public static void makeSurfaceOX() { bool boolFirstPass = false; timeBeg = DateTime.Now; Layer.manageLayers("SG-BRKLINE"); Layer.manageLayers("_YY-BLDG LIM"); SelectionSet objSSetBLDG_LIM = EW_Utility1.buildSSetBLDG_LIM(); //get _YY-BLDG LIM(s) SelectionSet objSSetFLOOR_SLAB = EW_Utility1.buildSSetFLOOR_SLAB(); //get _XX-FLOOR SLAB(s) if (objSSetBLDG_LIM.Count == 0) { // For i = 0 To objSSetFLOOR_SLAB.Count - 1 // // Set objFLOORSLAB = objSSetFLOOR_SLAB.Item(i) // strLayer = objFLOORSLAB.Layer // // objFLOORSLAB.Closed = False // Call forceClosed(objFLOORSLAB) // // varXDataVal = Empty // objFLOORSLAB.getXdata "OX", varXDataType, varXDataVal // // If Not IsEmpty(varXDataVal) Then // intBldgNo = varXDataVal(1) // Else // intBldgNo = i // End If // // Set objBldgOX2 = getBldgOX2(objFLOORSLAB, intBldgNo, "MAKE", strLayer) 'get BLDG OX limits // objBldgOX2.color = acMagenta // objBldgOX2.Lineweight = acLnWt100 // // If i = 0 Then // boolFirstPass = True // Else // boolFirstPass = False // End If // // Call modAdjacentAreas_Subtract(objBldgOX2, boolFirstPass) 'get modified areas adjacent to BLDG OX limits // // Next i Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.ShowAlertDialog("There are Zero BLDG LIMs - there needs to be one BLDG LIM for each Building. Exiting..."); return; //BLDG LIM exists } else { color = Misc.getColorByBlock(6); ObjectId[] ids = objSSetBLDG_LIM.GetObjectIds(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++) { string strLayer = EW_Build3dPoly.getBldgLayer(ids[i]); //FOR EACH BLDG LIM GET CORRESPONDING FLOOR SLAB //as is will return last bldg area inside BLDG LIM if more than one FLOOR SLAB ObjectId idBldgOX2 = EW_GetBldgOX2.getBldgOX2(ids[i], 1, "MADE", strLayer); //get BLDG OX limits if ((idBldgOX2 == ObjectId.Null)) { return; } idBldgOX2.changeProp(LineWeight.LineWeight100, color); if (i == 0) { boolFirstPass = true; //FOR MULTIPLE BUILDINGS } else { boolFirstPass = false; } EW_ModAdjacentAreas.modAdjacentAreas_Subtract(idBldgOX2, boolFirstPass); //build modified areas adjacent to BLDG OX limits } // If objSSetBLDG_LIM.Count <> objSSetFLOOR_SLAB.Count Then // MsgBox "Number of Building Limit not equal to Number of FLOOR SLAB" // End If } SelectionSet ss = EW_Utility1.buildSSet22(); //OX-LIM-OUTER ObjectId[] idsOX_LIM_OUTER = ss.GetObjectIds(); for (int i = 0; i < idsOX_LIM_OUTER.Length; i++) { ObjectId idBldgOX2 = idsOX_LIM_OUTER[i]; Point3dCollection varPnts3d = idBldgOX2.getCoordinates3d(); ss = EW_Utility1.buildSSet21(varPnts3d); //get OX-AREAS-2d - inside OX limit for removal ObjectId[] idsAreas = ss.GetObjectIds(); for (int j = 0; j < idsAreas.Length; j++) { idsAreas[j].changeProp(LineWeight.LineWeight050,; idsAreas[j].delete(); //delete areas inside OX-LIM-OUTER } } ss = EW_Utility1.buildSSet19(); //get OX-AREAS-2d - select all ObjectId[] idsOX_AREAS_2d = ss.GetObjectIds(); for (int i = 0; i < idsOX_AREAS_2d.Length; i++) { ObjectId idLWPlineT = idsOX_AREAS_2d[i]; idLWPlineT.changeProp(LineWeight.LineWeight000, clr.wht); ResultBuffer rb = idLWPlineT.getXData("OX-Layer"); if (rb == null) { continue; } string strLayer = rb.AsArray()[1].Value.ToString(); color = Misc.getColorByBlock(140); ObjectId idLWPlineX = idLWPlineT.offset(-0.05); if (idLWPlineX == ObjectId.Null) { idLWPlineT.changeProp(LineWeight.LineWeight200, color); continue; } else { idLWPlineX.changeProp(LineWeight.LineWeight100, clr.mag); idLWPlineT.delete(); if (!offsetSegments("SG", "OX", idLWPlineX, strLayer)) { return; } } } viewResults("OX", true); if (!pub.boolDebug) { ss = EW_Utility1.buildSSetOX2d(); ss.eraseSelectedItems(); } ss = EW_Utility1.buildSSetLinesLayer0(); ss.eraseSelectedItems(); }
