예제 #1
        protected virtual void InitData(){
            if (m_xl==null)
            IList<PS_tj> tjList = new List<PS_tj>();
            IList<mOrg> orgList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<mOrg>("where orgcode='" + m_xl.OrgCode + "'");
            mOrg org = null;
            string strOwner = "";
            if (orgList.Count>0)
                org = orgList[0];
                strOwner = org.OrgName;
            IList gtSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("GetPS_gtsbRowCountByWhere", ",PS_gt,PS_xl,mOrg where PS_gtsb.gtID = PS_gt.gtID and PS_gt.LineCode = PS_xl.LineCode and PS_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and PS_xl.LineCode = '" + m_xl.LineCode + "' group by sbModle,sbName");
            //IList tqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("GetPS_tqsbRowCountByWhere", ",PS_tq,PS_xl,mOrg where PS_tqsb.tqID = PS_tq.tqID and PS_tq.xlCode = PS_xl.LineCode and PS_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and PS_xl.LineCode = '" + str.Trim() + "' group by sbModle,sbName");
            foreach (object[] ob in gtSBList)
                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                tj.SmOrg = strOwner;
                tj.SbOwner = m_xl.LineName;
                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
            gridControl1.DataSource = tjList;
//             foreach (GridColumn c in gridView1.Columns)
//             {
//                 c.Visible = false;
//             }
                gridView1.Columns["SmOrg"].Visible = false;
                //gridView1.Columns["SbType"].Visible = true;
                //gridView1.Columns["SBNumber"].Visible = true;
                gridView1.Columns["SbOwner"].VisibleIndex = 0;
                gridView1.Columns["SbOwner"].Caption = "线路";
                gridView1.Columns["SbName"].VisibleIndex = 1;
                gridView1.Columns["SbType"].VisibleIndex = 2;
                gridView1.Columns["SBNumber"].VisibleIndex = 3;               
            catch { }
//             foreach (object[] ob in tqSBList)
//             {
//                 PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
//                 string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
//                 tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
//                 tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
//                 tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
//                 tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
//                 tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
//                 tjList.Add(tj);
//             }
예제 #2
        protected virtual void InitData()
            IList<PS_tj> tjList = new List<PS_tj>();
            IList<PS_xl> xlList = new List<PS_xl>();

            strGtID = null;
            int maxLength = 8;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (PS_gt gt in gtList)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strGtID))
                    strGtID += "(" + "'" + gt.gtID + "'";
                    strGtID += "," + "'" + gt.gtID + "'";
                IList<PS_xl> xlListTemp = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<PS_xl>("SelectPS_xlList"," where linecode = '" + gt.LineCode +"'");
                foreach (PS_xl xl in xlListTemp)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLineCode))
                        strLineCode += "(" + "'" + xl.LineCode + "'";
                        strLineCode += "," + "'" + xl.LineCode + "'";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strGtID))
                strGtID = "()";
                strGtID += ")";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLineCode))
                strLineCode = "()";
                strLineCode += ")";
            IList gtSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("GetPS_gtsbRowCountByWhere", ",PS_gt where PS_gtsb.gtID = PS_gt.gtID and PS_gt.gtID in " + strGtID + " group by sbModle,sbName");
            foreach (object[] ob in gtSBList)
                if (ob[1].ToString().Length > maxLength)
                    maxLength = ob[1].ToString().Length;
                if (ob[2].ToString().Length > maxLength)
                    maxLength = ob[2].ToString().Length;
                //sb.Append(ob[2].ToString() + "\t" + ob[1].ToString() + "\t" + ob[0].ToString() + "\r\n");
                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();              
                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
//             IList byqCount = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("GetPS_tqbyqRowCountByWhere", ",PS_tq where PS_tqbyq.tqID = PS_tq.tqID and PS_tq.tqID in " + strLineCode + " group by byqModle,byqName");
//             foreach (object[] ob in byqCount)
//             {
//                 if (ob[1].ToString().Length > maxLength)
//                 {
//                     maxLength = ob[1].ToString().Length;
//                 }
//                 if (ob[2].ToString().Length > maxLength)
//                 {
//                     maxLength = ob[2].ToString().Length;
//                 }
//                 sb.Append(ob[2].ToString() + "\t" + ob[1].ToString() + "\t" + ob[0].ToString() + "\r\n");
//                 PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
//                 tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
//                 tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
//                 tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
//                 tjList.Add(tj);
//             }
            IList gtCount = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("GetPS_gtRowCountByWhere", " where gtID in " + strGtID + " group by  gtType, gtModle");
            foreach (object[] ob in gtCount)
                if (ob[1].ToString().Length > maxLength)
                    maxLength = ob[1].ToString().Length;
                if (ob[2].ToString().Length > maxLength)
                    maxLength = ob[2].ToString().Length;
                //sb.Append(ob[2].ToString() + "\t" + ob[1].ToString() + "\t" + ob[0].ToString() + "\r\n");
                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
            IList tqCount = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("GetPS_tqRowCount", ",ps_gt where ps_tq.gtid=ps_gt.gtid and ps_gt.gtid in " + strGtID);
            if (tqCount.Count > 0)
                //sb.Append("台区" + "\t" + "台区数量" + "\t" + tqCount[0].ToString());
                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(tqCount[0].ToString());
                tj.SbType = "台区数量";
                tj.SbName = "台区";

