public Pawn GenerateColonistAsCloseToAsPossible(Pawn pawn) { var request = new PawnGenerationRequestWrapper() { KindDef = pawn.kindDef, Faction = pawn.Faction, FixedBiologicalAge = pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYears, FixedChronologicalAge = pawn.ageTracker.AgeChronologicalYears, FixedGender = pawn.gender }; Pawn result = AttemptToGeneratePawn(request.Request); return(result); }
public Pawn CreatePawn(ThingDef def, ThingDef stuffDef, Gender gender) { PawnKindDef kindDef = (from td in DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .AllDefs where td.race == def select td).FirstOrDefault(); RulePackDef nameGenerator = kindDef.RaceProps.GetNameGenerator(gender); if (nameGenerator == null) { return(null); } if (kindDef != null) { int messageCount; Faction faction = Faction.OfPlayer; PawnGenerationRequest request = new PawnGenerationRequestWrapper() { KindDef = kindDef, Faction = faction, MustBeCapableOfViolence = true }.Request; messageCount = ReflectionUtil.GetNonPublicStatic <int>(typeof(Log), "messageCount"); Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(request); if (ReflectionUtil.GetNonPublicStatic <int>(typeof(Log), "messageCount") > messageCount) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully failed to generate a pawn/animal for the equipment list: " + def.defName); } if (pawn.Dead || pawn.Downed) { return(null); } pawn.gender = gender; messageCount = ReflectionUtil.GetNonPublicStatic <int>(typeof(Log), "messageCount");; if (ReflectionUtil.GetNonPublicStatic <int>(typeof(Log), "messageCount") > messageCount) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully failed to load all graphics for equipment list pawn/animal: " + def.defName); } return(pawn); } else { return(null); } }
public Pawn GenerateKindOfPawn(PawnKindDef kindDef) { FactionDef factionDef = kindDef.defaultFactionType; if (factionDef == null) { factionDef = Faction.OfPlayer.def; } Faction faction = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.GetFaction(factionDef); PawnGenerationRequest req = new PawnGenerationRequestWrapper() { Faction = faction, KindDef = kindDef }.Request; Pawn result = AttemptToGeneratePawn(req); return(result); }
public CustomPawn LoadPawn(SaveRecordPawnV4 record) { PawnKindDef pawnKindDef = null; if (record.pawnKindDef != null) { pawnKindDef = DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.pawnKindDef); if (pawnKindDef == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not find the pawn kind definition for the saved character: \"" + record.pawnKindDef + "\""); return(null); } } ThingDef pawnThingDef = ThingDefOf.Human; if (record.thingDef != null) { ThingDef thingDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.thingDef); if (thingDef != null) { pawnThingDef = thingDef; } } PawnGenerationRequestWrapper generationRequest = new PawnGenerationRequestWrapper() { FixedBiologicalAge = record.biologicalAge, FixedChronologicalAge = record.chronologicalAge, FixedGender = record.gender }; if (pawnKindDef != null) { generationRequest.KindDef = pawnKindDef; } Pawn source = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(generationRequest.Request); if ( != null) {; } CustomPawn pawn = new CustomPawn(source); if ( == null) { pawn.GenerateId(); } else { pawn.Id =; } if (record.type != null) { try { pawn.Type = (CustomPawnType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CustomPawnType), record.type); } catch (Exception) { pawn.Type = CustomPawnType.Colonist; } } else { pawn.Type = CustomPawnType.Colonist; } pawn.Gender = record.gender; if (record.age > 0) { pawn.ChronologicalAge = record.age; pawn.BiologicalAge = record.age; } if (record.chronologicalAge > 0) { pawn.ChronologicalAge = record.chronologicalAge; } if (record.biologicalAge > 0) { pawn.BiologicalAge = record.biologicalAge; } pawn.FirstName = record.firstName; pawn.NickName = record.nickName; pawn.LastName = record.lastName; if (record.originalFactionDef != null) { pawn.OriginalFactionDef = DefDatabase <FactionDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.originalFactionDef); } pawn.OriginalKindDef = pawnKindDef; if (pawn.Type == CustomPawnType.World) { if (record.faction != null) { if (record.faction.def != null) { FactionDef factionDef = DefDatabase <FactionDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.faction.def); if (factionDef != null) { bool randomFaction = false; if (record.faction.index != null) { CustomFaction customFaction = null; if (!record.faction.leader) { customFaction = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.FindCustomFactionByIndex(factionDef, record.faction.index.Value); } else { customFaction = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.FindCustomFactionWithLeaderOptionByIndex(factionDef, record.faction.index.Value); } if (customFaction != null) { pawn.Faction = customFaction; } else { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not place at least one preset character into a saved faction because there were not enough available factions of that type in the world"); randomFaction = true; } } else { randomFaction = true; } if (randomFaction) { CustomFaction customFaction = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.FindRandomCustomFactionByDef(factionDef); if (customFaction != null) { pawn.Faction = customFaction; } } } else { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not place at least one preset character into a saved faction because that faction is not available in the world"); } } } } HairDef h = FindHairDef(record.hairDef); if (h != null) { pawn.HairDef = h; } else { Log.Warning("Could not load hair definition \"" + record.hairDef + "\""); Failed = true; } pawn.HeadGraphicPath = record.headGraphicPath; if (pawn.Pawn.story != null) { pawn.Pawn.story.hairColor = record.hairColor; } if (record.melanin >= 0.0f) { pawn.MelaninLevel = record.melanin; } else { pawn.MelaninLevel = PawnColorUtils.FindMelaninValueFromColor(record.skinColor); } // Set the skin color for Alien Races and alien comp values. if (pawn.AlienRace != null) { pawn.SkinColor = record.skinColor; if (record.alien != null) { ThingComp alienComp = ProviderAlienRaces.FindAlienCompForPawn(pawn.Pawn); if (alienComp != null) { ProviderAlienRaces.SetCrownTypeOnComp(alienComp, record.alien.crownType); ProviderAlienRaces.SetSkinColorOnComp(alienComp, record.alien.skinColor); ProviderAlienRaces.SetSkinColorSecondOnComp(alienComp, record.alien.skinColorSecond); ProviderAlienRaces.SetHairColorSecondOnComp(alienComp, record.alien.hairColorSecond); } } } Backstory backstory = FindBackstory(record.childhood); if (backstory != null) { pawn.Childhood = backstory; } else { Log.Warning("Could not load childhood backstory definition \"" + record.childhood + "\""); Failed = true; } if (record.adulthood != null) { backstory = FindBackstory(record.adulthood); if (backstory != null) { pawn.Adulthood = backstory; } else { Log.Warning("Could not load adulthood backstory definition \"" + record.adulthood + "\""); Failed = true; } } BodyTypeDef bodyType = null; try { bodyType = DefDatabase <BodyTypeDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.bodyType); } catch (Exception) { } if (bodyType == null) { if (pawn.Adulthood != null) { bodyType = pawn.Adulthood.BodyTypeFor(pawn.Gender); } else { bodyType = pawn.Childhood.BodyTypeFor(pawn.Gender); } } if (bodyType != null) { pawn.BodyType = bodyType; } pawn.ClearTraits(); for (int i = 0; i < record.traitNames.Count; i++) { string traitName = record.traitNames[i]; Trait trait = FindTrait(traitName, record.traitDegrees[i]); if (trait != null) { pawn.AddTrait(trait); } else { Log.Warning("Could not load trait definition \"" + traitName + "\""); Failed = true; } } foreach (var skill in record.skills) { SkillDef def = FindSkillDef(pawn.Pawn,; if (def == null) { Log.Warning("Could not load skill definition \"" + + "\" from saved preset"); Failed = true; continue; } pawn.currentPassions[def] = skill.passion; pawn.originalPassions[def] = skill.passion; pawn.SetOriginalSkillLevel(def, skill.value); pawn.SetUnmodifiedSkillLevel(def, skill.value); } foreach (var layer in PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.PawnLayers.GetLayersForPawn(pawn)) { if (layer.Apparel) { pawn.SetSelectedApparel(layer, null); pawn.SetSelectedStuff(layer, null); } } List <PawnLayer> apparelLayers = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.PawnLayers.GetLayersForPawn(pawn).FindAll((layer) => { return(layer.Apparel); }); foreach (var apparelRecord in record.apparel) { // Find the pawn layer for the saved apparel record. PawnLayer layer = apparelLayers.FirstOrDefault((apparelLayer) => { return(apparelLayer.Name == apparelRecord.layer); }); if (layer == null) { Log.Warning("Could not find a matching pawn layer for the saved apparel \"" + apparelRecord.layer + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } if (apparelRecord.apparel.NullOrEmpty()) { Log.Warning("Saved apparel entry for layer \"" + apparelRecord.layer + "\" had an empty apparel def"); Failed = true; continue; } // Set the