public ActionResult Create(Company company) { db = new EMSEntities12(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { List<Company> companyList = db.Companies.ToList(); bool companyExists = false; for (int x = 0; x < companyList.Count; ++x) { if (companyList[x].CompanyName == company.CompanyName) { companyExists = true; } } if (!companyExists && company.CompanyName != null) { company.EnrolledSince = DateTime.Now; db.Companies.Add(company); db.SaveChanges(); } return RedirectToAction("Index"); } return View(company); }
public ActionResult FindEdit(SeasonalEmployee seasonalemployee) { db = new EMSEntities12(); if (seasonalemployee.ReasonForLeaving3Id == 0) { seasonalemployee.ReasonForLeaving3Id = null; } String sin = seasonalemployee.Employee.SIN_BN; EMSPSSUtilities.SINValid(ref sin); seasonalemployee.Employee.SIN_BN = sin; if (!EMSPSSUtilities.VerifySIN(seasonalemployee.Employee.SIN_BN)) { ModelState.AddModelError("SIN_BN", seasonalemployee.Employee.SIN_BN + " is not a valid SIN."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01"), seasonalemployee.Employee.DateOfBirth)) { ModelState.AddModelError("DOB", "Date of Birth must be past the year 1900."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(seasonalemployee.Employee.DateOfBirth, DateTime.Now)) { ModelState.AddModelError("DOB", "Date of Birth must be in the past."); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { EMSPSSUtilities.AuditExistingEmployee(seasonalemployee.EmployeeRef3Id, seasonalemployee.Employee, User.Identity.Name); EMSPSSUtilities.AuditExistingSeasonalEmployee(seasonalemployee.EmployeeRef3Id, seasonalemployee, User.Identity.Name); seasonalemployee.Company = db.Companies.Find(seasonalemployee.EmployedWith3Id); seasonalemployee.Employee.Completed = EMSPSSUtilities.ValidateSeasonalEmployeeComplete(seasonalemployee); db.Entry(seasonalemployee.Employee).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); db.Entry(seasonalemployee).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); //ModelState.AddModelError( validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); return RedirectToAction("SearchIndex", "Home", new { FirstName = seasonalemployee.Employee.FirstName, LastName = seasonalemployee.Employee.LastName, SINBN = seasonalemployee.Employee.SIN_BN }); } return View(seasonalemployee); }
public ActionResult Edit(Company company) { db = new EMSEntities12(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(company).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } return View(company); }
public ActionResult Edit(int EmployeeId, DateTime? piecesDate) { db = new EMSEntities12(); int CompanyId = EMSPSSUtilities.GetCompanyId(EmployeeId); if (piecesDate != null) { DateTime weekOf = piecesDate.Value; while (weekOf.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Monday) { weekOf = weekOf.AddDays(-1); } foreach (Piece tmp in db.Pieces) { if ((tmp.EmployeeRef6Id == EmployeeId) && (tmp.EmployedWith6Id == CompanyId) && (tmp.WeekOf == weekOf)) { return View(tmp); } } // if it reaches here, the timecard was not found // create and add it before proceeding Piece newPiece = new Piece(); newPiece.EmployedWith6Id = CompanyId; newPiece.EmployeeRef6Id = EmployeeId; newPiece.WeekOf = weekOf; newPiece.Mon = null; newPiece.Tue = null; newPiece.Wed = null; newPiece.Thu = null; newPiece.Fri = null; newPiece.Sat = null; newPiece.Sun = null; db.Pieces.Add(newPiece); db.SaveChanges(); return View(newPiece); } return RedirectToAction("Index", "Pieces", new { EmployeeId = EmployeeId, CompanyId = CompanyId }); }
public ActionResult Edit(Piece piece) { db = new EMSEntities12(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(piece).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); foreach (Employee emp in db.Employees) { if (emp.EmployeeId == piece.EmployeeRef6Id) { ViewBag.Name = emp.FirstName + " " + emp.LastName; break; } } foreach (Company cmp in db.Companies) { if (cmp.CompanyId == piece.EmployedWith6Id) { ViewBag.Company = cmp.CompanyName; break; } } ViewBag.EmployeeId = piece.EmployeeRef6Id; ViewBag.CompanyId = piece.EmployedWith6Id; return RedirectToAction("Index", "Pieces", new { EmployeeId = piece.EmployeeRef6Id, CompanyId = piece.EmployedWith6Id }); } return View(piece); }
