public static string AuthPastebin(int errorcode) { CREDUI_INFO credui = new CREDUI_INFO(); credui.pszCaptionText = "Log in to"; credui.pszMessageText = "If you don't got a account, create one at"; credui.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(credui); uint authPackage = 0; IntPtr outCredBuffer = new IntPtr(); uint outCredSize; bool save = false; int result = CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials(ref credui, errorcode, ref authPackage, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out outCredBuffer, out outCredSize, ref save, 1); var usernameBuf = new StringBuilder(100); var passwordBuf = new StringBuilder(100); var domainBuf = new StringBuilder(100); int maxUserName = 100; int maxDomain = 100; int maxPassword = 100; if (result == 0) { if (CredUnPackAuthenticationBuffer(0, outCredBuffer, outCredSize, usernameBuf, ref maxUserName, domainBuf, ref maxDomain, passwordBuf, ref maxPassword)) { //clear the memory allocated by CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials CoTaskMemFree(outCredBuffer); using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { errorcode = 0; NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection(); nvc.Add("api_dev_key", Core.ApiKeys.Pastebin); nvc.Add("api_user_name", usernameBuf.ToString()); nvc.Add("api_user_password", passwordBuf.ToString()); ProgressDialog diag = new ProgressDialog(IntPtr.Zero); diag.Line1 = "Authenticating with pastebin..."; diag.Line2 = "EasyCapture is contacting the third party pastebin server..."; diag.Line3 = " "; diag.Title = "EasyCapture"; diag.Maximum = 1; diag.CancelMessage = "Trying to stop...."; diag.ShowDialog(); diag.Value = 1337; //will create desired marquee effect string resp = ""; try { resp = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(wc.UploadValues(new Uri(""), nvc)); } catch (Exception z) { Out.WriteError(z.ToString()); resp = "Bad API request, EC Network error"; } diag.CloseDialog(); if (!diag.HasUserCancelled) { Out.WriteLine("Pastebin auth server returned: " + resp); if (resp.StartsWith("Bad API request")) { switch (resp) { case "Bad API request, invalid login": errorcode = 1326; break; case "Bad API request, account not active": errorcode = 1331; break; default: errorcode = 59; break; } return AuthPastebin(errorcode); } else { TaskDialog.Show("Your pastebin account has been successfully saved", "Authorization succeeded", "Yay!"); return Crypto.EncryptStringAES(resp, Core.Secret); } } else return ""; } } else errorcode = 1359; //an internal error occured } return ""; }
public static string[] AuthEasyCapture(int errorcode) { CREDUI_INFO credui = new CREDUI_INFO(); credui.pszCaptionText = "Log in to"; credui.pszMessageText = "If you don't got a account, create one at"; credui.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(credui); uint authPackage = 0; IntPtr outCredBuffer = new IntPtr(); uint outCredSize; bool save = false; int result = CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials(ref credui, errorcode, ref authPackage, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out outCredBuffer, out outCredSize, ref save, 1); var usernameBuf = new StringBuilder(100); var passwordBuf = new StringBuilder(100); var domainBuf = new StringBuilder(100); int maxUserName = 100; int maxDomain = 100; int maxPassword = 100; if (result == 0) { if (CredUnPackAuthenticationBuffer(0, outCredBuffer, outCredSize, usernameBuf, ref maxUserName, domainBuf, ref maxDomain, passwordBuf, ref maxPassword)) { //clear the memory allocated by CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials CoTaskMemFree(outCredBuffer); using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { errorcode = 0; ProgressDialog diag = new ProgressDialog(IntPtr.Zero); diag.Line1 = "Authenticating with"; diag.Line2 = "EasyCapture is contacting the EasyCapture server..."; diag.Line3 = " "; diag.Title = "EasyCapture"; diag.Maximum = 1; diag.CancelMessage = "Trying to stop...."; diag.ShowDialog(); diag.Value = 1337; //will create desired marquee effect string resp = ""; try { resp = wc.DownloadString(new Uri(string.Format("{0}/{1}", usernameBuf.ToString(), passwordBuf.ToString()))); ; } catch (Exception z) { Out.WriteError(z.ToString()); resp = "Bad API request, EC Network error"; } diag.CloseDialog(); if (!diag.HasUserCancelled) { Out.WriteLine("EasyCapture auth server returned: " + resp); JObject o = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resp); dynamic json = new JsonObject(o); if (Convert.ToBoolean(json.error)) { if (json.message == "Username/Password not found") return AuthEasyCapture(1326); else return AuthEasyCapture(59); } else { TaskDialog.Show("Your account has been successfully saved", "Authorization succeeded", "Yay!"); return new string[] { Crypto.EncryptStringAES(json.userkey, Core.Secret), json.username }; } } else return new string[] { "", "" }; } } else errorcode = 1359; //an internal error occured } return new string[] { "", "" }; }
static void doDiag(object b) { diag = new ProgressDialog(IntPtr.Zero); diag.Line1 = "Uploading sound to the cloud..."; diag.Line2 = "Uploading raw sound to the cloud..."; diag.Line3 = "Connecting... "; diag.CancelMessage = "Trying to abort upload"; diag.Title = "EasyCapture"; diag.ShowDialog(); }
