예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the ReferenceTable node
        /// </summary>
        private static void ConvertToReferenceTableNode(EdtData edt, XmlDocument document)
            //Does it have a referencetable? if not, add it after the label
            XmlNode referenceNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//ReferenceTable");

            if (referenceNode != null)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceNode.InnerText))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Reference table is already filled");
                //Order of nodes is fixed in XML, but schema isnt available. So we take a best guess abou where to insert the ReferenceTable node
                XmlNode insertAfterNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//Label");
                if (insertAfterNode == null)
                    insertAfterNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//HelpText");
                if (insertAfterNode == null)
                    insertAfterNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//Extends");
                if (insertAfterNode == null)
                    insertAfterNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//Name");

                referenceNode = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "ReferenceTable", "");
                document.FirstChild.NextSibling.InsertAfter(referenceNode, insertAfterNode);
            referenceNode.InnerText = edt.Relations[0].Table;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the table references node
        /// </summary>
        private static void ConvertToTableReferencesNode(EdtData edt, XmlDocument document)
            //Does it have a referencetable? if not, add it after the label
            XmlNode referenceNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//TableReferences");

            if (referenceNode != null)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceNode.InnerXml))
                    throw new ApplicationException("TableReferences is already filled");
                XmlNode relationsNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//Relations");
                referenceNode = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "TableReferences", "");
                document.FirstChild.NextSibling.InsertAfter(referenceNode, relationsNode);

            //Multi relation EDTs are not processed by the program, they are left for manual fixing
            Relation rel = edt.Relations.First(a => String.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Value));

            if (rel == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Only fixed field relations were found on the edt");

            XmlNode edtTableReferenceNode = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "AxEdtTableReference", "");


            XmlNode relatedFieldNode = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "RelatedField", "");

            relatedFieldNode.InnerText = rel.RelatedField;

            XmlNode relatedTableNode = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Table", "");

            relatedTableNode.InnerText = rel.Table;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads an existing (or previously migrated) table relation on an Edt
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static EdtData ReadReferenceTable(XmlDocument document)
            var     referenceTableNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//ReferenceTable");
            EdtData returnValue        = new EdtData(document);

            //There should be only one table reference node
            int tableReferencesNodeCount = document.SelectNodes("//AxEdtTableReference").Count;

            if (tableReferencesNodeCount > 1)
                throw new ApplicationException("There should be only one table reference in an edt relation");
            else if (tableReferencesNodeCount == 0)
                TableReferenceWithoutRelatedNodes.Add($"There is a ReferenceTableName but no AxEdtTableReference in {returnValue.EdtName}");

            //There is indeed only one
            var tableReferencesNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//AxEdtTableReference");
            var relatedFieldNode    = tableReferencesNode.SelectSingleNode("./RelatedField");
            var tableNode           = tableReferencesNode.SelectSingleNode("./Table");

            if (relatedFieldNode == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("There should be a related field node in an edt relation");
            if (tableNode == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("There should be a table node in an edt relation");
            string relatedField = relatedFieldNode.InnerText;
            string table        = tableNode.InnerText;

            returnValue.Relations.Add(new Relation {
                Table = table, RelatedField = relatedField
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the relations on the table xml
        /// </summary>
        private static XmlDocument UpdateTableWithRelations(string tablePath)
            XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

            //Gets set if anything is changed
            bool tableIsUpdated = false;

            //Name node of the root elmenet, which can be AxTable or AxTableExtension
            String tableName = document.SelectSingleNode("/*/Name").InnerText;

            foreach (XmlNode field in document.SelectNodes("//AxTableField"))
                XmlNode edtNode = field.SelectSingleNode(".//ExtendedDataType");

