예제 #1
 public void SetShip( GameObject go, Ship ship, int index, Vector3 position )
     ResetShip( index );
     EditorShip ec = new EditorShip();
     ec.Go = go;
     ec.ship = ship;
     ec.OrginPosition = position;
     ec.Index = index;
     ec.Group = this;
     Ships_[index] = ec;
예제 #2
 private void ShowShip( EditorShip ship, Vector3 position )
     GameObject go = ship.Go;
     go.transform.position = position;
     position.x = 0;
     go.transform.LookAt( position );
     PreviewManager.ReplaceShader( go );
예제 #3
        private IEnumerator OnCastLaser( string resPath, EditorShip target, Transform[] castPoints, Transform[] hitPoints )
            if( castPoints.Length != hitPoints.Length ) {
                Debugger.LogWarning( "attack point count not equal hit point count!" );

            GameObject prefab = Effects_[resPath] as GameObject;
            if( prefab == null ) {
                Debugger.LogError( "OnBulletMove(), prefab is null!" );
                yield break;

            float duration = 1f;

            for( int i = 0; i < castPoints.Length; i++ ) {
                GameObject bullet = ESUtility.AddChild( castPoints[i], prefab );
                PreviewManager.ReplaceShader( bullet );//if not, shader would be lost in editor!
                //LeanTween.move( bullet, hitPoints[i].position, duration ).setOnComplete( ( obj ) => { Destroy( obj as GameObject ); } ).setOnCompleteParam( bullet );

            yield return new WaitForSeconds( duration );
예제 #4
        private IEnumerator OnCast( EditorShip caster, EditorShip[] targets, Skill skill )
            Debugger.Log( "DoSpellSequences()..." );

            Transform[] castPoints = FindOutAllAttackPoint( caster.Go.transform, skill.attackPoint ).ToArray();

            Transform[] hitPoints = new Transform[castPoints.Length];
            for( int i = 0; i < hitPoints.Length; i++ ) {
                hitPoints[i] = GetHitPointTrans( targets[0] );//random

            //1.on sing stage
            yield return StartCoroutine( PlayEffect( skill.singEffect.effectPath, skill.singEffect.audioPath, skill.singEffect.duration, castPoints ) );

            //2.on attack stage
            yield return StartCoroutine( PlayEffect( skill.attackEffect.effectPath, skill.attackEffect.audioPath, skill.attackEffect.duration, castPoints ) );

            //3.on bullet move stage
            yield return StartCoroutine( OnCastLaser( skill.bulletPath, targets[0], castPoints, hitPoints ) );

            //4.on hit stage
            yield return StartCoroutine( PlayEffect( skill.hitEffect.effectPath, skill.hitEffect.audioPath, skill.hitEffect.duration, hitPoints ) );
예제 #5
 private Transform GetHitPointTrans( EditorShip hitShipInfo )
     int index = Random.Range( 0, hitShipInfo.ship.hitPointFront.Length - 1 );
     string pointName = hitShipInfo.ship.hitPointFront[index];
     Debugger.Log( string.Format( "GetHitPointName(), random index is {0}, point name is {1}.", index, pointName ) );
     Transform hitPointTrans = hitShipInfo.Go.transform.FindChild( pointName );
     return hitPointTrans;
예제 #6
        private IEnumerator CastSpell( EditorShip caster, Part part, CharactersGroup group, int targetIndex )
            Debugger.Log( "CastSpell()..." );

            yield return StartCoroutine( PreloadAllResources( part ) );

            //just test the first ship of the other side
            EditorShip[] targetShips =  new EditorShip[] { group.GetShip( targetIndex ) };
            yield return StartCoroutine( OnCast( caster, targetShips, part ) );