/// <summary>Get a valid, delimited SQL identifier for the given table field by field name</summary> public static string SqlIdentifier(this ITable table, string columnName) { if ((table == null) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName))) return string.Empty; SQLFormatter formatter = new SQLFormatter(table); return formatter.SqlIdentifier(columnName); }
/// <summary>Get a valid, delimited SQL identifier for the given table field by field name</summary> public static string SqlIdentifier(this ITable table, string columnName) { if ((table == null) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName))) { return(string.Empty); } SQLFormatter formatter = new SQLFormatter(table); return(formatter.SqlIdentifier(columnName)); }
private void ParseResultDiff(diffResult diffResultResponse, ITable revisionTable, IFeatureClass pointFeatureClass, IFeatureClass lineFeatureClass, IFeatureClass polygonFeatureClass, ITable relationTable, string userName, int userID, string changetSetID, Dictionary<long, long> nodeIDLookup, Dictionary<long, long> wayIDLookup, Dictionary<long, long> relationIDLookup, int extensionVersion) { if (diffResultResponse == null) return; if (diffResultResponse.Items == null) return; // let's find all the matching row with the old osm feature ID IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); int sourceFCNameFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("sourcefcname"); int statusFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmstatus"); int statusCodeFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmstatuscode"); int newIDFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmnewid"); int osmVersionFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmversion"); int changesetIDFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmchangeset"); SQLFormatter sqlFormatter = new SQLFormatter(revisionTable); foreach (var item in diffResultResponse.Items) { if (item is diffResultNode) { diffResultNode diffNode = item as diffResultNode; long newID = -1; int newVersion = -1; long oldID = -1; long.TryParse(diffNode.new_id, out newID); int.TryParse(diffNode.new_version, out newVersion); long.TryParse(diffNode.old_id, out oldID); // if (nodeIDLookup.ContainsKey(oldID) == false) { nodeIDLookup.Add(oldID, newID); } updateSource((ITable)pointFeatureClass, determineAction(diffNode), Convert.ToInt64(diffNode.old_id), newID, userName, userID, newVersion, Convert.ToInt32(changetSetID), nodeIDLookup, wayIDLookup, relationIDLookup, extensionVersion); queryFilter.WhereClause = revisionTable.WhereClauseByExtensionVersion(diffNode.old_id, "osmoldid", extensionVersion) + " AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmelementtype") + " = 'node'" + " AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatuscode") + " IS NULL"; ; using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { ICursor updateCursor = revisionTable.Update(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(updateCursor); IRow currentRow = updateCursor.NextRow(); if (currentRow == null) continue; if (statusFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(statusFieldIndex, HttpStatusCode.OK.ToString()); } if (statusCodeFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(statusCodeFieldIndex, (int)HttpStatusCode.OK); } if (newIDFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(newIDFieldIndex, newID); } if (osmVersionFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(osmVersionFieldIndex, newVersion); } if (changesetIDFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(changesetIDFieldIndex, changetSetID); } updateCursor.UpdateRow(currentRow); } } else if (item is diffResultWay) { diffResultWay diffWay = item as diffResultWay; queryFilter.WhereClause = revisionTable.WhereClauseByExtensionVersion(diffWay.old_id, "osmoldid", extensionVersion) + " AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmelementtype") + " = 'way'" + " AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatuscode") + " IS NULL"; long newID = -1; int newVersion = -1; long oldID = -1; long.TryParse(diffWay.new_id, out newID); int.TryParse(diffWay.new_version, out newVersion); long.TryParse(diffWay.old_id, out oldID); // if (wayIDLookup.ContainsKey(oldID) == false) { wayIDLookup.Add(oldID, newID); } using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { ICursor updateCursor = revisionTable.Update(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(updateCursor); IRow currentRow = updateCursor.NextRow(); if (currentRow == null) continue; string sourceFCName = String.Empty; if (sourceFCNameFieldIndex > -1) { sourceFCName = currentRow.get_Value(sourceFCNameFieldIndex) as string; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceFCName)) continue; if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ln")) { updateSource((ITable)lineFeatureClass, determineAction(diffWay), Convert.ToInt64(diffWay.old_id), newID, userName, userID, newVersion, Convert.ToInt32(changetSetID), nodeIDLookup, wayIDLookup, relationIDLookup, extensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ply")) { updateSource((ITable)polygonFeatureClass, determineAction(diffWay), Convert.ToInt64(diffWay.old_id), newID, userName, userID, newVersion, Convert.ToInt32(changetSetID), nodeIDLookup, wayIDLookup, relationIDLookup, extensionVersion); } if (statusFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(statusFieldIndex, HttpStatusCode.OK.ToString()); } if (statusCodeFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(statusCodeFieldIndex, (int)HttpStatusCode.OK); } if (newIDFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(newIDFieldIndex, newID); } if (osmVersionFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(osmVersionFieldIndex, newVersion); } if (changesetIDFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(changesetIDFieldIndex, changetSetID); } updateCursor.UpdateRow(currentRow); } } else if (item is diffResultRelation) { diffResultRelation diffRelation = item as diffResultRelation; queryFilter.WhereClause = revisionTable.WhereClauseByExtensionVersion(diffRelation.old_id, "osmoldid", extensionVersion) + " AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmelementtype") + " = 'relation'" + " AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatuscode") + " IS NULL"; ; long newID = -1; int newVersion = -1; long oldID = -1; long.TryParse(diffRelation.new_id, out newID); int.TryParse(diffRelation.new_version, out newVersion); long.TryParse(diffRelation.old_id, out oldID); // if (relationIDLookup.ContainsKey(oldID) == false) { relationIDLookup.Add(oldID, newID); } using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { ICursor updateCursor = revisionTable.Update(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(updateCursor); IRow currentRow = updateCursor.NextRow(); if (currentRow == null) continue; string sourceFCName = String.Empty; if (sourceFCNameFieldIndex > -1) { sourceFCName = currentRow.get_Value(sourceFCNameFieldIndex) as string; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceFCName)) continue; if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ln")) { updateSource((ITable)lineFeatureClass, determineAction(diffRelation), Convert.ToInt64(diffRelation.old_id), newID, userName, userID, newVersion, Convert.ToInt32(changetSetID), nodeIDLookup, wayIDLookup, relationIDLookup, extensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ply")) { updateSource((ITable)polygonFeatureClass, determineAction(diffRelation), Convert.ToInt64(diffRelation.old_id), newID, userName, userID, newVersion, Convert.ToInt32(changetSetID), nodeIDLookup, wayIDLookup, relationIDLookup, extensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_relation")) { updateSource(relationTable, determineAction(diffRelation), Convert.ToInt64(diffRelation.old_id), newID, userName, userID, newVersion, Convert.ToInt32(changetSetID), nodeIDLookup, wayIDLookup, relationIDLookup, extensionVersion); } if (statusFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(statusFieldIndex, HttpStatusCode.OK.ToString()); } if (statusCodeFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(statusCodeFieldIndex, (int)HttpStatusCode.OK); } if (newIDFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(newIDFieldIndex, newID); } if (osmVersionFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(osmVersionFieldIndex, newVersion); } if (changesetIDFieldIndex > -1) { currentRow.set_Value(changesetIDFieldIndex, changetSetID); } updateCursor.UpdateRow(currentRow); } } } }