                if (edtNode != null && toProcess.ContainsKey(edtNode.InnerText.ToLower()))
                    EdtData edt = toProcess[edtNode.InnerText.ToLower()];
                    // Found a match. However:
                    // The field that the edt references should not get a table relation.
                    // How can we detect this? The name of our current table must be the
                    // same as the name of the relation and the name of the field must be the same as the name of the referenced field
                    // Every other occurance of the EDT should get a foreign key relation
                    string fieldName        = field.SelectSingleNode(".//Name").InnerText;
                    string foreignTableName = edt.Relations[0].Table;
                    string foreignFieldName = edt.Relations[0].RelatedField;
                    string xPath            = $".//AxTableRelation[RelatedTable=\"{foreignTableName}\" and Constraints/AxTableRelationConstraint/Field=\"{fieldName}\"]";
                    if (tableName.ToLower() == foreignTableName.ToLower() && fieldName.ToLower() == foreignFieldName.ToLower())
                        PrimaryIdDetected.Add($"{tableName} has field {fieldName} with datatype {edt.EdtName}. This is the primary key of the EDT, no relation is created");
                        //Find relation node
                        XmlNode relationNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//Relations");
                        //Not a key field, we can actually do something with it
                        if (document.SelectNodes($"//AxTableField[ExtendedDataType = \"{edt.EdtName}\"]").Count == 1)
                            //Simple case, only one copy of they key field is found

                            //Checking if FK already exists
                            //  -Right table is referenced
                            //  -On the same field
                            int existingFkCount = relationNode.SelectNodes(xPath).Count;

                            if (existingFkCount == 1)
                                XmlNode fkCandidate = relationNode.SelectSingleNode(xPath);
                                var     fieldsInFk  = fkCandidate.SelectNodes($".//Field");
                                if (fieldsInFk.Count == 1)
                                    var fieldInFk = fieldsInFk[0];
                                    //Checking if the related field in the other table is the expected field
                                    if (fieldInFk.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode(".//RelatedField").InnerText.ToLower() == foreignFieldName.ToLower())
                                        ExistingForeignKeyDetected.Add($"{tableName} already has FK on edt {edt.EdtName} on field {fieldName}, so nothing is added");
                                        AnomalyDetected.Add($"{tableName} already has FK on edt {edt.EdtName} on field {fieldName} but it doesnt reference the expected field in the foreign table");
                                    MultiKeyFkDetected.Add($"{tableName} has a multi-key FK ({fkCandidate.SelectSingleNode(".//Name").InnerText} along {edt.EdtName} ");
                            else if (existingFkCount > 1)
                                AnomalyDetected.Add($"{tableName} has multiple FKs along {edt.EdtName} on field {fieldName}");
                                //No FK exists, lets do our thing
                                ForeignKeyCreated.Add($"{tableName} has a single copy of edt {edt.EdtName} on field {fieldName}. Foreign key created");
                                XmlNode fk = CreateFkNode(document, foreignTableName, foreignTableName);
                                XmlNode constraintsNode = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Constraints", "");
                                XmlNode axTableRelationConstraintNode = CreateConstraintNode(document, fieldName, edt.Relations[0].RelatedField);
                                tableIsUpdated = true;
                            //Multiple copies of the field are found (one of them might be the PK that doesnt need an FK)
                            //We have to add a role to the relations in this case
                            //Is there an FK already on this field?
                            int existingFkCount = relationNode.SelectNodes(xPath).Count;
                            if (existingFkCount == 0)
                                //This FK doesnt exist yet, we create the structure
                                XmlNode fk = CreateFkNode(document, foreignTableName + "_" + fieldName, foreignTableName);
                                XmlNode constraintsNode = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Constraints", "");
                                XmlNode axTableRelationConstraintNode = CreateConstraintNode(document, fieldName, edt.Relations[0].RelatedField);
                                XmlNode roleNode = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Role", "");
                                roleNode.InnerText = $"{tableName}_{fieldName}";
                                XmlNode relatedRoleNode = document.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "RelatedTableRole", "");
                                relatedRoleNode.InnerText = $"{foreignTableName}_{fieldName}";
                                tableIsUpdated = true;
                                ForeignKeyCreated.Add($"{tableName} has multiple copies of {edt.EdtName}. Foreign key created for field {fieldName}");
                            else if (existingFkCount == 1)
                                //FK exists, logging it
                                ExistingForeignKeyDetected.Add($"{tableName} already has FK on edt {edt.EdtName} on field {fieldName}, so nothing is added");
                                //Multiple FK on a single field? what is going on?
                                AnomalyDetected.Add($"{tableName} has muliple FKs on a single field ({fieldName})");
            //Null is the magic value indicating the file doesnt need to be saved
            if (tableIsUpdated)
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Find if the parent has a relation somewhere up on the inheritance chain
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Relation FindRelationForParent(string parentName, string originalEdtName)
            //Check if we already processed the parent into an edtData
            //If not, check if we at least parsed the XML document
            //If not, then put the parent on the waiting list, and when we come across it, we will resume processing the chain
            //And do the whole thing recursively, until we either run into a relation or run out of parents.
            EdtData parent = null;

