예제 #1
        //// <summary>
        /// Gets the message renderer for <c>InspectorItemRenderer</c> with the attribute MessageAttribute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The message renderer created to render MessageAttribute in the inspector.</returns>
        /// <param name="renderer">An item renderer.</param>
        /// <param name="contextRenderer">The context in which the renderer is rendered.</param>
        public static MessageRenderer[] GetMessageRenderers(InspectorItemRenderer renderer, FullObjectRenderer contextRenderer)
            List <MessageRenderer> result = new List <MessageRenderer>();

            object caller             = null;
            object classFieldBelongTo = null;

            FullObjectRenderer.GetContextualObjects(renderer, contextRenderer, out caller, out classFieldBelongTo);

            MessageAttribute[] messageAttributes = AttributeHelper.GetAttributes <MessageAttribute>(renderer.entityInfo);
            if (messageAttributes != null)
                foreach (MessageAttribute messageAttribute in messageAttributes)
                    result.Add(new MessageRenderer(messageAttribute, caller, classFieldBelongTo, contextRenderer.renderers.ToArray()));

예제 #2
        static private Type GetDefaultRendererTypeForField(FieldInfo fieldInfo)
            Type result = null;

            IEnumerable <Type> collection = Utils.FindSubClassesOf <InspectorItemRenderer>();

            foreach (Type inspectorItemRendererType in collection)
                RenderTypeAttribute[] renderTypeAttributes = AttributeHelper.GetAttributes <RenderTypeAttribute>(inspectorItemRendererType);
                if (renderTypeAttributes != null)
                    foreach (RenderTypeAttribute renderTypeAttribute in renderTypeAttributes)
                        if (fieldInfo.FieldType == renderTypeAttribute.type || renderTypeAttribute.type.IsAssignableFrom(fieldInfo.FieldType))
                            result = inspectorItemRendererType;

            if (result == null && FieldInfoHelper.HasSerializableAttribute(fieldInfo.FieldType))
                result = typeof(SerializedFieldRenderer);

            if (result == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("The field '" + fieldInfo.Name + "' does not fit any renderer. If you want this type of field to be rendered, ensure that " +
                                 "a class inheriting from InspectorItemRenderer have the attribute RenderType with the type of the field as argument OR " +
                                 "add [Inspector(rendererType = \" class name of the renderer to use\" on top of the field, Ex : [Inspector(rendererType = \"SerializedFieldRenderer\"].");