defaults. pawn.SetSelectedApparel(layer, null); pawn.SetSelectedStuff(layer, null); pawn.SetColor(layer, Color.white); ThingDef def = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(apparelRecord.apparel); if (def == null) { Log.Warning("Could not load thing definition for apparel \"" + apparelRecord.apparel + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } ThingDef stuffDef = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apparelRecord.stuff)) { stuffDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(apparelRecord.stuff); if (stuffDef == null) { Log.Warning("Could not load stuff definition \"" + apparelRecord.stuff + "\" for apparel \"" + apparelRecord.apparel + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } } pawn.SetSelectedApparel(layer, def); pawn.SetSelectedStuff(layer, stuffDef); pawn.SetColor(layer, apparelRecord.color); } OptionsHealth healthOptions = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Health.GetOptions(pawn); for (int i = 0; i < record.implants.Count; i++) { SaveRecordImplantV3 implantRecord = record.implants[i]; UniqueBodyPart uniqueBodyPart = healthOptions.FindBodyPartByName(implantRecord.bodyPart, implantRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? implantRecord.bodyPartIndex.Value : 0); if (uniqueBodyPart == null) { uniqueBodyPart = FindReplacementBodyPart(healthOptions, implantRecord.bodyPart); } if (uniqueBodyPart == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the implant because it could not find the needed body part \"" + implantRecord.bodyPart + "\"" + (implantRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? " with index " + implantRecord.bodyPartIndex : "")); Failed = true; continue; } BodyPartRecord bodyPart = uniqueBodyPart.Record; if (implantRecord.recipe != null) { RecipeDef recipeDef = FindRecipeDef(implantRecord.recipe); if (recipeDef == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the implant because it could not find the recipe definition \"" + implantRecord.recipe + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } bool found = false; foreach (var p in recipeDef.appliedOnFixedBodyParts) { if (p.defName.Equals(bodyPart.def.defName)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { Log.Warning("Prepare carefully could not apply the saved implant recipe \"" + implantRecord.recipe + "\" to the body part \"" + bodyPart.def.defName + "\". Recipe does not support that part."); Failed = true; continue; } Implant implant = new Implant(); implant.BodyPartRecord = bodyPart; implant.recipe = recipeDef; implant.label = implant.Label; pawn.AddImplant(implant); } } foreach (var injuryRecord in record.injuries) { HediffDef def = DefDatabase <HediffDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(injuryRecord.hediffDef); if (def == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the injury because it could not find the hediff definition \"" + injuryRecord.hediffDef + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } InjuryOption option = healthOptions.FindInjuryOptionByHediffDef(def); if (option == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the injury because it could not find a matching injury option for the saved hediff \"" + injuryRecord.hediffDef + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } BodyPartRecord bodyPart = null; if (injuryRecord.bodyPart != null) { UniqueBodyPart uniquePart = healthOptions.FindBodyPartByName(injuryRecord.bodyPart, injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex.Value : 0); if (uniquePart == null) { uniquePart = FindReplacementBodyPart(healthOptions, injuryRecord.bodyPart); } if (uniquePart == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the injury because it could not find the needed body part \"" + injuryRecord.bodyPart + "\"" + (injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? " with index " + injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex : "")); Failed = true; continue; } bodyPart = uniquePart.Record; } Injury injury = new Injury(); injury.Option = option; injury.BodyPartRecord = bodyPart; if (injuryRecord.severity != null) { injury.Severity = injuryRecord.Severity; } if (injuryRecord.painFactor != null) { injury.PainFactor = injuryRecord.PainFactor; } pawn.AddInjury(injury); } pawn.CopySkillsAndPassionsToPawn(); pawn.ClearPawnCaches(); return(pawn); }