public static bool offsetSegments(string strSurfaceName, string strSurfaceNameX, ObjectId idLWPlineX, string varLayerName = "") { double dblZOff = 0; int intCase1 = 0, intCase2_1 = 0, intCase2_2 = 0, intCase2_3 = 0, intCase2_4 = 0, intCase2_5 = 0, intCase2_6 = 0, intCase2_7 = 0; int intCase2_8 = 0, intCase5_1 = 0, intCase5_2 = 0, intCase5_3 = 0, intCase5_4 = 0, intCase5_5 = 0, intCase8_5 = 0, intCase11 = 0; TinSurface objSurfaceSG = null; if (strSurfaceName == "SG") { objSurfaceSG = Surf.getTinSurface("SG", out exists); if ((objSurfaceSG == null)) { Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.ShowAlertDialog("Surface SG missing - exiting routine"); return(false); } } ObjectId id3dBrkP = ObjectId.Null, idTextB = ObjectId.Null, idTextE = ObjectId.Null; string strLayerName = varLayerName; ObjectId id3dBndry = EW_Build3dPoly.buildArea3dLimit(idLWPlineX, strSurfaceName, strSurfaceNameX, strLayerName); //returns 3D poly with surface elevations, endPnt = begPnt if (id3dBndry == ObjectId.Null) { return(false); } string strHandle = idLWPlineX.getHandle().ToString(); string strLayer = idLWPlineX.getLayer(); if (varLayerName == "") { dblZOff = EW_Utility1.getDepth(strLayer, strSurfaceNameX); //get depth for area } else { if (!varLayerName.Contains("_OX-AREA-")) { dblZOff = EW_Utility1.getDepth(varLayerName, strSurfaceNameX); } else { dblZOff = double.Parse(varLayerName.Substring(10)); } } Point3d pnt3d0 = new Point3d(0, 0, 0); Point3d pnt3dX = new Point3d(0, 0, -dblZOff); id3dBndry.moveObj(pnt3d0, pnt3dX); if (idLWPlineX == ObjectId.Null) { MessageBox.Show("idLWPlineX is null"); } List <Point3d> varPnts3dBndry0z = idLWPlineX.getCoordinates3dList(); idLWPlineX.delete(); List <Point3d> varPnts3dBndry0zForInt = varPnts3dBndry0z; varPnts3dBndry0zForInt.RemoveAt(varPnts3dBndry0z.Count - 1); //remove endPnt ==>> endPnt <> begPnt if (strSurfaceName == "CPNT-ON") { strLayerName = "CPNT-BRKLINE"; } else { strLayerName = string.Format("{0}-BRKLINE", strSurfaceName); } ObjectIdCollection ids = null; if (pub.boolDebug) { escape = Select.getSelSetFromUser(out ids); } else { ss = EW_Utility1.buildSSetCPNT_ON_SEGMENTS(strLayerName, varPnts3dBndry0z); //select triangle segments (3dPolylines) by polygon crossing } if (ss == null) { return(false); } ObjectId[] idsSegments = ss.GetObjectIds(); TypedValue[] tvs = new TypedValue[3] { new TypedValue(1001, "makeBOT"), new TypedValue(1000, varLayerName), new TypedValue(1000, "BRKLINES") }; for (int j = 0; j < idsSegments.Length; j++) { strLayer = string.Format("{0}-BRKLINE", strSurfaceNameX); ObjectId id = idsSegments[j]; ObjectId idBrk = ObjectId.Null; Entity ent = id.getEnt(); if (ent.GetType() == typeof(PolylineVertex3d)) { idBrk = id.getOwnerOfVertex2d3d(); } else if (ent.GetType() == typeof(Polyline3d)) { idBrk = id; } //ent = idBrk.getEnt(); //MessageBox.Show(ent.GetType().ToString()); ObjectId id3dBrkX = idBrk.copy(strLayer); //ent = id3dBrkX.getEnt(); //MessageBox.Show(ent.GetType().ToString()); id3dBrkX.moveObj(pnt3d0, pnt3dX); //move copy of triangle edge based on vertical offset id3dBrkX.changeProp(clr.byl, strLayer); //ent = id3dBrkX.getEnt(); //MessageBox.Show(ent.GetType().ToString()); List <Point3d> varPnts3d = id3dBrkX.getCoordinates3dList(); Point3d dblPntBeg = varPnts3d[0]; Point3d dblPntEnd = varPnts3d[1]; //end point of triangle edge (3dPoly segment) if (pub.boolDebug) { idTextB = Txt.addText("B", dblPntBeg, 