public static Vector3 SculptMesh(Vector3 aVert, Vector3 aNormal, EF_BrushData brushData, float aFalloff) { switch (brushData.sculptState) { case EF_SculptState.NormalDir: //Normal direction displacement aVert += (aNormal * (brushData.opacity * brushData.sculptIntensity) * 0.1f * aFalloff) * (float)brushData.sculptDir; break; case EF_SculptState.WorldUpDir: aVert += (Vector3.up * (brushData.opacity * brushData.sculptIntensity) * 0.1f * aFalloff) * (float)brushData.sculptDir; break; case EF_SculptState.Flatten: aVert = new Vector3(aVert.x, brushData.startHeight, aVert.z); break; default: break; } return(aVert); }
public static Color PaintMesh(Color aColor, EF_BrushData brushData, float aFalloff) { aColor = Color.Lerp(aColor, brushData.brushColor, (brushData.opacity * aFalloff) * 0.1f); return(aColor); }
public static void HandleBrush(GameObject aGO, Mesh aMesh, Vector3 brushPos, EF_BrushData brushData, EF_VTXPainterState aState) { if (aGO && aMesh) { Vector3[] verts = aMesh.vertices; Vector3[] normals = aMesh.normals; //Check to see if the Object has colors Color[] colors = new Color[aMesh.vertexCount]; if (aMesh.colors.Length > 0) { colors = aMesh.colors; } else { for (int i = 0; i < aMesh.vertexCount; i++) { colors[i] =; } } //process the brush action for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++) { float mag = (aGO.transform.TransformPoint(verts[i]) - brushPos).magnitude; if (mag > brushData.brushSize) { continue; } //Get Falloff float curFalloff = 1f; if (mag > brushData.falloffSize) { curFalloff = (brushData.brushSize / mag) * 0.1f; } switch (aState) { case EF_VTXPainterState.Sculpting: verts[i] = SculptMesh(verts[i], normals[i], brushData, curFalloff); break; case EF_VTXPainterState.Painting: colors[i] = PaintMesh(colors[i], brushData, curFalloff); break; default: break; } //Draw Some Handles Handles.color = Color.yellow; } //Handle any clean up we need switch (aState) { case EF_VTXPainterState.Sculpting: aMesh.vertices = verts; aMesh.RecalculateBounds(); aMesh.RecalculateNormals(); break; case EF_VTXPainterState.Painting: aMesh.colors = colors; break; default: break; } } }