public CustomPawn ConvertSaveRecordToPawn(SaveRecordPawnV5 record) { bool partialFailure = false; PawnKindDef pawnKindDef = null; if (record.pawnKindDef != null) { pawnKindDef = DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.pawnKindDef); if (pawnKindDef == null) { Logger.Warning("Pawn kind definition for the saved character (" + record.pawnKindDef + ") not found. Picking a random player colony pawn kind definition."); pawnKindDef = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.GetPawnKindsForFactionDef(FactionDefOf.PlayerColony).RandomElement(); if (pawnKindDef == null) { return(null); } } } ThingDef pawnThingDef = ThingDefOf.Human; if (record.thingDef != null) { ThingDef thingDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.thingDef); if (thingDef != null) { pawnThingDef = thingDef; } else { Logger.Warning("Pawn's thing definition {" + record.thingDef + "} was not found. Defaulting to the thing definition for humans."); } } else { Logger.Warning("Pawn's thing definition was null. Defaulting to the thing definition for humans."); } // Create the pawn generation request. PawnGenerationRequestWrapper generationRequest = new PawnGenerationRequestWrapper() { FixedBiologicalAge = record.biologicalAge, FixedChronologicalAge = record.chronologicalAge, FixedGender = record.gender }; // Add a faction to the generation request, if possible. if (record.originalFactionDef != null) { FactionDef factionDef = DefDatabase <FactionDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.originalFactionDef); if (factionDef != null) { Faction faction = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.GetFaction(factionDef); if (faction != null) { generationRequest.Faction = faction; } else { Logger.Warning("No faction found for faction definition {" + record.originalFactionDef + "}"); } } else { Logger.Warning("No faction defition defition found for {" + record.originalFactionDef + "}"); } } // Add a pawn kind definition to the generation request, if possible. if (pawnKindDef != null) { generationRequest.KindDef = pawnKindDef; } // Create the pawn. Pawn source = null; try { source = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(generationRequest.Request); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Warning("Failed to generate a pawn from preset for pawn {" + (record.nickName) + "}. Will try to create it using fallback settings", e); generationRequest = new PawnGenerationRequestWrapper() { FixedBiologicalAge = record.biologicalAge, FixedChronologicalAge = record.chronologicalAge, FixedGender = record.gender }; try { source = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(generationRequest.Request); } catch (Exception) { Logger.Warning("Failed to generate a pawn using fallback settings from preset for pawn {" + (record.nickName) + "}", e); return(null); } } if ( != null) {; } CustomPawn pawn = new CustomPawn(source); if ( == null) { pawn.GenerateId(); } else { pawn.Id =; } if (record.type != null) { try { pawn.Type = (CustomPawnType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CustomPawnType), record.type); } catch (Exception) { pawn.Type = CustomPawnType.Colonist; } } else { pawn.Type = CustomPawnType.Colonist; } pawn.Gender = record.gender; if (record.age > 0) { pawn.ChronologicalAge = record.age; pawn.BiologicalAge = record.age; } if (record.chronologicalAge > 0) { pawn.ChronologicalAge = record.chronologicalAge; } if (record.biologicalAge > 0) { pawn.BiologicalAge = record.biologicalAge; } pawn.FirstName = record.firstName; pawn.NickName = record.nickName; pawn.LastName = record.lastName; if (record.originalFactionDef != null) { pawn.OriginalFactionDef = DefDatabase <FactionDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.originalFactionDef); } pawn.OriginalKindDef = pawnKindDef; if (pawn.Type == CustomPawnType.Colonist) { Faction playerFaction = Faction.OfPlayerSilentFail; if (playerFaction != null) { pawn.Pawn.SetFactionDirect(playerFaction); } } else if (pawn.Type == CustomPawnType.World) { if (record.faction != null) { if (record.faction.def != null) { FactionDef factionDef = DefDatabase <FactionDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.faction.def); if (factionDef != null) { bool randomFaction = false; if (record.faction.index != null) { CustomFaction customFaction = null; if (!record.faction.leader) { customFaction = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.FindCustomFactionByIndex(factionDef, record.faction.index.Value); } else { customFaction = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.FindCustomFactionWithLeaderOptionByIndex(factionDef, record.faction.index.Value); } if (customFaction != null) { pawn.Faction = customFaction; } else { Logger.Warning("Could not place at least one preset character into a saved faction because there were not enough available factions of that type