private static Node addBeforeCurrent(Node parent, Node previous, Node current, Node toAdd)
     if (previous == null) {
         if (!(current == parent.FirstChild))
             Context.CodeBug ();
         parent.addChildToFront (toAdd);
     else {
         if (!(current == previous.Next))
             Context.CodeBug ();
         parent.addChildAfter (toAdd, previous);
     return toAdd;
예제 #2
 private static Node addBeforeCurrent(Node parent, Node previous, Node current, Node toAdd)
     if (previous == null)
         if (!(current == parent.FirstChild))
         if (!(current == previous.Next))
         parent.addChildAfter(toAdd, previous);
예제 #3
        /// <summary> For .. In
        /// </summary>
        internal Node CreateForIn(Node loop, Node lhs, Node obj, Node body, bool isForEach)
            int type = lhs.Type;

            Node lvalue;
            if (type == Token.VAR) {
                * check that there was only one variable given.
                * we can't do this in the parser, because then the
                * parser would have to know something about the
                * 'init' node of the for-in loop.
                Node lastChild = lhs.LastChild;
                if (lhs.FirstChild != lastChild) {
                    parser.ReportError ("msg.mult.index");
                lvalue = Node.newString (Token.NAME, lastChild.String);
            else {
                lvalue = makeReference (lhs);
                if (lvalue == null) {
                    parser.ReportError ("");
                    return obj;

            Node localBlock = new Node (Token.LOCAL_BLOCK);

            int initType = (isForEach) ? Token.ENUM_INIT_VALUES : Token.ENUM_INIT_KEYS;
            Node init = new Node (initType, obj);
            init.putProp (Node.LOCAL_BLOCK_PROP, localBlock);
            Node cond = new Node (Token.ENUM_NEXT);
            cond.putProp (Node.LOCAL_BLOCK_PROP, localBlock);
            Node id = new Node (Token.ENUM_ID);
            id.putProp (Node.LOCAL_BLOCK_PROP, localBlock);

            Node newBody = new Node (Token.BLOCK);
            Node assign = simpleAssignment (lvalue, id);
            newBody.addChildToBack (new Node (Token.EXPR_VOID, assign));
            newBody.addChildToBack (body);

            loop = CreateWhile (loop, cond, newBody);
            loop.addChildToFront (init);
            if (type == Token.VAR)
                loop.addChildToFront (lhs);
            localBlock.addChildToBack (loop);

            return localBlock;
예제 #4
        private Node CreateLoop(Node.Jump loop, int loopType, Node body, Node cond, Node init, Node incr)
            Node bodyTarget = Node.newTarget ();
            Node condTarget = Node.newTarget ();
            if (loopType == LOOP_FOR && cond.Type == Token.EMPTY) {
                cond = new Node (Token.TRUE);
            Node.Jump IFEQ = new Node.Jump (Token.IFEQ, cond);
   = bodyTarget;
            Node breakTarget = Node.newTarget ();

            loop.addChildToBack (bodyTarget);
            loop.addChildrenToBack (body);
            if (loopType == LOOP_WHILE || loopType == LOOP_FOR) {
                // propagate lineno to condition
                loop.addChildrenToBack (new Node (Token.EMPTY, loop.Lineno));
            loop.addChildToBack (condTarget);
            loop.addChildToBack (IFEQ);
            loop.addChildToBack (breakTarget);

   = breakTarget;
            Node continueTarget = condTarget;

            if (loopType == LOOP_WHILE || loopType == LOOP_FOR) {
                // Just add a GOTO to the condition in the do..while
                loop.addChildToFront (makeJump (Token.GOTO, condTarget));

                if (loopType == LOOP_FOR) {
                    if (init.Type != Token.EMPTY) {
                        if (init.Type != Token.VAR) {
                            init = new Node (Token.EXPR_VOID, init);
                        loop.addChildToFront (init);
                    Node incrTarget = Node.newTarget ();
                    loop.addChildAfter (incrTarget, body);
                    if (incr.Type != Token.EMPTY) {
                        incr = new Node (Token.EXPR_VOID, incr);
                        loop.addChildAfter (incr, incrTarget);
                    continueTarget = incrTarget;

            loop.Continue = continueTarget;

            return loop;