public static async Task <string> UploadImage(Stream ImageData, IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer, HttpClient httpClient) { StreamContent imageStream = new StreamContent(ImageData); ByteArrayContent imageStreamContent = new ByteArrayContent(await imageStream.ReadAsByteArrayAsync()); MultipartFormDataContent formData = new MultipartFormDataContent(); imageStreamContent.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("multipart/form-data"); formData.Add(imageStreamContent, "file", "poster.png"); try { HttpResponseMessage res = await httpClient.PostAsync(uploadEndpoint, formData); string responseContent = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); ImageServiceResponse memesterResponse = jsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString <ImageServiceResponse>(responseContent); if (res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created) { return(memesterResponse.filePath); } else { throw new Exception($"Status: {res.StatusCode} Server Response: {responseContent}"); } } catch (HttpRequestException e) { throw new Exception(e.Message); } }
private void CheckForMetadata(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs eventArgs) { try { int queueCount = queuedUpdateCheck.Count(); if (queueCount > 0) { _logger.Debug("Item in queue : {0}", queueCount); } queuedUpdateCheck.ToList().ForEach(async queuedItem => { // sometimes an update check might execute while another one is hanging and causes crash ! if (queuedUpdateCheck.ContainsKey(queuedItem.Key)) { DiscordOptions options = queuedItem.Value.Configuration; Guid itemId = queuedItem.Value.ItemId; _logger.Debug("{0} queued for recheck", itemId.ToString()); BaseItem item = _libraryManager.GetItemById(itemId); LibraryOptions itemLibraryOptions = _libraryManager.GetLibraryOptions(item); PublicSystemInfo sysInfo = await _applicationHost.GetPublicSystemInfo(CancellationToken.None); ServerConfiguration serverConfig = _serverConfiguration.Configuration; string LibraryType = item.GetType().Name; string serverName = options.ServerNameOverride ? serverConfig.ServerName : "Emby Server"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverName)) { serverName = "Emby Server"; } // for whatever reason if you have extraction on during library scans then it waits for the extraction to finish before populating the metadata.... I don't get why the f**k it goes in that order // its basically impossible to make a prediction on how long it could take as its dependent on the bitrate, duration, codec, and processing power of the system Boolean localMetadataFallback = queuedUpdateCheck[queuedItem.Key].Retries >= (itemLibraryOptions.ExtractChapterImagesDuringLibraryScan ? Constants.MaxRetriesBeforeFallback * 5.5 : Constants.MaxRetriesBeforeFallback); if (item.ProviderIds.Count > 0 || localMetadataFallback) { _logger.Debug("{0}[{1}] has metadata (Local fallback: {2}), adding to queue", item.Id, item.Name, localMetadataFallback, options.MediaBrowserUserId); if (queuedUpdateCheck.ContainsKey(queuedItem.Key)) { queuedUpdateCheck.Remove(queuedItem.Key); // remove it beforehand because if some operation takes any longer amount of time it might allow enough time for another notification to slip through } // build primary info DiscordMessage mediaAddedEmbed = new DiscordMessage { username = options.Username, avatar_url = options.AvatarUrl, embeds = new List <DiscordEmbed>() { new DiscordEmbed() { color = DiscordWebhookHelper.FormatColorCode(options.EmbedColor), footer = new Footer { text = $"From {serverName}", icon_url = options.AvatarUrl }, timestamp = DateTime.Now } }, }; // populate title string titleText; if (LibraryType == "Episode") { titleText = $"{item.Parent.Parent.Name}{(item.ParentIndexNumber.HasValue ? $" S{formatIndex(item.ParentIndexNumber)}" : "")}{(item.IndexNumber.HasValue ? $"E{formatIndex(item.IndexNumber)}" : "")} {item.Name}"; } else if (LibraryType == "Season") { titleText = $"{item.Parent.Name} {item.Name}"; } else { titleText = $"{item.Name}{(item.ProductionYear.HasValue ? $" ({item.ProductionYear.ToString()})" : "")}"; } mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().title = $"{titleText} has been added to {serverName.Trim()}"; // populate description if (LibraryType == "Audio") { List <BaseItem> artists = _libraryManager.GetAllArtists(item); IEnumerable <string> artistsFormat = artists.Select(artist => { string formattedArtist = artist.Name; if (artist.ProviderIds.Count() > 0) { KeyValuePair <string, string> firstProvider = artist.ProviderIds.FirstOrDefault(); string providerUrl = firstProvider.Key == "MusicBrainzArtist" ? $"{firstProvider.Value}" : $"{firstProvider.Value}"; formattedArtist += $" [(Music Brainz)]({providerUrl})"; } if (serverConfig.EnableRemoteAccess && !options.ExcludeExternalServerLinks) { formattedArtist += $" [(Emby)]({sysInfo.WanAddress}/web/index.html#!/item?id={itemId}&serverId={artist.InternalId})"; } return(formattedArtist); }); if (artists.Count() > 0) { mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().description = $"By {string.Join(", ", artistsFormat)}"; } } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Overview)) { mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().description = item.Overview; } } // populate title URL if (serverConfig.EnableRemoteAccess && !options.ExcludeExternalServerLinks) { mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().url = $"{sysInfo.WanAddress}/web/index.html#!/item?id={itemId}&serverId={sysInfo.Id}"; } // populate images if (item.HasImage(ImageType.Primary)) { string imageUrl = ""; if (!item.GetImageInfo(ImageType.Primary, 0).IsLocalFile) { imageUrl = item.GetImagePath(ImageType.Primary); } else if (serverConfig.EnableRemoteAccess == true && !options.ExcludeExternalServerLinks) // in the future we can proxy images through memester server if people want to hide their server address { imageUrl = $"{sysInfo.WanAddress}/emby/Items/{itemId}/Images/Primary"; } else { string localPath = item.GetImagePath(ImageType.Primary); try { ImageServiceResponse response = MemesterServiceHelper.UploadImage(localPath, _jsonSerializer); imageUrl = response.filePath; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.ErrorException("Failed to proxy image", e); } } mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().thumbnail = new Thumbnail { url = imageUrl }; } if (options.MentionType == MentionTypes.Everyone) { mediaAddedEmbed.content = "@everyone"; } else if (options.MentionType == MentionTypes.Here) { mediaAddedEmbed.content = "@here"; } // populate external URLs List <Field> providerFields = new List <Field>(); if (!localMetadataFallback) { item.ProviderIds.ToList().ForEach(provider => { Field field = new Field { name = "External Links" }; Boolean didPopulate = true; switch (provider.Key.ToLower()) { case "imdb": field.value = $"[IMDb]({provider.Value}/)"; break; case "tmdb": field.value = $"[TMDb]({(LibraryType == "Movie" ? "movie" : "tv")}/{provider.Value})"; break; case "musicbrainztrack": field.value = $"[MusicBrainz Track]({provider.Value})"; break; case "musicbrainzalbum": field.value = $"[MusicBrainz Album]({provider.Value})"; break; case "theaudiodbalbum": field.value = $"[TADb Album]({provider.Value})"; break; default: didPopulate = false; break; } if (didPopulate == true) { providerFields.Add(field); } }); if (providerFields.Count() > 0) { mediaAddedEmbed.embeds.First().fields = providerFields; } } pendingSendQueue.Add(mediaAddedEmbed, options); } else { if (queuedUpdateCheck.ContainsKey(queuedItem.Key)) { queuedUpdateCheck[queuedItem.Key].Retries++; } } } }); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.ErrorException("Something unexpected happened in the item update checker", e); } }