private void BtnSolveClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List<Solver.Colorizer> colors = GenerateColorPalette(); var slvr = new Solver(_charges, _surfaces, _imageHieght, _imageWidth); slvr.SolveIt(); SolverOutput solvedutput; if (chkBoxDrawLines.IsChecked != null && chkBoxDrawLines.IsChecked == true) { BitmapSource outputData = slvr.CustomeColorizerSolverWithLines(colors, colorPickerLineColors.SelectedColor); solvedutput = new SolverOutput(outputData, colors, _charges); } else { BitmapSource outputData = slvr.CustomeColorizerSolver(colors); solvedutput = new SolverOutput(outputData, colors, _charges); } solvedutput.lblMarker.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; solvedutput.recMarker.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; solvedutput.gridMarker.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; solvedutput.Show(); Close(); }
private void BtnSolveClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { bool allowMark = false; allowMark = chkMarker.IsChecked != null && (bool) chkMarker.IsChecked; int clampvalue = 100; if (integerUDClamp.Value.HasValue) { clampvalue = integerUDClamp.Value.Value; } var slvr = new Solver(_charges, _surfaces, _imageHieght, _imageWidth); slvr.SolveIt(); if (integerUDThreshold.Value == null) integerUDThreshold.Value = 50; SolverOutput solvedutput; if (chkBoxDrawLines.IsChecked != null && chkBoxDrawLines.IsChecked == true) { BitmapSource outputData = slvr.GetImageRgb24WithLines(colorPickerMaxColor.SelectedColor, colorPickerMinColor.SelectedColor, clampvalue, allowMark, integerUDThreshold.Value.Value, colorPickerThreshold.SelectedColor); //solvedutput = new SolverOutput(outputData, colorPickerMinColor.SelectedColor, // colorPickerMaxColor.SelectedColor, // _charges); } else { BitmapSource outputData = slvr.GetImageRgb24(colorPickerMaxColor.SelectedColor, colorPickerMinColor.SelectedColor, clampvalue, allowMark, integerUDThreshold.Value.Value, colorPickerThreshold.SelectedColor); //solvedutput = new SolverOutput(outputData, colorPickerMinColor.SelectedColor, // colorPickerMaxColor.SelectedColor, // _charges); } if (allowMark) { //solvedutput.lblMarker.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //solvedutput.recMarker.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //solvedutput.gridMarker.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //solvedutput.recMarker.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(colorPickerThreshold.SelectedColor); //solvedutput.lblMarker.Content = "This color is a Marker for the points which had Value : " + // integerUDThreshold.Value.Value; } else { //solvedutput.lblMarker.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; //solvedutput.recMarker.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; //solvedutput.gridMarker.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } //solvedutput.Show(); Close(); }
private void GenerateGray8BitmapClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var dialog = new SaveFileDialog {Title = "Choose location ...", Filter = "JPEG Image File (*.jpg)|*.jpg"}; List<Surface> surfacelist = gridField.Children.Cast<object>().Where(uiElement => uiElement.GetType() == typeof (Surface)).Cast <Surface>().ToList(); bool? result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == true) { var slvr = new Solver(_charges, surfacelist, (int) gridField.Height, (int) gridField.Width); slvr.SolveIt(); slvr.DrawGray8Image(dialog.FileName); if ( MessageBox.Show( "Image file has been generated and saved Successfully!" + Environment.NewLine + "Do you want to open it now ?", "Write file Completed", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { Process.Start(dialog.FileName); } } }