public void Execute(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IArray paramvalues, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel TrackCancel, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing.IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IGPMessages message) { _message = message; // classes to carry out the basic client/server communication HttpWebResponse httpResponse = null; string changeSetID = "-1"; IGPString baseURLGPString = new GPStringClass(); ICursor searchCursor = null; IGPUtilities3 gpUtilities3 = new GPUtilitiesClass(); if (TrackCancel == null) { TrackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass(); } IGPParameter userNameParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_userNameNumber) as IGPParameter; IGPString userNameGPValue = gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(userNameParameter) as IGPString; IHttpBasicGPValue userCredentialGPValue = new HttpBasicGPValue(); if (userNameGPValue != null) { userCredentialGPValue.UserName = userNameGPValue.Value; } else { return; } IGPParameter passwordParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_passwordNumber) as IGPParameter; IGPStringHidden passwordGPValue = gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(passwordParameter) as IGPStringHidden; if (passwordGPValue != null) { userCredentialGPValue.PassWord = passwordGPValue.Value; } else { return; } ITable revisionTable = null; int secondsToTimeout = 10; try { UpdateMessages(paramvalues, envMgr, message); if ((message.MaxSeverity == esriGPMessageSeverity.esriGPMessageSeverityAbort) || (message.MaxSeverity == esriGPMessageSeverity.esriGPMessageSeverityError)) { message.AddMessages(message); return; } IGPParameter baseURLParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_uploadURLNumber) as IGPParameter; baseURLGPString = gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(baseURLParameter) as IGPString; IGPParameter commentParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_uploadCommentNumber) as IGPParameter; IGPString uploadCommentGPString = gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(commentParameter) as IGPString; ISpatialReferenceFactory spatialReferenceFactory = new SpatialReferenceEnvironmentClass() as ISpatialReferenceFactory; m_wgs84 = spatialReferenceFactory.CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem((int)esriSRGeoCSType.esriSRGeoCS_WGS1984) as ISpatialReference; System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer = null; serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(osm)); osm createChangeSetOSM = new osm(); string user_displayname = ""; int userID = -1; // set the "default" value of the OSM server int maxElementsinChangeSet = 50000; HttpWebRequest httpClient = HttpWebRequest.Create(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/capabilities") as HttpWebRequest; httpClient = OSMGPDownload.AssignProxyandCredentials(httpClient); SetBasicAuthHeader(httpClient, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord); httpClient.Timeout = secondsToTimeout * 1000; createChangeSetOSM.generator = m_Generator; createChangeSetOSM.version = "0.6"; changeset createChangeSet = new changeset(); createChangeSet.id = "0"; createChangeSet.open = changesetOpen.@false; List<tag> changeSetTags = new List<tag>(); tag createdByTag = new tag(); createdByTag.k = "created_by"; createdByTag.v = "ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap"; changeSetTags.Add(createdByTag); tag commentTag = new tag(); commentTag.k = "comment"; commentTag.v = uploadCommentGPString.Value; changeSetTags.Add(commentTag); createChangeSet.tag = changeSetTags.ToArray(); createChangeSetOSM.Items = new object[] { createChangeSet }; api apiCapabilities = null; // retrieve some server settings try { httpResponse = httpClient.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; osm osmCapabilities = null; Stream stream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream(); XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(stream); osmCapabilities = serializer.Deserialize(xmlReader) as osm; xmlReader.Close(); apiCapabilities = osmCapabilities.Items[0] as api; httpResponse.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); message.AddWarning(ex.Message); } if (apiCapabilities != null) { // read the timeout parameter secondsToTimeout = Convert.ToInt32(apiCapabilities.timeout.seconds); httpClient.Timeout = secondsToTimeout * 1000; // update the setting of allowed features per changeset from the actual capabilities response maxElementsinChangeSet = Convert.ToInt32(apiCapabilities.changesets.maximum_elements); } // retrieve some information about the user try { httpClient = null; httpClient = HttpWebRequest.Create(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/user/details") as HttpWebRequest; httpClient = OSMGPDownload.AssignProxyandCredentials(httpClient); SetBasicAuthHeader(httpClient, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord); httpResponse = httpClient.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; osm osmCapabilities = null; Stream stream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream(); XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(stream); osmCapabilities = serializer.Deserialize(xmlReader) as osm; xmlReader.Close(); user userInformation = osmCapabilities.Items[0] as user; if (userInformation != null) { user_displayname = userInformation.display_name; userID = Convert.ToInt32(userInformation.id); } } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { message.AddError(120044, ex.Message); return; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); message.AddWarning(ex.Message); } IGPParameter revisionTableParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_changesTablesNumber) as IGPParameter; int featureUpdateCounter = 0; IQueryFilter revisionTableQueryFilter = null; try { gpUtilities3.DecodeTableView(gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(revisionTableParameter), out revisionTable, out revisionTableQueryFilter); } catch { message.AddError(120045,resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPUpload_missingRevisionTable")); return; } int revChangeSetIDFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmchangeset"); int revActionFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmaction"); int revElementTypeFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmelementtype"); int revVersionFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmversion"); int revFCNameFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("sourcefcname"); int revOldIDFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmoldid"); int revNewIDFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmnewid"); int revStatusFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmstatus"); int revStatusCodeFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmstatuscode"); int revErrorMessageFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmerrormessage"); int revLongitudeFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmlon"); int revLatitudeFieldIndex = revisionTable.Fields.FindField("osmlat"); // let's find all the rows that have a different status than OK - meaning success IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); searchCursor = revisionTable.Search(queryFilter, false); IRow searchRowToUpdate = null; // lookup table to adjust all osm ID references if there are know entities Dictionary<long, long> nodeosmIDLookup = new Dictionary<long, long>(); Dictionary<long, long> wayosmIDLookup = new Dictionary<long, long>(); Dictionary<long, long> relationosmIDLookup = new Dictionary<long, long>(); // let's pre-populate the lookup IDs with already know entities // it is necessary if the revision table is used more than once and in different sessions queryFilter.WhereClause = "NOT " + revisionTable.SqlIdentifier("osmnewid") + " IS NULL"; using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { ICursor searchIDCursor = revisionTable.Search(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(searchIDCursor); IRow searchRow = searchIDCursor.NextRow(); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(searchRow); while (searchRow != null) { if (revOldIDFieldIndex > -1 && revNewIDFieldIndex > -1) { string elementType = Convert.ToString(searchRow.get_Value(revElementTypeFieldIndex)); switch (elementType) { case "node": if (nodeosmIDLookup.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt64(searchRow.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex))) == false) { nodeosmIDLookup.Add(Convert.ToInt64(searchRow.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)), Convert.ToInt64(searchRow.get_Value(revNewIDFieldIndex))); } break; case "way": if (wayosmIDLookup.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt64(searchRow.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex))) == false) { wayosmIDLookup.Add(Convert.ToInt64(searchRow.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)), Convert.ToInt64(searchRow.get_Value(revNewIDFieldIndex))); } break; case "relation": if (relationosmIDLookup.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt64(searchRow.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex))) == false) { relationosmIDLookup.Add(Convert.ToInt64(searchRow.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)), Convert.ToInt64(searchRow.get_Value(revNewIDFieldIndex))); } break; default: break; } } searchRow = searchIDCursor.NextRow(); } } IFeatureClass pointFeatureClass = null; int pointOSMIDFieldIndex = -1; IFeatureClass lineFeatureClass = null; IFeatureClass polygonFeatureClass = null; ITable relationTable = null; int osmDelimiterPosition = ((IDataset)revisionTable).Name.IndexOf("_osm_"); string osmBaseName = ((IDataset)revisionTable).Name.Substring(0, osmDelimiterPosition); IFeatureWorkspace osmFeatureWorkspace = ((IDataset)revisionTable).Workspace as IFeatureWorkspace; if (osmFeatureWorkspace != null) { pointFeatureClass = osmFeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(osmBaseName + "_osm_pt"); pointOSMIDFieldIndex = pointFeatureClass.FindField("OSMID"); lineFeatureClass = osmFeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(osmBaseName + "_osm_ln"); polygonFeatureClass = osmFeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(osmBaseName + "_osm_ply"); relationTable = osmFeatureWorkspace.OpenTable(osmBaseName + "_osm_relation"); } // determine version of extension int internalExtensionVersion = pointFeatureClass.OSMExtensionVersion(); string sData = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(createChangeSetOSM, serializer, Encoding.ASCII, "text/xml"); HttpWebRequest httpClient2 = HttpWebRequest.Create(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/changeset/create") as HttpWebRequest; httpClient2.Method = "PUT"; httpClient2 = OSMGPDownload.AssignProxyandCredentials(httpClient2); SetBasicAuthHeader(httpClient2, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord); httpClient2.Timeout = secondsToTimeout * 1000; try { Stream requestStream = httpClient2.GetRequestStream(); StreamWriter mywriter = new StreamWriter(requestStream); mywriter.Write(sData); mywriter.Close(); WebResponse clientResponse = httpClient2.GetResponse(); Stream readStream = clientResponse.