public ActionResult FindEdit(FullTimeEmployee fulltimeemployee) { db = new EMSEntities12(); String sin = fulltimeemployee.Employee.SIN_BN; EMSPSSUtilities.SINValid(ref sin); fulltimeemployee.Employee.SIN_BN = sin; if (fulltimeemployee.DateOfTermination == null) { fulltimeemployee.ReasonForLeavingId = null; } else if (fulltimeemployee.DateOfTermination != null && fulltimeemployee.ReasonForLeavingId == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("ReasonForLeaving", "You must enter a reason for leaving."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.VerifySIN(fulltimeemployee.Employee.SIN_BN)) { ModelState.AddModelError("SIN_BN", fulltimeemployee.Employee.SIN_BN + " is not a valid SIN."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01"), fulltimeemployee.Employee.DateOfBirth)) { ModelState.AddModelError("DOB", "Date of Birth must be past the year 1900."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(fulltimeemployee.Employee.DateOfBirth, DateTime.Now)) { ModelState.AddModelError("DOB", "Date of Birth must be in the past."); } if (fulltimeemployee.DateOfTermination != null) { DateTime dot = (DateTime)fulltimeemployee.DateOfTermination; if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(fulltimeemployee.DateOfHire, dot)) { ModelState.AddModelError("DOT", "Date of Termination must be in the future from Date of Hire."); } } if (ModelState.IsValid) { EMSPSSUtilities.AuditExistingEmployee(fulltimeemployee.EmployeeRefId, fulltimeemployee.Employee, User.Identity.Name); EMSPSSUtilities.AuditExistingFullTimeEmployee(fulltimeemployee.EmployeeRefId, fulltimeemployee, User.Identity.Name); fulltimeemployee.Employee.Completed = EMSPSSUtilities.ValidateFullTimeEmployeeComplete(fulltimeemployee); fulltimeemployee.Company = db.Companies.Find(fulltimeemployee.EmployedWithId); db.Entry(fulltimeemployee.Employee).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); db.Entry(fulltimeemployee).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); //ModelState.AddModelError( validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); return RedirectToAction("SearchIndex", "Home", new { FirstName = fulltimeemployee.Employee.FirstName, LastName = fulltimeemployee.Employee.LastName, SINBN = fulltimeemployee.Employee.SIN_BN }); } return View(fulltimeemployee); }
public ActionResult Edit(int EmployeeId, DateTime? timeCardDate) { db = new EMSEntities12(); int CompanyId = EMSPSSUtilities.GetCompanyId(EmployeeId); if (timeCardDate != null) { DateTime weekOf = (DateTime)timeCardDate.Value; while (weekOf.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Monday) { weekOf = weekOf.AddDays(-1); } TimeCard tc = new TimeCard(); List<TimeCard> allTCs = db.TimeCards.ToList(); foreach (TimeCard tmp in allTCs) { if ((tmp.EmployeeRef5Id == EmployeeId) && (tmp.EmployedWith5Id == CompanyId) && (tmp.WeekOf == weekOf)) { return View(tmp); } } // if it reaches here, the timecard was not found // create and add it before proceeding tc.EmployedWith5Id = CompanyId; tc.EmployeeRef5Id = EmployeeId; tc.Employee = db.Employees.Find(EmployeeId); tc.Company = db.Companies.Find(CompanyId); tc.WeekOf = weekOf; tc.Mon = null; tc.Tue = null; tc.Wed = null; tc.Thu = null; tc.Fri = null; tc.Sat = null; tc.Sun = null; db.TimeCards.Add(tc); db.SaveChanges(); return View(tc); } return RedirectToAction("Index", "TimeCard", new { EmployeeId = EmployeeId, CompanyId = CompanyId }); }
public ActionResult Register(RegisterModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { //Roles.CreateRole("Admin"); //Roles.AddUserToRole("Kyle", "Admin"); EMSEntities12 db = new EMSEntities12(); // Attempt to register the user MembershipCreateStatus createStatus = MembershipCreateStatus.Success; User u = new User(); u.FirstName = model.FirstName; u.LastName = model.LastName; u.UserName = model.UserName; List<User> l = db.Users.ToList(); foreach (User user in l) { if (user.UserName.ToLower() == model.UserName.ToLower()) { createStatus = MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateUserName; } } if (createStatus == MembershipCreateStatus.Success) { db.Users.Add(u); db.SaveChanges(); Membership.CreateUser(model.UserName, model.Password, model.Email, null, null, true, null, out createStatus); if (model.IsAdmin == "True") { Roles.AddUserToRole(model.UserName, "Admin"); } } if (createStatus == MembershipCreateStatus.Success) { ViewBag.SuccessMessage = "User \"" + model.UserName + "\" was successfully created."; //FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, false /* createPersistentCookie */); return View(); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", ErrorCodeToString(createStatus)); } } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return View(model); }
