private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { //Put the name of the champion here if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != "Camille") { return; } Chat.Print("Have Fun with Playing ! by TaaZ"); Core.DelayAction(() => { introImg = new Sprite(TextureLoader.BitmapToTexture(Resources.anime)); Drawing.OnDraw += DrawingOnOnDraw; Core.DelayAction(() => { Drawing.OnDraw -= DrawingOnOnDraw; }, 7000); }, 2000); AbilitySequence = new int[] { 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3 }; SpellsManager.InitializeSpells(); Menus.CreateMenu(); ModeManager.InitializeModes(); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Obj_AI_Base.OnNewPath += Obj_AI_Base_OnNewPath; FpsBooster.Initialize(); }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { //Put the name of the champion here if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != "Shaco") { return; } Core.DelayAction(() => { introImg = new Sprite(TextureLoader.BitmapToTexture(Resources.anime)); Chat.Print("<b><font size='20' color='#4B0082'>Joker Shaco</font><font size='20' color='#FFA07A'> Loaded</font></b>"); Drawing.OnDraw += DrawingOnOnDraw; Core.DelayAction(() => { Drawing.OnDraw -= DrawingOnOnDraw; }, 7000); }, 2000); Chat.Print("Have Fun with Playing ! by TaaZ"); AbilitySequence = new int[] { 2, 3, 1, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 }; SpellsManager.InitializeSpells(); Menus.CreateMenu(); ModeManager.InitializeModes(); Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCaster; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Obj_AI_Base.OnNewPath += Obj_AI_Base_OnNewPath; FpsBooster.Initialize(); }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != "Olaf") { return; } Chat.Print("Ronin Olaf Loaded"); Core.DelayAction(() => { introImg = new Sprite(TextureLoader.BitmapToTexture(Resources.anime)); Drawing.OnDraw += DrawingOnOnDraw; Core.DelayAction(() => { Drawing.OnDraw -= DrawingOnOnDraw; }, 7000); }, 2000); AbilitySequence = new int[] { 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1 }; SpellsManager.InitializeSpells(); Menus.CreateMenu(); ModeManager.InitializeModes(); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Obj_AI_Base.OnNewPath += Obj_AI_Base_OnNewPath; FpsBooster.Initialize(); //Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += ResetAttack; // Credits Mercedes im to lazy Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDrawSpells; }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { //Put the name of the champion here if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != "Karma") { return; } Core.DelayAction(() => { introImg = new Sprite(TextureLoader.BitmapToTexture(Resources.anime)); Chat.Print("<b><font size='20' color='#4B0082'>Ronin Karma</font><font size='20' color='#FFA07A'> Loaded</font></b>"); Drawing.OnDraw += DrawingOnOnDraw; Core.DelayAction(() => { Drawing.OnDraw -= DrawingOnOnDraw; }, 7000); }, 2000); AbilitySequence = new int[] { 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 }; SpellsManager.InitializeSpells(); DrawingsManager.InitializeDrawings(); Menus.CreateMenu(); ModeManager.InitializeModes(); Game.OnUpdate += GameOnUpdate; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += OnGapcloser; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Obj_AI_Base.OnNewPath += Obj_AI_Base_OnNewPath; Obj_AI_Base.OnBasicAttack += OnBasicAttack; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += onSpellCast; FpsBooster.Initialize(); }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != "RekSai") { return; } Core.DelayAction(() => { introImg = new Sprite(TextureLoader.BitmapToTexture(Resources.anime)); Chat.Print("<b><font size='20' color='#4B0082'>RekSai Master</font><font size='20' color='#FFA07A'> Loaded</font></b>"); Drawing.OnDraw += DrawingOnOnDraw; Core.DelayAction(() => { Drawing.OnDraw -= DrawingOnOnDraw; }, 7000); }, 2000); SpellsManager.InitializeSpells(); Menus.CreateMenu(); ModeManager.InitializeModes(); Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Program.Interrupter2_OnInterruptableTarget; Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += OnAfterAttack; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Obj_AI_Base.OnNewPath += Obj_AI_Base_OnNewPath; FpsBooster.Initialize(); }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { //Put the name of the champion here if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != "Rumble") { return; } Core.DelayAction(() => { introImg = new Sprite(TextureLoader.BitmapToTexture(Resources.anime)); Chat.Print("<b><font size='20' color='#4B0082'>Rumble Jungle</font><font size='20' color='#FFA07A'> Loaded</font></b>"); Drawing.OnDraw += DrawingOnOnDraw; Core.DelayAction(() => { Drawing.OnDraw -= DrawingOnOnDraw; }, 7000); }, 2000); AbilitySequence = new int[] { 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1 }; SpellsManager.InitializeSpells(); DrawingsManager.InitializeDrawings(); Menus.CreateMenu(); ModeManager.InitializeModes(); Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += AntiGapCloser; DMGHandler.DamageHandler.Initialize(); FpsBooster.Initialize(); }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { //Put the name of the champion here if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != "Aatrox") { return; } Chat.Print("Have Fun with Playing ! by TaaZ"); AbilitySequence = new int[] { 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1 }; SpellsManager.InitializeSpells(); ModeManager.InitializeModes(); Menus.CreateMenu(); Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += AntiGapCloser; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; FpsBooster.Initialize(); }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != "Akali") { return; } Core.DelayAction(() => { introImg = new Sprite(TextureLoader.BitmapToTexture(Resources.anime)); Chat.Print("<b><font size='20' color='#4B0082'>Ronin Akali</font><font size='20' color='#FFA07A'> Yuklendi Ceviri TekinTR.</font></b>"); Drawing.OnDraw += DrawingOnOnDraw; Core.DelayAction(() => { Drawing.OnDraw -= DrawingOnOnDraw; }, 7000); }, 2000); AbilitySequence = new int[] { 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 }; SpellsManager.InitializeSpells(); Menus.CreateMenu(); ModeManager.InitializeModes(); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Obj_AI_Base.OnNewPath += Obj_AI_Base_OnNewPath; FpsBooster.Initialize(); }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { //Put the name of the champion here if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != "Amumu") { return; } Core.DelayAction(() => { introImg = new Sprite(TextureLoader.BitmapToTexture(Resources.god)); Chat.Print("<b><font size='20' color='#4B0082'>God of Jungel Loaded</font><font size='20' color='#FFA07A'> Loaded</font></b>"); Drawing.OnDraw += DrawingOnOnDraw; Core.DelayAction(() => { Drawing.OnDraw -= DrawingOnOnDraw; }, 7000); }, 2000); AbilitySequence = new int[] { 2, 3, 1, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 }; InitializeSpells(); CreateMenu(); ModeManager.InitializeModes(); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDrawSpells; FpsBooster.Initialize(); }