in the world"); randomFaction = true; } } else { randomFaction = true; } if (randomFaction) { CustomFaction customFaction = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.FindRandomCustomFactionByDef(factionDef); if (customFaction != null) { pawn.Faction = customFaction; } } } else { Logger.Warning("Could not place at least one preset character into a saved faction because that faction is not available in the world"); } } } } HairDef h = DefDatabase <HairDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.hairDef); if (h != null) { pawn.HairDef = h; } else { Logger.Warning("Could not load hair definition \"" + record.hairDef + "\""); partialFailure = true; } pawn.HeadGraphicPath = record.headGraphicPath; if (pawn.Pawn.story != null) { pawn.Pawn.story.hairColor = record.hairColor; } if (record.melanin >= 0.0f) { pawn.MelaninLevel = record.melanin; } else { pawn.MelaninLevel = PawnColorUtils.FindMelaninValueFromColor(record.skinColor); } Backstory backstory = FindBackstory(record.childhood); if (backstory != null) { pawn.Childhood = backstory; } else { Logger.Warning("Could not load childhood backstory definition \"" + record.childhood + "\""); partialFailure = true; } if (record.adulthood != null) { backstory = FindBackstory(record.adulthood); if (backstory != null) { pawn.Adulthood = backstory; } else { Logger.Warning("Could not load adulthood backstory definition \"" + record.adulthood + "\""); partialFailure = true; } } BodyTypeDef bodyType = null; try { bodyType = DefDatabase <BodyTypeDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.bodyType); } catch (Exception) { } if (bodyType == null) { if (pawn.Adulthood != null) { bodyType = pawn.Adulthood.BodyTypeFor(pawn.Gender); } else { bodyType = pawn.Childhood.BodyTypeFor(pawn.Gender); } } if (bodyType != null) { pawn.BodyType = bodyType; } // Load pawn comps //Logger.Debug("pre-copy comps xml: " + record.compsXml); String compsXml = "<saveable Class=\"" + typeof(PawnCompsLoader).FullName + "\">" + record.compsXml + "</saveable>"; PawnCompInclusionRules rules = new PawnCompInclusionRules(); rules.IncludeComps(record.savedComps); UtilityCopy.DeserializeExposable <PawnCompsLoader>(compsXml, new object[] { pawn.Pawn, rules }); Dictionary <string, ThingComp> compLookup = new Dictionary <string, ThingComp>(); foreach (var c in pawn.Pawn.AllComps) { if (!compLookup.ContainsKey(c.GetType().FullName)) { //Logger.Debug("Added comp to comp lookup with key: " + c.GetType().FullName); compLookup.Add(c.GetType().FullName, c); } } HashSet <string> savedComps = record.savedComps != null ? new HashSet <string>(record.savedComps) : new HashSet <string>(); DefaultPawnCompRules.PostLoadModifiers.Apply(pawn.Pawn, compLookup, savedComps); pawn.ClearTraits(); if (record.traits != null) { for (int i = 0; i < record.traits.Count; i++) { string traitName = record.traits[i].def; Trait trait = FindTrait(traitName, record.traits[i].degree); if (trait != null) { pawn.AddTrait(trait); } else { Logger.Warning("Could not load trait definition \"" + traitName + "\""); partialFailure = true; } } } else if (record.traitNames != null && record.traitDegrees != null && record.traitNames.Count == record.traitDegrees.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < record.traitNames.Count; i++) { string traitName = record.traitNames[i]; Trait trait = FindTrait(traitName, record.traitDegrees[i]); if (trait != null) { pawn.AddTrait(trait); } else { Logger.Warning("Could not load trait definition \"" + traitName + "\""); partialFailure = true; } } } foreach (var skill in record.skills) { SkillDef def = FindSkillDef(pawn.Pawn,; if (def == null) { Logger.Warning("Could not load skill definition \"" + + "\" from saved preset"); partialFailure = true; continue; } pawn.currentPassions[def] = skill.passion; pawn.originalPassions[def] = skill.passion; pawn.SetOriginalSkillLevel(def, skill.value); pawn.SetUnmodifiedSkillLevel(def, skill.value); } foreach (var layer in PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.PawnLayers.GetLayersForPawn(pawn)) { if (layer.Apparel) { pawn.SetSelectedApparel(layer, null); pawn.SetSelectedStuff(layer, null); } } List <PawnLayer> apparelLayers = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.PawnLayers.GetLayersForPawn(pawn).FindAll((layer) => { return(layer.Apparel); }); foreach (var apparelRecord in record.apparel) { // Find the pawn layer for the saved apparel record. PawnLayer layer = apparelLayers.FirstOrDefault((apparelLayer) => { return(apparelLayer.Name == apparelRecord.layer); }); if (layer == null) { Logger.Warning("Could not find a matching pawn layer for the saved apparel \"" + apparelRecord.layer + "\""); partialFailure = true; continue; } if (apparelRecord.apparel.NullOrEmpty()) { Logger.Warning("Saved apparel entry for layer \"" + apparelRecord.layer + "\" had an empty apparel def"); partialFailure = true; continue; } // Set the defaults. pawn.SetSelectedApparel(layer, null); pawn.SetSelectedStuff(layer, null); pawn.SetColor(layer, Color.white); ThingDef def = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(apparelRecord.apparel); if (def == null) { Logger.Warning("Could not load thing definition for apparel \"" + apparelRecord.apparel + "\""); partialFailure = true; continue; } ThingDef stuffDef = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apparelRecord.stuff)) { stuffDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(apparelRecord.stuff); if (stuffDef == null) { Logger.Warning("Could not load stuff definition \"" + apparelRecord.stuff + "\" for apparel \"" + apparelRecord.apparel + "\""); partialFailure = true; continue; } } pawn.SetSelectedApparel(layer, def); pawn.SetSelectedStuff(layer, stuffDef); pawn.SetColor(layer, apparelRecord.color); } OptionsHealth healthOptions = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Health.GetOptions(pawn); for (int i = 0; i < record.implants.Count; i++) { SaveRecordImplantV3 implantRecord = record.implants[i]; UniqueBodyPart uniqueBodyPart = healthOptions.FindBodyPartByName(implantRecord.bodyPart, implantRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? implantRecord.bodyPartIndex.Value : 0); if (uniqueBodyPart == null) { uniqueBodyPart = FindReplacementBodyPart(healthOptions, implantRecord.bodyPart); } if (uniqueBodyPart == null) { Logger.Warning("Could not add the implant because it could not find the needed body part \"" + implantRecord.bodyPart + "\"" + (implantRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? " with index " + implantRecord.bodyPartIndex : "")); partialFailure = true; continue; } BodyPartRecord bodyPart = uniqueBodyPart.Record; if (implantRecord.recipe != null) { RecipeDef recipeDef = FindRecipeDef(implantRecord.recipe); if (recipeDef == null) { Logger.Warning("Could not add the implant because it could not find the recipe definition \"" + implantRecord.recipe + "\""); partialFailure = true; continue; } bool found = false; foreach (var p in recipeDef.appliedOnFixedBodyParts) { if (p.defName.Equals(bodyPart.def.defName)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { Logger.Warning("Could not apply the saved implant recipe \"" + implantRecord.recipe + "\" to the body part \"" + bodyPart.def.defName + "\". Recipe does not support that part."); partialFailure = true; continue; } Implant implant = new Implant(); implant.BodyPartRecord = bodyPart; implant.recipe = recipeDef; implant.label = implant.Label; pawn.AddImplant(implant); } } foreach (var injuryRecord in record.injuries) { HediffDef def = DefDatabase <HediffDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(injuryRecord.hediffDef); if (def == null) { Logger.Warning("Could not add the injury because it could not find the hediff definition \"" + injuryRecord.hediffDef + "\""); partialFailure = true; continue; } InjuryOption option = healthOptions.FindInjuryOptionByHediffDef(def); if (option == null) { Logger.Warning("Could not add the injury because it could not find a matching injury option for the saved hediff \"" + injuryRecord.hediffDef + "\""); partialFailure = true; continue; } BodyPartRecord bodyPart = null; if (injuryRecord.bodyPart != null) { UniqueBodyPart uniquePart = healthOptions.FindBodyPartByName(injuryRecord.bodyPart, injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex.Value : 0); if (uniquePart == null) { uniquePart = FindReplacementBodyPart(healthOptions, injuryRecord.bodyPart); } if (uniquePart == null) { Logger.Warning("Could not add the injury because it could not find the needed body part \"" + injuryRecord.bodyPart + "\"" + (injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? " with index " + injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex : "")); partialFailure = true; continue; } bodyPart = uniquePart.Record; } Injury injury = new Injury(); injury.Option = option; injury.BodyPartRecord = bodyPart; if (injuryRecord.severity != null) { injury.Severity = injuryRecord.Severity; } if (injuryRecord.painFactor != null) { injury.PainFactor = injuryRecord.PainFactor; } pawn.AddInjury(injury); } pawn.CopySkillsAndPassionsToPawn(); pawn.ClearPawnCaches(); return(pawn); }