string[] BuildListOfNotificationCategoryGroupsName(IDictionary <string, string> categoryGroupsDict) { if (categoryGroupsDict == null) { return new string[] { EM_Constants.NoneSymbol } } ; var list = new string[categoryGroupsDict.Count + 1]; // Add "None" as first item. list[0] = EM_Constants.NoneSymbol; // Copy keys from the dict. categoryGroupsDict.Keys.CopyTo(list, 1); return(list); } string GetNotificationCategoryNameFromId(IDictionary <string, string> dict, string id) { string name = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { name = EM_Constants.NoneSymbol; } else if (dict != null) { name = EM_EditorUtil.GetKeyForValue(dict, id); } return(name); } // Generate a static class containing constants of category IDs. void GenerateNotificationConstants() { // First create a hashtable containing all the names to be stored as constants. SerializedProperty userCategoriesProp =; // First check if there're duplicate IDs. string duplicateID = EM_EditorUtil.FindDuplicateFieldInArrayProperty(userCategoriesProp, NotificationCategory_Id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicateID)) { EM_EditorUtil.Alert("Error: Duplicate IDs", "Found duplicate category ID of \"" + duplicateID + "\"."); return; } // Proceed with adding resource keys. Hashtable resourceKeys = new Hashtable(); // Add the category IDs. for (int i = 0; i < userCategoriesProp.arraySize; i++) { SerializedProperty element = userCategoriesProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); string id = element.FindPropertyRelative(NotificationCategory_Id).stringValue; // Ignore all items with an empty ID. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { string key = "UserCategory_" + id; resourceKeys.Add(key, id); } } if (resourceKeys.Count > 0) { // Now build the class. EM_EditorUtil.GenerateConstantsClass( EM_Constants.GeneratedFolder, EM_Constants.RootNameSpace + "." + EM_Constants.NotificationsConstantsClassName, resourceKeys, true ); } else { EM_EditorUtil.Alert("Constants Class Generation", "No user category has been defined or category ID is missing."); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Importing Android Notification Res Folder //---------------------------------------------------------------- void ImportAndroidNotificationResFolder() { string selectedFolder = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel(null, notificationSelectedAndroidResFolder, null); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedFolder)) { // Some folder was selected. notificationSelectedAndroidResFolder = selectedFolder; // Build Android library from the selected folder. if (EM_EditorUtil.DisplayDialog( "Building Android Resources", "Please make sure the selected folder is correct before proceeding.\n" + notificationSelectedAndroidResFolder, "Go Ahead", "Cancel")) { // Prepare the lib config. var config = new EM_AndroidLibBuilder.AndroidLibConfig(); config.packageName = EM_Constants.AndroidNativeNotificationPackageName; config.targetLibFolderName = EM_Constants.NotificationAndroidResFolderName; config.targetContentFolderName = "res"; EM_AndroidLibBuilder.BuildAndroidLibFromFolder( notificationSelectedAndroidResFolder, config, OnAndroidNotificationResBuildProgress, OnAndroidNotificationResBuildNewStep, OnAndroidNotificationResBuildComplete ); } } } void OnAndroidNotificationResBuildProgress(float progress) { // Display progress bar. EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar( "Generating Android Notification Resources", notificationCreateAndroidResCurrentStep, progress ); } void OnAndroidNotificationResBuildNewStep(string step) { notificationCreateAndroidResCurrentStep = step; } void OnAndroidNotificationResBuildComplete() { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); EM_EditorUtil.Alert( "Android Resources Imported", "Android notification resources have been imported successfully!" ); } }
internal static void GenerateManifest(string jdkPath, bool forceGenerate = false, bool verbose = false) { // First check if JDK is available. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jdkPath)) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("JDK path is invalid. Aborting EM AndroidManifest generation..."); return; } // Gather module manifests and merge them into one main manifest for EM. List <string> libPaths = new List <string>(); //--------------------------------------Check for enable modules/ features---------------------------------------------------------// //Add more coditions to be checked and included when EasyMobile generates the main AndroidManifest.xml // Add the AndroidManifest template paths of all active modules and submodules. foreach (Module mod in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Module))) { var