0, AttachmentPoint.BottomLeft); idTextB.changeProp(color, "DEBUG-0", LineWeight.LineWeight020); } if (pub.boolDebug) { idTextE = Txt.addText("E", dblPntBeg, 0, AttachmentPoint.BottomLeft); idTextE.changeProp(color, "DEBUG-0", LineWeight.LineWeight020); } //------------------------------------------------------------------test for intersection List <Point3d> dblPntInts = Geom.getPntInts(dblPntBeg, dblPntEnd, varPnts3dBndry0zForInt, false, extend.none); //------------------------------------------------------------------test for intersection bool boolAddEnt = false; bool boolBegOnSeg = false; bool boolEndOnSeg = false; bool boolBegIn = false; bool boolEndIn = false; int intUBnd = 0; switch ((int)(dblPntInts[0].X)) { case -1: intUBnd = -1; boolBegOnSeg = (dblPntBeg.isOn2dSegment(varPnts3dBndry0zForInt) == -1) ? false : true; boolEndOnSeg = (dblPntEnd.isOn2dSegment(varPnts3dBndry0zForInt) == -1) ? false : true; break; case -9: intUBnd = -9; boolBegOnSeg = true; boolEndOnSeg = true; break; default: intUBnd = dblPntInts.Count; boolBegOnSeg = (dblPntBeg.isOn2dSegment(varPnts3dBndry0zForInt) == -1) ? false : true; boolEndOnSeg = (dblPntEnd.isOn2dSegment(varPnts3dBndry0zForInt) == -1) ? false : true; break; } if (boolBegOnSeg == false) { boolBegIn = dblPntBeg.isInside(varPnts3dBndry0zForInt); } else { boolBegIn = true; } if (boolEndOnSeg == false) { boolEndIn = dblPntEnd.isInside(varPnts3dBndry0zForInt); } else { boolEndIn = true; } switch (intUBnd) { case -1: //Case -1 if (boolBegOnSeg & !boolEndIn) { boolAddEnt = false; } else if (boolEndOnSeg & !boolBegIn) { boolAddEnt = false; } else { boolAddEnt = true; intCase1 = intCase1 + 1; } break; case 1: //one intersection - one point inside and one outside //Case 2-1 if (boolBegOnSeg == true & boolEndOnSeg == true) { //both ends on the line //test midPoint to see if segment is inside or outside Point3d pnt3dMid = dblPntBeg.getMidPoint3d(dblPntEnd); //boolAddEnt = (pnt3dMid.isOn2dSegment(varPnts3dBndry0zForInt) == -1) ? true : false; boolAddEnt = pnt3dMid.isInside(varPnts3dBndry0zForInt); if (boolAddEnt) { intCase5_1 = intCase2_1 + 1; } //Case 2-2 } else if (boolBegOnSeg == true & boolEndIn == true) { boolAddEnt = true; intCase2_2 = intCase2_2 + 1; //Case 2-3 ??????????????????????????????????? } else if (boolBegOnSeg == true & boolEndIn == false) { if (dblPntInts[0].isOn2dSegment(varPnts3dBndry0zForInt) != -1) { dblPntEnd = dblPntInts[0]; double elev = EW_Utility2.getElev(dblPntEnd, id3dBndry); if (elev == 0 && strSurfaceName == "SG") { elev = objSurfaceSG.FindElevationAtXY(dblPntEnd.X, dblPntEnd.Y); } dblPntEnd = dblPntEnd.addElevation(elev); boolAddEnt = true; } else { boolAddEnt = false; intCase2_3 = intCase2_3 + 1; } //Case 2-4 } else if (boolEndOnSeg == true & boolBegIn == true) { boolAddEnt = true; intCase2_4 = intCase2_4 + 1; //Case 2-5 } else if (boolEndOnSeg == true & boolBegIn == false) { if (dblPntInts[0].isOn2dSegment(varPnts3dBndry0zForInt) != -1) { dblPntBeg = dblPntInts[0]; double elev = EW_Utility2.getElev(dblPntBeg, id3dBndry); if (elev == 0 && strSurfaceName == "SG") { elev = objSurfaceSG.FindElevationAtXY(dblPntBeg.X, dblPntBeg.Y); } dblPntBeg = dblPntBeg.addElevation(elev); boolAddEnt = true; } else { boolAddEnt = false; intCase2_5 = intCase2_5 + 1; } //Case 2-6 } else if (boolBegIn == true & boolEndIn == false) { dblPntEnd = dblPntInts[0]; double elev = EW_Utility2.getElev(dblPntEnd, id3dBndry); if (elev == 0 && strSurfaceName == "SG") { elev = objSurfaceSG.FindElevationAtXY(dblPntEnd.X, dblPntEnd.Y); } dblPntEnd = dblPntEnd.addElevation(elev); boolAddEnt = true; intCase2_6 = intCase2_6 + 1; //Case 2-7 } else if (boolBegIn == false & boolEndIn == true) { dblPntBeg = dblPntInts[0]; double elev = EW_Utility2.getElev(dblPntBeg, id3dBndry); if (elev == 0 && strSurfaceName == "SG") { elev = objSurfaceSG.FindElevationAtXY(dblPntBeg.X, dblPntBeg.Y); } dblPntBeg = dblPntBeg.addElevation(elev); boolAddEnt = true; intCase2_7 = intCase2_7 + 1; //Case2-8 } else if (boolBegIn == true & boolEndIn == true) { boolAddEnt = true; intCase2_8 = intCase2_8 + 1; } break; case 2: //Case 5-1 if (boolBegOnSeg == true & boolEndOnSeg == true) { //both ends on the line //test miPoint3d to see if segment is inside or outside Point3d pnt3dMid = dblPntBeg.getMidPoint3d(dblPntEnd); boolAddEnt = pnt3dMid.isInside(varPnts3dBndry0zForInt); if (boolAddEnt) { intCase5_1 = intCase5_1 + 1; } //Case 5-2 } else if (boolBegIn == false & boolEndIn == false) { dblPntBeg = dblPntInts[0]; double elev = EW_Utility2.getElev(dblPntBeg, id3dBndry); if (elev == 0 && strSurfaceName == "SG") { elev = objSurfaceSG.FindElevationAtXY(dblPntBeg.X, dblPntBeg.Y); } dblPntBeg = dblPntBeg.addElevation(elev); dblPntEnd = dblPntInts[1]; elev = EW_Utility2.getElev(dblPntEnd, id3dBndry); if (elev == 0 && strSurfaceName == "SG") { elev = objSurfaceSG.FindElevationAtXY(dblPntEnd.X, dblPntEnd.Y); } dblPntEnd = dblPntEnd.addElevation(elev); boolAddEnt = true; intCase5_2 = intCase5_2 + 1; //Case 5-3 } else if (boolBegOnSeg == true & boolEndIn == false) { dblPntBeg = dblPntInts[0]; double elev = EW_Utility2.getElev(dblPntBeg, id3dBndry); if (elev == 0 && strSurfaceName == "SG") { elev = objSurfaceSG.FindElevationAtXY(dblPntBeg.X, dblPntBeg.Y); } dblPntBeg = dblPntBeg.addElevation(elev); dblPntEnd = dblPntInts[1]; elev = EW_Utility2.getElev(dblPntEnd, id3dBndry); if (elev == 0 && strSurfaceName == "SG") { elev = objSurfaceSG.FindElevationAtXY(dblPntEnd.X, dblPntEnd.Y); } dblPntEnd = dblPntEnd.addElevation(elev); boolAddEnt = true; intCase5_3 = intCase5_3 + 1; //Case 5-4 } else if (boolEndOnSeg == true & boolBegIn == false) { dblPntBeg = dblPntInts[0]; double elev = EW_Utility2.getElev(dblPntBeg, id3dBndry); if (elev == 0 && strSurfaceName == "SG") { elev = objSurfaceSG.FindElevationAtXY(dblPntBeg.X, dblPntBeg.Y); } dblPntBeg = dblPntBeg.addElevation(elev); dblPntEnd = dblPntInts[1]; elev = EW_Utility2.getElev(dblPntEnd, id3dBndry); if (elev == 0 && strSurfaceName == "SG") { elev = objSurfaceSG.FindElevationAtXY(dblPntEnd.X, dblPntEnd.Y); } dblPntEnd = dblPntEnd.addElevation(elev); boolAddEnt = true; intCase5_4 = intCase5_4 + 1; //Case 5-5 } else if (boolBegIn == true & boolEndIn == true) { boolAddEnt = true; intCase5_5 = intCase5_5 + 1; } break; case 3: //Case 8 List <Point3d> dblPntInts_New = new List <Point3d>(); for (int s = dblPntInts.Count; s > 0; s--) { if (System.Math.Round(dblPntBeg.X, 3) == System.Math.Round(dblPntInts[s - 1].X, 3) && System.Math.Round(dblPntBeg.Y, 3) == System.Math.Round(dblPntInts[s - 1].Y, 3)) { dblPntInts.RemoveAt(s - 1); } } for (int s = dblPntInts.Count; s > 0; s--) { if (System.Math.Round(dblPntEnd.X, 3) == System.Math.Round(dblPntInts[s - 1].X, 3) && System.Math.Round(dblPntEnd.Y, 3) == System.Math.Round(dblPntInts[s - 1].Y, 3)) { dblPntInts.RemoveAt(s - 1); } } switch (dblPntInts.Count) { case 2: double dblDist1 = dblPntBeg.getDistance(dblPntInts[0]); double dblDist2 = dblPntBeg.getDistance(dblPntInts[1]); if (dblDist1 > dblDist2) { Point3d pnt3dTmp = dblPntInts[0]; dblPntInts[0] = dblPntInts[1]; dblPntInts[1] = pnt3dTmp; } Point3d dblPntMid = dblPntBeg + (dblPntInts[0] - dblPntBeg) / 2; if (dblPntMid.isInside(varPnts3dBndry0zForInt)) { Point3d dblPntInt = dblPntInts[0]; List <Point3d> dblPnts3dBrk = new List <Point3d>(); dblPnts3dBrk.Add(dblPntBeg); double elev = EW_Utility2.getElev(dblPntInt, id3dBndry); if (elev == 0.0 && strSurfaceName == "SG") { elev = objSurfaceSG.FindElevationAtXY(dblPntInt.X, dblPntInt.Y); } dblPntInt.addElevation(elev); dblPnts3dBrk.Add(dblPntInt); ObjectId id3dBrkXNew = Draw.addPoly3d(dblPnts3dBrk, strSurfaceNameX + "-BRKLINE"); id3dBrkXNew.changeProp(LineWeight.ByLayer, Color.FromColorIndex(ColorMethod.ByAci, 0)); id3dBrkXNew.setXData(tvs, "makeBOT"); intCase5_1 = intCase5_1 + 1; id3dBrkX.delete(); } dblPntMid = dblPntInts[1] + (dblPntEnd - dblPntInts[1]) / 2; if (dblPntMid.isInside(varPnts3dBndry0zForInt)) { Point3d dblPntInt = dblPntInts[1]; List <Point3d> dblPnts3dBrk = new List <Point3d>(); double elev = EW_Utility2.getElev(dblPntInt, id3dBndry); if (elev == 0.0 && strSurfaceName == "SG") { elev = objSurfaceSG.FindElevationAtXY(dblPntInt.X, dblPntInt.Y); } dblPntInt.addElevation(elev); dblPnts3dBrk.Add(dblPntInt); dblPnts3dBrk.Add(dblPntEnd); ObjectId id3dBrkXNew = Draw.addPoly3d(dblPnts3dBrk, strSurfaceNameX + "-BRKLINE"); id3dBrkXNew.changeProp(LineWeight.ByLayer, Color.FromColorIndex(ColorMethod.ByAci, 0)); id3dBrkXNew.setXData(tvs, "makeBOT"); intCase8_5 = intCase8_5 + 1; id3dBrkX.delete(); } break; case 3: break; } break; case 4: //Case 11 intCase11 = intCase11 + 1; break; case -9: boolAddEnt = false; break; } if (boolAddEnt == true) { id3dBrkX.delete(); id3dBrkP = Draw.addPoly3d(dblPntBeg, dblPntEnd, strLayer); id3dBrkP.setXData(tvs, "makeBOT"); if (pub.boolDebug) { id3dBrkX.changeProp(LineWeight.LineWeight200, clr.byl); id3dBrkP = id3dBrkX; } } else { // obj3dBrkX.Delete } if (pub.boolDebug) { idTextB.delete(); idTextE.delete(); ss = EW_Utility1.buildSSet7(); ss.eraseSelectedItems(); } } //Debug.Print "Case -1 " & intCase1 //Debug.Print "Case 2-1 " & intCase2_1 //Debug.Print "Case 2-2 " & intCase2_2 //Debug.Print "Case 2-3 " & intCase2_3 //Debug.Print "Case 2-4 " & intCase2_4 //Debug.Print "Case 2-5 " & intCase2_5 //Debug.Print "Case 2-6 " & intCase2_6 //Debug.Print "Case 2-7 " & intCase2_7 //Debug.Print "Case 2-8 " & intCase2_8 //Debug.Print "Case 5-1 " & intCase5_1 //Debug.Print "Case 5-2 " & intCase5_2 //Debug.Print "Case 5-3 " & intCase5_3 //Debug.Print "Case 5-4 " & intCase5_4 //Debug.Print "Case 5-5 " & intCase5_5 //Debug.Print "Case 8-5 " & intCase8_5 //Debug.Print "Case 8-8 " & intCase8_8 //Debug.Print "Case 11 " & intCase11 //Debug.Print "Total=" & intCase1 + intCase2_1 + intCase2_2 + intCase2_3 + intCase2_4 + intCase2_5 + intCase2_6 + _ //' intCase2_7 + intCase2_8 + intCase5_1 + intCase5_2 + intCase5_3 + intCase5_4 + intCase5_5 + _ //' intCase8_5 + intCase8_8 + intCase11 return(true); }
getBldgOX2(ObjectId idLWPline_LIM, int intBldgNo, string strOption, string strLayer) { bool exists; TinSurface surf = Surf.getTinSurface("CPNT-ON", out exists); TypedValue[] tvs = new TypedValue[3] { new TypedValue(1001, "OX"), new TypedValue(1000, intBldgNo), new TypedValue(1000, "OX0") }; Layer.manageLayers("OX-LIM-OUTER"); Layer.manageLayers("OX-AREAS-BLDG"); Layer.manageLayers("OX-AREAS-2d"); if (!idLWPline_LIM.isRightHand()) { idLWPline_LIM.reversePolyX(); } //BLDGOX0 Color color = Misc.getColorByBlock(7); ObjectId idBldgOX0 = ObjectId.Null; if (strOption == "MAKE") { Polyline objBldgOX0 = (Polyline)Misc.getBldgLimitsEW(idLWPline_LIM); //returns BldgOX0 2dPolyline idBldgOX0 = objBldgOX0.ObjectId; //outer