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(readStream); changeSetID = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); message.AddMessage(String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPUpload_openChangeSet"), changeSetID)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (httpResponse != null) { if (httpResponse.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { foreach (var errorItem in httpResponse.Headers.GetValues("Error")) { message.AddError(120009, errorItem); } message.AddError(120009, httpResponse.StatusCode.ToString()); message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); } } else { message.AddError(120047, ex.Message); } return; } IGPParameter uploadFormatParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_uploadFormatNumber) as IGPParameter; IGPBoolean useOSMChangeFormatGPValue = gpUtilities3.UnpackGPValue(uploadFormatParameter) as IGPBoolean; // Al Hack if (useOSMChangeFormatGPValue == null) { useOSMChangeFormatGPValue = new GPBoolean(); useOSMChangeFormatGPValue.Value = false; } SQLFormatter sqlFormatter = new SQLFormatter(revisionTable); if (useOSMChangeFormatGPValue.Value == true) { #region osmchange upload format osmChange osmChangeDocument = new osmChange(); osmChangeDocument.generator = m_Generator; osmChangeDocument.version = "0.6"; // xml elements to describe the changeset create uploadCreates = null; modify uploadModify = null; delete uploadDelete = null; // helper classes to keep track of elements entered into a changeset List<object> listOfCreates = null; List<object> listOfModifies = null; List<object> listOfDeletes = null; List<object> changeSetItems = new List<object>(); #region upload create actions // loop through creates queryFilter.WhereClause = "(" + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatuscode") + " <> 200 OR " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatus") + " IS NULL) AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmaction") + " = 'create'"; using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { searchCursor = revisionTable.Search(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(searchCursor); searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow(); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(searchRowToUpdate); // if we have at least one entry with a create action, then add the 'create' element to the changeset representation if (searchRowToUpdate != null) { uploadCreates = new create(); listOfCreates = new List<object>(); } while (searchRowToUpdate != null) { try { if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } string action = String.Empty; if (revActionFieldIndex != -1) { action = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revActionFieldIndex) as string; } string elementType = String.Empty; if (revElementTypeFieldIndex != -1) { elementType = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revElementTypeFieldIndex) as string; } string sourceFCName = String.Empty; if (revFCNameFieldIndex != -1) { sourceFCName = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revFCNameFieldIndex) as string; } long osmOldID = -1; if (revOldIDFieldIndex != -1) { osmOldID = Convert.ToInt64(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)); } // if the overall number of uploaded elements is too big for a single changeset we do need to split it up // into multiple sets if (featureUpdateCounter > 0 & (featureUpdateCounter % maxElementsinChangeSet) == 0) { // add any outstanding creations to the changeset items if (listOfCreates != null && uploadCreates != null) { uploadCreates.Items = listOfCreates.ToArray(); // in case there are any creates let's add them to the changeset document changeSetItems.Add(uploadCreates); } // add all the changeset items to the changeset document osmChangeDocument.Items = changeSetItems.ToArray(); // submit changeset try { httpClient = HttpWebRequest.Create(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/changeset/" + changeSetID + "/upload") as HttpWebRequest; httpClient = OSMGPDownload.AssignProxyandCredentials(httpClient); httpClient.Method = "POST"; SetBasicAuthHeader(httpClient, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord); httpClient.Timeout = secondsToTimeout * 1000; string sContent = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(osmChangeDocument, null, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml"); message.AddMessage(String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPUpload_featureSubmit"), featureUpdateCounter)); OsmRest.HttpUtils.Post(httpClient, sContent); httpResponse = httpClient.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; diffResult diffResultResonse = OsmRest.HttpUtils.GetResponse(httpResponse); // parse changes locally and update local data sources if (diffResultResonse != null) { ParseResultDiff(diffResultResonse, revisionTable, pointFeatureClass, lineFeatureClass, polygonFeatureClass, relationTable, user_displayname, userID, changeSetID, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } } catch (Exception ex) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { WebException webException = ex as WebException; string serverErrorMessage = webException.Response.Headers["Error"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(serverErrorMessage)) { message.AddError(120009, serverErrorMessage); } } if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } return; } finally { // reset the list and containers of modifications for the next batch listOfCreates.Clear(); changeSetItems.Clear(); if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } CreateNextChangeSet(message, createChangeSetOSM, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, ref changeSetID, baseURLGPString, ref featureUpdateCounter); } switch (elementType) { case "node": node createNode = CreateNodeRepresentation(pointFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, 1, null, internalExtensionVersion); listOfCreates.Add(createNode); break; case "way": way createWay = null; if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ln")) { createWay = CreateWayRepresentation(lineFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, 1, nodeosmIDLookup, pointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, internalExtensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ply")) { createWay = CreateWayRepresentation(polygonFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, 1, nodeosmIDLookup, pointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, internalExtensionVersion); } listOfCreates.Add(createWay); break; case "relation": relation createRelation = null; if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ln")) { createRelation = CreateRelationRepresentation((ITable)lineFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, 1, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ply")) { createRelation = CreateRelationRepresentation((ITable)polygonFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, 1, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_relation")) { createRelation = CreateRelationRepresentation(relationTable, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, 1, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } listOfCreates.Add(createRelation); break; default: break; } // increment the counter keeping track of the submitted changes featureUpdateCounter = featureUpdateCounter + 1; } catch { } searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow(); } if (listOfCreates != null && uploadCreates != null) { // sort the list of created elements in the order of nodes, ways, relations listOfCreates.Sort(new OSMElementComparer()); uploadCreates.Items = listOfCreates.ToArray(); // in case there are any creates let's add them to the changeset document changeSetItems.Add(uploadCreates); } } #endregion #region upload modify actions // loop through modifies using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { queryFilter.WhereClause = "(" + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatuscode") + " <> 200 OR " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatus") + " IS NULL) AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmaction") + " = 'modify'"; searchCursor = revisionTable.Search(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(searchCursor); searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow(); if (searchRowToUpdate != null) { uploadModify = new modify(); listOfModifies = new List<object>(); } while (searchRowToUpdate != null) { if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } try { string action = String.Empty; if (revActionFieldIndex != -1) { action = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revActionFieldIndex) as string; } string elementType = String.Empty; if (revElementTypeFieldIndex != -1) { elementType = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revElementTypeFieldIndex) as string; } string sourceFCName = String.Empty; if (revFCNameFieldIndex != -1) { sourceFCName = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revFCNameFieldIndex) as string; } long osmOldID = -1; if (revOldIDFieldIndex != -1) { osmOldID = Convert.ToInt64(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)); } // if the overall number of uploaded elements is too big for a single changeset we do need to split it up long modifyID = -1; if (revNewIDFieldIndex != -1) { object osmIDValue = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revNewIDFieldIndex); if (osmIDValue == DBNull.Value) { osmIDValue = osmOldID; } try { modifyID = Convert.ToInt64(osmIDValue); } catch { } // modifies should only happen to osm IDs > 0 // if that condition is not met let's skip this feature as something is not right if (modifyID < 0) { searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow(); continue; } } int osmVersion = -1; if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { osmVersion = Convert.ToInt32(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revVersionFieldIndex)); } // into multiple sets if ((featureUpdateCounter % maxElementsinChangeSet) == 0) { // add any outstanding modifications to the changeset items if (listOfModifies != null && uploadModify != null) { uploadModify.Items = listOfModifies.ToArray(); // in case there are any creates let's add them to the changeset document changeSetItems.Add(uploadModify); } // add all the changeset items to the changeset document osmChangeDocument.Items = changeSetItems.ToArray(); // submit changeset try { httpClient = HttpWebRequest.Create(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/changeset/" + changeSetID + "/upload") as HttpWebRequest; httpClient = OSMGPDownload.AssignProxyandCredentials(httpClient); httpClient.Method = "POST"; SetBasicAuthHeader(httpClient, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord); httpClient.Timeout = secondsToTimeout * 1000; string sContent = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(osmChangeDocument, null, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml"); OsmRest.HttpUtils.Post(httpClient, sContent); httpResponse = httpClient.