예제 #1
        private void HandleEmailFile(string file)
            using (var message = new Storage.Message(file))
                var attachFolder          = Directory.CreateDirectory($@"c:\temp\temp_msg_attachments_{DateTime.Now:MM-dd-yy hh-mm-ss tt}").FullName;
                SubmissionDetails details = ParseMessage(message.BodyText);
                foreach (Storage.Attachment attachment in message.Attachments)
                    File.WriteAllBytes(attachFolder + "\\" + attachment.FileName, attachment.Data);
                    details.Files.Add(attachFolder + "\\" + attachment.FileName);

                details.Sender = message.Sender.DisplayName;

                Globals.AttachmentFolder = attachFolder;

                Directory.Delete(attachFolder, true);

                Globals.AttachmentFolder = "";

                /*if (handed[0] + handed[1] == 0)
                 * {
                 *  MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong. Please try again.");
                 *  return;
                 * }*/
                message.Save($@"Z:\Archive\Field Data E-Mails\{details.JobNumbers[0]} {GetInitials(details.Sender)} {DateTime.Now:MM-dd-yy HH-mm-ss}.msg");
                File.AppendAllLines($@"Z:\Archive\Field Data E-Mails Record Search.csv",
                                    new List <string> {
                    $@"{details.JobNumbers[0]}, {details.Address}, {details.Purpose}, {GetInitials(details.Sender)}, {DateTime.Now:MM-dd-yy HH-mm-ss}, Z:\Archive\{details.JobNumbers[0]} {GetInitials(details.Sender)} {DateTime.Now:MM-dd-yy HH-mm-ss}.msg"
                // TODO: Review post-process handling.

                /*var result = MessageBox.Show(
                 *  $"The e-mail has been parsed successfully! See below for the information.\n" +
                 *  $"Address: {details.Address}\n" +
                 *  $"Message Date: {message.ReceivedOn.Value}\n" +
                 *  $"Sender: {message.Sender.DisplayName} ({message.Sender.Email})\n" +
                 *  $"Purpose: {details.Purpose}\n" +
                 *  $"Total Files: {message.Attachments.Count}\n" +
                 *  $"    Images: {handed[1]}\n" +
                 *  $"    Other Files: {handed[0]}\n\n" +
                 *  $"Would you like to open the field data now?",
                 *  "Parsing Successful",
                 *  MessageBoxButtons.YesNo
                 *  );
                 * message.Dispose();
                 * if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                 * {
                 *  Process.Start.JobNumbers.GetPath(details.JobNumbers[0]) + "\\Field Data\\");
                 * }*/
예제 #2
 public SI_V2(SubmissionDetails Details)
     LblDate.Text = $"Date: {DateTime.Now:MM/dd/yy}";
     foreach (string jobNumber in Details.JobNumbers)
     foreach (string file in Details.Files)
         int index = LbFiles.Items.Add(Path.GetFileName(file));
     TxtFieldCrew.Text = Details.Sender;
     TxtPurpose.Text   = Details.Purpose;
     TxtAddress.Text   = Details.Address;
     SubmissionDetails = Details;
예제 #3
        private SubmissionDetails ParseMessage(string bodyText)
            SubmissionDetails details = new SubmissionDetails();

            bool isJobNumber = false;
            bool isPurpose   = false;
            bool isNotes     = false;
            bool isAddress   = false;

            string notes = "";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodyText))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(bodyText, "Source was provided as an empty string.");
            foreach (string line in bodyText.Replace('\t', '\0').Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()))
                Log.ToDebug($"Content: \"{line}\"");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                else if (line.ToLower() == "!!job number")
                    isJobNumber = true;
                else if (line.ToLower() == "!!address")
                    isJobNumber = false;
                    isAddress   = true;
                else if (line.ToLower() == "!!purpose")
                    isJobNumber = false;
                    if (isAddress && string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Address))
                        isAddress       = false;
                        details.Address = "NoAddress";
                    isPurpose = true;
                else if (line.ToLower() == "!!notes")
                    isJobNumber = false;
                    if (isAddress && string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Address))
                        isAddress       = false;
                        details.Address = "NoAddress";
                    isNotes = true;
                else if (line.ToLower() == "!!end")
                    isJobNumber = false;
                    if (isAddress && string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Address))
                        isAddress       = false;
                        details.Address = "NoAddress";
                    details.Notes = notes;
                    isNotes       = false;
                else if (isJobNumber)
                    string[] numbers = line.Split(' ');
                    int      number  = 0;