// ----Params---- // String OldVal == old value // String NewVal == new value // int FieldnameId == Id of the field name in the field name table // int auditTypeId == Id of the audit action in the Audit action table // int employeeId == Id of the employee being looked at // String Username == username of the person who did the action public static void CompareFields(String OldVal, String NewVal, int FieldnameId, int auditTypeId, int employeeId, String Username) { db = new EMSEntities12(); Audit audit = new Audit(); if (OldVal != NewVal) { audit.UserName = Username; audit.DateTime = DateTime.Now; audit.AuditTypeId = auditTypeId; audit.FieldId = FieldnameId; audit.OldValue = OldVal; audit.NewValue = NewVal; audit.EmployeeId = employeeId; db.Audits.Add(audit); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public ActionResult ContractCreation(ContractEmployee ce, string CompList) { db = new EMSEntities12(); if (CompList == "") { ModelState.AddModelError("comp", "This field is Required."); } ViewBag.CompName = EMSPSSUtilities.GetCompList(); Employee e = ce.Employee; //e.EmployeeId = null; e.Completed = true; String sin = ce.Employee.SIN_BN; EMSPSSUtilities.SINValid(ref sin); ce.Employee.SIN_BN = sin; if (!EMSPSSUtilities.VerifySIN(ce.Employee.SIN_BN)) { ModelState.AddModelError("SIN_BN", ce.Employee.SIN_BN + " is not a valid BN."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.VerifyBusinessNum(ce.Employee.SIN_BN, ce.Employee.DateOfBirth.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))) { ModelState.AddModelError("SIN_BN", "The first two digits of a BN must match the last two digits of their date of incorporation."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(ce.Employee.DateOfBirth, ce.ContractStartDate)) { ModelState.AddModelError("CSD", "Contract Start date must be in the future from date of incorporation."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(ce.ContractStartDate, ce.ContractStopDate)) { ModelState.AddModelError("CSD2", "Contract Stop date must be in the future from Contract Start date."); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Employees.Add(e); db.SaveChanges(); foreach (Company mycmp in db.Companies) { if (mycmp.CompanyName == CompList) { ce.EmployedWith4Id = mycmp.CompanyId; } } ce.EmployeeRef4Id = e.EmployeeId; EmployeeType et = new EmployeeType(); et.EmployeeId = e.EmployeeId; et.CompanyId = ce.EmployedWith4Id; et.DateofHire = ce.ContractStartDate; et.EmployeeType1 = "Contract"; if (ce.ReasonForLeaving4Id == 0) { ce.ReasonForLeaving4Id = null; } if (ModelState.IsValid) { EMSPSSUtilities.AuditNewBaseEmployee(ce.Employee, User.Identity.Name); EMSPSSUtilities.AuditNewContractEmployee(ce, User.Identity.Name); db.ContractEmployees.Add(ce); db.EmployeeTypes.Add(et); db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("SearchIndex", "Home", new { FirstName = ce.Employee.FirstName, LastName = ce.Employee.LastName, SINBN = ce.Employee.SIN_BN }); } return View(ce); } return View(ce); }
public ActionResult Seasonal(SeasonalEmployee Semployee, string CompList, string SeasonLst, string name, string last, string day, string month, string year, string sin) { db = new EMSEntities12(); ViewBag.SeasonName = EMSPSSUtilities.GetSeasonList(); ViewBag.CompName = EMSPSSUtilities.GetCompList(); EmployeeType ETemployee = new EmployeeType(); ViewBag.Employees = GetOptions(); Employee employee = new Employee(); employee.FirstName = name; employee.LastName = last; int Year = 0, Month = 0, Day = 0; Int32.TryParse(year, out Year); Int32.TryParse(day, out Day); Int32.TryParse(month, out Month); employee.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(Year, Month, Day); employee.SIN_BN = sin; employee.Completed = false; foreach (Company mycmp in db.Companies) { if (mycmp.CompanyName == CompList) { Semployee.EmployedWith3Id = mycmp.CompanyId; } } foreach (Season myseas in db.Seasons) { if (myseas.Season1 == SeasonLst) { Semployee.SeasonId = myseas.SeasonId; } } ETemployee.CompanyId = Semployee.EmployedWith3Id; ETemployee.EmployeeType1 = "Seasonal"; ETemployee.DateofHire = Semployee.SeasonYear; if (CompList == "") { ModelState.AddModelError("comp", "This field is Required."); } if (SeasonLst == "") { ModelState.AddModelError("season", "This field is Required."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(employee.DateOfBirth, Semployee.SeasonYear, 18)) { ModelState.AddModelError("DOH", "A seasonal employee must be at least 18 years old."); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Employees.Add(employee); db.SaveChanges(); EMSPSSUtilities.AuditNewBaseEmployee(employee, User.Identity.Name); Semployee.EmployeeRef3Id = employee.EmployeeId; ETemployee.EmployeeId = Semployee.EmployeeRef3Id; EMSPSSUtilities.CompareFields("", Semployee.SeasonId.ToString(), 17, 1, Semployee.EmployeeRef3Id, User.Identity.Name); db.SeasonalEmployees.Add(Semployee); db.EmployeeTypes.Add(ETemployee); db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("SearchIndex", "Home", new { FirstName = Semployee.Employee.FirstName, LastName = Semployee.Employee.LastName, SINBN = Semployee.Employee.SIN_BN }); } return View(Semployee); }