            IList byqCount = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("GetPS_tqbyqRowCount", ",PS_tq where PS_tqbyq.tqID = PS_tq.tqID and PS_tq.gtid in " + strGtID);
            if (byqCount.Count > 0)
                //sb.Append("变压器" + "\t" + "变压器数量" + "\t" + byqCount[0].ToString());
                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(byqCount[0].ToString());
                tj.SbType = "变压器数量";
                tj.SbName = "变压器";
            IList gtCountSum = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("GetPS_gtRowCount", " where gtID in " + strGtID);
            if (gtCountSum.Count > 0)
                //sb.Append("杆塔" + "\t" + "杆塔数量" + "\t" + gtCountSum[0].ToString());
                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(gtCountSum[0].ToString());
                tj.SbType = "杆塔数量";
                tj.SbName = "杆塔";
            IList xlLength = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("GetPS_xlLengthByWhere", " where gtID in " + strGtID);
            if (xlLength.Count > 0)
                //sb.Append("线路" + "\t" + "线路长度" + "\t" + xlLength[0].ToString() + "米");
                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                tj.SBNumber = (int)Convert.ToDouble(xlLength[0].ToString());
                tj.SbType = "线路长度(米)";
                tj.SbName = "线路";
            gridControl1.DataSource = tjList;
            //             foreach (GridColumn c in gridView1.Columns)
            //             {
            //                 c.Visible = false;
            //             }
                gridView1.Columns["SmOrg"].Visible = false;
                //gridView1.Columns["SbType"].Visible = true;
                //gridView1.Columns["SBNumber"].Visible = true;
                gridView1.Columns["SbOwner"].Visible = false;
                gridView1.Columns["SbOwner"].Caption = "线路";
                gridView1.Columns["SbName"].VisibleIndex = 0;
                gridView1.Columns["SbType"].VisibleIndex = 1;
                gridView1.Columns["SBNumber"].VisibleIndex = 2;
            catch { }
            //             foreach (object[] ob in tqSBList)
            //             {
            //                 PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
            //                 string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
            //                 tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
            //                 tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
            //                 tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
            //                 tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
            //                 tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
            //                 tjList.Add(tj);
            //             }
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 刷新数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stTtype">刷新类型:GDS(按单位),XL(按线路),TQ(按台区),SB(按设备)</param>
        private void RefreshGridControlData(string stTtype)
            IList tqSBList = new List<object[]>();
            IList gtSBList = new List<object[]>();
            IList byqSBList = new List<object[]>();
            IList<string> xlStringList = new List<string>();
            IList<string> tqStringList = new List<string>();
            switch (stTtype)
                case "GDS":
                    if (btGdsList.EditValue!=null)
                        IList<mOrg> list = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<mOrg>("where orgcode='" + btGdsList.EditValue + "'");
                        mOrg org = null;
                        if (list.Count > 0)
                            org = list[0];
                            IList<sd_xl> xlList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetListByWhere<sd_xl>(" where LEN(lineCode) = 6");
                            repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.DataSource = xlList;
                            repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.DisplayMember = "LineName";
                            repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.ValueMember = "LineCode";
                            //IList<sd_tq> listTQ = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<sd_tq>("Selectsd_tqListByWhere", ",sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode");

                            //repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.DataSource = listTQ;
                            //repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.DisplayMember = "tqName";
                            //repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.ValueMember = "tqID";  

                            gtSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_gtsbRowCountByWhere", " Where sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");              

                            //tqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqsbRowCountByWhere", " Where sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            // IList tqDLBHSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqdlbhRowCountByWhere", " Where sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");

                            //byqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqbyqRowCountByWhere"," group by byqModle,byqName");
                            foreach (object[] ob in gtSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = "全局";
                                tj.SbOwner = "全局";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in tqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = "全局";
                                tj.SbOwner = "全局";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in byqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = "全局";
                                tj.SbOwner = "全局";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();