                    foreach (string iNumber in numbers)
                        if (number == 0)
                            number = 1;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(iNumber))
                                string[] parts = details.JobNumbers[0].Split('-');
                else if (isAddress)
                    details.Address = line;
                    isAddress       = false;
                else if (isPurpose)
                    details.Purpose = line;
                    isPurpose       = false;
                else if (isNotes)
                    Log.ToDebug("--adding line to note section.");
                    notes += line + Environment.NewLine;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Address))
                details.Address = "NoAddress";

예제 #4
        private void HandleFiles(SubmissionDetails submission)
            //Determine if files were dropped or details originatted from e-mail
            var si_v2  = new SI_V2(submission);
            var result = si_v2.ShowDialog();

            if (result.Equals(DialogResult.OK))

            /*var handledFiles = new int[] { 0, 0 };
             * var isMultipleFiles = false;
             * var overwriteYearMonth = false;
             * var isValidJob = false;
             * var overwriteExisingfiles = 0;
             * var currItieration = 0;
             * if (details.JobNumbers.Count > 1)
             * {
             *  isMultipleFiles = true;
             * }
             * foreach (string jobNo in details.JobNumbers)
             * {
             *  string.JobNumbers = jobNo;
             *  var jobPath =.JobNumbers.GetPath.JobNumbers);
             *  handledFiles = new int[] { 0, 0 };
             *  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobPath)) return handledFiles;
             *  //Grab the first file and check for its job number.
             *  string pathT = files[0];
             *  string fPath = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pathT).Split(' ')[0];
             *  if .JobNumbers.TryParse(fPath) && jobNo != fPath && !overwriteYearMonth && (!isMultipleFiles || isMultipleFiles && currItieration == 0))
             *  {
             *      Conflict conflict = new Conflict(fPath, jobNo);
             *      conflict.ShowDialog();
             *      switch (conflict.ConflictResult)
             *      {
             *          case ConflictResult.KeepFileNumber:
             *          case ConflictResult.KeepRecordNumber:
             *          case ConflictResult.OverwriteNumber:
             *              {
             *                  if (conflict.OverwriteList)
             *                  {
             *                      overwriteYearMonth = true;
             *                  }
             *                 .JobNumbers = conflict.KeptNumber;
             *                  break;
             *              }
             *          case ConflictResult.Reject:
             *              {
             *                  MessageBox.Show("The conflict was rejected. Aborting operation.");
             *                  return new int[] { 0, 0 };
             *              }
             *      }
             *  }
             *  string filename = $".JobNumbers} {details.Purpose} {GetInitials(details.Sender)} {DateTime.Now:MM-dd-yy}";
             *  if (!Directory.Exists(jobPath + "\\Field Data\\"))
             *  {
             *      jobPath = Directory.CreateDirectory(jobPath + "\\Field Data\\").FullName;
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      jobPath += "\\Field Data\\";
             *  }
             *  foreach (string path in files)
             *  {
             *      string fext = Path.GetExtension(path);
             *      switch (fext.ToLower())
             *      {
             *          case ".jpeg":
             *          case ".jpg":
             *          case ".png":
             *          case ".gif":
             *          case ".tiff":
             *              {
             *                  if (!Directory.Exists(jobPath + "\\Images\\"))
             *                  {
             *                      Directory.CreateDirectory(jobPath + "\\Images\\");
             *                  }
             *                  string fillpath = ValidatePathString(Path.Combine(jobPath + "\\Images\\", filename + fext));
             *                  if (File.Exists(fillpath) && overwriteExisingfiles == 0)
             *                  {
             *                      var result = MessageBox.Show(
             *                          $"The following file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?\n\n" +
             *                          $"{fillpath}\n" +
             *                          $"\nPress \"YES\" to overwrite\n" +
             *                          $"Press \"NO\" to append file name\n" +
             *                          $"Press \nCANCEL\n to cancel.",
             *                          "Overwrite file",
             *                          MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel
             *                          );
             *                      switch (result)
             *                      {
             *                          case DialogResult.Yes:
             *                              {
             *                                  File.Copy(path, fillpath);
             *                                  handledFiles[1]++;
             *                                  overwriteExisingfiles = 1;
             *                                  break;
             *                              }
             *                          case DialogResult.No:
             *                              {
             *                                  int fileTry = 1;
             *                                  bool failedattempt = true;
             *                                  while (failedattempt)
             *                                  {
             *                                      string filenameExtra = filename + $" - ({fileTry})";
             *                                      fillpath = ValidatePathString(Path.Combine(jobPath + "\\Images\\", filename + fext));
             *                                      if (File.Exists(fillpath))
             *                                      {
             *                                          fileTry++;
             *                                      }
             *                                      else
             *                                      {
             *                                          File.Copy(path, fillpath);
             *                                          handledFiles[1]++;
             *                                          failedattempt = false;
             *                                      }
             *                                  }
             *                                  overwriteExisingfiles = 2;
             *                                  break;
             *                              }
             *                          case DialogResult.Cancel:
             *                              {
             *                                  break;
             *                              }
             *                      }
             *                  }
             *                  else if (overwriteExisingfiles == 1)
             *                  {
             *                      File.Copy(path, fillpath);
             *                      handledFiles[1]++;
             *                      break;
             *                  }
             *                  else
             *                  {
             *                      int fileTry = 1;
             *                      bool failedattempt = true;
             *                      while (failedattempt)
             *                      {
             *                          string filenameExtra = filename + $" - ({fileTry})";
             *                          fillpath = ValidatePathString(Path.Combine(jobPath + "\\Images\\", filename + fext));
             *                          if (File.Exists(fillpath))
             *                          {
             *                              fileTry++;
             *                          }
             *                          else
             *                          {
             *                              File.Copy(path, fillpath);
             *                              handledFiles[1]++;
             *                              failedattempt = false;
             *                          }
             *                      }
             *                  }
             *                  break;
             *              }
             *          default:
             *              {
             *                  string fillpath = ValidatePathString(Path.Combine(jobPath, filename + fext));
             *                  if (File.Exists(fillpath) && overwriteExisingfiles == 0)
             *                  {
             *                      var result = MessageBox.Show(
             *                          $"The following file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?\n\n" +
             *                          $"{fillpath}\n" +
             *                          $"\nPress \"YES\" to overwrite\n" +
             *                          $"Press \"NO\" to append file name\n" +
             *                          $"Press \"CANCEL\" to cancel.",
             *                          "Overwrite file",
             *                          MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel
             *                          );
             *                      switch (result)
             *                      {
             *                          case DialogResult.Yes:
             *                              {
             *                                  File.Copy(path, fillpath, true);
             *                                  handledFiles[0]++;
             *                                  overwriteExisingfiles = 1;