modulePaths = GetAndroidManifestTemplatePathsForModule(mod); if (modulePaths != null && modulePaths.Count > 0) { libPaths.AddRange(modulePaths); } } #if EASY_MOBILE_PRO // Add custom Android Manifest if (File.Exists(sCustomManifestPath)) { libPaths.Add(sCustomManifestPath); } #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// string libsPathsStr = ""; foreach (var lib in libPaths) { // Fix issue if the path contains spaces #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN string actualPath = '"' + lib + '"'; #else string actualPath = "'" + lib + "'"; #endif libsPathsStr += " --libs " + actualPath; } // Stop if we have generated a manifest before and there's nothing new to added & not force generating. if (libsPathsStr == sLastTimeManifestLibsString && forceGenerate == false) { return; } var config = new EM_AndroidLibBuilder.AndroidLibConfig { packageName = EM_Constants.AndroidNativePackageName, targetLibFolderName = EM_Constants.EasyMobileAndroidResFolderName, targetContentFolderName = "res" }; EM_AndroidLibBuilder.BuildAndroidLibFromFolder("", config, null, null, null, (manifestPath) => { string templatePath = FileIO.ToAbsolutePath("EasyMobile/Editor/Templates/Manifests/Manifest_Main.xml"); string outputPath = FileIO.ToAbsolutePath(manifestPath.Remove(0, 7)); // Remove "Assets/" from manifestPath string mexcPath = FileIO.ToAbsolutePath("EasyMobile/Editor"); sLastTimeManifestLibsString = libsPathsStr; sMainManifestGeneratedSucessfully = true; if (verbose) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Generating an Android manifest at\n" + outputPath + " \n"); } ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, WorkingDirectory = mexcPath, }; startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; startInfo.WorkingDirectory = mexcPath; string javaPath = FileIO.SlashesToPlatformSeparator(Path.Combine(jdkPath, "bin/java")); #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN // Fix issue if paths contain spaces. string actualTemplatePath = '"' + templatePath + '"'; string actualOutputPath = '"' + outputPath + '"'; string actualJavaPath = '"' + javaPath + '"'; startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; string command = String.Format("\"{0} -cp .\\ManifMerger\\* --main {1}{2} --out {3}\"", actualJavaPath, actualTemplatePath, libsPathsStr, actualOutputPath); // it's vital to wrap the whole command in double quotes startInfo.Arguments = "/C " + command; #else // Fix issue if paths contain spaces. string actualTemplatePath = "'" + templatePath + "'"; string actualOutputPath = "'" + outputPath + "'"; string actualJavaPath = "'" + javaPath + "'"; string baseCommand = new StringBuilder().Append(actualJavaPath). Append(" -cp ./ManifMerger/annotations-12.0.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/annotations-25.3.0.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/bcpkix-jdk15on-1.48.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/bcprov-jdk15on-1.48.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/builder-model-2.3.0.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/builder-test-api-2.3.0.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/common-25.3.0.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/commons-codec-1.4.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/commons-compress-1.8.1.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/ddmlib-25.3.0.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/dvlib-25.3.0.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/gson-2.2.4.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/guava-18.0.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/httpclient-4.1.1.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/httpcore-4.1.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/httpmime-4.1.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/jimfs-1.1.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/kxml2-2.3.0.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/layoutlib-api-25.3.0.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/repository-25.3.0.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/sdk-common-25.3.0.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/sdklib-25.3.0.jar:"). Append("./ManifMerger/manifest-merger-25.3.0.jar "). Append(" --main {0}{1} --out {2}").ToString(); startInfo.FileName = "/bin/bash"; string command = String.Format(baseCommand, actualTemplatePath, libsPathsStr, actualOutputPath); startInfo.Arguments = "-c \"" + command + "\""; #endif Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.OutputDataReceived += OnConsoleDataReceived; process.ErrorDataReceived += OnConsoleErrorReceived; process.Start(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); } ); }