예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Encrypt a specific `Ballot` in the context of a specific `CiphertextElectionContext`
 /// This method accepts a ballot representation that only includes `True` selections.
 /// It will fill missing selections for a contest with `False` values, and generate `placeholder`
 /// selections to represent the number of seats available for a given contest.  By adding `placeholder`
 /// votes
 /// This method also allows for ballots to exclude passing contests for which the voter made no selections.
 /// It will fill missing contests with `False` selections and generate `placeholder` selections that are marked `True`.
 /// <param name="ballot">the selection in the valid input form</param>
 /// <param name="internalManifest">the `InternalManifest` which defines this ballot's structure</param>
 /// <param name="context">all the cryptographic context for the election</param>
 /// <param name="ballotCodeSeed">Hash from previous ballot or hash from device</param>
 /// <param name="nonce">an optional value used to seed the `Nonce` generated for this ballot
 ///                     if this value is not provided, the secret generating mechanism of the OS provides its own</param>
 /// <param name="shouldVerifyProofs">specify if the proofs should be verified prior to returning (default True)</param>
 /// <returns>A `CiphertextBallot`</returns>
 /// </summary>
 public static unsafe CiphertextBallot Ballot(
     PlaintextBallot ballot,
     InternalManifest internalManifest,
     CiphertextElectionContext context,
     ElementModQ ballotCodeSeed,
     ElementModQ nonce       = null,
     bool shouldVerifyProofs = true)
     if (nonce == null)
         var status = NativeInterface.Encrypt.Ballot(
             ballot.Handle, internalManifest.Handle, context.Handle,
             ballotCodeSeed.Handle, shouldVerifyProofs,
             out NativeCiphertextBallot ciphertext);
         if (status != Status.ELECTIONGUARD_STATUS_SUCCESS)
             Console.WriteLine($"Encrypt Ballot Error Status: {status}");
         return(new CiphertextBallot(ciphertext));
         var status = NativeInterface.Encrypt.Ballot(
             ballot.Handle, internalManifest.Handle, context.Handle,
             ballotCodeSeed.Handle, nonce.Handle, shouldVerifyProofs,
             out NativeCiphertextBallot ciphertext);
         if (status != Status.ELECTIONGUARD_STATUS_SUCCESS)
             Console.WriteLine($"EncryptWithNonce Ballot Error Status: {status}");
         return(new CiphertextBallot(ciphertext));
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Given an encrypted BallotContest, validates the encryption state against
 /// a specific encryption seed and public key
 /// by verifying the accumulated sum of selections match the proof.
 /// Calling this function expects that the object is in a well-formed encrypted state
 /// with the `ballot_selections` populated with valid encrypted ballot selections,
 /// the ElementModQ `description_hash`, the ElementModQ `crypto_hash`,
 /// and the ConstantChaumPedersenProof all populated.
 /// Specifically, the seed hash in this context is the hash of the ContestDescription,
 /// or whatever `ElementModQ` was used to populate the `description_hash` field.
 /// </summary>
 public unsafe bool IsValidEncryption(
     ElementModQ encryptionSeed,
     ElementModP elGamalPublicKey,
     ElementModQ cryptoExtendedBaseHash)
                Handle, encryptionSeed.Handle, elGamalPublicKey.Handle,
예제 #3
        unsafe internal ElGamalKeyPair(ElementModQ secretKey)
            var status = NativeInterface.ElGamalKeyPair.New(
                secretKey.Handle, out Handle);

            if (status != Status.ELECTIONGUARD_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                Console.WriteLine($"ElGamalKeyPair Error Status: {status}");
예제 #4
        /// <Summary>
        /// Decrypt the ciphertext directly using the provided secret key.
        /// This is a convenience accessor useful for some use cases.
        /// This method should not be used by consumers operating in live secret ballot elections.
        /// </Summary>
        unsafe public ulong?Decrypt(ElementModQ secretKey)
            ulong plaintext = 0;
            var   status    = NativeInterface.ElGamalCiphertext.DecryptWithSecret(
                Handle, secretKey.Handle, ref plaintext);