             *                                  break;
             *                              }
             *                          case DialogResult.No:
             *                              {
             *                                  int fileTry = 1;
             *                                  bool failedattempt = true;
             *                                  while (failedattempt)
             *                                  {
             *                                      string filenameExtra = filename + $" ({fileTry})";
             *                                      fillpath = ValidatePathString(Path.Combine(jobPath, filenameExtra + fext));
             *                                      if (File.Exists(fillpath))
             *                                      {
             *                                          fileTry++;
             *                                      }
             *                                      else
             *                                      {
             *                                          File.Copy(path, fillpath);
             *                                          handledFiles[0]++;
             *                                          failedattempt = false;
             *                                      }
             *                                  }
             *                                  overwriteExisingfiles = 2;
             *                                  break;
             *                              }
             *                          case DialogResult.Cancel:
             *                              {
             *                                  break;
             *                              }
             *                      }
             *                  }
             *                  else if (File.Exists(fillpath) && overwriteExisingfiles == 1)
             *                  {
             *                      File.Copy(path, fillpath, true);
             *                      handledFiles[0]++;
             *                      break;
             *                  }
             *                  else if (File.Exists(fillpath) && overwriteExisingfiles == 2)
             *                  {
             *                      int fileTry = 1;
             *                      bool failedattempt = true;
             *                      while (failedattempt)
             *                      {
             *                          string filenameExtra = filename + $" ({fileTry})";
             *                          fillpath = ValidatePathString(Path.Combine(jobPath, filenameExtra + fext));
             *                          if (File.Exists(fillpath))
             *                          {
             *                              fileTry++;
             *                          }
             *                          else
             *                          {
             *                              File.Copy(path, fillpath);
             *                              handledFiles[0]++;
             *                              failedattempt = false;
             *                          }
             *                      }
             *                      break;
             *                  }
             *                  else if (!File.Exists(fillpath))
             *                  {
             *                      File.Copy(path, fillpath);
             *                      handledFiles[0]++;
             *                      break;
             *                  }
             *                  else
             *                  {
             *                      break;
             *                  }
             *                  break;
             *              }
             *      }
             *  }
             *  string logEntry = $@"Sent by: {details.Sender}" + Environment.NewLine +
             *      $@"Processed By: {Environment.MachineName}\{Environment.UserName}" + Environment.NewLine +
             *      $@"Date: {DateTime.Now:MM-dd-yy HH-mm-ss}" + Environment.NewLine +
             *      $@"Purpose: {details.Purpose}" + Environment.NewLine +
             *      $@"Occurances: {details.JobNumbers.Count}" + Environment.NewLine +
             *      $@"Address: {details.Address}" + Environment.NewLine +
             *      $@"Notes:" + Environment.NewLine + $"{details.Notes}";
             *  if (!Directory.Exists(jobPath + "\\Logs\\"))
             *  {
             *      jobPath = Directory.CreateDirectory(jobPath + "\\Logs\\").FullName;
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      jobPath += "\\Logs\\";
             *  }
             *  File.WriteAllText(jobPath + filename + ".log", logEntry);
             *  currItieration++;
             * }
             * return handledFiles;*/
예제 #5
        private void ProcessJob(SubmissionDetails Details)
            bool ApplyToAllFiles   = false;
            int  OverwriteAllFiles = -1; //0 = skip; 1 = overwrite; 2 = append

