public Logger(int milliseconds, int max_messages, TableStorage ts) { this.ts = ts; this.wait_milliseconds = milliseconds; this.max_messages = max_messages; this.Start(); }
public static void InstallPythonStandardLibrary(string directory, TableStorage ts) { GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("info", "installing python standard library", null); try { var zip_url = Configurator.pylib_zip_url; FileUtils.UnzipFromUrlToDirectory(zip_url, directory); var args = new List<string> { "", "", "" }; var script_url = Configurator.python_test_script_url; var result = RunIronPython(directory, script_url, args); GenUtils.LogMsg("status", "result of python standard lib install test", result); } catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "InstallPythonStandardLibrary", e.Message + e.StackTrace); } }
// this query expects to find just one matching entity public static Dictionary <string, object> QueryForSingleEntityAsDictObj(TableStorage ts, string table, string q) { var ts_response = ts.QueryEntities(table, q); var dicts = ts_response.list_dict_obj; var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (dicts.Count > 0) { dict = dicts.FirstOrDefault(); } if (dicts.Count > 1) { // should not happen, but... GenUtils.LogMsg("warning", "QueryForSingleEntity: " + table, q + ": more than one matching entity"); } return(dict); }
public static void InstallPythonStandardLibrary(string directory, TableStorage ts) { GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("info", "installing python standard library", null); try { var zip_url = Configurator.pylib_zip_url; FileUtils.UnzipFromUrlToDirectory(zip_url, directory); var args = new List <string> { "", "", "" }; var script_url = Configurator.python_test_script_url; var result = RunIronPython(directory, script_url, args); GenUtils.LogMsg("status", "result of python standard lib install test", result); } catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "InstallPythonStandardLibrary", e.Message + e.StackTrace); } }
// todo: externalize test url as a setting public static void InstallPythonElmcityLibrary(string directory, TableStorage ts) { { GenUtils.LogMsg("status", "installing python elmcity library", null); try { var zip_url = Configurator.elmcity_pylib_zip_url; FileUtils.UnzipFromUrlToDirectory(zip_url, directory: directory); var args = new List<string> { "", "", "eastern" }; var script_url = Configurator.elmcity_python_test_script_url; var result = RunIronPython(directory, script_url, args); GenUtils.LogMsg("status", "result of python elmcity install test", result, ts); } catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "InstallPythonElmcityLibrary", e.Message + e.StackTrace); } } }
// todo: externalize test url as a setting public static void InstallPythonElmcityLibrary(string directory, TableStorage ts) { { GenUtils.LogMsg("status", "installing python elmcity library", null); try { var zip_url = Configurator.elmcity_pylib_zip_url; FileUtils.UnzipFromUrlToDirectory(zip_url, directory: directory); var args = new List <string> { "", "", "eastern" }; var script_url = Configurator.elmcity_python_test_script_url; var result = RunIronPython(directory, script_url, args); GenUtils.LogMsg("status", "result of python elmcity install test", result, ts); } catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("exception", "InstallPythonElmcityLibrary", e.Message + e.StackTrace); } } }
public TableStorageListDictResponse QueryAllEntitiesAsListDict(string table, string query, int max) { var list_dict_obj = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); HttpResponse last_http_response = default(HttpResponse); foreach (HttpResponse http_response in QueryAll(table, query)) { last_http_response = http_response; var response_dicts = TableStorage.GetTsDicts(http_response); foreach (var response_dict in response_dicts) { list_dict_obj.Add(response_dict); if (max != 0 && list_dict_obj.Count >= max) { break; } } } return(new TableStorageListDictResponse(last_http_response, list_dict_obj)); }
public void QueryForSingleEntityIsSuccessful() { if (ts.ExistsEntity(test_table, test_query) == false) { CreateEntityIsSuccessful(); } var ts_response = ts.QueryEntities(test_table, test_query); var dicts = ts_response.list_dict_obj; Assert.That(dicts.Count == 1); if (ts.ExistsEntity(test_table, test_query) == false) { CreateEntityIsSuccessful(); } var multi_response_dict = ObjectUtils.DictObjToDictStr(dicts[0]); var single_response_dict = TableStorage.QueryForSingleEntityAsDictStr(ts, test_table, test_query); Assert.That(multi_response_dict["TestInt32"] == single_response_dict["TestInt32"]); Assert.That(multi_response_dict["TestInt64"] == single_response_dict["TestInt64"]); Assert.That(multi_response_dict["TestBool"] == single_response_dict["TestBool"]); }