public ActionResult PartTime(PartTimeEmployee PTemployee, string CompList, string name, string last, string day, string month, string year, string sin) { db = new EMSEntities12(); EmployeeType ETemployee = new EmployeeType(); ViewBag.Employees = GetOptions(); ViewBag.CompName = EMSPSSUtilities.GetCompList(); Employee employee = new Employee(); employee.FirstName = name; employee.LastName = last; int Year = 0, Month = 0, Day = 0; Int32.TryParse(year, out Year); Int32.TryParse(day, out Day); Int32.TryParse(month, out Month); employee.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(Year, Month, Day); employee.SIN_BN = sin; employee.Completed = false; foreach (Company mycmp in db.Companies) { if (mycmp.CompanyName == CompList) { PTemployee.EmployedWith2Id = mycmp.CompanyId; } } ETemployee.CompanyId = PTemployee.EmployedWith2Id; ETemployee.EmployeeType1 = "Part Time"; ETemployee.DateofHire = PTemployee.DateOfHire; PTemployee.Employee = employee; if (CompList == "") { ModelState.AddModelError("comp", "This field is Required."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(employee.DateOfBirth, PTemployee.DateOfHire, 16)) { ModelState.AddModelError("DOH", "A part time employee must be at least 16 years old."); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Employees.Add(employee); db.SaveChanges(); EMSPSSUtilities.AuditNewBaseEmployee(employee, User.Identity.Name); PTemployee.EmployeeRef2Id = employee.EmployeeId; ETemployee.EmployeeId = PTemployee.EmployeeRef2Id; EMSPSSUtilities.CompareFields("", PTemployee.DateOfHire.ToString(), 11, 1, PTemployee.EmployeeRef2Id, User.Identity.Name); db.PartTimeEmployees.Add(PTemployee); db.EmployeeTypes.Add(ETemployee); db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("SearchIndex", "Home", new { FirstName = PTemployee.Employee.FirstName, LastName = PTemployee.Employee.LastName, SINBN = PTemployee.Employee.SIN_BN }); } return View(PTemployee); }
public ActionResult FindEdit(ContractEmployee contractemployee) { db = new EMSEntities12(); String sin = contractemployee.Employee.SIN_BN; EMSPSSUtilities.SINValid(ref sin); contractemployee.Employee.Completed = true; contractemployee.Employee.SIN_BN = sin; if (contractemployee.ReasonForLeaving4Id == 0) { contractemployee.ReasonForLeaving4Id = null; } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.VerifySIN(contractemployee.Employee.SIN_BN) || !EMSPSSUtilities.VerifyBusinessNum(contractemployee.Employee.SIN_BN, contractemployee.Employee.DateOfBirth.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))) { ModelState.AddModelError("SIN_BN", contractemployee.Employee.SIN_BN + " is not a valid BN."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(Convert.ToDateTime("1600-01-01"), contractemployee.Employee.DateOfBirth)) { ModelState.AddModelError("DOB", "Date of Incorporation must be past the year 1600."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(contractemployee.Employee.DateOfBirth, DateTime.Now)) { ModelState.AddModelError("DOB", "Date of Incorporation must be in the past."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(contractemployee.Employee.DateOfBirth, contractemployee.ContractStartDate)) { ModelState.AddModelError("CSD", "Contract Start date must be in the future from date of incorporation."); } if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(contractemployee.ContractStartDate, contractemployee.ContractStopDate)) { ModelState.AddModelError("CSD2", "Contract Stop date must be in the future from Contract Start date."); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { EMSPSSUtilities.AuditExistingEmployee(contractemployee.EmployeeRef4Id, contractemployee.Employee, User.Identity.Name); EMSPSSUtilities.AuditExistingContractEmployee(contractemployee.EmployeeRef4Id, contractemployee, User.Identity.Name); contractemployee.Company = db.Companies.Find(contractemployee.EmployedWith4Id); db.Entry(contractemployee.Employee).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); db.Entry(contractemployee).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); //ModelState.AddModelError( validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); return RedirectToAction("SearchIndex", "Home", new { FirstName = contractemployee.Employee.FirstName, LastName = contractemployee.Employee.LastName, SINBN = contractemployee.Employee.SIN_BN }); } return View(contractemployee); }