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; diffResult diffResultResonse = OsmRest.HttpUtils.GetResponse(httpResponse); // parse changes locally and update local data sources if (diffResultResonse != null) { ParseResultDiff(diffResultResonse, revisionTable, pointFeatureClass, lineFeatureClass, polygonFeatureClass, relationTable, user_displayname, userID, changeSetID, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } } catch (Exception ex) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { WebException webException = ex as WebException; string serverErrorMessage = webException.Response.Headers["Error"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(serverErrorMessage)) { message.AddError(120009, serverErrorMessage); } if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } return; } finally { // reset the list and containers of modifications for the next batch listOfModifies.Clear(); changeSetItems.Clear(); if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } CreateNextChangeSet(message, createChangeSetOSM, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, ref changeSetID, baseURLGPString, ref featureUpdateCounter); } switch (elementType) { case "node": node updateNode = CreateNodeRepresentation(pointFeatureClass, action, modifyID, changeSetID, osmVersion, null, internalExtensionVersion); listOfModifies.Add(updateNode); break; case "way": way updateWay = null; if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ln")) { updateWay = CreateWayRepresentation(lineFeatureClass, action, modifyID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, pointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, internalExtensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ply")) { updateWay = CreateWayRepresentation(polygonFeatureClass, action, modifyID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, pointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, internalExtensionVersion); } listOfModifies.Add(updateWay); break; case "relation": relation updateRelation = null; if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ln")) { updateRelation = CreateRelationRepresentation((ITable)lineFeatureClass, action, modifyID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ply")) { updateRelation = CreateRelationRepresentation((ITable)polygonFeatureClass, action, modifyID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_relation")) { updateRelation = CreateRelationRepresentation(relationTable, action, modifyID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } listOfModifies.Add(updateRelation); break; default: break; } // track the update/sync requests against the server featureUpdateCounter = featureUpdateCounter + 1; } catch { } searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow(); } if (listOfModifies != null && uploadModify != null) { uploadModify.Items = listOfModifies.ToArray(); // in case there are any creates let's add them to the changeset document changeSetItems.Add(uploadModify); } } #endregion #region upload delete actions // loop through deletes in "reverse" - relation, then way, then node string[] elementTypes = new string[] { "relation", "way", "node" }; foreach (string osmElementType in elementTypes) { using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { queryFilter.WhereClause = "(" + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatuscode") + " <> 200 OR " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatus") + " IS NULL) AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmaction") + " = 'delete' AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmelementtype") + " = '" + osmElementType + "'"; searchCursor = revisionTable.Search(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(searchCursor); searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow(); if (searchRowToUpdate != null) { if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } if (uploadDelete == null) { uploadDelete = new delete(); listOfDeletes = new List<object>(); } } while (searchRowToUpdate != null) { try { string action = String.Empty; if (revActionFieldIndex != -1) { action = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revActionFieldIndex) as string; } string elementType = String.Empty; if (revElementTypeFieldIndex != -1) { elementType = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revElementTypeFieldIndex) as string; } string sourceFCName = String.Empty; if (revFCNameFieldIndex != -1) { sourceFCName = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revFCNameFieldIndex) as string; } long osmOldID = -1; if (revOldIDFieldIndex != -1) { osmOldID = Convert.ToInt64(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)); } int osmVersion = -1; if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { osmVersion = Convert.ToInt32(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revVersionFieldIndex)); } // into multiple sets if ((featureUpdateCounter % maxElementsinChangeSet) == 0) { // add any outstanding creations to the changeset items if (listOfDeletes != null && uploadDelete != null) { uploadDelete.Items = listOfDeletes.ToArray(); // in case there are any creates let's add them to the changeset document changeSetItems.Add(uploadDelete); } // add all the changeset items to the changeset document osmChangeDocument.Items = changeSetItems.ToArray(); // submit changeset try { httpClient = HttpWebRequest.Create(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/changeset/" + changeSetID + "/upload") as HttpWebRequest; httpClient = OSMGPDownload.AssignProxyandCredentials(httpClient); httpClient.Method = "POST"; SetBasicAuthHeader(httpClient, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord); httpClient.Timeout = secondsToTimeout * 1000; string sContent = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(osmChangeDocument, null, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml"); OsmRest.HttpUtils.Post(httpClient, sContent); httpResponse = httpClient.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; diffResult diffResultResonse = OsmRest.HttpUtils.GetResponse(httpResponse); // parse changes locally and update local data sources if (diffResultResonse != null) { ParseResultDiff(diffResultResonse, revisionTable, pointFeatureClass, lineFeatureClass, polygonFeatureClass, relationTable, user_displayname, userID, changeSetID, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } } catch (Exception ex) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { WebException webException = ex as WebException; string serverErrorMessage = webException.Response.Headers["Error"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(serverErrorMessage)) { message.AddError(120009, serverErrorMessage); } } if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } return; } finally { // reset the list and containers of modifications for the next batch listOfDeletes.Clear(); changeSetItems.Clear(); if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } CreateNextChangeSet(message, createChangeSetOSM, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, ref changeSetID, baseURLGPString, ref featureUpdateCounter); } switch (elementType) { case "node": IPoint deletePoint = null; if (revLongitudeFieldIndex != -1 && revLatitudeFieldIndex != -1) { try { // let's reconstruct the delete point deletePoint = new PointClass(); deletePoint.X = Convert.ToDouble(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revLongitudeFieldIndex)); deletePoint.Y = Convert.ToDouble(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revLatitudeFieldIndex)); deletePoint.SpatialReference = m_wgs84; } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddWarning(ex.Message); } if (deletePoint == null) { // inform the about the issue - no successful creation of point and continue on to the next delete instruction // in the revision table message.AddWarning(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPUpload_invalidPoint")); searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow(); continue; } } node deleteNode = CreateNodeRepresentation(pointFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, osmVersion, deletePoint, internalExtensionVersion); listOfDeletes.Add(deleteNode); break; case "way": way deleteWay = null; if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ln")) { deleteWay = CreateWayRepresentation(lineFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, pointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, internalExtensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ply")) { deleteWay = CreateWayRepresentation(polygonFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, pointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, internalExtensionVersion); } listOfDeletes.Add(deleteWay); break; case "relation": relation deleteRelation = null; if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ln")) { deleteRelation = CreateRelationRepresentation((ITable)lineFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ply")) { deleteRelation = CreateRelationRepresentation((ITable)polygonFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_relation")) { deleteRelation = CreateRelationRepresentation(relationTable, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } listOfDeletes.Add(deleteRelation); break; default: break; } // track the update/sync requests against the server featureUpdateCounter = featureUpdateCounter + 1; } catch { } searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow(); } } } if (listOfDeletes != null && uploadDelete != null) { uploadDelete.Items = listOfDeletes.ToArray(); // in case there are any creates let's add them to the changeset document changeSetItems.Add(uploadDelete); } #endregion if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } // add all the changeset items to the changeset document osmChangeDocument.Items = changeSetItems.ToArray(); // submit changeset try { httpClient = HttpWebRequest.Create(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/changeset/" + changeSetID + "/upload") as HttpWebRequest; httpClient = OSMGPDownload.AssignProxyandCredentials(httpClient); httpClient.Method = "POST"; SetBasicAuthHeader(httpClient, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord); httpClient.Timeout = secondsToTimeout * 1000; message.AddMessage(String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPUpload_featureSubmit"), featureUpdateCounter)); string sContent = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(osmChangeDocument, null, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml"); OsmRest.HttpUtils.Post(httpClient, sContent); httpResponse = httpClient.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; //Exception with an error HTTP 400 diffResult diffResultResonse = OsmRest.HttpUtils.GetResponse(httpResponse); message.AddMessage(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPUpload_updatelocalData")); // parse changes locally and update local data sources if (diffResultResonse != null) { ParseResultDiff(diffResultResonse, revisionTable, pointFeatureClass, lineFeatureClass, polygonFeatureClass, relationTable, user_displayname, userID, changeSetID, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); try { if (ex is WebException) { WebException webException = ex as WebException; string serverErrorMessage = webException.Response.Headers["Error"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(serverErrorMessage)) { message.AddError(120009, serverErrorMessage); } } } catch (Exception innerexception) { message.AddError(120009, innerexception.Message); } } finally { if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } #endregion } else { #region single upload format #region submit the create nodes first queryFilter.WhereClause = "(" + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatuscode") + " <> 200 OR " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatus") + " IS NULL) AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmaction") + " = 'create' AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmelementtype") + " = 'node'"; using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { searchCursor = revisionTable.Search(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(searchCursor); while ((searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow()) != null) { try { string action = String.Empty; if (revActionFieldIndex != -1) { action = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revActionFieldIndex) as string; } string elementType = String.Empty; if (revElementTypeFieldIndex != -1) { elementType = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revElementTypeFieldIndex) as string; } string sourceFCName = String.Empty; if (revFCNameFieldIndex != -1) { sourceFCName = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revFCNameFieldIndex) as string; } long osmOldID = -1; if (revOldIDFieldIndex != -1) { osmOldID = Convert.ToInt64(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)); } // if the overall number of uploaded elements is too big for a single changeset we do need to split it up // into multiple sets if ((featureUpdateCounter % maxElementsinChangeSet) == 0) { CreateNextChangeSet(message, createChangeSetOSM, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, ref changeSetID, baseURLGPString, ref featureUpdateCounter); } osm createNode = CreateOSMNodeRepresentation(pointFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, -1, null, internalExtensionVersion); httpClient = null; httpClient = HttpWebRequest.Create(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/" + elementType + "/create") as HttpWebRequest; httpClient = OSMGPDownload.AssignProxyandCredentials(httpClient); httpClient.Method = "PUT"; SetBasicAuthHeader(httpClient, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord); httpClient.Timeout = secondsToTimeout * 1000; httpResponse = null; string nodeContent = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(createNode, serializer, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeContent)) { continue; } OsmRest.HttpUtils.Put(httpClient, nodeContent); httpResponse = httpClient.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; createNode = null; // track the update/sync requests against the server featureUpdateCounter = featureUpdateCounter + 1; if (httpResponse != null) { string newIDString = OsmRest.HttpUtils.GetResponseContent(httpResponse); nodeosmIDLookup.Add(osmOldID, Convert.ToInt64(newIDString)); // update the revision table if (revNewIDFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revNewIDFieldIndex, Convert.ToString(newIDString)); } if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revVersionFieldIndex, 1); } if (revStatusFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusFieldIndex, httpResponse.StatusCode.ToString()); } if (revStatusCodeFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusCodeFieldIndex, (int)httpResponse.StatusCode); } if (revChangeSetIDFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revChangeSetIDFieldIndex, Convert.ToString(changeSetID)); } // update the source point feature class as well updateSource((ITable)pointFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, Convert.ToInt64(newIDString), user_displayname, userID, 1, Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID), nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup,internalExtensionVersion); } } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { updateErrorStatus(message, revStatusFieldIndex, revStatusCodeFieldIndex, revErrorMessageFieldIndex, ref searchRowToUpdate, ex); } } finally { try { searchRowToUpdate.Store(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } } } #endregion #region next the create ways queryFilter.WhereClause = "(" + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatuscode") + " <> 200 OR " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatus") + " IS NULL) AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmaction") + " = 'create' AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmelementtype") + " = 'way'"; using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { searchCursor = revisionTable.Search(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(searchCursor); while ((searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow()) != null) { try { string action = String.Empty; if (revActionFieldIndex != -1) { action = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revActionFieldIndex) as string; } string elementType = String.Empty; if (revElementTypeFieldIndex != -1) { elementType = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revElementTypeFieldIndex) as string; } string sourceFCName = String.Empty; if (revFCNameFieldIndex != -1) { sourceFCName = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revFCNameFieldIndex) as string; } long osmOldID = -1; if (revOldIDFieldIndex != -1) { osmOldID = Convert.ToInt64(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)); } bool isPolygon = false; if (sourceFCName.IndexOf("_osm_ply") > -1) { isPolygon = true; } // if the overall number of uploaded elements is too big for a single changeset we do need to split it up // into multiple sets if ((featureUpdateCounter % maxElementsinChangeSet) == 0) { CreateNextChangeSet(message, createChangeSetOSM, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, ref changeSetID, baseURLGPString, ref featureUpdateCounter); } osm createWay = new osm(); if (isPolygon == false) { createWay = CreateOSMWayRepresentation(lineFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, -1, nodeosmIDLookup, pointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, internalExtensionVersion); } else { createWay = CreateOSMWayRepresentation(polygonFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, -1, nodeosmIDLookup, pointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, internalExtensionVersion); } try { HttpWebRequest httpClient3 = HttpWebRequest.Create(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/" + elementType + "/create") as HttpWebRequest; httpClient3 = OSMGPDownload.AssignProxyandCredentials(httpClient3); httpClient3.Method = "PUT"; SetBasicAuthHeader(httpClient3, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord); httpClient.Timeout = secondsToTimeout * 1000; string sContent = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(createWay, serializer, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml"); OsmRest.HttpUtils.Put(httpClient3, sContent); createWay = null; httpResponse = null; httpResponse = httpClient3.