public void JumpGates() { var universe = new Universe(); var sol = new SolarSystem { Name = "Sol", Location = universe }; var outOfSol = new JumpGate(sol); sol.OrbitSun(outOfSol, 45d); var alphaCentauri = new SolarSystem {Name = "Alpha Centauri", UniversalCoordinates = new Vector(1000d, 0, 0), Location = universe }; var intoAlphaCentauri = new JumpGate(alphaCentauri); alphaCentauri.OrbitSun(intoAlphaCentauri, 45d); outOfSol.ConnectsTo = intoAlphaCentauri; var ship = new Ship(new Agent(new Corporation())) {Speed = 2d }; sol.EnterSystem(ship, outOfSol.LocalCoordinates); Assert.AreEqual(sol, ship.SolarSystem); Assert.AreEqual(outOfSol.UniversalCoordinates, ship.UniversalCoordinates); CollectionAssert.Contains(sol.Objects, ship); CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(alphaCentauri.Objects, ship); outOfSol.Jump(ship); Assert.AreEqual(alphaCentauri, ship.SolarSystem); CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(sol.Objects, ship); CollectionAssert.Contains(alphaCentauri.Objects, ship); Assert.AreEqual(intoAlphaCentauri.UniversalCoordinates, ship.UniversalCoordinates); }
public void IntraSolarSystem() { var universe = new Universe(); var sol = new SolarSystem { Location = universe }; var ship = new Ship(new Agent(new Corporation())) {Speed = 2d, Name = "S1" }; sol.EnterSystem(ship, new Vector(10, 0, 0)); ship.Destination = Vector.Zero; for (int i=10; i >= 0; i-=2) { Assert.AreEqual(i, ship.DistanceToDestination, "Ship is heading in the wrong direction!"); ship.Tick((uint )i); } }
public TestCase() { Universe = new Universe(); Seller = new Corporation {Name = "Seller", Location = Universe }; Buyer = new Corporation {Name = "Buyer", Location = Universe }; var starCluster = new StarCluster(); Universe.AddStarCluster(starCluster); var sol = new SolarSystem(); starCluster.AddSolarSystem(sol); Refinery = new Refinery(sol, Seller); sol.OrbitSun(Refinery, 100d); var m1 = new Ship(Seller.Recruit()) {Name = "M1"}; sol.EnterSystem(m1, Refinery.LocalCoordinates); Refinery.Dock(m1); var m2 = new Ship(Buyer.Recruit()) {Name = "M2"}; sol.EnterSystem(m2, Refinery.LocalCoordinates); Refinery.Dock(m2); this.item = new Ore {Quantity = 1000, Location = Refinery, Owner = Seller}; }
public void MoveToJumpGate() { var universe = new Universe(); var starCluster = new StarCluster(); universe.AddStarCluster(starCluster); var sol = new SolarSystem { Name = "Sol" }; starCluster.AddSolarSystem(sol); var alphaCentauri = new SolarSystem { Name = "Alpha Centauri", UniversalCoordinates = new Vector(1.6E9d, 0, 0)}; starCluster.AddSolarSystem(alphaCentauri); var outOfSol = new JumpGate(sol); sol.OrbitSun(outOfSol, 45d); var intoAlphaCentauri = new JumpGate(alphaCentauri); alphaCentauri.OrbitSun(intoAlphaCentauri, 45d); outOfSol.ConnectsTo = intoAlphaCentauri; var ship = new Ship(new Agent(new Corporation())) { Speed = 20d }; sol.EnterSystem(ship, new Vector(100d, 0, 0)); ship.SetTask(new ShipTask(outOfSol, delegate { outOfSol.Jump(ship); return true; })); ulong tick = 0L; while (ship.SolarSystem == sol) { Assert.Less(tick, 1000L, "Ship took more than 1000 days to reach the jump gate."); starCluster.Tick(tick); tick++; } Console.WriteLine("Ship took {0} days to reach its destination which was a distance of {1:n0}km", tick, (intoAlphaCentauri.UniversalCoordinates - sol.UniversalCoordinates).Magnitude); }