            if (status != Status.ELECTIONGUARD_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                Console.WriteLine($"Decrypt Error Status: {status}");
예제 #5
        public unsafe CiphertextElectionContext(ulong numberOfGuardians,
                                                ulong quorum,
                                                ElementModP publicKey,
                                                ElementModQ commitmentHash,
                                                ElementModQ manifestHash)
            var status = NativeInterface.CiphertextElectionContext.Make(
                numberOfGuardians, quorum, publicKey.Handle, commitmentHash.Handle, manifestHash.Handle, out Handle);

            if (status != Status.ELECTIONGUARD_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                Console.WriteLine($"CiphertextElectionContext Error Status: {status}");
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Encrypts a message with a given random nonce and an ElGamal public key.
        /// <param name="plaintext"> Message to elgamal_encrypt; must be an integer in [0,Q). </param>
        /// <param name="nonce"> Randomly chosen nonce in [1,Q). </param>
        /// <param name="publicKey"> ElGamal public key. </param>
        /// <returns>A ciphertext tuple.</returns>
        /// </summary>
        unsafe public static ElGamalCiphertext Encrypt(
            ulong plaintext, ElementModQ nonce, ElementModP publicKey)
            var status = NativeInterface.ElGamal.Encrypt(
                plaintext, nonce.Handle, publicKey.Handle,
                out NativeElGamalCiphertext ciphertext);

            if (status != Status.ELECTIONGUARD_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                Console.WriteLine($"Encrypt Error Status: {status}");
            return(new ElGamalCiphertext(ciphertext));
                protected override bool Free()
                    if (IsClosed)

                    var status = ElementModQ.Free(this);

                    if (status != Status.ELECTIONGUARD_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                        Console.WriteLine($"ElementModQ Error Free: {status}");
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Encrypt a specific `Ballot` in the context of a specific `CiphertextElectionContext`
        /// This method accepts a ballot representation that only includes `True` selections.
        /// It will fill missing selections for a contest with `False` values, and generate `placeholder`
        /// selections to represent the number of seats available for a given contest.  By adding `placeholder`
        /// votes
        /// This method also allows for ballots to exclude passing contests for which the voter made no selections.
        /// It will fill missing contests with `False` selections and generate `placeholder` selections that are marked `True`.
        /// This version of the encrypt method returns a `compact` version of the ballot that includes a minimal representation
        /// of the plaintext ballot along with the crypto parameters that are required to expand the ballot
        /// <param name="ballot">the selection in the valid input form</param>
        /// <param name="internalManifest">the `InternalManifest` which defines this ballot's structure</param>
        /// <param name="context">all the cryptographic context for the election</param>
        /// <param name="ballotCodeSeed">Hash from previous ballot or hash from device</param>
        /// <param name="nonceSeed">an optional value used to seed the `Nonce` generated for this ballot
        ///                     if this value is not provided, the secret generating mechanism of the OS provides its own</param>
        /// <param name="shouldVerifyProofs">specify if the proofs should be verified prior to returning (default True)</param>
        /// <returns>A `CiphertextBallot`</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static unsafe CompactCiphertextBallot CompactBallot(
            PlaintextBallot ballot,
            InternalManifest internalManifest,
            CiphertextElectionContext context,
            ElementModQ ballotCodeSeed,
            bool verifyProofs = true)
            var status = NativeInterface.Encrypt.CompactBallot(
                ballot.Handle, internalManifest.Handle, context.Handle,
                ballotCodeSeed.Handle, verifyProofs,
                out NativeCompactCiphertextBallot ciphertext);

            if (status != Status.ELECTIONGUARD_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                Console.WriteLine($"Encrypt CompactBallot Error Status: {status}");
            return(new CompactCiphertextBallot(ciphertext));
예제 #9
 /// <Summary>
 /// Make an elgamal keypair from a secret.
 /// </Summary>
 unsafe static public ElGamalKeyPair FromSecret(ElementModQ secretKey)
     return(new ElGamalKeyPair(secretKey));