limit of building footprint idBldgOX0.changeProp(color, "OX-AREAS-BLDG", LineWeight.LineWeight020); idBldgOX0.checkIfClosed(); if (!idBldgOX0.isRightHand()) { idBldgOX0.reversePolyX(); } idBldgOX0.setXData(tvs, "OX"); } else if (strOption == "MADE") { idBldgOX0 = idLWPline_LIM.copy("OX-AREAS-BLDG"); //limit of building footprint already made idBldgOX0.changeProp(color, "OX-AREAS-BLDG", LineWeight.LineWeight020); idBldgOX0.checkIfClosed(); if (!idBldgOX0.isRightHand()) { idBldgOX0.reversePolyX(); } idBldgOX0.setXData(tvs, "OX"); } //BLDGOX1 color = Misc.getColorByBlock(1); ObjectId idBldgOX1 = idBldgOX0.offset(EW_Pub.OX_LIMIT_H); //BldgOX1 2dPolyline idBldgOX1.changeProp(color, "OX-AREAS-BLDG", LineWeight.LineWeight020); //BLDGOX2 color = Misc.getColorByBlock(2); ObjectId idBldgOX2 = idBldgOX0.offset(EW_Pub.OX_LIMIT_H + 2); //BldgOX2 2dPolyline idBldgOX2.changeProp(color, "OX-LIM-OUTER", LineWeight.LineWeight020); SelectionSet objSSet = EW_Utility1.buildSSetGradingLim(); //GRADING LIMIT ObjectId idGradingLim = objSSet.GetObjectIds()[0]; int intSide = 0; if (idBldgOX1.isOutsideGradingLimit(idGradingLim)) { if (!idGradingLim.isRightHand()) { intSide = 1; } else { intSide = -1; } ObjectId idGradingLimOffset = idGradingLim.offset(0.2 * intSide); color = Misc.getColorByBlock(4); idGradingLimOffset.changeProp(LineWeight.LineWeight020, color); idBldgOX1 = EW_ModAdjacentAreas.modAdjacentOX_Intersect(idBldgOX1, idGradingLimOffset); //modified OX1 - portion was outside GRADING LIMIT color = Misc.getColorByBlock(1); idBldgOX1.changeProp(color, "OX-AREAS-BLDG", LineWeight.LineWeight020); tvs[2] = new TypedValue(1000, "OX1"); idBldgOX1.setXData(tvs, "OX"); idGradingLimOffset = idGradingLim.offset(0.1 * intSide); color = Misc.getColorByBlock(5); idGradingLimOffset.changeProp(LineWeight.LineWeight020, color); idBldgOX2 = EW_ModAdjacentAreas.modAdjacentOX_Intersect(idBldgOX2, idGradingLimOffset); //modified OX2 - portion was outside GRADING LIMIT color = Misc.getColorByBlock(2); idBldgOX2.changeProp(color, "OX-LIM-OUTER", LineWeight.LineWeight020); tvs[2] = new TypedValue(1000, "OX2"); idBldgOX2.setXData(tvs, "OX"); } else if (idBldgOX2.isOutsideGradingLimit(idGradingLim)) { if (!idGradingLim.isRightHand()) { intSide = 1; } else { intSide = -1; } ObjectId idGradingLimOffset = idGradingLim.offset(0.1 * intSide); color = Misc.getColorByBlock(4); idGradingLimOffset.changeProp(LineWeight.LineWeight020, color); idBldgOX2 = EW_ModAdjacentAreas.modAdjacentOX_Intersect(idBldgOX2, idGradingLimOffset); //modified OX2 - portion was outside GRADING LIMIT color = Misc.getColorByBlock(1); idBldgOX2.changeProp(color, "OX-AREAS-BLDG", LineWeight.LineWeight020); tvs[2] = new TypedValue(1000, "OX1"); idBldgOX1.setXData(tvs, "OX"); tvs[2] = new TypedValue(1000, "OX2"); idBldgOX2.setXData(tvs, "OX"); } else { tvs[2] = new TypedValue(1000, "OX1"); idBldgOX1.setXData(tvs, "OX"); tvs[2] = new TypedValue(1000, "OX2"); idBldgOX2.setXData(tvs, "OX"); } //BLDGOX3 ObjectId idBldgOX3 = ObjectId.Null; if (strOption == "MAKE") { ObjectId idBldgOXT = getOX_PadLim(idLWPline_LIM, idBldgOX0); //building footprint and outer limit of building footprint idBldgOX3 = idBldgOXT.offset(-EW_Pub.FOOTING_LIMIT_IN_H); color = Misc.getColorByBlock(3); idBldgOX3.changeProp(color, "OX-AREAS-BLDG", LineWeight.LineWeight020); idBldgOXT.delete(); tvs[2] = new TypedValue(1000, "OX3"); idBldgOX3.setXData(tvs, "OX"); } else if (strOption == "MADE") { idBldgOX3 = idBldgOX0.offset(-EW_Pub.FOOTING_LIMIT_IN_H); color = Misc.getColorByBlock(3); idBldgOX3.changeProp(color, "OX-AREAS-BLDG", LineWeight.LineWeight020); tvs[2] = new TypedValue(1000, "OX3"); idBldgOX3.setXData(tvs, "OX"); } //BLDGOX4 ObjectId idBldgOX4 = idBldgOX3.offset(-2); //BldgOX4 2dPolyline color = Misc.getColorByBlock(4); idBldgOX4.changeProp(color, "OX-AREAS-BLDG", LineWeight.LineWeight020); tvs[2] = new TypedValue(1000, "OX4"); idBldgOX4.setXData(tvs, "OX"); ObjectId idLine = ObjectId.Null; Handle h2d, h3d; double dblSlope, dblAngBase, dblAngTest; Point3d pnt3dCEN = Pub.pnt3dO, pnt3dTAR = Pub.pnt3dO, pnt3dX = Pub.pnt3dO; ObjectId idDict = Dict.getNamedDictionary("GRADEDOCK", out exists); if (!exists) { Point3d varPntCen = idLWPline_LIM.getCentroid(); // objLWPline_LIM.getXdata "BldgSlab", varXDataType, varXData // // Dim objBldgSlab As Polyline // Set objBldgSlab = clsdwg.thisdrawing.HandleToObject(varXData(1)) // Dim varPntsLWPline As Variant // varPntsLWPline = objBldgSlab.getCoordinates3d // Dim varPnts3dPoly As Variant // varPnts3dPoly = convert2dCoordsTo3dCoords(varPntsLWPline) // // // Dim varVector As Vector // varVector = getClosetAdjacentSegment(dPntCen, objBldgSlab) // MsgBox ("Direction to nearest segment is: " & varVector.Dir & _ //' vbCr & _ //' "Distance to nearest segment is: " & varVector.Dist) // // If isInside(varPntCen, varPnts3dPoly) = False Then // MsgBox "Calculated centroid location is outside limits of Building footprint" // Exit Function // End If double elevCen = surf.FindElevationAtXY(varPntCen.X, varPntCen.Y); //SURFACE = "CPNT-ON" double dblAngTar = 0; int intMark = 0; Geom.getEastWestBaseLineDir(idLWPline_LIM, ref dblAngTar, ref intMark); Point3d dPntTAR = varPntCen.traverse(dblAngTar, 20); double elevTar = surf.FindElevationAtXY(dPntTAR.X, dPntTAR.Y); dblSlope = System.Math.Round((elevTar - varPntCen.Z) / 20, 4); if (dblSlope == 0) { dPntTAR = varPntCen.traverse(dblAngTar + pi / 2, 20); elevTar = surf.FindElevationAtXY(dPntTAR.X, dPntTAR.Y); dblSlope = System.Math.Round((elevTar - varPntCen.Z) / 20, 4); if (System.Math.Round(dblSlope, 3) == 0) { dPntTAR = varPntCen.traverse(dblAngTar - pi / 2, 20); //back to original orientation elevTar = surf.FindElevationAtXY(dPntTAR.X, dPntTAR.Y); } } else if (dblSlope < 0) { dblAngTar = dblAngTar + pi; } dblAngBase = varPntCen.getDirection(dPntTAR); idLine = Draw.addLine(varPntCen, dPntTAR); EW_Dict.updateDictGRADEDOCK(idLWPline_LIM.getHandle(), "0".stringToHandle(), dblSlope, varPntCen, dPntTAR); //obj3dPoly.handle not pertinent at earthwork stage } else { EW_Dict.retrieveDictGRADEDOCK(out h2d, out h3d, out dblSlope, out pnt3dCEN, out pnt3dTAR); dblAngBase = pnt3dCEN.getDirection(pnt3dTAR); double dblLenBase = pnt3dCEN.getDistance(pnt3dTAR); Point3d varPntPolar = pnt3dCEN.traverse(dblAngBase, dblLenBase); idLine = Draw.addLine(pnt3dCEN, varPntPolar); } List <Point3d> varPntInt = idLine.intersectWith(idBldgOX0, extend.source); if (varPntInt.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < varPntInt.Count; i++) { pnt3dX = varPntInt[i]; dblAngTest = pnt3dCEN.getDirection(pnt3dX); if (System.Math.Round(dblAngTest, 4) == System.Math.Round(dblAngBase, 4)) { idLine = Draw.addLine(pnt3dCEN, pnt3dX); pnt3dTAR = new Point3d(pnt3dX.X, pnt3dX.Y, pnt3dCEN.Z + pnt3dCEN.getDistance(pnt3dTAR) * dblSlope); } } } double elev = surf.FindElevationAtXY(pnt3dCEN.X, pnt3dCEN.Y); pnt3dCEN = new Point3d(pnt3dCEN.X, pnt3dCEN.Y, elev); double dblOffOX = EW_Pub.OUTER_FOOTINGS_V + EW_Utility1.getDepth(strLayer, "OX"); color = Misc.getColorByLayer(); //OX1 ObjectId id3dPoly = EW_Build3dPoly.build3dPoly(idBldgOX1, pnt3dCEN, pnt3dTAR, dblSlope, "OX", "OX-BRKLINE", "OX1", dblOffOX, 20); id3dPoly.changeProp(LineWeight.LineWeight050, color); varPntInt = idLine.intersectWith(idBldgOX2, extend.source); idLine.delete(); if (varPntInt.Count > 2) { for (int i = 0; i < varPntInt.Count; i++) { pnt3dX = varPntInt[i]; dblAngTest = pnt3dCEN.getDirection(pnt3dX); if (System.Math.Round(dblAngTest, 4) == System.Math.Round(dblAngBase, 4)) { idLine = Draw.addLine(pnt3dCEN, pnt3dX); pnt3dTAR = pnt3dTAR.addElevation(pnt3dCEN.Z + pnt3dCEN.getDistance(pnt3dX) * dblSlope); idLine.delete(); break; } } } dblOffOX = EW_Pub.OUTER_FOOTINGS_V + EW_Utility1.getDepth(strLayer, "OX"); //OX3 id3dPoly = EW_Build3dPoly.build3dPoly(idBldgOX3, pnt3dCEN, pnt3dTAR, dblSlope, "OX", "OX-BRKLINE", "OX3", dblOffOX); id3dPoly.changeProp(LineWeight.LineWeight050, color); dblOffOX = EW_Pub.COLUMN_FOOTINGS_V + EW_Utility1.getDepth(strLayer, "OX"); //OX4 id3dPoly = EW_Build3dPoly.build3dPoly(idBldgOX4, pnt3dCEN, pnt3dTAR, dblSlope, "OX", "OX-BRKLINE", "OX4", dblOffOX); id3dPoly.changeProp(LineWeight.LineWeight050, color); Point3dCollection pnts3d = idBldgOX0.poly_pnt3dColl(); objSSet = EW_Utility1.buildSSet17(pnts3d); //get K BRACE areas ObjectId[] ids = objSSet.GetObjectIds(); color = Misc.getColorByBlock(7); //BEGIN K BRACE for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++) { ObjectId idBrace = ids[i]; idBrace = idBrace.offset(5.0); idBrace.changeProp(LineWeight.LineWeight030, color); dblOffOX = EW_Pub.K_BRACE_V + EW_Utility1.getDepth(strLayer, "OX"); id3dPoly = EW_Build3dPoly.build3dPoly(idBrace, pnt3dCEN, pnt3dTAR, dblSlope, "OX", "OX-BRKLINE", "OTHER", dblOffOX); id3dPoly.changeProp(color, "OX-BRKLINE"); //bottom of K-Brace overexcavation dblOffOX = EW_Pub.COLUMN_FOOTINGS_V + EW_Utility1.getDepth(strLayer, "OX"); color = Misc.getColorByBlock(5); idBrace = idBrace.offset(0.2); idBrace.changeProp(color); List <Point3d> pnts3dBrace = idBrace.getCoordinates3dList(); List <Point3d> pnts3dNew = new List <Point3d>(); for (int j = 0; j < pnts3dBrace.Count; j++) { Point3d pnt3dBEG = pnts3dBrace[i + 0]; Point3d pnt3dEND = pnts3dBrace[i + 1]; double dblAng = pnt3dBEG.getDirection(pnt3dEND); //angle of each segment double angDiff = System.Math.Round(dblAngBase - dblAng, 2); if (angDiff == 0) { pnt3dX = pnt3dBEG.traverse(dblAng - pi / 2, (EW_Pub.K_BRACE_V - dblOffOX) * 5.0); pnts3dNew.Add(pnt3dX); } else if (angDiff == System.Math.Round(pi / 2, 2) || angDiff == System.Math.Round(3 * pi / 2, 2)) { pnt3dX = pnt3dBEG.traverse(dblAng + pi, (EW_Pub.K_BRACE_V - dblOffOX) * 5.0); pnts3dNew.Add(pnt3dX); } else if (angDiff == System.Math.Round(-1 * pi / 2, 2) || angDiff == System.Math.Round(-3 * pi / 2, 2)) { pnt3dX = pnt3dBEG.traverse(dblAng - pi, (EW_Pub.K_BRACE_V - dblOffOX) * 5.0); pnts3dNew.Add(pnt3dX); } else if (angDiff == System.Math.Round(1 * pi, 2) || angDiff == System.Math.Round(3 * pi, 2)) { pnt3dX = pnt3dBEG.traverse(dblAng + pi / 2, (EW_Pub.K_BRACE_V - dblOffOX) * 5.0); pnts3dNew.Add(pnt3dX); } else if (angDiff == System.Math.Round(-1 * pi, 2) || angDiff == System.Math.Round(-3 * pi, 2)) { pnt3dX = pnt3dBEG.traverse(dblAng - pi / 2, (EW_Pub.K_BRACE_V - dblOffOX) * 5.0); pnts3dNew.Add(pnt3dX); } //Call addCircle(dPntPolar, 2, 1) } pnts3dNew.Add(pnts3dNew[0]); ObjectId idPoly = Draw.addPoly(pnts3dNew); idPoly.checkIfClosed3d(); id3dPoly = EW_Build3dPoly.build3dPoly(id3dPoly, pnt3dCEN, pnt3dTAR, dblSlope, "OX", "OX-BRKLINE", "OTHER", dblOffOX); id3dPoly.changeProp(color, "OX-BRKLINE"); idPoly.delete(); } //END K BRACE return(idBldgOX2); }