예제 #1
        /// <summary>goes to the Google auth service, and gets a new auth token</summary>
        /// <returns>the auth token, or NULL if none received</returns>
        internal string QueryAuthToken(GDataCredentials gc)
            Uri authHandler = null;

            // need to copy this to a new object to avoid that people mix and match
            // the old (factory) and the new (requestsettings) and get screwed. So
            // copy the settings from the gc passed in and mix with the settings from the factory
            GDataCredentials gdc = new GDataCredentials(gc.Username, gc.getPassword());

            gdc.CaptchaToken  = _factory.CaptchaToken;
            gdc.CaptchaAnswer = _factory.CaptchaAnswer;
            gdc.AccountType   = gc.AccountType;

                authHandler = new Uri(_factory.Handler);
                throw new GDataRequestException("Invalid authentication handler URI given");

예제 #2
        /// <summary>goes to the Google auth service, and gets a new auth token</summary>
        /// <returns>the auth token, or NULL if none received</returns>
        public static string QueryClientLoginToken(
            GDataCredentials gc,
            string serviceName,
            string applicationName,
            bool fUseKeepAlive,
            IWebProxy proxyServer,
            Uri clientLoginHandler)
            Tracing.Assert(gc != null, "Do not call QueryAuthToken with no network credentials");
            if (gc == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("nc", "No credentials supplied");

            HttpWebRequest authRequest = WebRequest.Create(clientLoginHandler) as HttpWebRequest;

            authRequest.KeepAlive = fUseKeepAlive;

            if (proxyServer != null)
                authRequest.Proxy = proxyServer;

            string accountType = GoogleAuthentication.AccountType;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(gc.AccountType))
                accountType += gc.AccountType;
                accountType += GoogleAuthentication.AccountTypeDefault;

            WebResponse     authResponse = null;
            HttpWebResponse response     = null;

            string authToken = null;

                authRequest.ContentType = HttpFormPost.Encoding;
                authRequest.Method      = HttpMethods.Post;
                ASCIIEncoding encoder = new ASCIIEncoding();

                string user = gc.Username == null ? "" : gc.Username;
                string pwd  = gc.getPassword() == null ? "" : gc.getPassword();

                // now enter the data in the stream
                string postData = GoogleAuthentication.Email + "=" + Utilities.UriEncodeUnsafe(user) + "&";
                postData += GoogleAuthentication.Password + "=" + Utilities.UriEncodeUnsafe(pwd) + "&";
                postData += GoogleAuthentication.Source + "=" + Utilities.UriEncodeUnsafe(applicationName) + "&";
                postData += GoogleAuthentication.Service + "=" + Utilities.UriEncodeUnsafe(serviceName) + "&";
                if (gc.CaptchaAnswer != null)
                    postData += GoogleAuthentication.CaptchaAnswer + "=" + Utilities.UriEncodeUnsafe(gc.CaptchaAnswer) + "&";

                if (gc.CaptchaToken != null)
                    postData += GoogleAuthentication.CaptchaToken + "=" + Utilities.UriEncodeUnsafe(gc.CaptchaToken) + "&";

                postData += accountType;

                byte[] encodedData = encoder.GetBytes(postData);
                authRequest.ContentLength = encodedData.Length;

                Stream requestStream = authRequest.GetRequestStream();
                requestStream.Write(encodedData, 0, encodedData.Length);
                authResponse = authRequest.GetResponse();
                response     = authResponse as HttpWebResponse;
            catch (WebException e)
                response = e.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                if (response == null)
                    Tracing.TraceMsg("QueryAuthtoken failed " + e.Status + " " + e.Message);

            if (response != null)
                // check the content type, it must be text
                if (!response.ContentType.StartsWith(HttpFormPost.ReturnContentType))
                    throw new GDataRequestException("Execution of authentication request returned unexpected content type: " + response.ContentType, response);

                TokenCollection tokens = Utilities.ParseStreamInTokenCollection(response.GetResponseStream());
                authToken = Utilities.FindToken(tokens, GoogleAuthentication.AuthToken);

                if (authToken == null)
                    throw Utilities.getAuthException(tokens, response);

                // failsafe. if getAuthException did not catch an error...
                int code = (int)response.StatusCode;
                if (code != 200)
                    throw new GDataRequestException("Execution of authentication request returned unexpected result: " + code, response);

            Tracing.Assert(authToken != null, "did not find an auth token in QueryAuthToken");
            if (authResponse != null)
