예제 #1
    public static Array GetHistogramOfImage(Mat image, char channel = 'b', int size = 256, float range = 256)
        if (image == null)

        Mat hist = new Mat();

        using (Emgu.CV.Util.VectorOfMat vm = new Emgu.CV.Util.VectorOfMat())
            int[] histoChannel = { 0 };
            if (channel == 'b')
                histoChannel = new int[] { 0 }
            if (channel == 'g')
                histoChannel = new int[] { 1 }
            if (channel == 'r')
                histoChannel = new int[] { 2 }

            int[]   histoSize  = { size };
            float[] histoRange = { 0.0f, range };

            CvInvoke.CalcHist(vm, histoChannel, null, hist, histoSize, histoRange, false);

            //CvInvoke.Normalize(hist, hist, 0, image.Rows, NormType.MinMax);

        return(hist.GetData().Cast <float>().ToArray());
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate histograms for the image. One histogram is generated for each color channel.
        /// You will need to call the Refresh function to do the painting afterward.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The image to generate histogram from</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfBins">The number of bins for each histogram</param>
        public void GenerateHistograms(IImage image, int numberOfBins)
            Mat[] channels = new Mat[image.NumberOfChannels];
            Type  imageType;

            if ((imageType = Toolbox.GetBaseType(image.GetType(), "Image`2")) != null ||
                (imageType = Toolbox.GetBaseType(image.GetType(), "Mat")) != null ||
                (imageType = Toolbox.GetBaseType(image.GetType(), "UMat")) != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < image.NumberOfChannels; i++)
                    Mat channel = new Mat();
                    CvInvoke.ExtractChannel(image, channel, i);
                    channels[i] = channel;
            else if ((imageType = Toolbox.GetBaseType(image.GetType(), "CudaImage`2")) != null)
                IImage img = imageType.GetMethod("ToImage").Invoke(image, null) as IImage;
                for (int i = 0; i < img.NumberOfChannels; i++)
                    Mat channel = new Mat();
                    CvInvoke.ExtractChannel(img, channel, i);
                    channels[i] = channel;
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("The input image type of {0} is not supported", image.GetType().ToString()));

            Type[]   genericArguments = imageType.GetGenericArguments();
            String[] channelNames;
            Color[]  colors;
            Type     typeOfDepth;

            if (genericArguments.Length > 0)
                IColor typeOfColor = Activator.CreateInstance(genericArguments[0]) as IColor;
                channelNames = Emgu.CV.Reflection.ReflectColorType.GetNamesOfChannels(typeOfColor);
                colors       = Emgu.CV.Reflection.ReflectColorType.GetDisplayColorOfChannels(typeOfColor);
                typeOfDepth  = imageType.GetGenericArguments()[1];
                channelNames = new String[image.NumberOfChannels];
                colors       = new Color[image.NumberOfChannels];
                for (int i = 0; i < image.NumberOfChannels; i++)
                    channelNames[i] = String.Format("Channel {0}", i);
                    colors[i]       = Color.Red;

                if (image is Mat)
                    typeOfDepth = CvInvoke.GetDepthType(((Mat)image).Depth);
                else if (image is UMat)
                    typeOfDepth = CvInvoke.GetDepthType(((UMat)image).Depth);
                    throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unable to get the type of depth from image of type {0}", image.GetType().ToString()));

            float minVal, maxVal;

            #region Get the maximum and minimum color intensity values

            if (typeOfDepth == typeof(Byte))
                minVal = 0.0f;
                maxVal = 256.0f;
                #region obtain the maximum and minimum color value
                double[] minValues, maxValues;
                Point[]  minLocations, maxLocations;
                image.MinMax(out minValues, out maxValues, out minLocations, out maxLocations);

                double min = minValues[0], max = maxValues[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < minValues.Length; i++)
                    if (minValues[i] < min)
                        min = minValues[i];
                    if (maxValues[i] > max)
                        max = maxValues[i];

                minVal = (float)min;
                maxVal = (float)max;

            for (int i = 0; i < channels.Length; i++)
                //using (DenseHistogram hist = new DenseHistogram(numberOfBins, new RangeF(minVal, maxVal)))
                using (Mat hist = new Mat())
                    using (Emgu.CV.Util.VectorOfMat vm = new Emgu.CV.Util.VectorOfMat())

                        float[] ranges = new float[] { minVal, maxVal };
                        CvInvoke.CalcHist(vm, new int[] { 0 }, null, hist, new int[] { numberOfBins }, ranges, false);
                        //hist.Calculate(new IImage[1] { channels[i] }, true, null);
                        AddHistogram(channelNames[i], colors[i], hist, numberOfBins, ranges);