public void UpdateId(ref int nodeNameCount, ref int attributeNameCount) { PssgSchema.Node sNode = this.NodeInfo; if (sNode.Id == -1) { sNode.Id = ++nodeNameCount; } // = sNode.Id; if (Attributes != null) { foreach (PssgAttribute attr in Attributes) { attr.UpdateId(ref attributeNameCount); } } if (ChildNodes != null) { foreach (PssgNode node in ChildNodes) { node.UpdateId(ref nodeNameCount, ref attributeNameCount); } } }
public PssgNode(XElement elem, PssgFile file, PssgNode node) { this.File = file; this.ParentNode = node; this.NodeInfo = PssgSchema.AddNode(elem.Name.LocalName);// PssgSchema.GetNode(elem.Name.LocalName); this.Attributes = new PssgAttributeCollection(); PssgAttribute attr; foreach (XAttribute xAttr in elem.Attributes()) { attr = new PssgAttribute(xAttr, file, this); this.Attributes.Add(attr); } // Add data, and sub nodes code here if (elem.FirstNode != null && elem.FirstNode is XText) { = this.FromString(elem.Value); this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(); } else { = new byte[0]; this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(elem.Elements().Count()); int nodeCount = 0; foreach (XElement subElem in elem.Elements()) { this.ChildNodes.Add(new PssgNode(subElem, file, this)); ++nodeCount; } } PssgSchema.SetNodeDataTypeIfNull(this.NodeInfo, this.ValueType); }
public static void SetNodeDataTypeIfNull(PssgSchema.Node node, Type dataType) { if (node.DataType == typeof(System.Exception)) { node.DataType = dataType; } }
public PssgNode(string name, PssgFile file, PssgNode node) { this.File = file; this.ParentNode = node; this.NodeInfo = PssgSchema.AddNode(name); this.Attributes = new PssgAttributeCollection(); = new byte[0]; this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(); }
public static PssgSchema.Node RenameNode(PssgNode pssgNode, string nodeName) { PssgSchema.Node node = PssgSchema.AddNode(nodeName); foreach (PssgAttribute attr in pssgNode.Attributes) { PssgSchema.AddAttribute(node.Name, attr.AttributeInfo.Name, attr.AttributeInfo.DataType); } return(node); }
private Type GetValueType() { PssgSchema.Node sNode = this.NodeInfo;// PssgSchema.GetNode(this.Name); if (sNode == null) { return(typeof(byte[])); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sNode.LinkAttributeName)) { PssgNode node; string linkAttrName; if (sNode.LinkAttributeName[0] == '^') { if (this.ParentNode == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Node without parent cannot reference a parent's attribute."); } node = this.ParentNode; linkAttrName = sNode.LinkAttributeName.Substring(1); } else { node = this; linkAttrName = sNode.LinkAttributeName; } if (node.HasAttribute(linkAttrName)) { PssgAttribute attr = node.Attributes[linkAttrName]; if (attr.Value is string) { string format = (string)attr.Value; if (format.Contains("float")) { return(typeof(Single[])); } else if (format.Contains("ushort")) { return(typeof(UInt16[])); } } } } return(sNode.DataType); }
private Type GetValueType() { PssgSchema.Node sNode = this.NodeInfo;// PssgSchema.GetNode(this.Name); if (sNode == null) { return(typeof(byte[])); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sNode.LinkAttributeName)) { PssgAttributeCollection attrs; string linkAttrName; if (sNode.LinkAttributeName[0] == '^') { attrs = this.ParentNode.Attributes; linkAttrName = sNode.LinkAttributeName.Substring(1); } else { attrs = this.Attributes; linkAttrName = sNode.LinkAttributeName; } PssgAttribute attr = attrs[linkAttrName]; if (attr != null && attr.Value is string) { string format = (string)attr.Value; if (format.Contains("float")) { return(typeof(Single[])); } else if (format.Contains("ushort")) { return(typeof(UInt16[])); } } } return(sNode.DataType); }
static void GetNodeAttributeNameCount(PssgFile file, out int nodeNameCount, out int attributeNameCount) { nodeNameCount = 0; attributeNameCount = 0; foreach (var node in file.GetNodes()) { PssgSchema.Node sNode = node.NodeInfo; if (sNode.Id == -1) { // change this so we don't count it twice sNode.Id = ++nodeNameCount; } foreach (PssgAttribute attr in node.Attributes) { if (attr.AttributeInfo.Id == -1) { // change this so we don't count it twice attr.AttributeInfo.Id = ++attributeNameCount; } } } }