// try to insert a dict<str,obj> into table store // if conflict, try to merge or update public static TableStorageListDictResponse DictObjToTableStore(Operation operation, Dictionary <string, object> dict, string table, string partkey, string rowkey) { TableStorage ts = MakeDefaultTableStorage(); var entity = new Dictionary <string, object>(); entity.Add("PartitionKey", partkey); entity.Add("RowKey", rowkey); foreach (var key in dict.Keys) { if (key != "PartitionKey" && key != "RowKey") { entity.Add(key, dict[key]); } } var response = ts.InsertEntity(table, entity); if (response.http_response.status != HttpStatusCode.Created) { switch (operation) { case Operation.update: response = ts.UpdateEntity(table, partkey, rowkey, entity); break; case Operation.merge: response = ts.MergeEntity(table, partkey, rowkey, entity); break; default: GenUtils.LogMsg("warning", "DictToTableStore unexpected operation", operation.ToString()); break; } if (response.http_response.status != HttpStatusCode.NoContent) { GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("error", "DictToTableStore: " + operation, response.http_response.status.ToString() + ", " + response.http_response.message); } } return(response); }
private static bool HandleFeedUpdates(string id, TableStorage ts, List<Dictionary<string, string>> list_metadict_str, string feed_entry_schema, List<string> current_feed_urls, List<string> deleted_feed_urls) { List<string> maybe_updated_feed_urls = (List<string>)current_feed_urls.Except(deleted_feed_urls).ToList(); var update_lock = new Object(); var updated_feeds = false; Parallel.ForEach(source: maybe_updated_feed_urls, body: (maybe_updated_feed_url) => { var rowkey = TableStorage.MakeSafeRowkeyFromUrl(maybe_updated_feed_url); var query = string.Format("$filter=PartitionKey eq '{0}' and RowKey eq '{1}'", id, rowkey); var table_record = TableStorage.QueryForSingleEntityAsDictStr(ts, "metadata", query); var json_record = (Dictionary<string, string>)list_metadict_str.Find(feed => feed["feedurl"] == maybe_updated_feed_url); bool updated_feed = false; //foreach (var key in new List<string>() { "source", "category", "feedurl", "url", "catmap", "approved", "comments" }) foreach (var key in feed_entry_schema.Split(',')) { try { // if (table_record.ContainsKey(key) == false) // GenUtils.LogMsg("info", id, "UpdateFeedsForId: table record missing key: " + key + " (will be added)"); if (json_record.ContainsKey(key) == false) { // GenUtils.LogMsg("info", id, "UpdateFeedsForId: json record missing key: " + key + " (adding it now)"); json_record[key] = ""; } if (table_record.ContainsKey(key) == false || table_record[key] != json_record[key]) lock (update_lock) { updated_feeds = updated_feed = true; } } catch (Exception e) { GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("info", "UpdateFeedsForId: missing key: " + key, e.Message + e.StackTrace); } } if (updated_feed) { UpmergeChangedMetadict(id, rowkey, json_record); } }); // foreach (string maybe_updated_feed_url in maybe_updated_feed_urls) // { // } return updated_feeds; }
private static List<string> HandleFeedDeletes(string id, TableStorage ts, List<string> current_feed_urls, List<string> existing_feed_urls) { var deleted_feed_urls = existing_feed_urls.Except(current_feed_urls); foreach (string deleted_feed_url in deleted_feed_urls) { var rowkey = TableStorage.MakeSafeRowkeyFromUrl(deleted_feed_url); ts.DeleteEntity("metadata", id, rowkey); } GenUtils.LogMsg("info", "UpdateFeedsForId: find updated and update", null); return deleted_feed_urls.ToList(); }
public static void PriorityLogMsg(string type, string title, string blurb, TableStorage ts) { title = MakeLogMsgTitle(title); ts.WritePriorityLogMessage(type, title, blurb); }
static public string RunTests(string dll_name) { var tests_failed = 0; var results = new StringBuilder(); try { LogMsg("info", "GenUtils.RunTests", "starting"); var ts = TableStorage.MakeDefaultTableStorage(); var a = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(dll_name); var types = a.GetExportedTypes().ToList(); var test_classes = types.FindAll(type => type.Name.EndsWith("Test")).ToList(); test_classes.Sort((x, y) => x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)); foreach (Type test_class in test_classes) // e.g. DeliciousTest { object o = Activator.CreateInstance(test_class); var members = test_class.GetMembers().ToList(); members.Sort((x, y) => x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)); foreach (var member in members) { var attrs = member.GetCustomAttributes(false).ToList(); var is_test = attrs.Exists(attr => attr.GetType() == typeof(NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute)); if (is_test == false) { continue; } var entity = new Dictionary <string, object>(); var partition_key = test_class.FullName; var row_key = member.Name; entity["PartitionKey"] = partition_key; entity["RowKey"] = row_key; try { test_class.InvokeMember(member.Name, invokeAttr: BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, binder: null, target: o, args: null); entity["outcome"] = "OK"; entity["reason"] = ""; } catch (Exception e) { var msg = e.Message + e.StackTrace; entity["outcome"] = "Fail"; entity["reason"] = e.InnerException.Message + e.InnerException.StackTrace; tests_failed += 1; results.AppendLine(row_key); results.AppendLine((string)entity["reason"]); results.AppendLine(); } var tablename = Configurator.test_results_tablename; if (ts.ExistsEntity(tablename, partition_key, row_key)) { ts.MergeEntity(tablename, partition_key, row_key, entity); } else { ts.InsertEntity(tablename, entity); } } } LogMsg("info", "GenUtils.RunTests", "done"); } catch (Exception e) { PriorityLogMsg("exception", "RunTests", e.Message + e.StackTrace); tests_failed = 999; } return(tests_failed > 0 ? results.ToString() : ""); }
// the prioritylogtriggers table has rules for things in a Counters private static List<Dictionary<string, string>> GetPriorityLogTriggers(TableStorage ts) { var query = "$filter=(PartitionKey eq 'prioritylogtriggers')"; var ts_response = ts.QueryAllEntitiesAsListDict("prioritylogtriggers", query); var list_dict_obj = ts_response.list_dict_obj; var list_dict_str = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>(); foreach (var dict_obj in list_dict_obj) list_dict_str.Add(ObjectUtils.DictObjToDictStr(dict_obj)); return list_dict_str; }
public static TableStorageListDictResponse QueryEntities(string tablename, string query, TableStorage ts) { var http_response = ts.DoTableStoreRequest(tablename, query_string: query, method: "GET", headers: new Hashtable(), data: null); if (http_response.status == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable) { throw new Exception("TableServiceUnavailable"); } else { var response = GetTsDicts(http_response); return(new TableStorageListDictResponse(http_response, GetTsDicts(http_response))); } }
// this query expects to find just one matching entity public static Dictionary<string, object> QueryForSingleEntityAsDictObj(TableStorage ts, string table, string q) { var ts_response = ts.QueryEntities(table, q); var dicts = ts_response.list_dict_obj; var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>(); if (dicts.Count > 0) dict = dicts.FirstOrDefault(); if (dicts.Count > 1) // should not happen, but... GenUtils.LogMsg("info", "QueryForSingleEntity: " + table, q + ": more than one matching entity"); return dict; }
public static TimeSpan IntervalFromType(TaskType type) { var ts = TimeSpan.FromHours(24); switch (type) { case TaskType.nonicaltasks: ts = Scheduler.nonical_interval; break; case TaskType.icaltasks: ts = Scheduler.ical_interval; break; case TaskType.regiontasks: ts = Scheduler.region_interval; break; case TaskType.none: ts = TimeSpan.FromHours(24); GenUtils.PriorityLogMsg("warning", "Scheduler.IntervalFromType", "unexpected TaskType.none"); break; } return ts; }
public static TableStorageListDictResponse QueryEntities(string tablename, string query, TableStorage ts) { var http_response = ts.DoTableStoreRequest(tablename, query_string: query, method: "GET", headers: new Hashtable(), data: null); if (http_response.status == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable) throw new Exception("TableServiceUnavailable"); else { var response = GetTsDicts(http_response); return new TableStorageListDictResponse(http_response, GetTsDicts(http_response)); } }
public static void SetTs(TableStorage ts) { Counters.ts = ts; }
public static TableStorageListDictResponse QueryEntities(string tablename, string query, TableStorage ts) { var http_response = ts.DoTableStoreRequest(tablename, query_string: query, method: "GET", headers: new Hashtable(), data: null); return new TableStorageListDictResponse(http_response, GetTsDicts(http_response)); }
public Monitor(int interval_minutes, string tablename, TableStorage ts) { this.interval_minutes = interval_minutes; this.tablename = tablename; this.ts = ts; priority_log_triggers = GetPriorityLogTriggers(ts); }
public static Dictionary<string, string> QueryForSingleEntityAsDictStr(TableStorage ts, string table, string q) { var dict = QueryForSingleEntityAsDictObj(ts, table, q); return ObjectUtils.DictObjToDictStr(dict); }
public static Dictionary <string, string> QueryForSingleEntityAsDictStr(TableStorage ts, string table, string q) { var dict = QueryForSingleEntityAsDictObj(ts, table, q); return(ObjectUtils.DictObjToDictStr(dict)); }