예제 #1
        /// <summary>Static method for getting an NERClassifierCombiner from a string path.</summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.TypeLoadException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidCastException"/>
        public static ClassifierCombiner GetClassifier(string loadPath, Properties props)
            ObjectInputStream     ois       = IOUtils.ReadStreamFromString(loadPath);
            NERClassifierCombiner returnNCC = ((NERClassifierCombiner)GetClassifier(ois, props));

예제 #2
 /// <summary>Method for displaying info about an NERClassifierCombiner.</summary>
 public static void ShowNCCInfo(NERClassifierCombiner ncc)
     log.Info("info for this NERClassifierCombiner: ");
     log.Info("useSUTime: " + ncc.useSUTime);
     log.Info("applyNumericClassifier: " + ncc.applyNumericClassifiers);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This factory method is used to create the NERClassifierCombiner used in NERCombinerAnnotator
        /// (and, thence, in StanfordCoreNLP).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">
        /// A "x.y" format property name prefix (the "x" part). This is commonly null,
        /// and then "ner" is used.  If it is the empty string, then no property prefix is used.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="passDownProperties">
        /// Property names for which the property should be passed down
        /// to the NERClassifierCombiner. The default is not to pass down, but pass down is
        /// useful for things like charset encoding.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="properties">
        /// Various properties, including a list in "ner.model".
        /// The used ones start with name + "." or are in passDownProperties
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>An NERClassifierCombiner with the given properties</returns>
        public static NERClassifierCombiner CreateNERClassifierCombiner(string name, ICollection <string> passDownProperties, Properties properties)
            string prefix     = (name == null) ? "ner." : name.IsEmpty() ? string.Empty : name + '.';
            string modelNames = properties.GetProperty(prefix + "model");

            if (modelNames == null)
                modelNames = DefaultPaths.DefaultNerThreeclassModel + ',' + DefaultPaths.DefaultNerMucModel + ',' + DefaultPaths.DefaultNerConllModel;
            // but modelNames can still be empty string is set explicitly to be empty!
            string[] models;
            if (!modelNames.IsEmpty())
                models = modelNames.Split(",");
                // Allow for no real NER model - can just use numeric classifiers or SUTime
                log.Info("WARNING: no NER models specified");
                models = StringUtils.EmptyStringArray;
            NERClassifierCombiner nerCombiner;

                bool       applyNumericClassifiers = PropertiesUtils.GetBool(properties, prefix + ApplyNumericClassifiersPropertyBase, ApplyNumericClassifiersDefault);
                bool       useSUTime     = PropertiesUtils.GetBool(properties, prefix + NumberSequenceClassifier.UseSutimePropertyBase, NumberSequenceClassifier.UseSutimeDefault);
                bool       applyRegexner = PropertiesUtils.GetBool(properties, NERClassifierCombiner.ApplyGazetteProperty, NERClassifierCombiner.ApplyGazetteDefault);
                Properties combinerProperties;
                if (passDownProperties != null)
                    combinerProperties = PropertiesUtils.ExtractSelectedProperties(properties, passDownProperties);
                    if (useSUTime)
                        // Make sure SUTime parameters are included
                        Properties sutimeProps = PropertiesUtils.ExtractPrefixedProperties(properties, NumberSequenceClassifier.SutimeProperty + ".", true);
                        PropertiesUtils.OverWriteProperties(combinerProperties, sutimeProps);
                    // if passDownProperties is null, just pass everything through
                    combinerProperties = properties;
                //Properties combinerProperties = PropertiesUtils.extractSelectedProperties(properties, passDownProperties);
                NERClassifierCombiner.Language nerLanguage = NERClassifierCombiner.Language.FromString(properties.GetProperty(prefix + "language"), NERClassifierCombiner.Language.English);
                nerCombiner = new NERClassifierCombiner(applyNumericClassifiers, nerLanguage, useSUTime, applyRegexner, combinerProperties, models);
            catch (IOException e)
                throw new RuntimeIOException(e);