public PssgNode(PssgNode nodeToCopy) { this.File = nodeToCopy.File; this.ParentNode = nodeToCopy.ParentNode; this.NodeInfo = nodeToCopy.NodeInfo; this.size = nodeToCopy.size; this.attributeSize = nodeToCopy.attributeSize; this.Attributes = new PssgAttributeCollection(); PssgAttribute attr; foreach (PssgAttribute attrToCopy in nodeToCopy.Attributes) { attr = new PssgAttribute(attrToCopy); attr.ParentNode = this; this.Attributes.Add(attr); } if (nodeToCopy.IsDataNode) { =; this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(); } else { = new byte[0]; // Each node at least 12 bytes (id + size + arg size) this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(nodeToCopy.ChildNodes.Count); foreach (PssgNode subNodeToCopy in nodeToCopy.ChildNodes) { PssgNode node = new PssgNode(subNodeToCopy); node.ParentNode = this; this.ChildNodes.Add(node); } } }
public override string ToString() { PssgSchema.Node sNode = this.NodeInfo;// PssgSchema.GetNode(this.Name); if (ValueType == typeof(Single[])) { string result = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < ((Single[])Value).Length; i++) { if (i % sNode.ElementsPerRow == 0) { result += Environment.NewLine; } result += ((Single[])Value)[i].ToString("e9", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); result += " "; } return(result); } else if (ValueType == typeof(UInt16[])) { string result = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < ((UInt16[])Value).Length; i++) { if (i % sNode.ElementsPerRow == 0) { result += Environment.NewLine; } result += ((UInt16[])Value)[i].ToString(); result += " "; } return(result); } else { return(HexHelper.ByteArrayToHexViaLookup32((byte[])Value, sNode.ElementsPerRow)); } }
public void Rename(string nodeName) { this.NodeInfo = PssgSchema.RenameNode(this, nodeName); }
public PssgNode(PssgBinaryReader reader, PssgFile file, PssgNode node, bool useDataNodeCheck) { this.File = file; this.ParentNode = node; int id = reader.ReadInt32(); this.NodeInfo = PssgSchema.GetNode(id); this.size = reader.ReadInt32(); long end = reader.BaseStream.Position + size; this.attributeSize = reader.ReadInt32(); long attributeEnd = reader.BaseStream.Position + attributeSize; if (attributeEnd > reader.BaseStream.Length || end > reader.BaseStream.Length) { throw new Exception("This file is improperly saved and not supported by this version of the PSSG editor." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Get an older version of the program if you wish to take out its contents, but, put it back together using this program and a non-modded version of the pssg file."); } // Each attr is at least 8 bytes (id + size), so take a conservative guess this.Attributes = new PssgAttributeCollection(); PssgAttribute attr; while (reader.BaseStream.Position < attributeEnd) { attr = new PssgAttribute(reader, file, this); this.Attributes.Add(attr); } bool isDataNode = false; switch (Name) { case "BOUNDINGBOX": case "DATA": case "DATABLOCKDATA": case "DATABLOCKBUFFERED": case "INDEXSOURCEDATA": case "INVERSEBINDMATRIX": case "MODIFIERNETWORKINSTANCEUNIQUEMODIFIERINPUT": case "NeAnimPacketData_B1": case "NeAnimPacketData_B4": case "RENDERINTERFACEBOUNDBUFFERED": case "SHADERINPUT": case "TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA": case "TRANSFORM": isDataNode = true; break; } if (isDataNode == false && useDataNodeCheck == true) { long currentPos = reader.BaseStream.Position; // Check if it has subnodes while (reader.BaseStream.Position < end) { int tempID = reader.ReadInt32(); if (tempID < 0)//tempID > file.nodeInfo.Length || { isDataNode = true; break; } else { int tempSize = reader.ReadInt32(); if ((reader.BaseStream.Position + tempSize > end) || (tempSize == 0 && tempID == 0) || tempSize < 0) { isDataNode = true; break; } else if (reader.BaseStream.Position + tempSize == end) { break; } else { reader.BaseStream.Position += tempSize; } } } reader.BaseStream.Position = currentPos; } if (isDataNode) { = reader.ReadNodeValue(GetValueType(), (int)(end - reader.BaseStream.Position)); this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(); //data = reader.ReadBytes((int)(end - reader.BaseStream.Position)); } else { = new byte[0]; // Each node at least 12 bytes (id + size + arg size) this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection((int)(end - reader.BaseStream.Position) / 12); int nodeCount = 0; while (reader.BaseStream.Position < end) { this.ChildNodes.Add(new PssgNode(reader, file, this, useDataNodeCheck)); nodeCount++; } } PssgSchema.SetNodeDataTypeIfNull(this.NodeInfo, this.ValueType); }