private void provideEncrPasswords(BClient_Indexserver client, IEnumerator <String> itpwd, BAsyncResult <bool> asyncResult) { if (itpwd.MoveNext()) { try { String cryptId = itpwd.Current; String pwd = encrPasswords[cryptId]; String pwdEncr = encryptPassword(pwd); BAsyncResult <Object> outerResult = (ignored, e) => { if (e != null) { asyncResult(false, e); } else { provideEncrPasswords(client, itpwd, asyncResult); } }; client.IXServicePortIF.provideCryptPassword(cryptId, pwdEncr, outerResult); } catch (Exception e) { asyncResult(false, e); } } else { asyncResult(false, null); } }
/// <summary> /// Send the given events. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// The function sets the member busId of the Event objects to the ID of this bus. /// </remarks> /// <param name="events">Array of events to be sent.</param> /// <returns>this object</returns> public Bus Send(Event[] events) { if (events != null && events.Length != 0) { foreach (Event e in events) { e.busId = this.busId; } try { eventBusApi.conn.Ix.sendEvents(eventBusApi.eventBusSubsId, events); } catch (Exception ex) { BClient_Indexserver bclient = eventBusApi.bclient; if (!bclient.getAuthentication().isReloginException(bclient, ex, 0)) { throw ex; } BSyncResult <bool> syncResult = new BSyncResult <bool>(); bclient.getTransport().negotiateProtocolClient(syncResult); syncResult.GetResult(); long subsId = eventBusApi.SubscriberId; bclient.IXServicePortIF.sendEvents(subsId, events); } } return(this); }
internal EventBusApi(IXConnection conn, BClient_Indexserver bclient) { this.conn = conn; this.bclient = bclient; bclient.addRemote(new MyEventBusHandler(this)); }
protected override void internalAuthenticate(BClient_Indexserver client, BAsyncResult <bool> asyncResult) { BAsyncResult <LoginResult> outerResult = (loginResult, ex) => { this.setLoginResult(loginResult); asyncResult(false, ex); }; try { String encrPwd = encryptPassword(userPwd); if (reportAs) { client.IXServicePortIF.loginAdmin(userName, encrPwd, computerName, runAs, outerResult); } else { client.IXServicePortIF.login(userName, encrPwd, computerName, runAs, outerResult); } } catch (Exception e) { asyncResult(false, e); } }
protected override void internalAuthenticate(BClient_Indexserver client, BAsyncResult <bool> asyncResult) { client.IXServicePortIF.login("", "", "", runAs, (loginResult, ex) => { this.setLoginResult(loginResult); asyncResult(false, ex); }); }
public BServer_Indexserver(BTransportFactory transportFactory) : base( transportFactory.createServerTransport(), transportFactory.createClientR( BClient_Indexserver.createClientR( transportFactory.createClientTransport() ) ) ) { }
public IXConnection(IXConnFactory iXConnFactory, BClient_Indexserver bclient, IXAuthentication auth, string url, IXProperties connProps, IXProperties sessOpts) { this.iXConnFactory = iXConnFactory; this.bclient = bclient; this.auth = auth; this.url = url; this.connPropsVal = connProps; this.sessionOptionsVal = sessOpts; this.ixVal = new IXCachedConnIXServicePortIF(bclient.getTransport(), connProps); this.disposed = false; }
protected override void internalAuthenticate(BClient_Indexserver client, BAsyncResult <bool> asyncResult) { // Do not use the session properties initialized in the constructor of IXConnFactory. // The options set by the application that created the ticked should not be overwritten. // Especially, the options ixUrlBase and docUrlBase must not be changed to a relative URL. IXProperties sessOpts2 = new IXProperties(); client.IXServicePortIF.getSessionFromTicket(SessionOptionsC.SESSION_FROM_AM_ADD, (loginResult, ex) => { this.setLoginResult(loginResult); asyncResult(false, ex); }); }
private void invokeInternalAuthenticateThenSetGetServerInfo(BClient_Indexserver client, BAsyncResult <bool> asyncResult) { BAsyncResult <bool> outerResult = (ignored, e) => { if (e != null) { asyncResult(false, e); } else { invokeGetServerinfoThenSetSessionOptions(client, asyncResult); } }; internalAuthenticate(client, outerResult); }