                        if (org != null)
                            IList<sd_xl> xlList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetListByWhere<sd_xl>(" where LEN(lineCode) = 6 and OrgCode='" + org.OrgCode + "'");
                            repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.DataSource = xlList;
                            repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.DisplayMember = "LineName";
                            repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.ValueMember = "LineCode";
                            //IList<sd_tq> listTQ = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<sd_tq>("Selectsd_tqListByWhere", ",sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and mOrg.OrgCode='" + org.OrgCode + "'");

                            //repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.DataSource = listTQ;
                            //repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.DisplayMember = "tqName";
                            //repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.ValueMember = "tqID";                    
                            gtSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_gtsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_gt,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_gtsb.gtID = sd_gt.gtID and sd_gt.LineCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and mOrg.OrgCode = '" + org.OrgCode + "' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");                
                            //tqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tqsb.tqID = sd_tq.tqID and sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and mOrg.OrgCode = '" + org.OrgCode + "' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");

                            //byqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqbyqRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tqbyq.tqID = sd_tq.tqID and sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and mOrg.OrgCode = '" + org.OrgCode + "' group by byqModle,byqName");
                            foreach (object[] ob in gtSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = org.OrgName;
                                tj.SbOwner = "全所";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in tqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = org.OrgName;
                                tj.SbOwner = "全所";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in byqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = org.OrgName;
                                tj.SbOwner = "全所";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                case "XL":
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.GetCheckedItems().ToString()))
                        xlStringList = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.GetCheckedItems().ToString().Split(new char[]{','});

                        foreach (string str in xlStringList)
                            gtSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_gtsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_gt,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_gtsb.gtID = sd_gt.gtID and sd_gt.LineCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and sd_xl.LineCode like '" + str.Trim() + "%' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            //tqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tqsb.tqID = sd_tq.tqID and sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and sd_xl.LineCode like '" + str.Trim() + "%' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            //byqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqbyqRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tqbyq.tqID = sd_tq.tqID and sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and sd_xl.LineCode like '" + str.Trim() + "%'  group by byqModle,byqName");
                            foreach (object[] ob in gtSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
                                tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
                                tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in tqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
                                tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
                                tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in byqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
                                tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
                                tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                case "TQ":
                    //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.GetCheckedItems().ToString()))
                    //    tqStringList = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.GetCheckedItems().ToString().Split(new char[]{','});
                    //    foreach (string str in tqStringList)
                    //    {
                    //        gtSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_gtsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_gt,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_gtsb.gtID = sd_gt.gtID and sd_gt.LineCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and sd_xl.LineCode like '" + str.Trim() + "%' and linevol='0.4' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                    //        //tqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tqsb.tqID = sd_tq.tqID and sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and sd_xl.LineCode like '" + str.Trim() + "%' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                    //        tqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq where sd_tqsb.tqID = sd_tq.tqID  and sd_tq.tqID = '" +str.Trim() + "' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                    //        byqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqbyqRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tqbyq.tqID = sd_tq.tqID and sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and  sd_tq.tqID = '" + str.Trim() + "'  group by byqModle,byqName");
                    //        foreach (object[] ob in gtSBList)
                    //        {
                    //            PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                    //            string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
                    //            tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
                    //            tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
                    //            tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                    //            tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                    //            tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                    //            tjList.Add(tj);
                    //        }
                    //        foreach (object[] ob in tqSBList)
                    //        {
                    //            PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                    //            string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
                    //            tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
                    //            tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
                    //            tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                    //            tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                    //            tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                    //            tjList.Add(tj);
                    //        }
                    //        foreach (object[] ob in byqSBList)
                    //        {
                    //            PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                    //            string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
                    //            tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
                    //            tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
                    //            tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                    //            tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                    //            tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                    //            tjList.Add(tj);
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    // }
                    //    RefreshGridControlData("SB");
                case "SB":
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.GetCheckedItems().ToString()))
                        tqStringList = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.GetCheckedItems().ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
                        foreach (string str in tqStringList)
                            gtSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_gtsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_gt,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_gtsb.gtID = sd_gt.gtID and sd_gt.LineCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and sd_xl.LineCode like '" + str.Trim() + "%' and linevol='0.4' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            tqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq where sd_tqsb.tqID = sd_tq.tqID  and sd_tq.tqID = '" + str.Trim() + "' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            byqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqbyqRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tqbyq.tqID = sd_tq.tqID and sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and  sd_tq.tqID = '" + str.Trim() + "'  group by byqModle,byqName");
                            foreach (object[] ob in gtSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
                                tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
                                tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in tqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
                                tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
                                tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in byqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit2.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
                                tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
                                tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.GetCheckedItems().ToString()))
                        xlStringList = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.GetCheckedItems().ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
                        foreach (string str in xlStringList)
                            gtSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_gtsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_gt,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_gtsb.gtID = sd_gt.gtID and sd_gt.LineCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and sd_xl.LineCode like '" + str.Trim() + "%' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            //tqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tqsb.tqID = sd_tq.tqID and sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and sd_xl.LineCode like '" + str.Trim() + "%' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            //byqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqbyqRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tqbyq.tqID = sd_tq.tqID and sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and sd_xl.LineCode like '" + str.Trim() + "%'  group by byqModle,byqName");
                            foreach (object[] ob in gtSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
                                tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
                                tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in tqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
                                tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
                                tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in byqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                string strOwner = repositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit3.GetDisplayText(str).Trim();
                                tj.SmOrg = btGdsList.Edit.GetDisplayText(btGdsList.EditValue);
                                tj.SbOwner = strOwner;
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                    else if (btGdsList.EditValue != null)
                        IList<mOrg> list = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<mOrg>("where orgcode='" + btGdsList.EditValue + "'");
                        mOrg org = null;
                        if (list.Count > 0)
                            org = list[0];
                            gtSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_gtsbRowCountByWhere", " Where sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            //tqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqsbRowCountByWhere", " Where sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            //byqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqbyqRowCountByWhere", " group by byqModle,byqName");
                            foreach (object[] ob in gtSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = "全局";
                                tj.SbOwner = "全局";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in tqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = "全局";
                                tj.SbOwner = "全局";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in byqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = "全局";
                                tj.SbOwner = "全局";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();