/*public static string AuthImgur() { var oauth = new Manager(); oauth["consumer_key"] = Core.ApiKeys.Imgur.Key; oauth["consumer_secret"] = Core.ApiKeys.Imgur.Secret; oauth.AcquireRequestToken("", "POST"); ImgurAuth imgur = new ImgurAuth(new Uri("" + oauth["token"])); imgur.ShowDialog(); printTokenInfo(oauth); if( != string.Empty) oauth.AcquireAccessToken("", "GET",; printTokenInfo(oauth); return oauth["token"] + "|" + oauth["token_secret"]; }*/ public static string AuthImgur(int errorcode) { CREDUI_INFO credui = new CREDUI_INFO(); credui.pszCaptionText = "Log in to"; credui.pszMessageText = "If you don't got a account, create one at"; credui.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(credui); uint authPackage = 0; IntPtr outCredBuffer = new IntPtr(); uint outCredSize; bool save = false; int result = CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials(ref credui, errorcode, ref authPackage, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out outCredBuffer, out outCredSize, ref save, 1); var usernameBuf = new StringBuilder(100); var passwordBuf = new StringBuilder(100); var domainBuf = new StringBuilder(100); int maxUserName = 100; int maxDomain = 100; int maxPassword = 100; if (result == 0) { if (CredUnPackAuthenticationBuffer(0, outCredBuffer, outCredSize, usernameBuf, ref maxUserName, domainBuf, ref maxDomain, passwordBuf, ref maxPassword)) { //clear the memory allocated by CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials CoTaskMemFree(outCredBuffer); HttpWebRequest wc = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(new Uri("")); wc.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11"; wc.Referer = ""; errorcode = 0; NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection(); nvc.Add("username", usernameBuf.ToString()); nvc.Add("password", passwordBuf.ToString()); nvc.Add("remember", "remember"); nvc.Add("Submit", "Sign in"); ProgressDialog diag = new ProgressDialog(IntPtr.Zero); diag.Line1 = "Authenticating with imgur..."; diag.Line2 = "EasyCapture is contacting the third party imgur server..."; diag.Line3 = " "; diag.Title = "EasyCapture"; diag.Maximum = 1; diag.CancelMessage = "Trying to stop...."; diag.ShowDialog(); diag.Value = 1337; //will create desired marquee effect string resp = ""; HttpWebResponse web = null; var parameters = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string key in nvc) { parameters.AppendFormat("{0}={1}&", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(key), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(nvc[key])); } parameters.Length -= 1; wc.Method = "POST"; wc.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; wc.AllowAutoRedirect = false; using (var writer = new StreamWriter(wc.GetRequestStream())) { writer.Write(parameters.ToString()); } try { List<byte> buffer = new List<byte>(); web = (HttpWebResponse)wc.GetResponse(); Stream req = web.GetResponseStream(); while (true) { int bt = req.ReadByte(); if (bt == -1) break; buffer.Add((byte)bt); } resp = Encoding.Default.GetString(buffer.ToArray()); } catch (Exception z) { Out.WriteError(z.ToString()); resp = ""; } CookieContainer cc = new CookieContainer(); string gh = web.Headers["Set-Cookie"]; cc.SetCookies(new Uri(""), web.Headers["Set-Cookie"]); bool loc = true; try { if (web.GetResponseHeader("Location") == string.Empty) throw new Exception("Woops"); } catch { loc = false; } finally { if (loc) { HttpWebRequest web2 = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(web.GetResponseHeader("Location"))); web2.Method = "GET"; web2.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11"; web2.Referer = ""; web2.Headers.Set("Cookie", cc.GetCookieHeader(new Uri(""))); try { Out.WriteDebug("Alternative cookie header: "+ ((HttpWebResponse)web2.GetResponse()).GetResponseHeader("Set-Cookie")); } catch { Out.WriteError("No new cookies"); } } } diag.CloseDialog(); if (!diag.HasUserCancelled) { if (resp.Contains("Your login information was incorrect")) { errorcode = 1326; return AuthImgur(errorcode); } else { TaskDialog.Show("Your imgur account has been successfully saved", "Authorization succeeded", "Yay!"); string header = cc.GetCookieHeader(new Uri("")); //wc.Headers.Add("Cookie", cc.GetCookieHeader(new Uri(""))); //string aa = wc.DownloadString(""); return Crypto.EncryptStringAES(header, Core.Secret); } } else return ""; } else errorcode = 1359; //an internal error occured } return ""; }
void checkProgress(object arg) { while (!done) { if (waitz == 10) { //1 SECOND?! ACTIVATE PROGRESS DIALOG! diag = new ProgressDialog(IntPtr.Zero); diag.Line1 = "Uploading your picture..."; diag.Line2 = "Uploading your picture takes longer than expected...."; diag.Title = "EasyCapture"; diag.Maximum = 100; diag.CancelMessage = "Trying to stop...."; diag.ShowDialog(); Out.WriteLine("Uploading takes longer then 1 second. Activating progress dialog"); } Out.WriteDebug(string.Format("checkProgress TICK | {0}% | {1}B/{2}B", progress, bytes, totalbytes)); if (diag != null) { diag.Value = Convert.ToUInt32(progress); diag.Line3 = bytes + "/" + totalbytes; if (diag.HasUserCancelled) { cancel = true; wc.CancelAsync(); //Thread.Sleep(1500); Invoke(new ECHandler(Close)); diag.CloseDialog(); } } waitz++; Thread.Sleep(100); } if (diag != null) diag.CloseDialog(); UploadFileCompletedEventArgs e = args; UploadValuesCompletedEventArgs c = args1; if (exception != null) { if (!cancel) { Exception z = exception; if (TaskDialog.IsPlatformSupported) { TaskDialog dialog = new TaskDialog(); dialog.InstructionText = z.Message; dialog.DetailsExpandedText = z.ToString(); dialog.Text = "There was an error while uploading your picture :(\r\nPlease click 'More Details' for more information.\r\nIf you keep getting this error please contact [email protected]"; dialog.Caption = "Upload failed :("; dialog.Icon = TaskDialogStandardIcon.Error; dialog.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show(z.ToString(), z.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } Invoke(new ECHandler(Close)); } } else { if (e != null) DATAZ = e.Result; else DATAZ = c.Result; Invoke(new ECHandler(Close)); } }