            //Run through for each job.
            foreach (string jobNumber in Details.JobNumbers)
                string directoryBase   = JobNumber.GetPath(jobNumber);
                string fieldDataFolder = directoryBase + "\\Field Data\\";
                string imageFolder     = fieldDataFolder + "\\Images\\";

                string   SenderInitials   = GetInitials(Details.Sender);
                TextInfo textInfo         = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
                string   formattedPurpose = textInfo.ToTitleCase(Details.Purpose);

                for (int i = 0; i < Details.Files.Count; i++)
                    bool iterationDone = false;
                    while (!iterationDone)
                        string sourceFile = Details.Files[i];
                        string fileFormat = $"{jobNumber} {formattedPurpose} {SenderInitials} {DateTime.Now:MM-dd-yy}{Path.GetExtension(sourceFile)}";
                        fileFormat = ValidatePathString(fileFormat);
                        switch (Path.GetExtension(sourceFile))
                        case ".jpg":
                        case ".jpeg":
                        case ".png":
                        case ".tiff":
                            if (!Directory.Exists(imageFolder))
                                if (!Directory.Exists(fieldDataFolder))
                            string targetFile = imageFolder + fileFormat;
                            if (File.Exists(targetFile) && OverwriteAllFiles == -1)
                                FileExists exists = new FileExists(targetFile);
                                var        ret    = exists.ShowDialog();
                                if (ret == DialogResult.Cancel)
                                    MessageBox.Show("Operation cancelled. Please try again.");
                                if (exists.ConflictResult == FileConflictResult.Overwrite)
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = 1;
                                    if (exists.ApplyToAllFiles)
                                        ApplyToAllFiles = true;
                                else if (exists.ConflictResult == FileConflictResult.Append)
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = 2;
                                    if (exists.ApplyToAllFiles)
                                        ApplyToAllFiles = true;
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = 0;
                                    if (exists.ApplyToAllFiles)
                                        ApplyToAllFiles = true;
                            else if (File.Exists(targetFile) && OverwriteAllFiles == 1)
                                File.Copy(sourceFile, targetFile, true);
                                iterationDone = true;
                                if (!ApplyToAllFiles)
                                    ApplyToAllFiles   = false;
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = -1;
                            else if (File.Exists(targetFile) && OverwriteAllFiles == 2)
                                int  fileCopyCount = 1;
                                bool FileCreated   = false;
                                while (!FileCreated)
                                    string targetFormatUpdated = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(targetFile) + $" ({fileCopyCount})";
                                    string targetFileRevised   = imageFolder + targetFormatUpdated + Path.GetExtension(targetFile);
                                    if (!File.Exists(targetFileRevised))
                                        File.Copy(sourceFile, targetFileRevised);
                                        FileCreated = true;
                                iterationDone = true;
                                if (!ApplyToAllFiles)
                                    ApplyToAllFiles   = false;
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = -1;
                            else if (File.Exists(targetFile) && OverwriteAllFiles == 0)
                                iterationDone = true;
                                if (!ApplyToAllFiles)
                                    ApplyToAllFiles   = false;
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = -1;
                                File.Copy(sourceFile, targetFile, true);
                                iterationDone = true;
                                if (!ApplyToAllFiles)
                                    ApplyToAllFiles   = false;
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = -1;

                            if (!Directory.Exists(fieldDataFolder))
                            string targetFile = fieldDataFolder + fileFormat;
                            if (File.Exists(targetFile) && OverwriteAllFiles == -1)
                                FileExists exists = new FileExists(targetFile);
                                var        ret    = exists.ShowDialog();
                                if (ret == DialogResult.Cancel)
                                    MessageBox.Show("Operation cancelled. Please try again.");
                                if (exists.ConflictResult == FileConflictResult.Overwrite)
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = 1;
                                    if (exists.ApplyToAllFiles)
                                        ApplyToAllFiles = true;
                                else if (exists.ConflictResult == FileConflictResult.Append)
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = 2;
                                    if (exists.ApplyToAllFiles)
                                        ApplyToAllFiles = true;
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = 0;
                                    if (exists.ApplyToAllFiles)
                                        ApplyToAllFiles = true;
                            else if (File.Exists(targetFile) && OverwriteAllFiles == 1)
                                File.Copy(sourceFile, targetFile, true);
                                iterationDone = true;
                                if (!ApplyToAllFiles)
                                    ApplyToAllFiles   = false;
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = -1;
                            else if (File.Exists(targetFile) && OverwriteAllFiles == 2)
                                int  fileCopyCount = 1;
                                bool FileCreated   = false;
                                while (!FileCreated)
                                    string targetFormatUpdated = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(targetFile) + $" ({fileCopyCount})";
                                    string targetFileRevised   = fieldDataFolder + targetFormatUpdated + Path.GetExtension(targetFile);
                                    if (!File.Exists(targetFileRevised))
                                        File.Copy(sourceFile, targetFileRevised);
                                        FileCreated = true;
                                iterationDone = true;
                                if (!ApplyToAllFiles)
                                    ApplyToAllFiles   = false;
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = -1;
                            else if (File.Exists(targetFile) && OverwriteAllFiles == 0)
                                iterationDone = true;
                                if (!ApplyToAllFiles)
                                    ApplyToAllFiles   = false;
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = -1;
                                File.Copy(sourceFile, targetFile, true);
                                iterationDone = true;
                                if (!ApplyToAllFiles)
                                    ApplyToAllFiles   = false;
                                    OverwriteAllFiles = -1;