; } //Done.. MessageBox.Show("Comments were successfully added to " + comboBox1.Text + "'s profile!"); Signin_and_Select_Task nf = new Signin_and_Select_Task(); nf.Show(); Close(); } }
private void pbAddCommentM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBoxContent = "Are you sure you want to save these details?"; DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxContent, MessageBoxTitle, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { //Execute Update... tryagainUpdate: try { ExecuteUpdate(txtComments.Text, ID); } catch { goto tryagainUpdate; } //Done.. MessageBox.Show("Comments were successfully added to " + comboBox1.Text + "'s profile!"); Signin_and_Select_Task nf = new Signin_and_Select_Task(); nf.Show(); Close(); } else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { } }
//Switch to link... private void linkLabel1_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { Signin_and_Select_Task nf = new Signin_and_Select_Task(); nf.Show(); Close(); }
//Timer1... private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Close(); Signin_and_Select_Task nf = new Signin_and_Select_Task(); nf.Show(); }
//Switch to link... private void linkLabel1_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { MessageBoxContent = "You haven't registered any employee. Are you sure you want to exit?"; DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxContent, MessageBoxTitle, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { Close(); Signin_and_Select_Task nf = new Signin_and_Select_Task(); nf.Show(); } else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { } }
//KeyDown Event... private void Register_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { if (txtFullName.Text != "") { //Get Date & Time of Registration... RegDate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); if (filepath == "No Path") { //if no Photo... tryagain1: try { connectionString = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\\Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); cnn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into tbl_EmployeeData (FullName, NICNo, DOB, Address, HomePhone, MobilePhone, Comments, RegisteredOn) values (@FullName, @NICNo, @DOB, @Address, @HomePhone, @MobilePhone, @Comments, @RegisteredOn)", cnn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FullName", txtFullName.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NICNo", txtNICNo.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DOB", dtpDOB.Value); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address", txtAddress.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HomePhone", txtHomePhone.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MobilePhone", txtMobilePhone.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Comments", txtComments.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RegisteredOn", RegDate); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cnn.Close(); } catch { goto tryagain1; } //Done... MessageBox.Show(txtFullName.Text + " was registered successfully at " + RegDate + "!"); Signin_and_Select_Task nf = new Signin_and_Select_Task(); nf.Show(); Close(); } else { //Check Photo... if (File.Exists(filepath)) { tryagain2: try { connectionString = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\\Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); byte[] content = ImageToStream(filepath); cnn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into tbl_EmployeeData (Photo, FullName, NICNo, DOB, Address, HomePhone, MobilePhone, Comments, RegisteredOn) values (@Photo, @FullName, @NICNo, @DOB, @Address, @HomePhone, @MobilePhone, @Comments, @RegisteredOn)", cnn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Photo", content); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FullName", txtFullName.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NICNo", txtNICNo.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DOB", dtpDOB.Value); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address", txtAddress.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HomePhone", txtHomePhone.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MobilePhone", txtMobilePhone.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Comments", txtComments.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RegisteredOn", RegDate); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cnn.Close(); } catch { goto tryagain2; } //Done... MessageBox.Show(txtFullName.Text + " was registered successfully at " + RegDate + "!"); Signin_and_Select_Task nf = new Signin_and_Select_Task(); nf.Show(); Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Photo can't be found."); Register nf = new Register(); nf.Show(); Close(); } } } } }
private void pbRegisterM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string connectionString = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\\Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; string sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_EmployeeData WHERE FullName = '" + txtFullName.Text + "'"; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); SqlDataAdapter dataadapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, connection); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); connection.Open(); dataadapter.Fill(ds, "Table1"); connection.Close(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBoxContent = "Are you sure you want to save these details?"; DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show(MessageBoxContent, MessageBoxTitle, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { //Get Date & Time of Registration... RegDate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); if (filepath == "No Path") { //if no Photo... tryagain1: try { connectionString = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\\Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); cnn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into tbl_EmployeeData (FullName, NICNo, DOB, Address, HomePhone, MobilePhone, Comments, RegisteredOn) values (@FullName, @NICNo, @DOB, @Address, @HomePhone, @MobilePhone, @Comments, @RegisteredOn)", cnn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FullName", txtFullName.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NICNo", txtNICNo.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DOB", dtpDOB.Value); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address", txtAddress.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HomePhone", txtHomePhone.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MobilePhone", txtMobilePhone.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Comments", txtComments.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RegisteredOn", RegDate); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cnn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { goto tryagain1; } //Done... MessageBox.Show(txtFullName.Text + " was registered successfully at " + RegDate + "!"); Close(); Signin_and_Select_Task nf = new Signin_and_Select_Task(); nf.Show(); } else { //Check Photo... if (File.Exists(filepath)) { tryagain2: try { connectionString = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\\Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); byte[] content = ImageToStream(filepath); cnn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into tbl_EmployeeData (Photo, FullName, NICNo, DOB, Address, HomePhone, MobilePhone, Comments, RegisteredOn) values (@Photo, @FullName, @NICNo, @DOB, @Address, @HomePhone, @MobilePhone, @Comments, @RegisteredOn)", cnn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Photo", content); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FullName", txtFullName.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NICNo", txtNICNo.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DOB", dtpDOB.Value); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address", txtAddress.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HomePhone", txtHomePhone.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MobilePhone", txtMobilePhone.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Comments", txtComments.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RegisteredOn", RegDate); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cnn.Close(); } catch { goto tryagain2; } //Done... MessageBox.Show(txtFullName.Text + " was registered successfully at " + RegDate + "!"); Signin_and_Select_Task nf = new Signin_and_Select_Task(); nf.Show(); Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Photo can't be found."); Close(); Register nf = new Register(); nf.Show(); } } } else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { } } else { MessageBox.Show("An employee with the name " + txtFullName.Text + " is allready registered. Please check the fullname and try again"); } }