public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { var mapView = base.OnCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState); try { // tags: GoogleMapCompass (id 4) // GoogleMapMyLocationButton var compassView = mapView.FindViewWithTag("GoogleMapCompass"); ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup)compassView.Parent; RelativeLayout.LayoutParams rlp = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)compassView.LayoutParameters; // position on top right rlp.AddRule(LayoutRules.AlignParentEnd); rlp.RemoveRule(LayoutRules.AlignParentStart); rlp.RightMargin = (int)LayoutHelper.ConvertDpToPixel(20); rlp.TopMargin = (int)LayoutHelper.ConvertDpToPixel(155); compassView.RequestLayout(); // listen to click on compass to stop compass mode compassView.SetOnClickListener(new CompassClickListener()); //ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup)mapView.FindViewWithTag("GoogleMapMyLocationButton").Parent; //for (int i = 0, n = parent.ChildCount; i < n; i++) //{ // View view = parent.GetChildAt(i); // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(i); // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(view.Tag); // RelativeLayout.LayoutParams rlp = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)view.LayoutParameters; // // position on top right // rlp.AddRule(LayoutRules.AlignParentLeft, 0); // rlp.AddRule(LayoutRules.AlignParentTop,0); // rlp.AddRule(LayoutRules.AlignParentRight); // rlp.AddRule(LayoutRules.AlignParentBottom); // rlp.RightMargin = rlp.LeftMargin; // rlp.TopMargin = 25; // view.RequestLayout(); //} } catch { // ignore } // enable a way to detect when the user is actually moving the map to unstick to the current user location for instance touchView = new TouchableWrapper(CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity); touchView.AddView(mapView); return(touchView); }
/// <summary> /// Helper method to provide the corresponding Icon for a station /// </summary> /// <param name=""></param> /// <returns></returns> public BitmapDescriptor CreateStationIcon(Station station) { Bitmap bitmap = null; var value = _settingsService.Settings.IsBikeMode ? station.AvailableBikes : station.AvailableBikeStands; var printedValue = value.HasValue ? value.Value.ToString() : string.Empty; if (!station.Loaded) { printedValue = string.Empty; bitmap = _iconGreyLowAlpha; bitmap = bitmap.Copy(bitmap.GetConfig(), true); } else if (station.Status == false) { printedValue = "!"; bitmap = _iconGrey; bitmap = bitmap.Copy(bitmap.GetConfig(), true); } else if (station.ImageAvailable != null || station.ImageDocks != null) { if (_metrics == null) { _metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); (CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity as MainActivity).WindowManager.DefaultDisplay.GetMetrics(_metrics); } bitmap = _iconGrey; bitmap = bitmap.Copy(bitmap.GetConfig(), true); try { var data = (byte[])(_settingsService.Settings.IsBikeMode ? station.ImageAvailable : station.ImageDocks); var gifDecoder = new GifDecoder();; if (gifDecoder.getFrameCount() != 0) { gifDecoder.advance(); var bmp = gifDecoder.getNextFrame(); var canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); int width = bmp.Width; int height = bmp.Height; float scaleWidth = _metrics.ScaledDensity; float scaleHeight = _metrics.ScaledDensity; // create a matrix for the scaling manipulation Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); // resize the bitmap matrix.PostScale(scaleWidth, scaleHeight); // recreate the new Bitmap var resizedBitmap = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(bmp, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, true); int xPos = canvas.Width / 2 - resizedBitmap.Width / 2; int yPos = canvas.Height / 2 - resizedBitmap.Height; canvas.DrawBitmap(resizedBitmap, xPos, yPos, null); } } catch (System.Exception e) { } } else { if (value == 0) { bitmap = _iconRed; } else if (value < 5) { bitmap = _iconOrange; } else if (value >= 5) { bitmap = _iconGreen; } else { printedValue = "?"; bitmap = _iconGrey; } } if (printedValue != string.Empty) { bitmap = bitmap.Copy(bitmap.GetConfig(), true); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); int xPos = (canvas.Width / 2); int yPos = (int)((canvas.Height / 2) - ((_textPaint.Descent() + _textPaint.Ascent()) / 2)); canvas.DrawText(printedValue, xPos + 1, yPos - LayoutHelper.ConvertDpToPixel(6), _textPaint); } var icon = BitmapDescriptorFactory.FromBitmap(bitmap); bitmap.Recycle(); return(icon); }