예제 #1
파일: Main.cs 프로젝트: zhf/EarningsPattern
 void pattern_OnMonthlyReport(Report r)
     ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(r.MonthID.ToString());
     if (r.ProductKind >= 0)
     item.SubItems.Add(String.Format("{0:C}", r.MonthlyCost));
     item.SubItems.Add(String.Format("{0:C}", r.MonthlyRevenue));
     item.SubItems.Add(String.Format("{0:C}", r.Balance)).ForeColor = r.Balance > 0 ? SystemColors.WindowText : Color.Red;
예제 #2
 //public void Run()
 //    //GrowHistory.Clear();
 //    Company company = new Company();
 //    company.SafeMode = false;
 //    //GrowHistory.Push(company);
 //    //TryGrowNextMonth();
 //    for (int i = 0; i <= nMonthsToRun; i++)
 //    {
 //        Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("-------------------- MonthID = {0:D}, {1:S}", i, "Grow Mode"));
 //        company.MonthID = i; // This state would not raise error since it's been test-driven or it's pre-defined
 //        Company lastGoodState = CloneCompanyState(company);
 //        int n = GetPredefindedResults(i);
 //        if (n < 0)
 //        {
 //            n = 0;
 //            bool successfullyDrived;
 //            var snapshot = CloneCompanyState(company);
 //            do
 //            {
 //                //lastState = CloneCompanyState(company);
 //                if (n != 0)
 //                {
 //                    company.CreateNewProducts(ProductKind.Classic);
 //                }
 //                successfullyDrived = TestDrive(company);
 //                if (successfullyDrived)
 //                {
 //                    lastGoodState = CloneCompanyState(company);
 //                    company = CloneCompanyState(snapshot); // Reset the state
 //                    n++;
 //                }
 //            } while (successfullyDrived);
 //            n--;
 //            company = CloneCompanyState(lastGoodState);
 //            if (n < 0) throw new Exception("Bad model");
 //        }
 //        else
 //        {
 //            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
 //            {
 //                if (j == 1)
 //                {
 //                    company.CreateNewProducts(ProductKind.Classic);
 //                }
 //                lastGoodState = CloneCompanyState(company);
 //            }
 //        }
 //        NotifyMonthDone(i, n, lastGoodState);
 //    }
 //bool TestDrive(Company company)
 //    Company cs = CloneCompanyState(company);
 //    //if (!company.SafeMode)
 //    //{
 //    //    SafeHistory.Clear();
 //    //    SafeHistory.Push(CloneCompanyState(company));
 //    //}
 //    //cs = SafeHistory.Peek();
 //    cs.SafeMode = true;
 //    return TestNextMonth(cs) == TestResult.Okay;
 //enum TestResult { Okay, SafeMode, InsufficientFunds, NoStaff }
 //TestResult TestNextMonth(Company cs)
 //    //Company cs = SafeHistory.Peek();
 //    int i = cs.MonthID;
 //    i++;
 //    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("-------------------- MonthID = {0:D}, {1:S}", i, "Safe Mode"));
 //    try
 //    {
 //        cs.MonthID = i;
 //        if (i >= nMonthsToRun)
 //        {
 //            Debug.WriteLine("Test ended successfully.");
 //            return TestResult.Okay;
 //        }
 //    }
 //    catch (MyException ex)
 //    {
 //        //SafeHistory.Pop();
 //        if (ex is SafeModeException) return TestResult.SafeMode;
 //        else
 //            if (ex is InsufficientFundsException) return TestResult.InsufficientFunds;
 //            else
 //                if (ex is NoStaffException) return TestResult.NoStaff;
 //                else
 //                    throw;
 //    }
 //    if (i <= nMonthsToRun - 1)
 //    {
 //        TestResult testResult;
 //        int n = 0;
 //        var snapshot = CloneCompanyState(cs);
 //        //Company lastState;
 //        TestResult lastResult = TestResult.Okay;
 //        do
 //        {
 //            //lastState = CloneCompanyState(cs);
 //            //SafeHistory.Push(CloneCompanyState(cs));
 //            if (n == 1)
 //                cs.CreateNewProducts(ProductKind.Classic);
 //            testResult = TestNextMonth(cs);
 //            switch (testResult)
 //            {
 //                case TestResult.Okay:
 //                    {
 //                        return TestResult.Okay;
 //                    }
 //                case TestResult.InsufficientFunds:
 //                    {
 //                        if (lastResult == TestResult.SafeMode)
 //                        {
 //                            return TestResult.InsufficientFunds;
 //                        }
 //                        else
 //                        {
 //                            cs = CloneCompanyState(snapshot);
 //                            n++;
 //                            lastResult = TestResult.InsufficientFunds;
 //                            break;
 //                        }
 //                    }
 //                case TestResult.SafeMode:
 //                    {
 //                        if (lastResult == TestResult.InsufficientFunds)
 //                        {
 //                            return TestResult.SafeMode;
 //                        }
 //                        else
 //                        {
 //                            cs = CloneCompanyState(snapshot);
 //                            n--;
 //                            lastResult = TestResult.SafeMode;
 //                            if (n < 0) return TestResult.SafeMode;
 //                            break;
 //                        }
 //                    }
 //                case TestResult.NoStaff:
 //                    {
 //                        return TestResult.NoStaff;
 //                    }
 //                default:
 //                    {
 //                        Debug.Assert(false);
 //                        break;
 //                    }
 //            }
 //        } while (true);
 //        //n--;
 //    }
 //    else return TestNextMonth(cs);
 //public override void NextMonth()
 //    Debug.WriteLine("--------------------");
 //    Debug.WriteLine("MonthID = " + MonthID.ToString());
 //    Debug.WriteLine("Plan to create " + actions[MonthID].ToString() + " project(s).");
 //    if (actions[MonthID] < 0) throw new ApplicationException("action failed.");
 //    projectCreatedThisMonth = 0;
 //    Employees.MonthID = MonthID;
 //    BusinessCycles.MonthID = MonthID;
 //    Accounting.MonthID = MonthID;
 //    Debug.WriteLine("Totally " + projectCreatedThisMonth.ToString() + " project(s) created this month.");
 //    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("nEmployees = {0:D}, nProjects = {1:D}, nProducts = {2:D}", Employees.GetNumOfEmployees(), BusinessCycles.NumberOfProjects, BusinessCycles.NumberOfProducts));
 void NotifyMonthDone(int iMonth, int ProductKind, Company companyState)
     Report r = new Report();
     r.MonthID = iMonth;
     r.nEmployees = companyState.NumberOfEmployees;
     r.nIdle = companyState.NumberOfIdleStaffs;
     r.ProductKind = ProductKind;
     r.nProjects = companyState.NumberOfProjects;
     r.nProducts = companyState.NumberOfProducts;
     r.MonthlyCost = companyState.Accounting.MonthlyCost / 10000;
     r.MonthlyRevenue = companyState.Accounting.MonthlyRevenue / 10000;
     r.Balance = companyState.Accounting.Balance / 10000;