public void OnInitialize() { Commands.ChatCommands.Add(new Command(Poll, "poll", "polls")); PollReader reader = new PollReader(); save = Path.Combine(TShock.SavePath, "Polls.json"); if (File.Exists(save)) { try { polls = reader.readFile(save); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(polls.polls.Count + " polls have been loaded."); Console.ResetColor(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error in Polls.json file! Check log for more details."); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ResetColor(); Log.Error("--------- Config Exception in EasyVote Config file (Polls.json) ---------"); Log.Error(e.Message); Log.Error("------------------------------- Error End -------------------------------"); } } else { polls = reader.writeFile(save); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("No polls found! Basic poll file being created. 5 example polls loaded."); Console.ResetColor(); } }
public PollList writeFile(string file) { StreamWriter tw = new StreamWriter(file, true); PollList pollList = new PollList(); pollList.AddItem(new StandardPoll("Yes/No", "Vote Yes or No.", "none", false, new List <Monster> { }, new List <string> { })); pollList.AddItem(new StandardPoll("Day", "Vote for day time :]", "Day", false, new List <Monster> { }, new List <string> { })); pollList.AddItem(new StandardPoll("Night/Guardian", "Vote for a dungeon guardian and night time.", "Night", false, new List <Monster> { new Monster(68, 1) }, new List <string> { })); pollList.AddItem(new StandardPoll("MultipleMonsters", "Vote for 3 chaos elementals, 2 blue slimes, and 1 werewolf.", "Night", false, new List <Monster> { new Monster(120, 3), new Monster(1, 2), new Monster(104, 1) }, new List <string> { })); pollList.AddItem(new StandardPoll("Commands", "Vote for a broadcast, a meteor strike, and a convert corruption. No matter what you vote - results will be visible.", "none", true, new List <Monster> { }, new List <string> { "/bc yes outvoted no", "dropmeteor", "convertcorruption" })); tw.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pollList, Formatting.Indented)); tw.Close(); return(pollList); }
public PollList readFile(string file) { TextReader tr = new StreamReader(file); string raw = tr.ReadToEnd(); tr.Close(); PollList pollList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PollList>(raw); return(pollList); }
public PollList writeFile(string file) { StreamWriter tw = new StreamWriter(file, true); PollList pollList = new PollList(); pollList.AddItem(new StandardPoll("Yes/No", "Vote Yes or No.", "none", false, new List<Monster> { }, new List<string> { })); pollList.AddItem(new StandardPoll("Day", "Vote for day time :]", "Day", false, new List<Monster> { }, new List<string> { })); pollList.AddItem(new StandardPoll("Night/Guardian", "Vote for a dungeon guardian and night time.", "Night", false, new List<Monster> { new Monster(68, 1) }, new List<string> { })); pollList.AddItem(new StandardPoll("MultipleMonsters", "Vote for 3 chaos elementals, 2 blue slimes, and 1 werewolf.", "Night", false, new List<Monster> { new Monster(120, 3), new Monster(1, 2), new Monster(104, 1) }, new List<string> { })); pollList.AddItem(new StandardPoll("Commands", "Vote for a broadcast, a meteor strike, and a convert corruption. No matter what you vote - results will be visible.", "none", true, new List<Monster> { }, new List<string> { "/bc yes outvoted no", "dropmeteor", "convertcorruption" })); tw.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pollList, Formatting.Indented)); tw.Close(); return pollList; }
public PollList writeFile(string file) { TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(file); PollList pollList = new PollList(); pollList.AddItem(new StandardPoll("Yes/No", "Vote Yes or No.", "none", 0)); pollList.AddItem(new StandardPoll("Night/Guardian", "Vote for a dungeon guardian and night time.", "Night", 68)); pollList.AddItem(new StandardPoll("Day", "Vote for day time :]", "Day", 0)); tw.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pollList, Formatting.Indented)); tw.Close(); return pollList; }
public static void Poll(CommandArgs args) { if (args.Parameters.Count < 1) { if (OpenPoll) { args.Player.SendMessage("Current Poll: " + CurrentPoll, 30, 144, 255); args.Player.SendMessage(FindPoll(CurrentPoll).Question, 30, 144, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("Vote yes or no (/poll vote <yes/no>)", 135, 206, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("------------------------------------------", Color.DarkGray); } args.Player.SendMessage("Syntax: /poll(s) <help/vote/start/getresults/reload>", 30, 144, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("- /poll(s) <help>: This displays this page.", 135, 206, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("- /poll(s) <vote> <yes/no>: This allows you to vote on the current poll (displayed by doing /poll vote).", 135, 206, 255); if (args.Player.Group.HasPermission("Poll")) { args.Player.SendMessage("- /poll(s) <start>* <pollname>: This starts a poll based on its name (a poll list is displayed by doing /poll start).", 135, 206, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("- /poll(s) <getresults>*: This closes the poll and gathers the results.", 135, 206, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("- /poll(s) <reload>*: This reloads the Polls.json file.", 135, 206, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("* These commands need the permission \"Poll\" to be used.", Color.Red); } args.Player.SendMessage("Note: /poll can be written as /polls, it does not make a difference in the command at all.", 30, 144, 255); } else { switch (args.Parameters[0].ToLower()) { case "help": if (OpenPoll) { args.Player.SendMessage("Current Poll: " + CurrentPoll, 