public static bool LoadAll(BinaryReader load) { lock (stargates) { int count = load.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Stargate gate = new Stargate(load); stargates[gate.stargateID] = gate; } } return(true); }
private static bool GenerateDestinations() { // Prevent multiple initializations. lock (systemDestinations) { if (systemDestinations.Count > 0) { // Already initialized. return(true); } foreach (SolarSystem system in SolarSystem.solarSystems.Values) { // Are there any stargates? if (system.stargates.Count > 0) { // Create the destination list. systemDestinations[system.solarSystemID] = new List <int>(); foreach (int gateID in system.stargates) { // Get the stargate. Stargate gate = Stargate.GetStargate(gateID); if (gate != null) { // Get the destination gate. gate = Stargate.GetStargate(gate.destination); if (gate != null) { int destinationSystemID = gate.solarSystemID; SolarSystem destinationSystem = GetSystem(destinationSystemID); // If this is a high security system or we don't care. if (destinationSystem != null) { // Add the system. systemDestinations[system.solarSystemID].Add(destinationSystemID); } } } } } } } return(true); }
public static List <int> LoadYAML(YamlNode yaml, int _solarSystemID) { if (yaml == null) { return(null); } List <int> gates = new List <int>(); YamlMappingNode mapping = (YamlMappingNode)yaml; foreach (var entry in mapping.Children) { int _stargateID = Int32.Parse(entry.Key.ToString()); Stargate gate = new Stargate(entry.Value, _stargateID, _solarSystemID); lock (stargates) { stargates[gate.stargateID] = gate; } gates.Add(_stargateID); } return(gates); }
private SolarSystem(YamlNode node) { YamlNode gateNode = null; YamlNode planetNode = null; YamlNode starNode = null; YamlNode secondarySunNode = null; YamlMappingNode mapping = (YamlMappingNode)node; foreach (var entry in mapping.Children) { string paramName = entry.Key.ToString(); switch (paramName) { case "solarSystemID": solarSystemID = Int32.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "solarSystemNameID": solarSystemNameID = Int32.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "regional": regional = Boolean.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "border": border = Boolean.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "corridor": corridor = Boolean.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "fringe": fringe = Boolean.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "hub": hub = Boolean.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "international": international = Boolean.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "luminosity": luminosity = Double.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "radius": radius = Double.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "security": security = Double.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "sunTypeID": sunTypeID = Int32.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "center": center = Location.ParseLocation(entry.Value); break; case "max": max = Location.ParseLocation(entry.Value); break; case "min": min = Location.ParseLocation(entry.Value); break; case "wormholeClassID": wormholeClassID = Int32.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "descriptionID": descriptionID = Int32.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "factionID": factionID = Int32.Parse(entry.Value.ToString()); break; case "securityClass": securityClass = entry.Value.ToString(); break; case "disallowedAnchorCategories": disallowedAnchorCategories = new List <int>(); YamlSequenceNode seq = (YamlSequenceNode)entry.Value; foreach (YamlNode seqNode in seq.Children) { disallowedAnchorCategories.Add(Int32.Parse(seqNode.ToString())); } break; case "planets": planetNode = entry.Value; break; case "star": starNode = entry.Value; break; case "stargates": gateNode = entry.Value; break; case "secondarySun": secondarySunNode = entry.Value; break; case "visualEffect": visualEffect = entry.Value.ToString(); break; case "disallowedAnchorGroups": disallowedAnchorGroups = YamlUtils.LoadIntList(entry.Value); break; default: System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SolarSystem unknown value:" + entry.Key + " = " + entry.Value); break; } } // Parse these here so we can know we have the solarSystemID. if (gateNode != null) { stargates = Stargate.LoadYAML(gateNode, solarSystemID); } if (planetNode != null) { planets = OrbitalBody.LoadYAML(planetNode, solarSystemID); } if (starNode != null) { star = new Star(starNode, solarSystemID); } if (secondarySunNode != null) { secondarySun = new SecondarySun(secondarySunNode, solarSystemID); } }