private void providePublicEncrKey(BClient_Indexserver client, BAsyncResult <bool> asyncResult) { BAsyncResult <LoginResult> asyncLogin = (lr, e) => { if (e != null) { asyncResult(false, e); } else { publicKey = publicKeyFromString(lr.clientInfo.ticket); asyncResult(true, null); } }; client.IXServicePortIF.login("PUBLIC_ENCR_KEY", null, null, null, asyncLogin); }
private void invokeGetServerinfoThenSetSessionOptions(BClient_Indexserver client, BAsyncResult <bool> asyncResult) { BAsyncResult <ServerInfo> outerResult = (serverInfo, e) => { if (e != null) { asyncResult(false, e); } else { databaseEngine = serverInfo.databaseEngine; invokeSetSessionOptionsThenProvidePasswords(client, asyncResult); } }; client.IXServicePortIF.getServerInfo(outerResult); }
private void invokeSetSessionOptionsThenProvidePasswords(BClient_Indexserver client, BAsyncResult <bool> asyncResult) { BAsyncResult <Object> outerResult = (result, e) => { if (e != null) { asyncResult(false, e); } else { IEnumerator <String> itpwd = encrPasswords.Keys.GetEnumerator(); provideEncrPasswords(client, itpwd, asyncResult); } }; SessionOptions opts = makeSessOptsObj(); client.IXServicePortIF.setSessionOptions(opts, outerResult); }
/// <summary> /// Add the given event listener. /// </summary> /// <param name="eventListener">Event listener, the member busId will be internally set for each filter.</param> /// <returns>Listener ID</returns> public long AddListener(EventListener eventListener) { long lsnId = 0; if (eventListener != null && eventListener.filters != null && eventListener.filters.Length != 0) { eventBusApi.ensureSubscriber(); foreach (EventFilter f in eventListener.filters) { f.busId = busId; } if (eventListeners == null) { eventListeners = new Dictionary <long, EventListener>(); } try { lsnId = eventBusApi.conn.Ix.createEventBusListener(eventBusApi.SubscriberId, eventListener); eventListeners[lsnId] = eventListener; } catch (Exception ex) { BClient_Indexserver bclient = eventBusApi.bclient; if (!bclient.getAuthentication().isReloginException(bclient, ex, 0)) { throw ex; } BSyncResult <bool> syncResult = new BSyncResult <bool>(); bclient.getTransport().negotiateProtocolClient(syncResult); syncResult.GetResult(); long subsId = eventBusApi.SubscriberId; lsnId = bclient.IXServicePortIF.createEventBusListener(subsId, eventListener); eventListeners[lsnId] = eventListener; } } return(lsnId); }
public virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposed) { return; } if (disposing) { Logout(); iXConnFactory = null; auth = null; url = null; connPropsVal = null; sessionOptionsVal = null; ixVal = null; constVal = null; eventBusApiVal = null; bclient = null; } disposed = true; }
public virtual void authenticate(BClient client1, BAsyncResult <Boolean> asyncResult) { BClient_Indexserver client = (BClient_Indexserver)client1; BAsyncResult <bool> listenerResult = (ignored, e) => { notifyListeners(client, e); asyncResult(ignored, e); }; BAsyncResult <bool> outerResult = (ignored, e) => { if (e != null) { asyncResult(ignored, e); } else { invokeInternalAuthenticateThenSetGetServerInfo(client, listenerResult); } }; providePublicEncrKey(client, outerResult); }
protected override void internalAuthenticate(BClient_Indexserver client, BAsyncResult <bool> asyncResult) { // Aktuelle ClientInfo bereitstellen, wg. Landessprache, Zeitzone usw. ClientInfo ci = getLoginResult().clientInfo; // Verbindungsobjekt für GET-Request IXWireClient wire = (IXWireClient)client.getTransport().getWire(); HttpWebResponse resp = null; try { String loginServletUrl = wire.getUrlForAuthentication(); long negotiatedVersion = client.getTransport().getProtocol().negotiatedVersion; long negotiatedBypsVersion = client.getTransport().getProtocol().negotiatedBypsVersion; // Schreibe diese 9er Version für die Verbindung zu IX 9.0. // Weil bei ELO 9 ein String-Vergleich gemacht wird, wäre sonst die Version 10 kleiner als die Version 9 loginServletUrl += "?streamversion=" + BVersioning.stringToLong(""); loginServletUrl += "&bstreamversion=" + BVersioning.longToString(negotiatedVersion); loginServletUrl += "&bversion=" + negotiatedBypsVersion; loginServletUrl += "&responseformat=byps-binary"; if (ci.language != null) { loginServletUrl += "&language=" + ci.language; } if (ci.timeZone != null) { loginServletUrl += "&timezone=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ci.timeZone); } if ( != null) { loginServletUrl += "&country=" +; } if (ci.callId != null) { loginServletUrl += "&callid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ci.callId); } if (computerName != null) { loginServletUrl += "&computerName=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(computerName); } // Sitzungskennung übergeben. // Sie wird direkt verworfen und es wird eine neue erstellt. loginServletUrl += "&sessionid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(client.getTransport().getSessionId()); if (WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy != null) { WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; } HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(loginServletUrl); req.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate; req.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; // //CredentialCache credCache = new CredentialCache(); //credCache.Add(new Uri(loginServletUrl), "NTLM", // CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials); //req.Credentials = credCache; resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); if (resp.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { asyncResult(false, new BException((int)resp.StatusCode, "HTTP Status " + resp.StatusCode)); } Stream responseStream = resp.GetResponseStream(); ByteBuffer buf = BWire.bufferFromStream(responseStream, false); BMessageHeader header = new BMessageHeader();; // Neue Sitzungs-ID übernehmen if (!header.targetId.isZero()) { client.getTransport().setTargetId(header.targetId); client.getTransport().setSessionId(header.sessionId); } BInput bin = client.getTransport().getInput(header, buf); LoginResult loginResult = (LoginResult)bin.load(); this.setLoginResult(loginResult); asyncResult(false, null); } catch (Exception e) { asyncResult(false, e); } finally { if (resp != null) { resp.Close(); } } }
private void internalCreateConnection(IXAuthentication auth, BAsyncResult <IXConnection> asyncResult) { // Check version if (MajorVersion < 9) { BException ex = new BException(BExceptionC.CONNECTION_TO_SERVER_FAILED, "Received server version " + Version + ". At least server version 9.00.000 is required."); asyncResult(null, ex); return; } // IX-URL, e.g. http://localhost:8084/ix-elo80/ix String url = connProps[PROP_URL]; // BYPS-URL, e.g. http://localhost:8084/ix-elo80/byps String bypsUrl = url; int pos = bypsUrl.LastIndexOf("/ix"); if (pos >= 0) { bypsUrl = bypsUrl.Substring(0, pos) + "/byps"; if (pos + 3 < url.Length) { bypsUrl += url.Substring(pos + 3); } } // timeout String timeoutSecondsStr = connProps[PROP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS]; int timeoutSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(timeoutSecondsStr != null && timeoutSecondsStr.Length != 0 ? timeoutSecondsStr : "120"); // #reverse connections String reverseConnsStr = connProps[NB_OF_REVERSE_CNNS]; int nbOfReverseConnections = Convert.ToInt32(reverseConnsStr != null && reverseConnsStr.Length != 0 ? reverseConnsStr : "1"); // Wire, transport, client IXWireClient wire = new IXWireClient(bypsUrl, 0, timeoutSeconds); BTransportFactory transportFactory = new HTransportFactoryClient(BApiDescriptor_Indexserver.instance, wire, nbOfReverseConnections); BClient_Indexserver bclient = BClient_Indexserver.createClient(transportFactory); // Authentication bclient.setAuthentication(auth); // IXConnection IXConnection conn = new IXConnection(this, bclient, auth, url, connProps, sessOpts); BAsyncResult <bool> outerResult = (ignored, e) => { if (e != null) { asyncResult(conn, e); } else if (this.CONST != null) { asyncResult(conn, e); } else { // Read constants BAsyncResult <IXServicePortC> constResult = (CONST, ex) => { this.CONSTVal = CONST; asyncResult(conn, ex); }; conn.getCONST(constResult); } }; // Start client bclient.start(outerResult, false); }
protected abstract void internalAuthenticate(BClient_Indexserver client, BAsyncResult <bool> asyncResult);