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; // track the update/sync requests against the server featureUpdateCounter = featureUpdateCounter + 1; } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { updateErrorStatus(message, revStatusFieldIndex, revStatusCodeFieldIndex, revErrorMessageFieldIndex, ref searchRowToUpdate, ex); } } if (httpResponse != null) { string newIDString = OsmRest.HttpUtils.GetResponseContent(httpResponse); wayosmIDLookup.Add(osmOldID, Convert.ToInt64(newIDString)); // update the revision table if (revNewIDFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revNewIDFieldIndex, Convert.ToString(newIDString)); } if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revVersionFieldIndex, 1); } if (revStatusFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusFieldIndex, httpResponse.StatusCode.ToString()); } if (revStatusCodeFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusCodeFieldIndex, (int)httpResponse.StatusCode); } if (revChangeSetIDFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revChangeSetIDFieldIndex, Convert.ToString(changeSetID)); } // update the source line/polygon feature class as well if (isPolygon == false) { updateSource((ITable)lineFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, Convert.ToInt64(newIDString), user_displayname, userID, 1, Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID), nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } else { updateSource((ITable)polygonFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, Convert.ToInt64(newIDString), user_displayname, userID, 1, Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID), nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } } } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { updateErrorStatus(message, revStatusFieldIndex, revStatusCodeFieldIndex, revErrorMessageFieldIndex, ref searchRowToUpdate, ex); } } finally { try { searchRowToUpdate.Store(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } } } #endregion #region and then create relations queryFilter.WhereClause = "(" + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatuscode") + " <> 200 OR " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatus") + " IS NULL) AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmaction") + " = 'create' AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmelementtype") + " = 'relation'"; using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { searchCursor = revisionTable.Search(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(searchCursor); while ((searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow()) != null) { try { string action = String.Empty; if (revActionFieldIndex != -1) { action = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revActionFieldIndex) as string; } string elementType = String.Empty; if (revElementTypeFieldIndex != -1) { elementType = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revElementTypeFieldIndex) as string; } string sourceFCName = String.Empty; if (revFCNameFieldIndex != -1) { sourceFCName = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revFCNameFieldIndex) as string; } long osmOldID = -1; if (revOldIDFieldIndex != -1) { osmOldID = Convert.ToInt64(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)); } bool isPolygon = false; if (sourceFCName.IndexOf("_osm_ply") > -1) { isPolygon = true; } // if the overall number of uploaded elements is too big for a single changeset we do need to split it up // into multiple sets if ((featureUpdateCounter % maxElementsinChangeSet) == 0) { CreateNextChangeSet(message, createChangeSetOSM, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, ref changeSetID, baseURLGPString, ref featureUpdateCounter); } osm createRelation = null; // the relation is acutally multi-part line if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ln")) { createRelation = CreateOSMRelationRepresentation((ITable)lineFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, -1, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ply")) { createRelation = CreateOSMRelationRepresentation((ITable)polygonFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, -1, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } else { createRelation = CreateOSMRelationRepresentation(relationTable, action, osmOldID, changeSetID, -1, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } try { HttpWebRequest httpClient4 = HttpWebRequest.Create(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/" + elementType + "/create") as HttpWebRequest; httpClient4 = OSMGPDownload.AssignProxyandCredentials(httpClient4); SetBasicAuthHeader(httpClient4, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord); httpClient4.Timeout = secondsToTimeout * 1000; string sContent = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(createRelation, serializer, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml"); OsmRest.HttpUtils.Put(httpClient4, sContent); httpResponse = null; httpResponse = httpClient4.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; // track the update/sync requests against the server featureUpdateCounter = featureUpdateCounter + 1; } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { updateErrorStatus(message, revStatusFieldIndex, revStatusCodeFieldIndex, revErrorMessageFieldIndex, ref searchRowToUpdate, ex); } } if (httpResponse != null) { string newIDString = OsmRest.HttpUtils.GetResponseContent(httpResponse); relationosmIDLookup.Add(osmOldID, Convert.ToInt64(newIDString)); // update the revision table if (revNewIDFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revNewIDFieldIndex, Convert.ToString(newIDString)); } if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revVersionFieldIndex, 1); } if (revStatusFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusFieldIndex, httpResponse.StatusCode.ToString()); } if (revStatusCodeFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusCodeFieldIndex, (int)httpResponse.StatusCode); } if (revChangeSetIDFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revChangeSetIDFieldIndex, Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID)); } if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ln")) { updateSource((ITable)lineFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, Convert.ToInt64(newIDString), user_displayname, userID, 1, Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID), nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } else if (sourceFCName.Contains("_osm_ply")) { updateSource((ITable)polygonFeatureClass, action, osmOldID, Convert.ToInt64(newIDString), user_displayname, userID, 1, Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID), nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } else { // update the source table holding the relation information class as well updateSource(relationTable, action, osmOldID, Convert.ToInt64(newIDString), user_displayname, userID, 1, Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID), nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } } } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { updateErrorStatus(message, revStatusFieldIndex, revStatusCodeFieldIndex, revErrorMessageFieldIndex, ref searchRowToUpdate, ex); } } finally { try { searchRowToUpdate.Store(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } } } #endregion #region after that submit the modify node, way, relation using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { queryFilter.WhereClause = "(" + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatuscode") + " <> 200 OR " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatus") + " IS NULL) AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmaction") + " = 'modify'"; searchCursor = revisionTable.Search(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(searchCursor); while ((searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow()) != null) { try { string action = String.Empty; if (revActionFieldIndex != -1) { action = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revActionFieldIndex) as string; } string elementType = String.Empty; if (revElementTypeFieldIndex != -1) { elementType = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revElementTypeFieldIndex) as string; } string sourceFCName = String.Empty; if (revFCNameFieldIndex != -1) { sourceFCName = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revFCNameFieldIndex) as string; } long osmOldID = -1; if (revOldIDFieldIndex != -1) { osmOldID = Convert.ToInt64(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)); } // if the overall number of uploaded elements is too big for a single changeset we do need to split it up // into multiple sets if ((featureUpdateCounter % maxElementsinChangeSet) == 0) { CreateNextChangeSet(message, createChangeSetOSM, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, ref changeSetID, baseURLGPString, ref featureUpdateCounter); } switch (elementType) { case "node": #region submit nodes to OSM server switch (action) { case "modify": long modifyID = -1; if (revNewIDFieldIndex != -1) { object osmIDValue = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revNewIDFieldIndex); if (osmIDValue == DBNull.Value) { osmIDValue = osmOldID; } try { modifyID = Convert.ToInt64(osmIDValue); } catch { } // modifies should only happen to osm IDs > 0 // if that condition is not met let's skip this feature as something is not right if (modifyID < 0) { continue; } } int osmVersion = -1; if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { osmVersion = Convert.ToInt32(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revVersionFieldIndex)); } try { HttpWebRequest httpClient5 = HttpWebRequest.Create(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/" + elementType + "/" + modifyID.ToString()) as HttpWebRequest; httpClient5 = OSMGPDownload.AssignProxyandCredentials(httpClient5); SetBasicAuthHeader(httpClient5, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord); osm updateNode = CreateOSMNodeRepresentation(pointFeatureClass, action, modifyID, changeSetID, osmVersion, null, internalExtensionVersion); string sContent = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(updateNode, serializer, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml"); // if the serialized node at this time is a null or an empty string let's continue to the next point if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sContent)) { continue; } OsmRest.HttpUtils.Put(httpClient5, sContent); httpResponse = httpClient5.