            //Capitalization in AX XMLs is inconsistent, so we have to go with tolower (or compare invariantly)
            string lcParentName = parentName.ToLower();

            if (AllParsedEdts.ContainsKey(lcParentName))
                parent = AllParsedEdts[lcParentName];
            else if (AllEdts.ContainsKey(lcParentName))
                //We've read this file previously, but it didnt have table references or relations on the first pass
                //However we now know that we should save it for the future
                XmlDocument document = AllEdts[lcParentName];
                parent = new EdtData(document);
                AllParsedEdts.Add(lcParentName, parent);
                //Parent not found yet. Adding it to watchlist
                if (ParentWatchList.ContainsKey(lcParentName))
                    ParentWatchList.Add(lcParentName, new List <string> {

                //Parent not found for now, processing will resume later through the watchlist

            if (parent.Relations.Count == 1)
                //The parent has one relation, this is what we want
            else if (parent.Relations.Count > 1)
                EdtsWithMultiRelationParents.Add($"{originalEdtName} has an ancestor ({parentName}) with multiple relations");
                //We do nothing with this edt
            //this means the parent has 0 relations
                //If this parent also has a parent, we continue crawling up the inheritance chain
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parent.NameOfParentEdt))
                    return(FindRelationForParent(parent.NameOfParentEdt, originalEdtName));
                    //We reached the top of the tree, it doesnt have a relation, we don't have to process this edt
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if we have been waiting for this edt to turn up or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document"></param>
        private static void CheckWatchList(XmlDocument document)
            EdtData parent = new EdtData(document);

            if (ParentWatchList.ContainsKey(parent.EdtName.ToLower()))
                List <String> children     = ParentWatchList[parent.EdtName.ToLower()];
                var           relationNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//Relations");

                //Reading the relevant parts from the parent EDT
                if (document.SelectSingleNode("//ReferenceTable") != null)
                    EdtData parentFromReferenceTable = ReadReferenceTable(document);
                    if (parentFromReferenceTable != null)
                        parent = parentFromReferenceTable;
                        ParentProblems.Add($"{parent.EdtName} has a Reference table node, but doesnt have valid table references, children {String.Join(",", children)} could not be processed");
                else if (relationNode != null)
                    parent.Relations = ReadRelations(relationNode);
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parent.NameOfParentEdt))
                    //This EDT has no valid relations, but does have a parent, so we recursively extend the search upward
                    //in the inheritance hierarchy
                    foreach (string child in children)
                        FindRelationForParent(parent.NameOfParentEdt, child);

                //We found one relation on the parent, so all children should get that relation from the parent
                if (parent.Relations.Count == 1)
                    foreach (string child in children)
                        XmlDocument childXml = AllEdts[child.ToLower()];
                        EdtData     childEdt = new EdtData(childXml);
                        toProcess.Add(childEdt.EdtName.ToLower(), childEdt);
                        if (!AllParsedEdts.ContainsKey(childEdt.EdtName.ToLower()))
                            AllParsedEdts.Add(childEdt.EdtName.ToLower(), childEdt);