                        if (org != null)
                            gtSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_gtsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_gt,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_gtsb.gtID = sd_gt.gtID and sd_gt.LineCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and mOrg.OrgCode = '" + org.OrgCode + "' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            //tqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tqsb.tqID = sd_tq.tqID and sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and mOrg.OrgCode = '" + org.OrgCode + "' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            //byqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqbyqRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tqbyq.tqID = sd_tq.tqID and sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and mOrg.OrgCode = '" + org.OrgCode + "'  group by byqModle,byqName");
                            foreach (object[] ob in gtSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = org.OrgName;
                                tj.SbOwner = "全所";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in tqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = org.OrgName;
                                tj.SbOwner = "全所";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in byqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = org.OrgName;
                                tj.SbOwner = "全所";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                        IList<mOrg> list = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<mOrg>("where orgcode='" + btGdsList.EditValue + "'");
                        mOrg org = null;
                        if (list.Count > 0)
                            org = list[0];
                            gtSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_gtsbRowCountByWhere", " Where sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            //tqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqsbRowCountByWhere", " Where sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            //byqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqbyqRowCountByWhere", " group by byqModle,byqName");
                            foreach (object[] ob in gtSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = "全局";
                                tj.SbOwner = "全局";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in tqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = "全局";
                                tj.SbOwner = "全局";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in byqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = "全局";
                                tj.SbOwner = "全局";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();

                        if (org != null)
                            gtSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_gtsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_gt,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_gtsb.gtID = sd_gt.gtID and sd_gt.LineCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and mOrg.OrgCode = '" + org.OrgCode + "' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            //tqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqsbRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tqsb.tqID = sd_tq.tqID and sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and mOrg.OrgCode = '" + org.OrgCode + "' and sbName in " + getSelectSbName() + " group by sbModle,sbName");
                            //byqSBList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("Getsd_tqbyqRowCountByWhere", ",sd_tq,sd_xl,mOrg where sd_tqbyq.tqID = sd_tq.tqID and sd_tq.xlCode = sd_xl.LineCode and sd_xl.OrgCode = mOrg.OrgCode and mOrg.OrgCode = '" + org.OrgCode + "'  group by byqModle,byqName");
                            foreach (object[] ob in gtSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = org.OrgName;
                                tj.SbOwner = "全所";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in tqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = org.OrgName;
                                tj.SbOwner = "全所";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();
                            foreach (object[] ob in byqSBList)
                                PS_tj tj = new PS_tj();
                                tj.SmOrg = org.OrgName;
                                tj.SbOwner = "全所";
                                tj.SBNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ob[0]);
                                tj.SbType = ob[1].ToString();
                                tj.SbName = ob[2].ToString();

            gridControl1.DataSource = tjList;
            gridView1.Columns["SbOwner"].Caption = "线路";