private void BtnQuickSolveClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List<Surface> surfacelist = gridField.Children.Cast<object>().Where(uiElement => uiElement.GetType() == typeof (Surface)).Cast <Surface>().ToList(); var slvr = new Solver(_charges, surfacelist, (int) gridField.Height, (int) gridField.Width); slvr.SolveIt(); var imagebrush = new ImageBrush(); //imagebrush.ImageSource = slvr.GetImageRgb24(); var ListofColors = new List<Solver.Colorizer>(); var color00 = new Solver.Colorizer(); var color0 = new Solver.Colorizer(); var color1 = new Solver.Colorizer(); var color2 = new Solver.Colorizer(); var color3 = new Solver.Colorizer(); var color4 = new Solver.Colorizer(); var color5 = new Solver.Colorizer(); color00.Color = Colors.DarkRed; color00.Min = 1001; color00.Max = int.MaxValue; color0.Color = Colors.DarkRed; color0.Min = 400; color0.Max = 1000; color1.Color = Colors.Red; color1.Min = 100; color1.Max = 399; color2.Color = Colors.OrangeRed; color2.Min = 60; color2.Max = 99; color3.Color = Colors.Yellow; color3.Min = 30; color3.Max = 59; color4.Color = Colors.YellowGreen; color4.Min = 10; color4.Max = 29; color5.Color = Colors.Black; color5.Min = 0; color5.Max = 9; ListofColors.Add(color00); ListofColors.Add(color0); ListofColors.Add(color1); ListofColors.Add(color2); ListofColors.Add(color3); ListofColors.Add(color4); ListofColors.Add(color5); ListofColors.Add(new Solver.Colorizer()); imagebrush.ImageSource = slvr.CustomeColorizerSolver(ListofColors); gridField.Background = imagebrush; }
private void BtnQuckDrawFieldLinesClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List<Surface> surfacelist = gridField.Children.Cast<object>().Where(uiElement => uiElement.GetType() == typeof (Surface)).Cast <Surface>().ToList(); var slvr = new Solver(_charges, surfacelist, (int) gridField.Height, (int) gridField.Width); slvr.SolveIt(); var imagebrush = new ImageBrush(); imagebrush.ImageSource = slvr.GenerateFieldLines(true); gridField.Background = imagebrush; }
private void BtnDrawClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (cmbFloat.SelectedIndex == -1 || cmbStatic.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Fill all fields!!"); return; } int duration = 10; var startloc = new Point((double) integerUDStartX.Value, (double) integerUDStartY.Value); if (integerUDDuration.Value != null) { duration = (int) integerUDDuration.Value; } var slver = new Solver(_charges, _surfaces, ImageHieght, ImageWidth); slver.SolveIt(); FreeCharge freeCharge = null; PositiveCharge positiveCharge = null; NegativeCharge negativeCharge = null; IEnumerable<UIElement> allitems = MainWindow.Instance.GetListOfItems(); foreach (UIElement chargeitem in allitems) { if (chargeitem.GetType() == typeof (FreeCharge)) { string name = ((FreeCharge) chargeitem).MyCharge.Name; if ((string) cmbFloat.SelectedValue == name) { freeCharge = ((FreeCharge) chargeitem); } } else if (chargeitem.GetType() == typeof (PositiveCharge)) { string name = ((PositiveCharge) chargeitem).MyCharge.Name; if ((string) cmbStatic.SelectedValue == name) { positiveCharge = ((PositiveCharge) chargeitem); } } else if (chargeitem.GetType() == typeof (NegativeCharge)) { string name = ((NegativeCharge) chargeitem).MyCharge.Name; if ((string) cmbStatic.SelectedValue == name) { negativeCharge = ((NegativeCharge) chargeitem); } } } if (freeCharge != null) { var Orgins = new Point(); if (positiveCharge != null) { Orgins = new Point(positiveCharge.RenderTransform.Value.OffsetX, positiveCharge.RenderTransform.Value.OffsetY); } else if (negativeCharge != null) { Orgins = new Point(negativeCharge.RenderTransform.Value.OffsetX, negativeCharge.RenderTransform.Value.OffsetY); } var returnedData = (List<Point>) slver.ChargeChargeDistance(freeCharge, Orgins, duration, startloc); var graphOutput = new GraphWindow("Distance", "Time"); graphOutput.DrawThis(returnedData, Brushes.DarkRed, Brushes.DarkMagenta, "Distance"); if (returnedData != null) { IEnumerable<Point> velcocity = Helper.CalculateVelocity(returnedData); graphOutput.DrawThis(velcocity, Brushes.DodgerBlue, Brushes.LightSkyBlue, "Velocity"); } graphOutput.Show(); } Close(); }