                        if (AllEdts.ContainsKey(childEdt.EdtName.ToLower()))
                else if (parent.Relations.Count == 0)
                    //No relations and no parents, the children edt don't need to be processed in the tables
                    ParentProblems.Add($"{parent.EdtName} has multiple relations. Validate manually. The child edts are:{String.Join(",", children)}");
예제 #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string currentRunTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd.HH.mm");

            outputRootDirectory = Directory.CreateDirectory($".\\{currentRunTime}");

            //Xml writer that produces similar formatting to the xml files generated by the Visual studio plugin
            XmlWriterSettings xwsSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();

            xwsSettings.Indent           = true;
            xwsSettings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document;

            //Fixing the EDTs
            foreach (string targetModel in TargetModels)
                string        modelFolder  = Path.Combine(MetadataFolder, targetModel);
                DirectoryInfo resultFolder = Directory.CreateDirectory(ModelFolderName(outputRootDirectory, targetModel));

                //Not all target models have EDTs, some only have tables using our edts
                string edtInputFolder = Path.Combine(modelFolder, "AxEdt");
                if (!Directory.Exists(edtInputFolder))

                //Subfolder that contains the output edt files
                string        edtOutputFolder = Path.Combine(resultFolder.FullName, "AxEdt");
                DirectoryInfo edtFolder       = Directory.CreateDirectory(edtOutputFolder);

                //Iterating through all input edts
                foreach (string edtPath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(edtInputFolder, "*.xml"))
                    //Loading the edt
                    XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
                    EdtData edt                = new EdtData(document);
                    var     relationNode       = document.SelectSingleNode("//Relations");
                    var     numberOfArrays     = document.SelectNodes("//AxEdtArrayElement").Count;
                    var     referenceTableNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//ReferenceTable");

                    //Checking the watchlist. It is possible that some EDTs will be parsed twice

                    //Has an array element. Making a note, but not processing it
                    if (numberOfArrays > 0)
                        AnomalyDetected.Add($"{edt.EdtName} has Array Elements. Needs manual processing");

                    //This table edt has nothing interesting in it, it doesnt have a table relation, it doesnt have a table reference, and it is not inherited
                    if (relationNode == null && (referenceTableNode == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceTableNode.InnerText)) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(edt.NameOfParentEdt))

                    //Saving the parsed XML
                    AllEdts.Add(edt.EdtName.ToLower(), document);

                    //There is a relation
                    if (relationNode != null && relationNode.ChildNodes.Count != 0)
                        //This edt has multiple relations in it (probably a field fixed). These will have to be manually fixed after the migration
                        if (relationNode.ChildNodes.Count > 1)

                        //Some files have to be skipped, even if they have relations
                        edt.Relations = ReadRelations(relationNode);

                        //There are some weirdly formatted EDT xmls out there
                        if (edt.Relations.Count > 0)
                            //Fix the EDT
                            ConvertToReferenceTableNode(edt, document);
                            ConvertToTableReferencesNode(edt, document);

                            //Save the fixed EDT
                            toProcess.Add(edt.EdtName.ToLower(), edt);
                            using (XmlWriter xwWriter = XmlWriter.Create(Path.Combine(edtFolder.FullName, new FileInfo(edtPath).Name), xwsSettings))

                        AllParsedEdts.Add(edt.EdtName.ToLower(), edt);
                    //Gathering the info about the reference tables so we can use them if there are any EDTS inherited from them
                    else if (referenceTableNode != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceTableNode.InnerText))
                        EdtData referenceTable = ReadReferenceTable(document);
                        if (referenceTable != null)
                            toProcess.Add(referenceTable.EdtName.ToLower(), referenceTable);
                            AllParsedEdts.Add(referenceTable.EdtName.ToLower(), referenceTable);
                    //This EDT extends another (its else if, because if the relations are defined on this edt , then we don't care about its ancestors)
                    else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(edt.NameOfParentEdt))
                        //We check if we already know about the edt that is the parent of this one
                        Relation relationOfParent = FindRelationForParent(edt.NameOfParentEdt, edt.EdtName);

