예제 #1
        public ETSClassConfiguration GetMethod(string methodName)
            ETSClassConfiguration methodClass = etsClassConfigurations[0];

            foreach (ETSClassConfiguration configuration in etsClassConfigurations)
                if (configuration.ClassName == methodName)
                    methodClass = configuration;

예제 #2
        /* Main Workhorse loop
         * */

        public static void LoadDictionary(ETSClassConfiguration classConfiguration, string classMappingName)
            string interimClassName = ""; //Used for adjusting the tab name when necessary.  See special cases comment for config file

            interimClassName = classMappingName;

            if (Program.m_ExExcelFile)
                workbook = excel_app.Workbooks.Open(
                    Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
                    Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
                    Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
                    Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

                if (!FSheet) //Actually start on the very first worksheet that is created by default when workbook is created
                    sheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workbook.Sheets.Add(
                        Type.Missing, workbook.Sheets[workbook.Sheets.Count],
                        1, Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                    sheet  = excelFirstSheet;
                    FSheet = false;

            /* Two special cases
             * The worksheet needed to have the AEP_ stipped off
             * This was the quick way to do it
             * */

            if (classMappingName.Equals("AEP_CBType"))
                interimClassName = "CBType";

            if (classMappingName.Equals("AEP_LoadType"))
                interimClassName = "LoadType";

            /* Special case
             * May need to be removed at some point
             * */

            if (classMappingName.Equals("ConformLoad"))
                interimClassName = "EquipmentLoad";

            if (Program.m_ExExcelFile)
                sheet.Name = interimClassName;

            if (Program.m_ExTextFile)
                EOF.WriteLine("Class Mapping Name: " + interimClassName);  //Flag the Class

            /* Peel them out of the object we were passed
             * */

            foreach (Extension extension in classConfiguration.Extensions)
                if (className.Equals(classMappingName))  //Determine when we've changed classes aka tabs in the worksheet
                    classNameChange = false;
                    classNameChange = true;
                    className       = classMappingName;

                /* This just filters per tab/class, not for the entire config file
                 * */
                    defAndDetails.Add(extension.Definition, extension.Details); //Filter out duplicates
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    Utils.WriteTimeToConsoleAndLog("Duplicate Extension Found: " + extension.Definition);

                Utils.WriteTimeToConsoleAndLog("Class Mapping Name: " + interimClassName);

                //Strip out any multiple spaces from the attribute
                string   cString = CollapseSpaces.CSpaces(extension.Definition);
                string[] elemnt  = cString.Split(' ');

                if (elemnt.Length.Equals(1))
                    dataType = "association";  // If the attribute doesn't have a dataType assume an association
                    dataType = elemnt[1];

                if (Program.m_ExExcelFile)
                    sheet.Rows[row].Cells[col].Value = elemnt[0].ToString();

                if (dataType.Equals("association"))  //Just some adjusting to alter how both extension output files display the association entries
                    if (extension.Details.Length < 13)
                        if (Program.m_ExTextFile)
                            EOF.Write("    " + elemnt[0] + "    dataType: " + dataType);

                        if (Program.m_ExExcelFile)
                            sheet.Rows[row].Cells[col + 1].Value = dataType.ToString();
                        if (Program.m_ExTextFile)
                            EOF.Write("    " + elemnt[0] + "    ");
                    if (Program.m_ExTextFile)
                        EOF.Write("    " + elemnt[0] + "    dataType: " + dataType);

                    if (Program.m_ExExcelFile)
                        sheet.Rows[row].Cells[col + 1].Value = dataType.ToString();

                if (Program.m_ExExcelFile)
                    sheet.Rows[row].Cells[col + 2].Value = extension.Details.ToString();

                /*Toss the current object and info to the SQL output file builder
                 * */

                if (Program.m_CsqlFile)
                    SQLOutput.BuildOutTable(elemnt[0].ToString(), dataType.ToString(), extension.Details.ToString(), classNameChange, classMappingName);

                if (Program.m_ExExcelFile)

                if (Program.m_ExTextFile)
                    //Strip off the leading '&' if present
                    if (extension.Details.Contains("&"))
                        holder = extension.Details.ToString().Split('&').Last().Trim();
                        holder = extension.Details.ToString();
                    EOF.WriteLine("    " + holder); //Spit out as-is for right now

                    EOF.WriteLine();                //Line spacer

                Utils.WriteTimeToConsoleAndLog(" Extension: " + extension.Definition);
                Utils.WriteTimeToConsoleAndLog(" Details: " + extension.Details);

            if (Program.m_ExTextFile)
                EOF.WriteLine("\n\n");  //Spacer lines

            if (Program.m_ExExcelFile)
                row = 1; //reset for the next tab in the output workbook