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; // track the update/sync requests against the server featureUpdateCounter = featureUpdateCounter + 1; if (httpResponse != null) { string newVersionString = OsmRest.HttpUtils.GetResponseContent(httpResponse); // update the revision table if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revVersionFieldIndex, Convert.ToString(newVersionString)); } if (revStatusFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusFieldIndex, httpResponse.StatusCode.ToString()); } if (revStatusCodeFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusCodeFieldIndex, (int)httpResponse.StatusCode); } if (revChangeSetIDFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revChangeSetIDFieldIndex, Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID)); } // for a modify the old id is still the new id if (revNewIDFieldIndex != -1 && revOldIDFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revNewIDFieldIndex, searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)); } // update the source point feature class as well updateSource((ITable)pointFeatureClass, action, modifyID, modifyID, user_displayname, userID, Convert.ToInt32(newVersionString), Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID), null, null, null, internalExtensionVersion); httpResponse.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { updateErrorStatus(message, revStatusFieldIndex, revStatusCodeFieldIndex, revErrorMessageFieldIndex, ref searchRowToUpdate, ex); } } break; case "delete": // the delete operations are handled separately break; default: break; } break; #endregion case "way": #region submit ways to the OSM server // determine if we have a polygon or a polyline feature class bool isPolygon = false; if (sourceFCName.IndexOf("_osm_ply") > -1) { isPolygon = true; } switch (action) { case "modify": long modifyID = -1; if (revNewIDFieldIndex != -1) { object osmIDValue = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revNewIDFieldIndex); if (osmIDValue == DBNull.Value) { osmIDValue = osmOldID; } try { modifyID = Convert.ToInt64(osmIDValue); } catch { } // modifies should only happen to osm IDs > 0 // if that condition is not met let's skip this feature as something is not right if (modifyID < 0) { continue; } } int osmVersion = -1; if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { osmVersion = Convert.ToInt32(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revVersionFieldIndex)); } osm updateWay = new osm(); if (isPolygon == false) { updateWay = CreateOSMWayRepresentation(lineFeatureClass, action, modifyID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, pointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, internalExtensionVersion); } else { updateWay = CreateOSMWayRepresentation(polygonFeatureClass, action, modifyID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, pointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, internalExtensionVersion); } try { string sContent = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(updateWay, serializer, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml"); httpClient = HttpWebRequest.Create(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/" + elementType + "/" + modifyID.ToString()) as HttpWebRequest; httpClient = OSMGPDownload.AssignProxyandCredentials(httpClient); SetBasicAuthHeader(httpClient, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord); OsmRest.HttpUtils.Put(httpClient, sContent); httpResponse = httpClient.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; // track the update/sync requests against the server featureUpdateCounter = featureUpdateCounter + 1; if (httpResponse != null) { string newVersionString = OsmRest.HttpUtils.GetResponseContent(httpResponse); // update the revision table if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revVersionFieldIndex, Convert.ToString(newVersionString)); } if (revStatusFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusFieldIndex, httpResponse.StatusCode.ToString()); } if (revStatusCodeFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusCodeFieldIndex, (int)httpResponse.StatusCode); } if (revChangeSetIDFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revChangeSetIDFieldIndex, Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID)); } // for a modify the old id is still the new id if (revNewIDFieldIndex != -1 && revOldIDFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revNewIDFieldIndex, searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)); } // update the source line/polygon feature class as well if (isPolygon == false) { updateSource((ITable)lineFeatureClass, action, modifyID, modifyID, user_displayname, userID, Convert.ToInt32(newVersionString), Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID), nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } else { updateSource((ITable)polygonFeatureClass, action, modifyID, modifyID, user_displayname, userID, Convert.ToInt32(newVersionString), Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID), nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); } httpResponse.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { updateErrorStatus(message, revStatusFieldIndex, revStatusCodeFieldIndex, revErrorMessageFieldIndex, ref searchRowToUpdate, ex); } } break; case "delete": // the delete operations are handled separately break; default: break; } break; #endregion case "relation": #region submit relations to the OSM server switch (action) { case "create": break; case "modify": long modifyID = -1; if (revNewIDFieldIndex != -1) { object osmIDValue = searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revNewIDFieldIndex); if (osmIDValue == DBNull.Value) { osmIDValue = osmOldID; } try { modifyID = Convert.ToInt64(osmIDValue); } catch { } // modifies should only happen to osm IDs > 0 // if that condition is not met let's skip this feature as something is not right if (modifyID < 0) { continue; } } int osmVersion = -1; if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { osmVersion = Convert.ToInt32(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revVersionFieldIndex)); } osm updateRelation = CreateOSMRelationRepresentation(relationTable, action, modifyID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); try { string sContent = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(updateRelation, serializer, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml"); httpClient = HttpWebRequest.Create(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/" + elementType + "/" + modifyID.ToString()) as HttpWebRequest; httpClient = OSMGPDownload.AssignProxyandCredentials(httpClient); SetBasicAuthHeader(httpClient, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord); OsmRest.HttpUtils.Put(httpClient, sContent); httpResponse = httpClient.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; // track the update/sync requests against the server featureUpdateCounter = featureUpdateCounter + 1; if (httpResponse != null) { string newVersionString = OsmRest.HttpUtils.GetResponseContent(httpResponse); // update the revision table if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revVersionFieldIndex, Convert.ToInt32(newVersionString)); } if (revStatusFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusFieldIndex, httpResponse.StatusCode.ToString()); } if (revStatusCodeFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusCodeFieldIndex, (int)httpResponse.StatusCode); } if (revChangeSetIDFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revChangeSetIDFieldIndex, Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID)); } // for a modify the old id is still the new id if (revNewIDFieldIndex != -1 && revOldIDFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revNewIDFieldIndex, searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)); } // update the source table holding the relation information class as well updateSource(relationTable, action, modifyID, modifyID, user_displayname, userID, Convert.ToInt32(newVersionString), Convert.ToInt32(changeSetID), nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); httpResponse.