                        //If we were able to found the parent relation, then this EDT can also be processed.
                        //Otherwise we do nothing with it- either it's on the watchlist, waiting for a parent to turn up,
                        //or the parent(s) don't have relations either
                        if (relationOfParent != null)
                            toProcess.Add(edt.EdtName.ToLower(), edt);
                            AllParsedEdts.Add(edt.EdtName.ToLower(), edt);

            //Reading possible parent edts
            foreach (string targetModel in ReadOnlyModels)
                string modelFolder    = Path.Combine(MetadataFolder, targetModel);
                string edtInputFolder = Path.Combine(modelFolder, "AxEdt");
                if (!Directory.Exists(edtInputFolder))

                //Iterating through all input edts
                foreach (string edtPath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(edtInputFolder, "*.xml"))
                    //Loading the edt
                    XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

            //We dont work with multiRelation edts, they have to be handled manually (they should be filtered earlier, except for some really weird cases)
            foreach (string key in toProcess.Keys)
                if (toProcess[key].Relations.Count > 1)
                    AnomalyDetected.Add($"{key} has anomalous multiple relations");

            //Creating the table relations on the tables and table extensions
            foreach (string folder in TargetModels)
                DirectoryInfo resultFolder = new DirectoryInfo(ModelFolderName(outputRootDirectory, folder));
                string        modelFolder  = Path.Combine(MetadataFolder, folder);

                //Checking table extensions
                if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(modelFolder, "AxTableExtension")))
                    DirectoryInfo axTableExtensionFolder = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(resultFolder.FullName, "AxTableExtension"));
                    foreach (string tablePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.Combine(modelFolder, "AxTableExtension"), "*.xml"))
                        XmlDocument documentToSave = UpdateTableWithRelations(tablePath);

                        //Saving the file. null is magic value for not having any updated relations
                        if (documentToSave != null)
                            using (XmlWriter xwWriter = XmlWriter.Create(Path.Combine(axTableExtensionFolder.FullName, new FileInfo(tablePath).Name), xwsSettings))

                //Checking tables
                if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(modelFolder, "AxTable")))
                    DirectoryInfo axTableFolder = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(resultFolder.FullName, "AxTable"));
                    foreach (string tablePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.Combine(modelFolder, "AxTable"), "*.xml"))
                        XmlDocument documentToSave = UpdateTableWithRelations(tablePath);

                        //Saving the file. null is magic value for not having any updated relations
                        if (documentToSave != null)
                            using (XmlWriter xwWriter = XmlWriter.Create(Path.Combine(axTableFolder.FullName, new FileInfo(tablePath).Name), xwsSettings))

            //Writing the logfiles
            foreach (var key in ParentWatchList.Keys)
                ParentProblems.Add($"Parent {key} not found. Children are: {String.Join(",", ParentWatchList[key])}");

            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(outputRootDirectory.FullName, $"MultiRelationEdt.txt"), MultiRelationEdts);
            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(outputRootDirectory.FullName, $"PrimaryIdDetected.txt"), PrimaryIdDetected);
            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(outputRootDirectory.FullName, $"ExistingForeignKeyDetected.txt"), ExistingForeignKeyDetected);
            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(outputRootDirectory.FullName, $"AnomalyDetected.txt"), AnomalyDetected);
            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(outputRootDirectory.FullName, $"MultiKeyFkDetected.txt"), MultiKeyFkDetected);
            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(outputRootDirectory.FullName, $"ForeignKeyCreated.txt"), ForeignKeyCreated);
            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(outputRootDirectory.FullName, $"EdtsWithMultiRelationParents.txt"), EdtsWithMultiRelationParents);
            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(outputRootDirectory.FullName, $"ParentProblems.txt"), ParentProblems);
            File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(outputRootDirectory.FullName, $"TableReferenceWithoutRelatedNodes.txt"), TableReferenceWithoutRelatedNodes);