30, 144, 255); args.Player.SendMessage(FindPoll(CurrentPoll).Question, 30, 144, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("Vote yes or no (/poll vote <yes/no>)", 135, 206, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("------------------------------------------", Color.DarkGray); } args.Player.SendMessage("Syntax: /poll(s) <help/vote/start/getresults/reload>", 30, 144, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("- /poll(s) <help>: This displays this page.", 135, 206, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("- /poll(s) <vote> <yes/no>: This allows you to vote on the current poll (displayed by doing /poll vote).", 135, 206, 255); if (args.Player.Group.HasPermission("Poll")) { args.Player.SendMessage("- /poll(s) <start>* <pollname>: This starts a poll based on its name (a poll list is displayed by doing /poll start).", 135, 206, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("- /poll(s) <getresults>*: This closes the poll and gathers the results.", 135, 206, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("- /poll(s) <reload>*: This reloads the Polls.json file.", 135, 206, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("* These commands need the permission \"Poll\" to be used.", Color.Red); } args.Player.SendMessage("Note: /poll can be written as /polls, it does not make a difference in the command at all.", 30, 144, 255); break; case "vote": if (args.Parameters.Count == 1) { if (OpenPoll) { args.Player.SendMessage("Current Poll: " + CurrentPoll, 30, 144, 255); args.Player.SendMessage(FindPoll(CurrentPoll).Question, 30, 144, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("Vote yes or no (/poll(s) vote <yes/no>)", 135, 206, 255); } else { args.Player.SendMessage("No polls available.", Color.Red); } } else if (OpenPoll) { var ListedPlayer = Player.GetPlayerByName(args.Player.Name); switch (args.Parameters[1].ToLower()) { case "yes": args.Player.SendMessage("You voted yes.", 30, 144, 255); ListedPlayer.SetVote(Player.VoteResults.yes); break; case "no": args.Player.SendMessage("You voted no.", 30, 144, 255); ListedPlayer.SetVote(; break; default: args.Player.SendMessage(string.Format("Invalid vote (your vote \"{0}\" did not match the possible votes: yes or no)", args.Parameters[1]), Color.Red); break; } } else { args.Player.SendMessage("No polls available.", Color.Red); } break; case "start": if (args.Player.Group.HasPermission("Poll")) { if (!OpenPoll) { if (args.Parameters.Count == 1) { args.Player.SendMessage("Syntax: /poll(s) startpoll <pollname>", 30, 144, 255); args.Player.SendMessage("----- List of Polls -----", 135, 206, 255); List <string> pollnames = polls.getList(); if (pollnames.Count > 0) { foreach (string poll in pollnames) { args.Player.SendMessage(poll, 30, 144, 255); } } else { args.Player.SendMessage("There are no polls", Color.Red); } } else { try { string name = args.Parameters[1].ToLower(); if (FindPoll(name).PollName != null) { args.Player.SendMessage(FindPoll(name).PollName + " has been started!", 135, 206, 255); OpenPoll = true; CurrentPoll = FindPoll(name).PollName; foreach (Player player in Players) { player.TSPlayer.SendMessage("New poll (" + CurrentPoll + ") has been started! Type /poll(s) vote for more info!", 30, 144, 255); } } } catch (Exception e) { args.Player.SendMessage("Cannot find the specified poll \"" + args.Parameters[1] + "\"", Color.Red); args.Player.SendMessage("Type /poll(s) startpoll to find the right name", Color.Red); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ResetColor(); } } } else { args.Player.SendMessage("There is already a poll open!", Color.Red); } } else { args.Player.SendMessage("You do not have access to that command.", Color.Red); } break; case "getresults": if (args.Player.Group.HasPermission("Poll")) { int i = 0; int x = 0; var currentpoll = FindPoll(CurrentPoll); foreach (Player player in Players) { if (player.GetVoteResult() != Player.VoteResults.novote) { if (player.GetVoteResult() == Player.VoteResults.yes) { i++; } else { x++; } } } args.Player.SendMessage(string.Format("{0} player(s) voted yes and {1} player(s) voted no.", i, x), 135, 206, 255); if (i > x) { switch (currentpoll.Time.ToLower()) { case "day": Commands.HandleCommand(TSServerPlayer.Server, "/time day"); break; case "night": Commands.HandleCommand(TSServerPlayer.Server, "/time night"); break; } currentpoll.spawnMonsters(TSServerPlayer.Server); currentpoll.handleCommands(TSServerPlayer.Server); } foreach (Player player in Players) { player.SetVote(Player.VoteResults.novote); player.TSPlayer.SendMessage("Poll \"" + CurrentPoll + "\" has been closed.", 30, 144, 255); } if (currentpoll.PublicResults) { foreach (Player player in Players) { player.TSPlayer.SendMessage(string.Format("Results for the poll: {0} player(s) voted yes and {1} player(s) voted no.", i, x), 30, 144, 255); } } OpenPoll = false; CurrentPoll = null; } else { args.Player.SendMessage("You do not have access to that command.", Color.Red); } break; case "reload": if (args.Player.Group.HasPermission("Poll")) { try { PollReader reader = new PollReader(); if (File.Exists(save)) { polls = reader.readFile(save); args.Player.SendMessage(polls.polls.Count + " polls have been reloaded.", 135, 206, 255); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(polls.polls.Count + " polls have been reloaded."); Console.ResetColor(); } } catch (Exception e) { args.Player.SendMessage("Error in Polls.json file! Check log for more details.", Color.Red); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ResetColor(); Log.Error("--------- Config Exception in EasyVote Config file (Polls.json) ---------"); Log.Error(e.Message); } } else { args.Player.SendMessage("You do not have access to that command.", Color.Red); } break; } } }