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { updateErrorStatus(message, revStatusFieldIndex, revStatusCodeFieldIndex, revErrorMessageFieldIndex, ref searchRowToUpdate, ex); } } break; case "delete": // the delete operations are handled separately break; default: break; } break; #endregion default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddAbort(ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { updateErrorStatus(message, revStatusFieldIndex, revStatusCodeFieldIndex, revErrorMessageFieldIndex, ref searchRowToUpdate, ex); } } finally { try { searchRowToUpdate.Store(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } } } #endregion #region now let's handle the delete in the reverse order - relation first, then ways, and then nodes as the last entity #region delete relations // now let's handle the delete in the reverse order - relation first, then ways, and then nodes as the last entity queryFilter.WhereClause = "(" + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatuscode") + " <> 200 OR " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatus") + " IS NULL) AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmaction") + " = 'delete' AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmelementtype") + " = 'relation'"; using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { searchCursor = revisionTable.Search(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(searchCursor); while ((searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow()) != null) { // if the overall number of uploaded elements is too big for a single changeset we do need to split it up // into multiple sets if ((featureUpdateCounter % maxElementsinChangeSet) == 0) { CreateNextChangeSet(message, createChangeSetOSM, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, ref changeSetID, baseURLGPString, ref featureUpdateCounter); } long osmID = -1; if (revOldIDFieldIndex != -1) { osmID = Convert.ToInt64(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)); } int osmVersion = -1; if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { osmVersion = Convert.ToInt32(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revVersionFieldIndex)); } osm deleteRelation = CreateOSMRelationRepresentation(relationTable, "delete", osmID, changeSetID, osmVersion, nodeosmIDLookup, wayosmIDLookup, relationosmIDLookup, internalExtensionVersion); string sContent = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(deleteRelation, serializer, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml"); string errorMessage = String.Empty; try { httpResponse = OsmRest.HttpUtils.Delete(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/relation/" + Convert.ToString(osmID), sContent, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout) as HttpWebResponse; // track the update/sync requests against the server featureUpdateCounter = featureUpdateCounter + 1; if (revStatusFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusFieldIndex, (int)httpResponse.StatusCode); } if (revStatusCodeFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusCodeFieldIndex, (int)httpResponse.StatusCode); } if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { updateErrorStatus(message, revStatusFieldIndex, revStatusCodeFieldIndex, revErrorMessageFieldIndex, ref searchRowToUpdate, ex); } if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } try { searchRowToUpdate.Store(); } catch { } if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } } } #endregion #region handle delete ways queryFilter.WhereClause = "(" + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatuscode") + " <> 200 OR " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatus") + " IS NULL) AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmaction") + " = 'delete' AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmelementtype") + " = 'way'"; using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { searchCursor = revisionTable.Search(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(searchCursor); while ((searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow()) != null) { // if the overall number of uploaded elements is too big for a single changeset we do need to split it up // into multiple sets if ((featureUpdateCounter % maxElementsinChangeSet) == 0) { CreateNextChangeSet(message, createChangeSetOSM, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, ref changeSetID, baseURLGPString, ref featureUpdateCounter); } long osmID = -1; if (revOldIDFieldIndex != -1) { osmID = Convert.ToInt64(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)); } int osmVersion = -1; if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { osmVersion = Convert.ToInt32(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revVersionFieldIndex)); } osm deleteWay = CreateOSMWayRepresentation(lineFeatureClass, "delete", osmID, changeSetID, osmVersion, wayosmIDLookup, pointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, internalExtensionVersion); string sContent = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(deleteWay, serializer, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml"); try { httpResponse = null; httpResponse = OsmRest.HttpUtils.Delete(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/way/" + Convert.ToString(osmID), sContent, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout) as HttpWebResponse; // track the update/sync requests against the server featureUpdateCounter = featureUpdateCounter + 1; string errorMessage = String.Empty; // just grab the response and set it on the database if (revStatusFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusFieldIndex, (int)httpResponse.StatusCode); } if (revStatusCodeFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusCodeFieldIndex, (int)httpResponse.StatusCode); } if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(1200009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { updateErrorStatus(message, revStatusFieldIndex, revStatusCodeFieldIndex, revErrorMessageFieldIndex, ref searchRowToUpdate, ex); } if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } try { searchRowToUpdate.Store(); } catch { } if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } } } #endregion #region handle delete points queryFilter.WhereClause = "(" + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatuscode") + " <> 200 OR " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmstatus") + " IS NULL) AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmaction") + " = 'delete' AND " + sqlFormatter.SqlIdentifier("osmelementtype") + " = 'node'"; using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { searchCursor = revisionTable.Search(queryFilter, false); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(searchCursor); while ((searchRowToUpdate = searchCursor.NextRow()) != null) { // if the overall number of uploaded elements is too big for a single changeset we do need to split it up // into multiple sets if ((featureUpdateCounter % maxElementsinChangeSet) == 0) { CreateNextChangeSet(message, createChangeSetOSM, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, ref changeSetID, baseURLGPString, ref featureUpdateCounter); } long osmID = -1; if (revOldIDFieldIndex != -1) { osmID = Convert.ToInt64(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revOldIDFieldIndex)); } int osmVersion = -1; if (revVersionFieldIndex != -1) { osmVersion = Convert.ToInt32(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revVersionFieldIndex)); } IPoint deletePoint = null; if (revLongitudeFieldIndex != -1 && revLatitudeFieldIndex != -1) { try { // let's reconstruct the delete point deletePoint = new PointClass(); deletePoint.X = Convert.ToDouble(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revLongitudeFieldIndex)); deletePoint.Y = Convert.ToDouble(searchRowToUpdate.get_Value(revLatitudeFieldIndex)); deletePoint.SpatialReference = m_wgs84; } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddWarning(ex.Message); } if (deletePoint == null) { // inform the about the issue - no successful creation of point and continue on to the next delete instruction // in the revision table message.AddWarning(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPUpload_invalidPoint")); continue; } } osm deleteNode = CreateOSMNodeRepresentation(pointFeatureClass, "delete", osmID, changeSetID, osmVersion, deletePoint, internalExtensionVersion); string sContent = OsmRest.SerializeUtils.CreateXmlSerializable(deleteNode, serializer, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sContent)) { continue; } string errorMessage = String.Empty; try { httpResponse = OsmRest.HttpUtils.Delete(baseURLGPString.Value + "/api/0.6/node/" + Convert.ToString(osmID), sContent, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout) as HttpWebResponse; if (revStatusFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusFieldIndex, (int)httpResponse.StatusCode); } if (revStatusCodeFieldIndex != -1) { searchRowToUpdate.set_Value(revStatusCodeFieldIndex, (int)httpResponse.StatusCode); } if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(120009, ex.Message); if (ex is WebException) { updateErrorStatus(message, revStatusFieldIndex, revStatusCodeFieldIndex, revErrorMessageFieldIndex, ref searchRowToUpdate, ex); } if (httpResponse != null) { httpResponse.Close(); } } // track the update/sync requests against the server featureUpdateCounter = featureUpdateCounter + 1; try { searchRowToUpdate.Store(); } catch { } if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false) { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); return; } } } #endregion #endregion #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { message.AddError(120058, ex.Message); message.AddError(120058, ex.StackTrace); } finally { closeChangeSet(message, userCredentialGPValue.EncodedUserNamePassWord, secondsToTimeout, changeSetID, baseURLGPString); if (revisionTable != null) { try { ISchemaLock tableSchemaLock = revisionTable as ISchemaLock; if (tableSchemaLock != null) { tableSchemaLock.ChangeSchemaLock(esriSchemaLock.esriSharedSchemaLock); } } catch (Exception eLock) { message.AddError(120059, resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPUpload_LockErrorTitle") + eLock.Message); } } if (revisionTable != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(revisionTable); } // if the searchCursor still has a reference somewhere do release it now - and as a result release any remaining table locks if (searchCursor != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(searchCursor); } gpUtilities3.RemoveInternalData(); gpUtilities3.ReleaseInternals(); //Marshal.ReleaseComObject(gpUtilities3); } }